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46 Cards in this Set

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What are the uses of Metronidazole?
Trichomonas, Giardiases, Amebiasis

Infections caused by Bacteriodes fragilis, Clostridium difficile
(both anaerobic bacteria)
What are the kinetics of Metronidazole?
Good p.o absorption

Metabolized by the Liver & cleared by the Kidneys
What is the MOA of Metronidazole?
Ferrodoxins (ETC enzymes in protozoans and anaerobic bac.) donate electrons to Metronidazole

Metronidazole is transformed into a highly reactive nitro radical that attacks DNA and destroys its helical structure to cause cell death

Aerobic organisms do not produce the toxic metabolite from the prodrug Metronidazole
What is the drug interactions of Metronidazole?
1. Pts. taking Warfarin - inc. bleeding

2. Ethanol - if ingested while taking Metronidazole - disulfiram-like rxn
(drug inhibits acetaldehyde dehydrog)
What are the COMMON adverse effects associated with Metronidazole?

Metallic Taste
What pregnancy category is Metronidazole? When should pregos avoid it?
Cat. B

Avoid during 1st trimester
What is the DOC for Trichomoniasis?

Female: oral & topical
Male consort: p.o. only

Cure rate: 80-90%
What is the DOC for Giardiasis?
What is another drug used to treat Giardiasis other than Metronidazole?
Nitazoxanide: rapidly converted to the active metabolie Tizoaxanide

Interferes w/ Pyruvate:Ferrodoxin oxidoreductase-dependent electron transfer system which is required for anaerobic energy metabolism
What is the DOC for Amebiasis?

*kills both the luminal and systemic organisms
What is the drug used to treat Cryptosporidiosis?
Nitazoxanide (NI-taz-ox-ah-nide)
What is the route of administration and dosing interval for Chloroquine?
p.o. once per week
What is the therapeutic effect of Chloroquine?
Kills the ERYTHROCYTIC stage of P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae, and SENSITIVE strains of P. falciparum

*some P. falciparum strains are resistant
What effect does Chloroquine have on the the exoerythocytic (hepatic) stage of Malaria?
What is the MOA of Chloroquine?
Prevents the polymerization of free heme into the malarial pigment Hemozoin

Free heme kills the parasite by oxidative damage of the cell membrane
What drug has the same MOA as Chloroquine?
What drug is a gametocide against all Plasmodium spp. and kills the HEPATIC form of P. vivax and P. ovale?
When is Primaquine often given?
After erythrocytic form has been killed by Chloroquine
What can Primaquine cause in patients with a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency?
Hemolytic anemia

*pts w/ deficiency cannot make NADPH which protects the cell membrane from oxidative damage; primaquine metabolites can cause oxidative damage to RBC membrane
What patients (other than those w/ G-6-P deficiency) should you avoid the use of Primaquine in?
Pregnant women: fetus does not have a well developed G-6-P dehydrogenase system
Patients with a normal G-6P dehydrogenase system may develop __________________ when taking Primaquine
What is the dosing interval of Mefloquine?
p.o. once / week
What are the benefits of Mefloquine over other antimalarial agents?
Suppress and cure infections caused by MDR strains of P. falciparum

*used for prophylaxis in people traveling to areas w/ MDR Malaria
What are the S/E's of Mefloquine?
Frequent: n/v, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, dysphoria

50% of pts: headache, ataxia, visual/auditory hallucinations, dizziness; usually mild and self-limiting

Rare = disorientation, seizures, neurotic/psychotic symptoms
What is the radical cure for P. ovale and P. vivax?
1. Chloraquine --> kills RBC form

2. Primaquine --> kills liver hypnozoites
What is the dosing interval of of Atovaquone-proguanil?
p.o. once a day
What drug is used for the prophylaxis of chloroquine resistant malaria and for the treatment of chloroquine resistant P. falciparum?

*the best tolerated
What is the recommended time interval of usage of Malaria prophylaxis?
Start 2 wks prior to travel

Continue 4 wks after leaving endemic areas
What is the DOC for treating Toxoplasma gondii in immunocompetent patients?
What is DOC for treating Pneumocystis jiroveci?

*organism causes pulmonary infections in patients w/ AIDS
What are the side effects of high doses of Trim-sulfa used to treat PCP?
Hemolytic anemia
Steven-Johnson syndrome
What drug is the second choice of treatment for Pneumocystis jiroveci?

*less efficacious & more toxic than trim-sulfa
_________ is the most common helminthic infection in the USA

*local itching, especially severe at night, local irritation from scratching, positive cellophane tape test for eggs
What can you treat Pinworm infections with?

Mebendazole -- kills round & tape worms
Pyrantel pamoate -- kills round worms
Albendazole --kills all worms in mixed infections
What is the most common helminthic infection in the world?

*presents with malnutrition, bowel obstruction
What do you treat a pt. with for a Roundworm infection?
What are the uses of Ivermectin?
1. Single dose given twice yearly kills the filarial infection causing river blindness

2. Single dose given to livestock kills all roundworms and arthropods for 30 days
What is the DOC for Cysticercosis infections (tapeworms)?
What is the TEXTBOOK DOC for the treatment of tapeworms?

* Niclosamide
What is the DOC to treat Trematodes (flukes) that cause Schistosomiasis?
What are the S/E's of Albendazole?
Abdominal pain
Reversible alopecia
Increased AST & ALT
What is the DOC for the treatment of Pediculosis (infestation w/ lice)?
1% Permethrin
What is the DOC for Scabies?
5% Permethrin
How is Permethrin solution used for the treatment of lice?
Saturate hair w/ permethrin sol'n after shampooing and drying; wrap head in towel and wait 10 minutes; rinse drug from hair

Treat Clothes

Pubus: apply 1% permethrin cream for 10 minutes, rinse
How is Permethrin solution used for the treatment of scabies?
Scrub skin w/ warm, soapy water using a soft brush to remove mites

Apply 5% permethrin to entire body avoiding the face, mucus membranes and eyes

Wait 8-14 h before bathing
What other drug can be taken p.o. and is very effective for the treatment of Scabies?

*NOT FDA approved
*useful in treatment of scabies in immunocompromised, patients w/ severely encrusted scabies or patients who have failed therapy w/ topical permethrin