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42 Cards in this Set

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What was the first category for the Women's Rights Movement?
What does suffrage refer to?
women's right to vote
In which amendment did women gain the right to vote?
Who was Susan B. Anthony?
started a movement in the city after Civil War
Who was Alice Paul?
arrested a lot for protesting in front of white house
What was the Temperance Movement?
to ban the manufacturing, selling, etc. of alcohol
In which amendment was alcohol banned?
Who was Francis Willard?
she stood in front of bars and wouldn't even let anyone in
Who was Carry Nation?
carried an ax and went and destroyed bars - was arrested a LOT
Was the Negro Movement the same as the Civil Right's Movement?
When was the Negro Movement?
Who was Booker T. Washington?
one leader in the Negro Movement who was very educated and believed prejudice would eventually be solved if you just got educated
Who was William DuBoy?
another leader in the Negro Movement who believed you had to take down the political economy
During what time does the government move towards a direct democracy?
Who was Robert LaFollette?
governor of wisconsin who wanted to give people more voice in government
Who was the president that replaced Nephurtism with the Civil Service System?
Chester Arthur
What is the Civil Service System?
to get a job in politics, you take an exam and get a grade but now it is corrupt
Who was the only president who had two terms that were split?
Grover Cleaveland ( Benjamin Harrison serves between him ) because he was too much of an honest Democrat
Who comes up with the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?
Benjamin Harrison
Who was nicknamed the "Trust Buster?"
Who is an even bigger Trust Buster than TR?
William Taft
What is the Primary System?
instead of people voting for candidates for president, a political group decides who will appeal the most in both parties
What is a referendum?
voting for one direct question by one person ( ballard )
What is a recall?
people have the right to file a petition and have a recall election for your governor ( 17th amendment )
What is the difference between the referendum and the initiative?
in a referendum, the petition goes straight to the ballard - not in the initiative
During the Progressive Movement, how do working conditions change?
child labor is abolished, less work hours, safer factories with heat/AC, better knowledge of how to make things SAFE
Which two groups think they can fix the problem of working conditions?
unions and inventors
Why do the politicians take the side of the unions and not the inventors?
because unions have MUCH more votes
During the Progressive Movement, how do city/living conditions change?
the streets are dirt w/ pot holes, litter, waste, farmers lived there with no idea of personal hygiene, disease, crime rate is high, no lights - so doctors start doing research, roads paved, health important
During the Progressive Movement, how does the social equity change?
people want equality and equal opportunity - muck rakers - media people who reveal corruption ( esp. politicians ) in city- a LOT - families run the cities
Who was Paul Nast?
a muck raker who took out William Tweed using cartoons
Who was Upton Sinclaire?
a muck raker who wrote "The Jungle," which is about meat packaging
Who was Frank Norris?
a muck raker who wrote "The Octapus," about railroad industry
Who was Jacob Riis?
wrote about the slums and tries to help them and exposes their living conditions
What was the Green Back Labor Party? What does it evolve into?
wanted high income tax, low tariffs, lot of paper money in circulation; evolves into Populist Party who wants same thing plus ownership of railroads/banks for gov. ad 8 hr workday
Describe Marxism.
( Karl Marx ) Communism - we try it kind of, but doesn't work, it wants the death of Capitalism and to kill all inventors and thinks government is PURE
Who started the ACLU ( American Civil Liberation Union ) ? What else did he do?
Rodger Baldwin ( trained by Russian gov. on how to overthrow a gov. ) ; he kills people using bombs in presents and his own brother turns him in
Why didn't anyone want anything to do with unions at first? Who changed their viewpoints?
because immigrants joined them; TR changes their viewpoints
When more and more people joined unions, how did people's working conditions change?
they improved
What is Collective Bargaining?
competing for employees
During 1900, what is the big, popular entertainment center?
Coney Island
What were the first two states that let women vote?
Wyoming and CO