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74 Cards in this Set

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Temperature Regulation is controlled by the ...
Anterior preoptic hypothalamic area has ... (3)
-Heat sensing neurons: transmitted by unmyelinated C fibers
-Cold sensing: travel centrally via myelinated A delta fibers
-Ascending thermal: travel cephalad via the anterior spinothalmic tract
Normothermia is a range or 'set point' that is ...
The body will activate control mechanisms in order to maintain this set point.
36.4-37.0 Celsius or 98.0-98.6 F
Fahrenheit (F) & Celsius (C) conversion
F = 1.8(C) + 32
C = (F - 32)/ 1.8
At temperatures above the set point heat loss will be greater or less than heat production?
greater than
At temperatures below the set point heat production will be greater or less than heat loss?
less than
Temperature regulation:
A .../... feedback system utilized to control temperature withing the normal range balancing heat loss and heat production mechanisms
Thermoregulatory Processing: 3 types
Afferent Input, Central Control, Efferent Responses
Afferent Input
How the brain receives information that the body is exposed to a temperature change
Centrol Control
Efferent Responses
How the body responds to alterations in temperature
definition & range...
-Clinical state of subnormal body temperature in which the body is unable to generate enough heat for bodily functions.
-Body temperature <36C or 96.8F
Mild Hypothermia is ___-___C and signs include?
32-36 C
-vasoconstriction and shivering not present with GA
Moderate hypothermia is ____-___C and signs include?
-depression of metabolism, max vasocontriciton, cessation of shivering
Less than ____C is associated with cardiac dysrhythmias
Less than ____C is associated with apnea
Severe hypothermia is less than ___C
Clinical Signs of Hypothermia:
Early & prolonged
Early Signs:
decrease sweating
altered mental status
muscle weakness
Defenses Against Cold (4)
-Sympathetic stimulation & skin vasoconstriction
-Pilo-erection (goosebumps)
-Shivering: Heat production up to 300%, Increases oxygen consumption as much as 5 folds, Undesirable in patients w/ CAD & pulmonary insufficiency, Treat with meperidine 25mg IV (not given to L&D ladies)
-Sympathetic- mediated increase in basal metabolism rate, Epinephrine and norepinephrine affects, Declines by 1% per year after age 30, Increase in thyroxine
Major Mechanisms of Heat Loss:
4 types ...
Radiation, Evaporation, Convection, Conduction
Radiation (60%): greatest source of heat loss
-loss of energy through radiant electromagnetic waves in the infrared spectrum and involves no direct contact
-due to exposed surface area, exp. warm body loses heat to any cold item in the OR
Evaporation (20%)
-loss of heat energy contained in water vapor
-loss of water to the environment
-depends on expose area and relative humidity of ambient air, exp: perspiration, open wounds
Convection (15%)
-heat loss through fluid (liquid or gas) currents in DIRECT CONTACT with the body's surface, exp: skin prep, IVF
Conduction (5%)
-loss or gain of heat by transfer of thermal energy via DIRECT CONTACT
-transfer of heat from one surface to another, exp. warm body exposed to cold OR table/ instruments
Patients at Risk for Hypothermia
burn patients
ETOH (vasodilation: prevents/impairs vasoconstriction)
autonomic neuropathy (diabetic)
procedure type
procedure length
pre-op body temperature
Risk for Hypothermia:
Infant & Children- have increase or decreased surface area (large head) per weight ratio therefore an increased or decreased O2 consumption, CO2 production, cardiac output, and alveolar ventilation.
INCREASED surface area (large head) per weight ratio therefore an INCREASED O2 consumption, CO2 production, cardiac output, and alveolar ventilation.
Risk for Hypothermia:
Infant & Children- Low or high body fat content, thin or thick skin, allows for great or less loss of heat to the environment. Hypothermia inhibits or promotes brown fat thermogenesis
LOW body fat content, THIN skin, allows for GREATER loss of heat to the environment. Hypothermia INHIBITS brown fat thermogenesis
Risk for Hypothermia:
Elderly- Basal and metabolic oxygen consumption decreases or increases with age. Inefficient thermoregulation. Loss of muscle mass results in decreased or increased heat production.
Basal and metabolic oxygen consumption DECREASES with age. Inefficient thermoregulation. Loss of muscle mass results in DECREASED heat production.
Risk for Hypothermia:
Elderly- Heat production decreases or increases, heat loss decreases or increases, and the hypothalamus temperature regulating centers may reset to a lower or higher level
Heat production DECREASES, heat loss INCREASES, and the hypothalamus temperature regulating centers may reset to a LOWER level
Patient who received spinal and epidural (regional) anesthesia secondary to: Vasodilation and redistribution of heat; and Blocked dermatomes are at great risk for hypo/hyperthermia?
Neuroaxial Anesthesia:
Neuroaxial blocks inhibit numerous aspects of ...
Neuroaxial Anesthesia:
Vasoconstriction and shivering thresholds are enhanced or reduced?
Neuroaxial Anesthesia:
Sensory input from the legs is blocked during neuroaxial anesthesia and the brain interprets this as indicating that the body is cold or warm
Neuroaxial Anesthesia:
Concurrent administration of sedatives and anesthetic drugs further alters the regulation of ...
Anesthesia & Decrease in Temperature:
Phase I: ...
occurs within the ... or so and is due to movement of heat from ... to ... as a result of vasodilation.
This occurs within the FIRST HOUR or so and is due to movement of heat from CORE to PERIPHERY as a result of vasodilation.
Anesthesia & Decrease in Temperature:
Phase II: ...
During this phase, heat loss does or does not exceed heat production; most surgery does not extend beyond this phase. Losses are due to radiation, convection, conduction, evaporation, and respiratory losses.
During this phase, heat loss EXCEEDS heat production; most surgery does not extend beyond this phase. Losses are due to radiation, convection, conduction, evaporation, and respiratory losses.
Anesthesia & Decrease in Temperature:
Phase III:
Once temperature falls below the thermoregulatory threshold, peripheral vasoconstriction increases or decreases to limit the heat loss from the core compartment.
Once temperature falls below the thermoregulatory threshold, peripheral vasoconstriction INCREASES to limit the heat loss from the core compartment.
Body temperature is not uniform there is a variation between the periphery and the core of approximately ...
2-4 ° C.
Initial change in core temperature is related to the transfer of heat from the core/periphery to the core/periphery. Normally this is protected by tonic thermoregulatory vasoconstriction.
core to the periphery

-Redistribution Phase
The initial phase of heat loss is approximately ... in duration
one hour

-Redistribution Phase
A secondary phase of heat loss occurs lasting approximately ... this is the result of heat loss exceeding heat production.
2-4 hours

-Linear Phase
In Linear Phase, a steady state may result in patients that are maintained in a relatively warm/cold fashion

-Linear Phase
In Linear Phase, if continually exposed to low/high temperatures, the body will continue to loose heat to the periphery despite attempts to maintain the core temperature

-Linear Phase
Effects of Hypothermia
-Tissue solubility of volatile agents increases/decreases
-Prolonged or quick recovery from anesthesia
-Tissue solubility of volatile agents
INCREASE in tissue solubility
-PROLONG recovery from anesthesia
Effects of Hypothermia
-MAC (minimum alveolar concentration)
For every ... ° C in body temperature, MAC of
volatile agent decreases by ... %
MAC- For every 1° C in body temperature, MAC of
volatile agent decrease by 5%
Effects of Hypothermia
-Neuromuscular blocking drugs increase or decrease duration
Effects of Hypothermia
blood loss is increased/decreased
prolongs/shortens PT/PTT
impairs ... function
blood loss is INCREASED
impairs PLATELET function
Deleterious Effects of Hypothermia:
10 effects
Cardiac arrhythmias and ischemia
Increased peripheral vascular resistance
Left shift of the oxy-hemoglobin disassociation curve
Reversible coagulopathies (platelet dysfunction)
Postoperative protein catabolism and stress
Altered mental status
Impaired renal function
Decreased drug metabolism
Poor wound healing
Increased incidence of infection
Advantage Effects of Hypothermia
2 effects
-Protection of the brain: after or during focal or global ischemia; For each 1 ° C decrease in temperature, cerebral oxygen consumption & cerebral blood flow decrease by 5% - 7%
-Protection spinal cord
Therapeutic mild/mod/severe hypothermia is used in cardiac and neurosurgical procecures to protect against ... and ...
mild hypothermia protects against ischemia and hypoxia
Therapeutic Hypothermia decreases/increases the metabolic demand and oxygen requirement

-also thought to decrease excitatory amino acids
Hypothermia is thought to decrease/increase both basal and electrical metabolic requirements in the brain.
Ways to Prevent Hypothermia
9 ways
-Pre-surgical warming of the patient.
-Maintenance of ambient room temperature.
-Administration of warmed fluids/blood.
-Padding of the bed/ blankets/use of a patient gown and head covering.
-Active application of forced air warming blanket.
-Reduce gas flow through anesthesia circuit.
-Warm irrigation and prep solutions .
-Use of fluid warming blanket or pad under the infant/child.
-Have surgeon cover the incision with sterile towel if case is delayed.
Temperature > ...
37.5 C

-uncommon in the OR
Hypermetabolic state with a rise in body temperature of ...° C per hour under GA
2 ° C
10 Causes
-Transfusion reaction
-Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
-**Malignant hyperthermia**
-Thyrotoxicosis (excess of thyroid hormone)
-Catecholamine surges
-Production of bacteremia during surgery
-Vigorous warming techniques (Hipac surgery-heated chemo for reduction of tumor in peritoneal cavity)
Manifestation of Hyperthermia
6 s/s
-Increased oxygen consumption
-Increase minute ventilation
-Decreased intravascular volume & venous return
-Increase heart rate by 10 bpm per Centigrade
Additional Manifestations of Hyperthermia
Increased ETCO2
increased drug metabolism
decreased UO and skin turgor
Malignant Hyperthermia:
Hypermetabolic state that results from administration of ... or ... to an individual with a mutation in the ... receptor
inhalation anesthetics or Succinylcholine
ryanodine 1 receptor
Malignant Hyperthermia:
Uncontrolled release of ... from the sarcoplasmic reticulum results in intense muscle contracture
Malignant Hyperthermia:
Increased/Decreased O2 consumption and CO2 production which results in lactic acidosis and hyperthermia
Tissue and cellular breakdown result in ... and ... which can result in ventricular fibrillation and death
hyperkalemia and acidosis
FYI: MH is a fulminant hypermetabolic crisis triggered by certain types of anesthetic agents, typically succinylcholine, sevoflurane, desflurane, isoflurane, and halothane. MH is characterized by an uncontrolled increase in skeletal muscle metabolism. Contrary to common belief, pyrexia, is not first indicator of an MH crisis. The earliest sign and symptom that will present is an increase in end-tidal carbon dioxide.
FYI: Early signs include tachycardia, tachypnea, and rigidity of the masseter muscle called trismus. As an MH crisis progresses, other signs and symptoms are unstable BP, cyanosis, and/or mottling of the skin, diaphoresis, cardiac dysrhythmia, and a dramatic increase I the body temperature. The patient’s temperature may elevate as much as 1-2°C every 5 minutes. The surgical team may confirm that blood on the field is dark in color due to central venous saturation
Treatment of MH:
7 steps
-Stop the agent & Succinylcholine
-Hyperventilation w/100% O2
-Dantrolene 2.5mg/kg bolus; A total of 10mg/kg
ie 50kg, 60ml of H20, 20mg/vial; ~6-7 vials for pt
-Treat metabolic acidosis
-Treat hyperkalemia
-Institute cooling measures
-Support with inotropes
(Must reconstitute in sterile H20 not LR d/t calcium)
Treatment of Hyperthermia in the OR
3 things
-Cooling blankets
-Cool IV fluids
Temperature Monitoring:
Tympanic Membrance is close to ...
Rare risk of ... and ...
close to core via internal carotid artery
bleeding and perforation
Temperature Monitoring:
Nasopharynx is close to ... and has risk of ...
Is contraindicated in ... trauma
Evidence of ... rhinorrhea
-Close to Internal Carotid Artery
-Risk of bleeding nosebleed
-Contraindicated in head trauma
-Evidence of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea
Temperature Monitoring:
Esophagus is close to ...
Placed in lower ... of esophagus
Accurately reflects ...temp
-Close to great vessels and heart
-Placed in lower 1/3 of esophagus
-Accurately reflects core temp
-Useful for auscultation
Temperature Monitoring
-Rectum: Variable, not used in OR
Temperature Monitoring
-Bladder: Foley catheter, Close to core, Affected by rate of urine flow
Temperature Monitoring
-Mouth: Affected by food, Hyperventilation
Temperature Monitoring
-Axilla: Placed over axillary artery, Approximately 1 ° C below core
Temperature Monitoring
-Skin: Variable accuracy, 3- 4 ° C lower
Temperature Monitoring
Pulmonary Catheter
-Pulmonary catheter: Most accurate, Mixed venous core temperature