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60 Cards in this Set

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WHO lists the primary objectives of health education to be : to motivate people to :

1 - adopt and sustain healthy life practices ( oral hygiene practices )

2- use the health services available to them

الاستفادة من الخدمات الصحية المتاحة لهم

3- take decisions both individually and collectively to improve their health status and environment .

( implementing fluoridation of public water )

اتخاذ القرارات بشكل فردي وجماعي لتحسين حالتهم الصحية وبيئتهم.

Components of health education :

1- informal health education

2- formal health education

Transmission of knowledge by interaction with others is referred to as


Socialization is classified into:

Primary Socialization :

*early stages of a child's life

when the family , especially the mother , is the main source of information for the child .

★Secondary Socialization .

starts by the child entering school life and continuous throughout the life

the health educator :


وين مكانه


عن طريق

1.is the specialist

2.in the health Team


3.diagnoses health problems from an 4.educational point of view

and helps to solve them

Requirements of a successful educator are :

1 - A good basic knowledge in public health.

2- good personality .

3 - popularity .

4- efficiency .

5- interest

Principles of health education :

1- Clarity and accuracy of the message.

2.Educational message should conform to believes , opinions religion and culture of the recipients.

يجب أن تتوافق الرسالة التعليمية مع معتقدات وآراء دين وثقافة المتلقي:



Target groups and settings for health education :

1- A preschool and school aged children.

2- expectant mother. الأم الحامل.


4 - School teachers :

5- industrial workers :

6- elderly group : الكبار ف العمر

7 - handicapped patients :

8 - medically compromised:

dental caries definition

Localized , post eriptive , pathologic process

The most prevalent chronic , infectious and transmissible dental disease affecting markind or humanity

Low caries incidence in the ancient man is mainly due to diet which was:

1.Natural diet

2.Coarse & not fully prepared.

3. low in carbohydrates .

dental caries in ancient times

1.less than that of today ,

2.The most common types were cervical & root Caries

3.Coronal caries was uncommon .

4.attrition of teeth

5.Caries in primary teeth was rare .

Types of dental caries

1.pit and fissure caries.

2.proximal caries.

3.cervical caries.

4.root caries.

5.early childhood caries ( ECC )

Differential diagnosis between ECC and rampant caries :

( ECC ) affect all teeth except lower anteriors , because washing effect of the tongue.

But rampant caries affect all the teeth which include lower anteriors

Susceptibility of different teeth :

1 - mandibular 1 & 2 molars

( most susceptible )

2 - maxillary 1 & 2nd molars

3- mandibular 2 , maxillary 1 & 2 premolars , maxillary central & laterals incisors

4 - maxillary canine , mandibular premolars 5- mandibular centrals and lateral Incisors.

Determinants & Risk factors of dental caries


1- age.

2- Gender.

3- Race.

4 - Genetic familial factors.

5- role of saliva.


1- nutritional

2- social factors


1- streptococcus mutans-» crown caries

2- lactobacilli

3- Actinomyces-» root caries

gender dental caries

high in female بسبب

1.earlier eruption of teeth in female

- such familial tendency may be due to :

1.interfamilial bacterial transmission , especially from mother to baby

2.similarity in dietary and oral hygiene habits

3.genetic factors

earlier studies found that

higher SES groups had higher DMF scores than those in the lower SES groups .


details of DMF scores showed that higher SES groups

had lower values for D and M , and

higher values for F.

1- streptococcus mutans-» 2- lactobacilli 3- Actinomyces-»

crown caries

root caries

AAP 2017 Classification of periodontitis :

I. Periodontitis :

A - slow rate of progression .

B- Moderate .

C- Rapid .

II . Periodontitis as manifestation of systematic disease .

III . Necrotizing Periodontal disease ( ANUG )

Factors affecting prevalence and severity of periodontitis :


1- role of plaque microorganism.

2- role of calculus.


1 - age.

2 - sex.

3- race.

4- emotional disturbances.

5- intra - oral variations.

6- traumatic occlusion.

7- systemic disease and drugs

8- tobacco use .


1- Geographic Variations .

2- Nutrition .

3 - Socio - economic status .

periodontal disease

age related

In mixed dentition

in teenage

in old age

1.Eruption gingivitis.

2.Puberty gingivitis.

3.cumulative progression of lesions over time .

Gender :

in developed countries

in developing countriesناميه

females better periodontal health and oral hygiene than male.

★females worse periodontal conditions than males , at least after age 20 due to recurrent pregnancies

hormonal change

at Puberty:

during pregnancy

due to increased levels of sex hormones in Blood.

★due to increased levels of steroid hormones in blood

p intermedia after resolution occurs .

Some diseases May be predispose to severe periodontitis and vice versa such as :

1.Diabetes mellitus & HIV

2.preterm low birth weight babies , 3.osteoporosis , cardiovascular disease

Diabetes mellitus :

periodontitis has been called the .......

★type 2 diabetic patients are...... times higher risk for developing destructive periodontitis

6th complication of diabetes


Preterm low birth weight babies :

the risk of preterm birth..... times greater among those who had periodontitis .

was 5 times greater among those who had periodontitis .

CAL was greater in osteoporotic


the odds ratio of having periodontitis has been in the range of....... to... among cardiac patients


improper occlusion or cuspal interlocking May lead to 1...... 2..... as a result of severe torque

bone resorption and Mobility

Traumatic Occlusion


1... 2..

1... 2..


1.improper contact:

leads to food impaction and plaque accumulation 2.Impaired mastication : leads to collection of food debris

systemic drugs :


... 2....


Anticonvulsant drugs


calcium channel blockers.

hypertension 3 % - 43 %

immunosuppressant drugs.

cyclosporins in 30 % of the cases

developing countries usually show higher prevalence of periodontal disease than developed countries


nutrition ( biological environment )

vitamin C deficiency ( scurvy )

vitamin A deficiency

Niacin deficiency نايسين

★Protein and magnesium deficiency

كل ما ينقص SES

يزيد periodontal disease




Surveys are methods for collection of data , analyzing and evaluating them

Types of surveys

1- Descriptive or Analytic

2- Cross - sectional or longitudinal

Objectives :

Basic oral health Survey are used

1- To collect information about the oral health status .

2- To monitor changes in disease levels and patterns as well as

3.identify risk factors related to oral diseases .

مراقبة التغيرات في مستويات المرض وأنماطه وكذلك تحديد عوامل الخطر المتعلقة بأمراض الفم.

3- To assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of services being provided- تقييم مدى ملاءمة وفعالية الخدمات المقدمة

4- To plan and modify oral health services and programs as needed .

تخطيط وتعديل خدمات وبرامج صحة الفم حسب الحاجة.

Basic principles of clinical oral health survey

1- Design of basic oral health survey

2- organizing the survey .

3- reliability and validity of data .

4- Implementing the survey .

What is Pathfinder Survey ?

is a practical , economic , survey sampling methodology Designed by WHO :

1.stratified cluster sampling

2.appropriate numbers of subjects

Types of pathfinder survey

1. Pilot survey

2. National survey :

A. 5 years :

B. 12 years :

C. 15 years

d: 35-45 years

e: 65-74 years

It is the standard monitoring age for health conditions and service putilization of adults - 35 45

It is important age for assessment of periodontal disease indicators 15

The number of subjects in each index age group to be examined ranges from......to...... for each cluster or sampling site , depending on the expected prevalence and severity of disease .

25 to 50

Organizing the survey :

1- Preparing survey protocol

2- Obtaining approval from authority

3- Budgeting

4- Scheduling

5- Emergency care and referral

6- Courtesy reporting :

examination of a child takes about

minutes ,

examination of adults takes about minutes .



Implementation of the survey :

1- Contacts with persons in authority :

2- keeping a logbook :

3- preliminary exercise :

4 - source of Fluoride :

5- Personnel

6- instruments and supplies :

Types of Sampling

1.Random / Probability Sampling

A. Simple Random Sampling :

B. Stratified Random Sampling :

C. Systematic Random Sampling :

D. Cluster Sampling.

2. Non - Probability / Non - Random Sampling.

A. Convenience Sampling :

B. Snowball Sampling

C. Purposive or Judgment Sampling

D. Expert Sampling :


A portion of the population that represents the entire population .

جزء من السكان يمثل جميع السكان.

The Importance of Sampling

1.Reduces bias .

2.Saves time and money


3.more accurate

4.Unable to study all members of a population

method is employed for a homogenous population onl

★When the population is heterogeneous؟؟

★Sometimes referred to as pseudo simple random sampling؟؟

★It is more convenient for administrative and economic reasons؟؟

★It allows the use of any available group of subjects؟؟

☆Used when subjects are difficult to identify , but are known to others because of an informal.

تستخدم عندما يصعب التعرف على المواضيع ولكنها معروفة للآخرين بسبب غير رسمي؟

★This method selects a particular group because they represent a particular characteristic ؟؟

هذه الطريقة تختار مجموعة معينة لأنها تمثل صفة معينة ؟؟

★It's a subtype of purposive sampling that involves selecting experts in a given area because of their access to the information relevant to the study .

إنه نوع فرعي من أخذ العينات الهادفة الذي يتضمن اختيار الخبراء في منطقة معينة بسبب وصولهم إلى المعلومات ذات الصلة بالدراسة.

A. Simple Random Sampling :

B. Stratified Random Sampling :

C. Systematic Random Sampling :

D. Cluster Sampling

A. Convenience Sampling :

B. Snowball Sampling

C. Purposive or Judgment Sampling

D. Expert Sampling :

Steps of systematic Review

1- Formulate research question

2- Define eligibility / inclusion criteria

3- Search for literature

4- Screen / select the literature.

5- Extract data from selected literature

6- Assess quality and risk of bias

7- Synthesize results ( if applicable

steps of Evidence Based dentistry EBD

1. asking question about dental problem

2. Searching for best evidence

3. Review and critically appraising the evidence

4. Applying this information in a way to help clinical practice

5. Evaluation of performance of the technique , procedure or material

Generally the basic content of a dental health education message should include the following :

1.normal structure of teeth and their supporting tissues

2- diseases of the teeth and supporting tissues.

3- prevention of oral diseases

indirect methods

★Advantages : ★Disadvantages :


Educational messages can reach millions of people.

Disadvantages :

1- it is only one way communication

2- the channel of communication may not be available as radio or TV

Direct methods of health education : advantages

1- the educator and the learner are in the same place.

2.more attention and more reaction and more attraction.

3- the content and the level of the course can be adjusted.

Ideal requirements of an Index :

1- Validity :

2- Reliability ( reproducibility . consistenc

3- Clarity , simplicity and objectively :

4- Sensitivity :

5- Acceptability :

6- Quantifiability

Methods of dental health education can be divided into two primary categories :

A- direct methods:

1.individual instructions.

2.group instructions.




6.Role playing.

B- indirect methods:

mass media: as

television . Radio . Magazines , newspapers.

Maintain good level of oral hygiene through

1.regular and efficient tooth brushing and the use of dental floss

2.use of fluorides

3.pit and fissure sealants

4.periodic Dental check up .

90 % of smokers have......

refractory periodontitis