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5 Cards in this Set

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Gain in sth


to get more of a particular quality

His books have gained in popularity

in recent years.

He's gained in confidence in

the past year.

steep yourself in sth


(formal) to spend a lot of time thinking or learning about sth

They spent a month steeping

themselves in Chinese culture.

be steeped in sth


(formal) to have a lot of a particular quality

a city steeped in history.

Cave in. phr يتقوَّض،‬ ‮ينهار

(on sb/sth) (of a roof, wall, etc.) to fall down and towards the centre; to fall in

- The roof of the tunnel had caved in

and we could go no further.

- The ceiling suddenly caved in on top

of them.

Cave in. phr يستسلم ،‬ ‮يُذعن

(to sth) to finally do what sb wants after you have been strongly opposing them; to suddenly stop arguing or opposing sth

- He finally caved in and agreed to

the plan.

- The President is unlikely to cave in

to demands for a public inquiry.