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10 Cards in this Set

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Make it

Arrive or get a result, succeed in particular activities

She made it in films when she was a teenager

Bone up on

To learn

I had to bone up on my English studies to push my IELTS score to 7 or higher

Do away with

End, terminate

Personally, I think school should do away with require their students to wear uniforms

End up

To reach or come to a place/ situation/ condition that was not planned

The book ended up in the rubbish bin

I don't want to end up as a loser in this competition

Figure out

To learn/ discorver something or how it works

After 10 years of being an item, she figured out that her husband had cheated on her when she was being pregant

Make do with

Accept something less satisfactory because there is no alternative

I figured out that there was no pasta left so I had to made do with instant noodle

Goof off

To waste time or avoid work

I used to spend most of my time at school goofing off with my teenage friends

Make of

Understand or have an opinion

I don't know what to make of him/ this question/...

Worn out

Exhauste/ tire

I'm usually worn out when it comes to the examinations

Clam up

Say nothing usually because you are embarrassed or nervous

When attending a crowd party with many strangers, she is tend to clam up