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4 Cards in this Set

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What is the differance between receptive and projective drawing?

Receptive drawing os to capture the physical appearance of something we see while projective drawing is drawing something from our minds our memories, our imagination, ect.
What are three purposes of drawing?
1. As a notation, sketch, or record of something seen, remembered, or imagined.
2. as a study or preparation for another usually larger and more complex work such as a sculpture, a building, a film, a painting-or another drawing.
3. as an end in itself, a complete work of art
What is hatching, what are the types of hatching, and what is a piece that is an example of cross hatching?
Hatching is how values can be built up with parralel lines. Three types illustrated in the Types of hatching are Hatching cross hatching and contour hatching. An example of cross hatching is Charles White's Preacher.
What are two types of drawing media?
Dry media is metal point/silver point: pencil (graphite), charcoal, chalk, conte,pastel ect.
Liquid media includes black and colored inks, pens and brushes, sometimes thinned with water to get a wash , contemporary felt-tipped pens.