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12 Cards in this Set

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What is visual thinking and how does relate to experience and responsese?

To visualize is to use imagination and visual imagry to preview events or plan them before they occur. Our experience such as our cultural or national background influence both inner visual and outer settings. We may also recieve different responses from emotional or intellectual level for example.
What is the difference between to perception and awareness?
To percieve is to become aware through the senses such as sight and hearing. While to be aware means to be conscious , to know something and understand through that awareness.
What two words can visual awareness be distinguished by?
"look" and "see" To look implies taking in what is before us in a mechanical way, while seeing implies something beyond functional looking.
How do many artists and critics distinguish Aesthetics and "taste."
Aesthetics refers to an awareness of beuty or to a work of art or manmade or natural form that evokes a sense of elevated awareness in the viewer. Taste almost always refers to an established way of seeing.
What is the source of all art, science and technology-in fact, all of civilization?
human imagination or creative thinking
What are people with little or no formal education who make objects commonly recognized as art.
untrained (naive or outsider) or folk artists. Some examples of untrained artists are the Nuestro Pueblo (our people) or aka Watts towers and Throne of the third Heaven of the nations general assembly. An example of folk art is Our Lady of the Immaculate conception.
What must all outsider, folk or trained artists be?
Independent thinkers who are couragous enough to go beyond group mentality.
What is representational art?
It depicts the appearance of things and presents objects from the everyday world.
What is the definition of abstract?
works that depictnatural objects in simplified distorted or exagerated ways?
What are some examples of Nonrepresentational art?
Amish quilts many navajo textiles and most islamic wood carvings. They are flat surfaces that represent nothing outside of them selves such as pure sound for example
What is the differance between form and content?
Form is what we see; content is the meaning we get from what we see.
What is iconography?
its the symbolic neaning of signs, subjects and images.