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27 Cards in this Set

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Who was the father of taxonomy?

Carolus Linnaeus

How do you write the proper name of an organism?

Genus: First letter capitalized and underlined/italics

Species: all lowercase underlined/italics

Taxonomy hierarchy

What kingdom do true bacteria and prokaryotes belong to?

Kingdom eubacteria

What three things are true bacteria classified by?

1. Cell shape

2. Arrangement

3. Gram stain reaction


Spherical shape


Rod shaped



What color is grand strain positive?


What color is Graham strain negative?


Refers to cells occurring in a chain

Strepto- arrangement

Refers to cells in a cluster

Staphylo- arrangement

What are the four methods of nutritional gain?

1. Photosynthesis

2. Chemosynthesis

3. Parasitic

4. Saprotrophs (decomposers)

What kingdom do eukaryotes belong to?

Kingdom Protista

What are the 3 main types of eukaryotes?

1. Animal like protozoans

2. Plant like algae

3. Fungi like slime molds

What are the characteristics of animallike protozoans (paramecium)?

Contains oral groove, food vacuole and contractile vacuole

Characteristic of plant like algae (diatoms)

Cell wall made up of silica

How does multicellular algae obtain energy?


In green algae, what is a Volvox?

Colonial algae (Green stuff on microscope)

In green algae, what is Spirogyra?

Allows reproduction by conjugation

What organisms are included in Kingdom fungi?

Molds, East, mushrooms, and mildews

How do most fungi gain nourishment?

Decomposing dead hosts

In a lichen, what is the role of the fungus?

To provide moisture and protein

In a lichen, what is the role of alga?

Provide nourishment through photosynthesis

What are the characteristics of a lichen crustose?

Crusty surface

What are the characteristics of a lichen foliose?

Raised and leaf-like

What are the characteristics of the lichen fruiticose?

Thin branchlike and sticking up