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64 Cards in this Set

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Dissociative Identity disorder
This is the new name for what has been called multiple personality disorder-the assumption of 2 or more identities that control behavior in different situations.
What disorders are classified under "Somatoform Disorder."
These disorders are manifested by physical or bodily symptoms that cause reduced functioning.(ie Conversion disorder, hypochondriasis)
What characteristics are included under "Factitious Disorder."
Creating physical complaints through fabrication or self-infliction (ingesting toxins, for example) in order to assume the sick role.
Elimination Disorders
ex: Nocturnal enuresis (bed wetting)
Irrational concern about having a serious disease.
Conversion Disorder
Psych problems are converted to bodily symptoms; the symptoms generally relate to voluntary movement and may be manifested as "paralysis" in part of the body; formerly known as "hysteria" from Freuds work.
Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
(3)What types of disorders are classified under "Mental disorders due to a general medical condition"
Disorders in this category are the direct physiological result of a medical problem such as depression resulting from hypothyrodism.
Sleep Terror
Frequent disruption of sleep because of screaming or crying.
Schizoaffective disorder
Schizophrenic symptoms accompanying a depressive episode.
Falling asleep uncontrollably during routine daily activity
Learning Disorders?
Indicated by school achievement or standardized scores at least 2 standard deviations below the mean for the appropriate age and IQ.
Excessive Sleepiness
Type 1-Paranoid Schizophrenia
Presents preoccupation with delusions or auditory hallucinations.
Sudden flight to new location, forgetting true identity, and/or establishing a new identity.
Cognitive problems (memory, spatial tasks, language) that result from a medical condition (ie. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's or Pick's)
What disorders or characteristics are included under "Dissociative Disorders."
All involve the disruption of memory or identity. Formerly known as psychogenic disorders. (ie. amnesia, fugue, identity disorders)
Type 3-Catatonic Schizophrenia
Psychomotor disturbance, such as catalepsy (motor immobility or waxy figure); excessive motor activity; prominent posturing (gestures, mannerisms, or grimacing; echolalia(parroting); or echopraxia(imitating the gestures of others).
What falls under "Impulse Control Disorders (Not elsewhere classifed)"
For each of these, an irresistable urge dictates behavior. Giving in to the impulse usually lessens tension & brings relief, though behavior is diruptive to overall functioning.
Mental Disorder (according to the DSM-IV) fall under how many categories?
Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders
These disorders range from fetishes to arousal problems to gender discomfort. Anything sexual is considered under this category.
Type 4-Undifferentiated Schizophrenia.
A grab bag of schizophrenic symptoms not fitting into a particular type.
What is considered under sleep disorders?
Dyssomnias-related to sleep abnormalities
Parasomnias-abnormal behaviors during sleep.
What types of disorders are classified under (5)Schizophrenia & other psychotic disorders?
schizophrenia, schizoaffective, delusional disorder, and shared psychotic disorder.
What disorders are considered under eating disorders?
Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa
Who renamed schizophrenia dementia praecox?
Eugene Bleuler
Schizophrenia mean's "split mind," indicating a mind that has a split from reality
Inability to recall info relating to trauma. Two types: Retrograde-is forgetting of events that occured before the trauma; Anterograde-forgetting events that occured after the trauma.
Mental Retardation can be defined as an IQ of what?
70 and below.
Mild=IQ of 55-77; Moderate=IQ of 40-55; Severe=IQ of 25-40; Profound=IQ below 25
Four types of Impulse Control Disorders (Not elsewhere classified)
Kleptomania, Pyromania, Pathological Gambling, Trichotillomania.
Describe POSITIVE schizophrenic symptoms.
Abnormally present-delusions (erroneous or distorted thinking); perceptual hallucinations;disorganized speech(perhaps made of words called neologisms); disorganized behavior (inappropriate dress, agitation, shouting).
Frequent disruption of sleep because of nightmares.
What disorders are included under (1)disorders often diagnosed in childhood/adolescence.
Mental R, LD, Dev'p Dis; ADHD&Disruptive Behavioral Disorders; Tic Disorders; Elimination Disorders
Type 5-Residual Schizophrenia
Watered-down schizophrenia with few positive symptoms, if any.
Recurrent use despite substance-related problems or danger.
Describe NEGATIVE schizophrenic symptoms?
Abnormally absent-flat effect (Absence of appropriate emotion)or restrictions in thought, speech, or beahvior.
Attention-Deficit & Disruptive Behavior Disorders?
ADHD-problems with attn, behavior, and impulsivity
Conduct disorder-patterns of behavior that violate the rules, norms, or rights of others.
Differentiate between PROCESS & REACTIVE Schizophrenia.
PROCESS-develops gradually, whereas REACTIVE is a sudden onset in response to a particular event. P has a lower rate of recovery than R.
Indicated by disturbed conciousness (awareness, attn, focus) & cognition (memory, disorientation).
Onset of schizophrenia?
Between late adolescence and mid 30s.
Tic Disorders
-ex:Tourette's syndrome-indicative of motor and vocal tics.
Type 2-Disorganized Schizophrenia
Also known as hebephrenic schizophrenia; disorganized speech and behavior, and flat affect.
What disorders are classified under delirium, dementia, and other cog disorders.
Dementia-which may result in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's or Pick's disease.
Describe schizophrenic symptoms.
There are positive (abnormally present) and negative (abnormally absent).
Developmental Disorders?
-ex: Autism, indicative of sereve problems with social skills, communication, and interests.
5 main types of schizophrenia?
1)Paranoid; 2)Disorganized;
4)Undifferentiated; 5)Residual
Huntington's disease
genetically inherited progressive degeneration of thought, emotion, & movement
Delusional Disorder
Persistant delusions of various types:erotomani(another person is in love with the individual);grandiose(having a special statsus or talent);jealousy; persecutory; somatic(bodily, such as part of the body is ugly or misshapen).
Some combo of continued use despite substance-related problems; need for increased amount of substance; a desire but inability to stop use; withdrawl; lessening of outside interests; lots of time spent getting, using, or recovering from the substance.
Issues determining recovery?
Generally an ind with a history of good social & interpersonal skills is more likely to recover from schizophrenia than an antisocial ind.
Tremors with declining neurological functioning.
Shared psychotic disorder
Also known as "folie a deux;"when two people have shared delusions.
What types of disorders are classified under (4)Substance-Related Disorders?
These include disorders that result from the use of any toxin such as cociane, nicotine, or paint fumes. Two best known-Dependence and Abuse
Panic Disorder
Recurrent panic attacks; persistant worry about another attack, often accompaigned by a mitral valve heart problem.
How are those disorders under (5)"Schizophrenia & other psychotic disorders" generally characterised.
Each disorders is a psychotic disorder, which means that hallucinations or delusions (erroneous beliefs) are present.
Fear of a situation in which panic symptoms might arise and escape would be difficult; this usally means being outside the home or being in crowds.
What was schizophrenia originally called?
Dementia Praecox
Disorders classified under anxiety disorders?
Panic Disorder, agoraphobia, phobia, OCD, PTSD
Pick's disease
Disease of the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain characterized by changes in personality.
Recognized, unreasonable, intense anxiety symptoms and avoidance anchored to a stimulus. A specific phobia-is anxiety in response to a stumulus, such as flying, heights, needles, or driving. Social Phobia-pertains to anxiety around social or performance situations.
Major D?
A depressive epsode evidenced by depressed mood, loss of usual interests, changes in weight or sleep, low energy, feelings of worthlessness, or thoughts of death; the symptoms are present nearly every day for at least 2 wks.
Common component of (7)Anxiety disorders?
The panic attack-lasts for only a small period of time, typically under 10 mins. During panick attack, an individual has overwhelming feelings of danger or of the need to escape. This is ofter expressed as intense fear of spontaneously dying or going crazy and is generally accompaigned by physical manifestations such as sweating, trembling, pounding heart and more.
Bipolar Disorder
Also known as manic depression, indicated by depressive sympotoms that alternate with manic symptoms (inflated self-esteem, decreased sleep, talkativeness, flight of ideas, intense goal directed activity, excessive pleasure-seeking).
Dysthymic Disorder
Symptoms of Major D present more days than not for over two years.
Disorders classified under (6)"mood disorders"
Major depressive, dysthymic, and bipolar disorder.