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46 Cards in this Set

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george washington's farewell address
avid supporter of isolationism, said to make no alliances
monroe doctrine
manifest destiny- wanted to expand US all that way accross the continent, didnt seem isolationist to native americans and mexicans because we took their territory
roosevelt corollary
extension of monroe doctrine, said its ok to stabilize small affairs in the carribean and central america
spanish war
US paid spain 20 million for cuba, guam, puerto rico, and the philipines
US imperialism
creation and maintenence of unequal politics, economy, and military. US overpowered other countries
wilson and idealism
idealist: get involved in everybody's affairs, act like world police.
gave his 14 points speech, helped form league of nations
began when archduke of austria was assassinated. our involvement seemed to end our isolationism towards europe
yalta conference
FDR, churchill, and stalin met to discuss reorganization of europe after WWII
cold war
1947-1989, conflict between US and russia over technology and fear of communism
strategy to stall the spread of communism, prevent domino effect
de tente
easing of tensions between US and russia in the 70s for fear of nuclear war
strategic arms limitation talks. US and russia discussing arms control to help end cold war
ABM treaty
anti-balistic missile treaty. treaty between russia and US as part of SALT, limited anti-missile systems
end of cold war
reagan and gorbachev
restructuring the communist party of russia, said to be a cause of the dissolution of the soviet union and the cold war (gorbachev)
period in the 80s where there was less censorship and more freedom of information (gorbachev)
new thinking
gorbachev's way to improve relations and trade with the west by reducing cold war tensions
INF treaty
intermediate range nuclear forces treaty, agreement between US and russia to eliminate intermediate and short range missiles
north atlantic treaty organization, started as a political association but after the korean war became more about military. germany was allowed in in 1954, russia was rejected and therefore created the warsaw pact.
warsaw pact
response to germany entering NATO, communist members, pledged to defend any member country that got attacked, ended in 1991
NATO vs Warsaw
implemented containment of each other and fought to win cold war
CFE treaty
conventional armed forces in europe treaty, proposed equal limits on weapons of mass destruction for NATO and warsaw near the end of the cold war
strategic arms reduction treaty, proposed by reagan to limit strategic offensive arms
gulf war
invation of kuwait by iraqi troops in 1990. old Bush sent forces to saudi arabia but let sadam stay in power instead of overthrowing the government in baghdad
dictator of panama General Noriega was removed from power and captured (old bush)
America went into Somalia to help the relief effort against their drug lords (clinton- black hawk down) looked really bad on him bc he freed alot of people but left them screwed economically
clinton was accused of inflating the number of people killed
embassy bombings
US embassies bombed in east africa, brought bin ladin to US attention for the first time
president's role in foreign policy
president proposes treaties but can enter into it only if ratified by 2/3 of the senate. only congress can declare war.
national security council
advise president on national security and foreign policy
allison's 3 models of cuban missile crisis
bay of pigs was a failure due to groupthink, didnt evaluate information before making decisions based off others opinions.
rational actors: key actors were political leaders
bureaucratic politics:different advice from top people
organizational model: standard operating procedures
islamic militia group in afghanistan
agreed to add france back to NATO military command
armed rebellion against a constituted authority
sectarian conflict
violent conflict along religious or political lines such as shia vs sunni muslims
the awakening "surge"
tribal leaders persuaded to fight al qaeda after being given guns and money
cost of middle east conflict
a shit ton
treaty of versailles
ended WWI, put the blame for the war on germany and punished them harshly, US rejected the treaty
WWII neutrality
declared ourselves neutral then sold weapons to the germans and british but as the war went on only sold to british. entered war in 1941 to take down axis powers (germany, italy, japan)
1939-1945, FDR
new world order
started by bush sr, one universal gov
iraq's ostensible causes
made up causes- terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, etc
iraq's real cause
UN security council on iraq
never authorized use of force but sent inspectors to look for wmd's
coallition of willing
all the countries that sent help with US to invade iraq although the UN didnt officially say to invade them, they chose to
state's involvement in foreign policy
only involved when issues relevent to each state arise