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97 Cards in this Set

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Collective Security
Formation of a broad alliance of most major actors
Human nature is good
One state has all the power
Theories of International Relations
Idealism, Realism, Neorealism
Problems with Realism
Military power does not always equal military victory.
Weakness is econonomic power
Problems with Idealism
Cooperation can be weakness
States should seek security and understand the international system
Internation Regime
Rules, norms, and procedures that must be followed by certain actors
Hegemonic Stability Theory
One states power is predominant and can enforce norms unilaterally. Avoids collective goods.
Human Nature is selfish. States seek power.
What does a nation-state do?
1. Commands allegiance of citizens in the territory
2. Possesses the power to wage war
3. Concerned with full range of issues
4. Under national law has sovereignty
Define International Relations
Relationships among the world's governments and people.
Nation-state: General Understanding
1. Government structure
2. Specific geographic area
3. A population that recognizes government and feel a part of the state
Why is the power of the state declining?
1. Mass communication
2. Economic Integration
3. Rise of international organizations
Sovereignty Implications
1. All states are legally equal
2. Subnational units have legal authority to negotiate for the nation-state
Intergovernmental Organizations
1.Composed of nation-states
2. Signed by a treaty
3. Global and Regional level
What do all IGOs have in common?
1. States for membership
2. Must rely on states for action and finance
Major weakness of NGOs:
Must rely on individuals for finance
Multinational Corporations
1. Firm exists in two or more states
2. Can control the policies of the states because of economic power
Nongovernmental Organizations
1. Composed or private individuals in two or more states.
International System
Conditions behavior of states due to power and wealth distribution
First Use of Nationalism
French Revolution
Democratic Peace Theory
Democracies do not go to war with each other so everyone should promote democratization
What factors should be examined in comparative foreign policy?
1. Size of State
2. Type of government
3. Issues of wealth
4. Size of military
Issues of Wealth
Whether wealth increases or decreases the characteristic of state aggression
Type of government
If dictatorships are more or less aggressive than democracies
Size if the state
Smaller or larger states more aggressive?
Size of Military
Realists believe that this is the most important actor
Dependency Theory
"Complex interdependency"
States are mutually dependent on each other.
International system is unequal. Focus is on economics
Power is dispersed among 5 or more states
Two states hold power

The Cold War: US, Soviet Union
What are the four waves of nationalism?
Decline of:
1. Ottoman Empire
2. Austro-Hungarian Empire
3. Colonialism
4. Communism
Decline of the Ottoman(turkish) Empire
Berlin Congress

Creation of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania

Solidification of Germany
Decline of Autro-Hungarian Empire
Many states were created by the winner's of WWI and WWII and do not exist today
Decline of colonialism
Nationalism becomes a force for the creation of new states outside of Europe
Decline of Communism
Creation of 15 new states along with the creation of several frozen conflicts
What is a nation?
Psychological and sociological concept.

Bound by individuals and group self awareness
Characteristics of a Nation:
1. Language
2. Religion
3. Culture and Traditions
4. History and Common Past
5. Territory
Most basic.

Issue of alphabet
Depends on state if this is an important issue
Culture and Traditions
Shared culture groups people together
History and Common Past
The idea of understanding the history of the nation.

Defining characteristic of people grouped together by land
Groups validate wrong decisions.

Overconfident and underestimating risks
Tacit or direct communication in an attempt to reach agreement on an exchange of value.
Bargaining that takes place formally usually with back and forth dialogue
A threat to punish another actor if it takes a certain negative action.

Especially against one's own state or allies
Zero-sum game
One player's gain is equal to the others loss.
Balance of power
One or more states power being used to balance that of another state or group of states.
One states preponderance of power so that it can single-handidly dominate the rules and arrangements by the way things are conducted.
Burden Sharing
Distribution of the costs of an alliance among members

Conflicts may arise during distribution
Collective Goods
Tangible or intangible goods available to all members of a group regardless of individual contribution
Hegemonic War
War over control of the entire world order.
Provide Service to home nationals
Continuous collection of information about host country as well as views towards home country
Regular lind of communication between states
Represent the commercial interests of the home country
Informal Diplomacy
Other people besides elites and official reps. engage in diplomacy
Formal Diplomacy
1. Ambassador
2. Ambassador @ large
3. Envoy
4. Minister Resident
The conduct of relations between states through representatives
Staff of Embassy
Civil Servant appointee or political appointee
Consular officers:
Staff of Embassy
Individual in charge of providing service to home nationals (passport, marriage)
Information Officers:
Staff of Embassy
Work in political, economic, and cultural sections
Privelages of Diplomacy
1. Personal protection
2. Inviolable property
3. Inviolable communication
4. Tax exemption
5. Legal Immunity
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
Loose coordinating structure linking the former republics of the Soviet Union.

Not the Baltic states
Denies the existence of a single fixed reality, pays special attention to texts.

How people talk and write about a subject.
The glorification of war in society
Positive Peace
Peace that resolves the underlying reasons for war- not just cease war but transforms relationships
Information Screens
Subconcious filters about information about the world.

Often ignores info

Screened from person to person in decision making process
Military- Industrial Complex
Huge interlocking network of governmental agencies, industrial corporations, and research institutes.

Work together to supply military forces
Lateral Pressure
Connects economic competition with security.

Economic growth leads to geographic expansions due to seeking natural resources
National Security Council
Staff in the White House basement.

Ran covert operations
Spread of weapons of mass destruction to more actors
Finding a satisfactory solution
Essentialist Feminism
Believe there is a core biological essence to being male or female
Liberal Feminism
Men and women are equal
Postmodern Feminism
Rejects assumptions about gender made by both difference and men and women are equal

Finds points made to be flexible
International Security
A subfield of IR.

Focuses on questions of war and peace
League of Nations
After WWI, Woodrow Wilson led effort to create

Forerunner of UN

Weak because of US absence, lack of effectiveness in ensuring collective security
North-South gap
Rich industrialized countries of the North(West and former Eastt)

Poor countries of the South(Africa, Middle East, Asia, Latin America)

Most Important geographical element
Munich Agreement
Effort to appease German ambitions, Britain and France agreed to let Germany occupy part of Czechoslovakia.

Seemed to encourage Hitler's conquest
Adopted in the 1940's the US wanted to halt the expansion of Soviet influence globally.
Proxy Wars
Wars in 3rd world that are typically civil wars.
Sino-Soviet Split
Chinese- communist revolution created the alliance.

China became independent when they disagreed with Soviet moves towards peaceful coexistence with the US
International Security:
Subfield of IR
"High politics"

Issues of security or war

Most of 20th Century
International Political Economy(IPE):
Subfield of IR
"Law economics"

OPEC crisis

Rise of Japan in the 80's
Purpose of Foreign Policy
Primarily realists.

Mostly military but now economic as well
Purpose of Foreign Policy
Non-engagement in the affairs of other states.

Least political
Purpose of Foreign Policy
Legal Status during war

Only applies during war, no significant impact on foreign policy.
Non-aligned Movement:
Purpose of Foreing Policy
Developed during the Cold War

States that do not want to join with the US or Soviet Union
Purpose of Foreign Policy
Formal agreement between two or more states to collaberate on security issues.

Casus Foderis:
Limitations to Alliances
In any treaty the clause states what actions must be undertaken by alliance partners
Form of Commitment:
Limitations to Alliances
Responsibility that partner must take
Duration of Alliance:
Limitations to Alliances
How long treaty and partner obligations remain in effect
Limitations to Alliances
Engage in economic foreign policies to promote trade and economic benefits for the state.
Limitations to Alliances
Respect. Nuclear weapons as well as economy