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67 Cards in this Set

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an ongoing coalition of interests joined together to get its candidates for public office elected under a common label
Political party
the interest groups that support a party: tends to go for underdogs
party coalition
Party that tends to do best in suburbs south and midwest
Roles of Part organization
~run candidates
~aggregate interest
~facilitate participation
~stimulate political interest
Why are the republicans ahead of the game (3)
1)focus on state and local elections
2)invest in technology
What technological advances did the Republicans make first?(5)
1)campaign colleges to train effective campaigning
2)database of electoral info
3)field reps to state and local offices
5)direct mail
Why is Democrats lagging behind
1)politically slow, slow technology
2)usually have less available $
what caused the decline in party organizations?
1)change in candidate nominations
2)decline in patronage
What mistakes did the federalist make in order to lose power by 1816?
1)overly sympathetic to england when people were profench
2)war 1812
3)unalbe to follow trend of time
a political system in which representatives of one political party hold all or almost all the major offices in government
one party system
a political system in which only 2 political parties have a realistic chance of controlling the major offices of government
2 party system
a political system in which 3 or more political parties effectively compete for political office and on one can win control of all offices
multi-party system
each party gains reps in propotrion to the votes they receive
proportional representation system
why does the US have a 2 party system
1)electoral rules
2)restrictions on minor parties
3)attitudes of the american public
what restrictions are placed on minor Parties?
1)rules est. by major parties
2)qualification rules for federal funding
3)suspension of the FCCs equal time and fairness doctrine-t.v. support
types of minority parties (4)
1)protest (populist party)
2)ideological (libertarian)
3)single issue party (prohibition party)
4)slinter party (bull moose party)
party organized around a specific class of idea
Ideological Party
interest group who runs own candidates for office
single issue party
faction w/in major splits
Bull moose party
a new party system has taken the place of the old system due to a fundamental shift in the types of groups that support the parties
The role of minor parties is to
1)articulate and popularize new ideas
2)Allow peope grievences to express themselves in a way not possible w/in the major party
3)usually no as cautions as major parties to expand the scope of conflict in politics
study back page of 9-29
study back page of 9-29
a transformation o fthe party system in which a previously dominant party loses its status but no new party takes its place
private organizations that try to shape the public policy by inflencing the behavior of political decision making;serves as important instruments to attain demoocracy and serve public interest
interest groups
Interest group connected to the general welfare of the community and led by ideology, desire to advance general cause, and the commitment to some public policy
Public interest group (citizen groups)
interest group that tries to get gvmt to do things that will benefit general public
Public interests groups
interest group w/ some tangible stake that wish to protect or to advace by means of gvmt actions; selective benefits
private interest groups (economic groups)
interest group that represents enterprises that produce goods or services such as busiesses or agriculture
producer groups
interest group that represents te interests of professionals such as doctors, lawyers, dentiists
professional groups
primary role has been to protect the jobs of their members and work for max. wae and benefit levels
professional groups
interest groups that are difficult to place as public or private; government, think tank, astroturf groups
Gray Area interest group
lobbying that involves direct contact of the interests group repersentative and gvmt officials, no bribes, 1 on 1 persuassion
inside game
inside game most effective when
1)issues are narrow and technical
2)doesn't need media attn.
3)no counteractive interest group
to be a good lobbyist one should
1)spend time making ontacts w/ special people
2)make significant contributions to campaign
New breed lobbying which involves interest group efforts to mobilize public opinion to pressure elected officials
the outside game
The outside game shapes opinion by...
1)publication of research results
3)maintaining working relationships with the meadia
4)political action
3 types of interest group inequalities
representational inequalities in interest groups
involves the question of whom intrerest groups represent. (2/3 Business) business stronger rep and permanence
Resource inequalities in interest groups
can afford to spend more $, business and pro. groups have more resources,
tendency for regulatory agencies to become allies, protectors, ad advocates of te industries that they were inteded to reguleate
political system in which interest groups help formulate and carry out government policies
Interest group liberalism
a 3 way arrangement n which an aliance is formed between a privateinterest group, a bureacratic agency, and a congressional committe
Iron triangle
News organizations and journalists of either the print, broadcast, or internet; highly selective potrayal of reality
News must be an account of events which are (3)
Timely, dramatic, compelling
without the prescence of high quality info and debate you can't have
Popular soverienty
People who get their information from this tye of media are misinformed more misinformed but have pore confidence in their political views
Americans tend to be this about the quality of information of the mass media however they still are willing to accect the information as accurate
4 roles for the media in a democracy
common carrier
public representative
officials try to get the most favorable coverage they can
spin: it can fail and it can be legitimat or illegitimate
The shrinking sound bite refers to
tv is the way most people get their information, but politicians must deal with time limits and interruptions
The media as a signaler
alert the public in a timely manner, report the facts, clarify electoral choices (not always timely, reporting on politicians is superficial)
critical political linkage serving as spokersperson/advocate for the public
The media as public representative
use power to question politicians for public interest
advocacy (housing for poor, employment unfairness for minorities)
acts to influence politics for own gain
self interested (public representative)
Journalists have a lack of accountablity because...
they aren't elected, can't impeach them, but you can vote with youre wallet
Idea that the media should dig up facts ad warn the public whn officialss do something wrong
the media as watchdog (watergate, iraqi prisoner mistreatment scandal)
this helps to ensure the media can expose officials wrongdoing w/out fear of censorship or prosecution; us has freest media
1st amendment
medias interpretation of a story affects how people think of economical, social issues
press covers issues that push politicians towards one side or the other due to a change in public opinion
indirect effect on policymaking
media directly causes change through exposure of information
direct effect on policymaking
type of media that allows the average american with the opportunity to exercise their first amendment free speech, free press rights
internet: also provided political leaders, organizations w/ a direct link to the public
an easily created web page, made possible by free or inexpensive software that allows a user to create a diary like web page in a matter of minutes; uncensored, source of commentary or opinion
a collective conversation on the web
Most likely blog users
57% male
52% over 30
highspeed internet
42% earn over 50,000
this is forcing more accountability on news organizations and getting a stronger say in the news
blogger authority is gained by (3)
1. recent posts
2. influential issues
3. Other bloggers linking to your site
a quality very hard to define or measure in the news, involves personal judgement