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46 Cards in this Set

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What argues the police should focus their resources on disorder problems affecting the quality of neighborhood life (relationship among disorder, neighborhood decay, and crime)?
Broken windows theory
What are the two major categories of disorder?
-Social disorder
-Physical disorder
What is a form of societal neglect resulting from the disorderly actions of individuals in a neighborhood; examples include public drinking, street corner gangs, street harassment, street-level drug sell and use, noisy neighbors, and commercial sex?
Social disorder
What is a form of societal neglect resulting from physical decay within a neighborhood; examples include vandalism, dilapidation, abandonment of buildings, and trash buildup?
Physical disorder
What is a model of policing that stresses a two-way working relationship between the community and the police, in which the police become more integrated into the local community and citizen assume an active role in crime control and prevention?
Community policing
What is the most important change in the role of the police?
The shift from the crime-fighter image to order maintenance
What is the most effective way of reducing community decay and disorder?
Through a collaborative relationship between the police and the community
What are the two elements of needed to successfully implement community partnerships between the police and the public?
T or F: Residents who live in areas with more crime, and who live in inner-city minority neighborhoods, have been less willing to participate in Neighborhood Watch programs or any other activities that involve partnership with the police
What are programs designed to improve relations with minority communities?
Police-community relations (PCR)
Who are police-community relations more successful towards?
-Middle-income people
-Older people
Who are police-community relations least successful with?
-Really poor
-Racial minorities
What identifies the underlying causes of problems rather than responding to the problems themselves?
Problem solving
What is a major device that provides officers with written rules about what kinds of conduct are not permitted?
Administrative rulemaking
What is a model of policing that stresses planned responses to crime and disorder problems?
Problem-oriented policing
Problem-oriented policing is implemented through a four stage called what?
SARA (scanning, analysis, response, and assessment)
Which stage of the SARA model is when officers take steps to identify possible problems and expose their underlying causes?
Which stage of the SARA model is when police collect information about a problem to help identify its scope, nature, and cause?
Which stage of the SARA model is when data collected is when data collected during the analysis stage is used to develop a strategy to address the problem, and implement a response?
Which stage of the SARA model is when the effectiveness of response is evaluated through rigorous feedback that allows for revision if the response is not successful?
What refers to aggressive law enforcement of laws directed at combating disorder will motivate residents to better care for their community, a policy that calls for the police to focus primarily on disorder, minor crime, and the appearance of crime through interventions?
Zero-tolerance policing
What is defined as differential treatment based on some extralegal category such as race, ethnicity, or gender?
What refers to differences or inequalities that are not necessarily caused by differential treatment?
How many people with incomes below $20,000 had very little confidence in the police?
How many people with incomes of $50,000 or greater had very little confidence in the police?
T or F: The quality of life in a neighborhood plays a major role in shaping attitudes toward the police
What refers to a lack of cross-sectional contact and communication between police officers and a community that leads to misperceptions about public attitudes towards the police?
Selective contact
What refers to the likelihood that the police officers will remember traumatic or unpleasant incidents with citizens, even though only 2 to 5 percent of contacts involve hostility or conflict?
Selective perception
What are the greatest source of tensions between the police and racial minorities (use of deadly force, physical force, arrests, stops and frisks, and verbal abuse)?
Police field practices
Which Supreme court case decision accelerated the trend toward adoption of the defense-of-life standard, which greatly restricts the use of deadly force by police officers?
Tennessee v. Garner (1985)
What states that police officers are allowed to use deadly force only in situations where their own lives or the life of another person is in danger?
Defense-of-life standard
What was the greatest disparity between whites and African Americans?
Unarmed fleeing individuals (8 to 1 ratio)
What is the most common complaint voiced by minorities about the police?
Police brutality
What is any level of force more that what is necessary to fulfill a lawful objective?
Excessive force
When are officers authorized to use force?
To protect themselves, to affect an arrest, to overcome resistance, and to bring a dangerous situation under control
T or F: White and African American officers were about equally likely to use force and were most likely to use force against members of their own race
T or F: The use of force is primarily a function of the police role and situational factors
What situational factors are police decisions influenced by?
-Strength of the evidence
-Seriousness of the crime
-Preference of the victim
-Victim-suspect relationship
-Demeanor of the suspect
What do the greatest disparities in arrest involve?
Drug offenses
What is referred to as "pedestrian stops", and involve a crime control strategy of both identifying and apprehending offenders, and at the same time sending a message of deterrence to people on the street?
Field interrogations
What were a major cause of tensions between the police and minority communities?
Field interrogations and aggressive preventative patrol
What are belief and perceptions developed through training, experience, culture, and polices that allows officers to develop a visual shorthand for suspects based on visual cues?
What refers to the practice of making police stops solely on the basis of one's race or ethnicity and not because of criminal activity?
Racial profiling
What are the two most important specific programs for improving police community relations?
-PCR units
-Officer training
What is used to establish trust and cooperation with the community that the police serve?
What is the ability to understand and respond appropriately to differences in the languages, traditions, lifestyles, and patterns of communications of different racial or ethnic groups?
Cultural competence