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42 Cards in this Set

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1. > 1/3 of species have parietal
2. ~1/3 are also sympetalous
3. Syncarpous
Subclass Dilleniidae
1. Herbs with 5-merous flowers
2. Flowers zygomorphic
3. Flowers spurred
4. 3-carpellate gynoecium
5. Explosive loculicidal capsule or berry
Family Violaceae
1. Flowers with separate petals (usually)
2. Well-developed nectary disc
Subclass Rosidae
Leaves and stem:
n Hollow internodes
n Stems furrowed
n Leaves alternate
n Leaves usually compound
n Sheathing leaf bases
Family Apiaceae
1. Aromatic herbs
2. Hollow, furrowed stems
3. Compound leaves
4. Sheathing leaf bases
5. Compound umbels
6. Fruit a schizocarp
Family Apiaceae
1. Succulent herbs
2. 4-5 merous flowers
3. Polycarpous
4. Carpels subtended by scale-like gland
Family Crassulaceae
1. Herbs with palmately or pinnately
lobed to compound leaves
2. Flowers 5-merous
3. Fruits schizocarps which curl up on a
Family Geraniaceae
1. Spiny shrubs
2. Alternate lobed leaves
3. Petaloid, persistent calyx
4. Rotate to tubular hypanthium
5. Inferior ovary
6. Fruit a berry
Family Grossulariaceae
1. Leaves alternate
2. Leaves usually compound
3. Leaves stipulate
4. Flowers perfect, 5-merous
5. Flowers unicarpellate, ovary superior
6. Fruit a legume or loment
7. Seeds lack endosperm
8. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root nodules
Family Fabaceae
Three sub families of Family Fabaceae
1. Mimosoideae
2. Caesalpiniaceae
3. Faboideae (Papilionoideae)
Distinct petals
Showy stamens
Seeds with U-shaped line in seed (pleurogram)
Subfamily Mimosoideae
Stamens not showy, free
Closed pleurogram
Zygomorphic, showy,
banner inside wings
Subfamily Caesalpinioideae
Leaves often with tendrils
Zygomorphic, showy,
banner outside wings
Subfamily Faboideae
1. Scapose herbs
2. Alternate or basal exstipulate kidney shaped leaves
3. 5-merous flowers
4. 2 carpels united at base
5. Hypanthium
Family Saxifragaceae
1. 4-merous flowers
2. Inferior ovary
3. Hypanthium, sepals, petals and stamens inserted on rim
Family Onagraceae
1. Leaves with stipules
2. 5-merous flowers
3. Hypanthium present
4. Many stamens
Family Rosaceae
Four sub-families of Family Rosaceae
1. Spiraeoideae
2. Rosoideae
3. Amygdaloideae (Prunoideae)
4. Maloideae (Pomoideae, Pyroideae)
Mostly shrubs and small trees
Leaves exstipulate
Actinomorphic flowers
Fruit follicles, capsule, rarely an achene
Subfamily Spiraeoideae
Many shrubs, some herbs
Leaves stipulate and can be compound or simple
Actinomorphic flowers
Fruit achene or drupelet
i.e. Strawberry
Subfamily Rosoideae
Shrubs and trees
All woody
Leaves with finely serrate margins and lenticels on bark
Fruit is a drupe
i.e. Peach
Subfamily Amygdaloideae
Shrubs and trees
Fruit a Pome
i.e. Apple
Subfamily Maloideae
n Syncarpous gynoecium
n Epigynous flowers
n Floral formula:
K5 C5 A10-∞`G (2-5)
Calyx,Corolla,and androecium joined
Inferior ovary
Subfamily Maloideae
1. Herbs and shrubs with milky latex
2. Imperfect flowers
3. Cyathium
4. 3-carpellate gynoecium
5. Two types of flowers – Euphorbia type and
“normal type”
Family Euphorbiaceae
n Cyathium is
n Inside involucre are
several male flowers
and a single female
n Male and female
flowers pedicellate
n Nectar glands present
Euphorbia type flowers
1. Most sympetalous
2. As many or fewer stamens than corolla
3. Bicarpellate
Subclass Asteridae
1. Rough herbs (usually)
2. Alternate leaves
3. Coiled cyme inflorescence
4. 5-merous flowers, often blue
5. Gynoecium 4-lobed
6. Gynobasic style
7. Fruit 4 nutlets or achenes
Family Boraginaceae
1. Usually bristly herbs
2. Coiled cyme inflorescence
3. 5-merous flowers
4. Flowers synsepalous, sympetalous
5. 2 carpels
6. Ovary unlobed
Family Hydrophyllaceae
1. Usually opposite leaves
2. Square stems
3. Indeterminate inflorescence
4. 5-merous, zygomorphic flowers
5. Ovary often 4-lobed
6. Didynamous stamens
Family Verbenaceae
1. Aromatic herbs
2. Square stems
3. Opposite leaves
4. Inflorescence determinate
5. 5-merous, zygomorphic flowers
6. 4-lobed ovary
7. Gynobasic style
Family Lamiaceae
1. 5-merous flowers
2. Often with gland-tipped
hairs (giving off a noxious odor)
3. Synsepalous, sympetalous flowers
4. Stamens epipetalous
5. Gynoecium tricarpellate
Family Polemoniaceae
1. Shrubs with opposite leaves
2. Exstipulate
3. Flowers 5-merous
4. Flowers commonly in axillary pairs
5. Inferior ovary
Family Caprifoliaceae
1. Herbs with opposite, exstipulate,
sessile, and basally connate leaves
2. Stems winged
3. 4-5-merous, brightly colored flowers
4. Corolla usually contorted
5. Superior ovary
6. 2 carpels
Family Gentianaceae
1. Milky sap
2. 5-merous flowers
3. Gynoecium of 2 carpels
4. Fruit a follicle with comose seeds
Family Apocynaceae
1. Opposite or whorled leaves
2. Milky latex
3. 5-merous flowers
4. Corona, pollinia, translators, corpuscula
5. Fruit follicles with comose seeds
Family Asclepiadaceae
structure formed
from fusion of anthers with
stigmatic region
hollow covering. Inside is
petal-like appendages
between petals
1. 5-merous flowers
2. Campanulate corolla (if actinomorphic flower)
3. Sympetalous
4. Inferior ovary
5. Poricidal or circumscissile capsule
Family Campanulaceae
1. Mostly vines
2. Often with milky latex
3. Showy, 5-merous flowers
4. Funnelform, plicate corolla
5. Epipetalous stamens
6. 2 carpels
Family Convolvulaceae
1. 5-merous flowers
2. Plicate, sympetalous corolla
3. Connivent anthers common
4. Stamens epipetalous
5. Persistent calyx
6. Fruit usually a berry or sometimes capsule
Family Solanaceae
1. 5-merous zygomorphicflowers
2. 4 stamens and sometimes 5th staminode
3. No gynobasic style or 4-lobed ovary
Family Scrophulariaceae
1. Inflorescence a head
2. Flowers small, disk and ray
3. Calyx represented by pappus
4. Stamens 5, united by anthers
5. Ovary bicarpellate, inferior
6. Fruit an achene
Family Asteraceae