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177 Cards in this Set

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a chemical synthesized by cells in one part of the body and carried out to other parts
made up of lots of amino acids, synthesized and stored in vesicles, water soluble, when active = subject to elimination
similar to a protein, less amino acids
a modified single AA, e.g. epinephrine, similar to a protein hormone
derived from cholesterol, lipid soluble, not very water soluble, cannot be stored in vesicles, synthesized and secreted immediately on demand. Not a high concentration in blood.
reservoir for hormone, holds hormone in reserve, can release it when necessary, occurs in the blood
located in a cell, necessary for a response to be triggered by the hormone
G Protein
different ones often serve as receptors
half life (T1/2)
time to eliminate the hormone by 1/2 (if no new is added)
zero order elimination
constant amount eliminated
first order elimination
eliminate constant % or fraction
glucocorticoid hormones
provide a break for the sympathetic N.S., without them = die quickly
1. stress
2. circadian = peak before waking up
3. seasonal, breeding season, concentration is higher
secreted by adrenal cortex
glucocorticoid hormone secretion stimuli
Beta cells
secrete insulin
Islets of Langerhans
pockets that contain beta cells, in pancreas
1. [Gluc] increase
2. [A.A.] in blood
stimuli for insulin secretion
secreted by alpha cells of Islets of Langerhans
1. low [gluc]
2. inc [A.A.]
stimuli for secretion of glucagon
gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis in liver
effects of glucagon
low [gluc]
stimulus for glucocorticoid secretion
1. gluconeogenesis
2. glycogenolysis - raise blood concentration of glucose
3. increased fat catabolism
effects of glucocorticoids
secretes GHRH
anterior pituitary
secretes GH
secretes somatomedins
1. promotes fat catabolism
2. stimulates protein synthesis
effects of Growth Hormone
1. age (goes down w/ increasing age)
2. exercise, GH is stimulated to repair damage done to muscles during exercise
stimulus for growth hormone secretion
100 mg/100 mL of blood
<40 = lose consciousness
<20 = death
normal [gluc]
kidneys lose H2O, too much glucose and kidneys can't keep up, glucose gets excreted in urine, takes water with it, dehydration
acute problem of high [gluc]
increased urine flow
increased drinking
Diabetes Mellitus
glucose appears in the urine, sweet tasting urine
Type 1 (Juvenile Onset) Diabetes
Beta cells that produce insulin are destroyed, autoimmune disease, complete loss of insulin
Large [gluc] (800-900), lethargy, loss of energy
symptoms of Type 1 diabetes
Type 2 (Adult Onset) Diabetes
Beta cells are intact and produce little --> normal amounts of insulin, occurs often because of obesity
non-enzymatic glycosylation
glucose sticking on proteins w/out enzymatic activity, too much glucose can cause many problems
opens aquaporins, reduces urine volume by letting H2O go back into the blood
diabetes insipidus
lack of ADH, lose a lot of water through urine, urine is very dilute
enzyme secreted by the kidney, turns angiotensinogen into angiotensin
decreased arterial pressure (measured in kidney)
decreased concentration of Na+ ions in blood (measured in distal tubule of kidney)
SNS stimulation
stimuli for secretion of renin
1. stimulates outer layer of adrenal cortex
2. vasoconstriction
effects of angiotensin 2
1. stimulates Na+/K+ ATPase in distal tubule and collecting duct
2. reabsorbs more Na+, secretes more K+
3. reduces loss of Na+
4. Gets rid of K+
Regulates extracellular fluid volume
effects of aldosterone
aldosterone level drops, get rid of Na+ through urine
increased Na+ intake (results)
renin stimulated, stimulates angiotensin I and II, stimulates aldosterone, reduced loss of Na+
decreased Na+ intake (results)
Thyroid Hormone
needed for protein synthesis
releases TRH
Anterior Pituitary
secretes TSH
Thyroid gland
stimulated by TSH
1. hypothalamus releases TRH
2. TRH stimulates ant. pit. to secrete TSH
3. TSH stimulates thyroid gland
Metabolic Rate Control
generalized increase in metabolism
effects of thyroid hormone
Active thyroid hormone
Inactive thyroid hormone, has a longer half life, can store for longer, converts to active hormone when needed
stress, esp. cold (hours --> days)
stimuli for secretion of TH
Wolffian System
leads to male sex characteristics
Mullarian system
leads to female sex characteristics
Androgen (Testosterone)
present in mid-fetal life, stimulates Wolffian system
Mullarian regression factor
stimulates regression of mull. system
Lack of Androgen
mullerian system develops, wolffian regresses
development of reproductive gamete in male
seminiferous tubules
contain leydig cells
releases GnRH
ant. pituitary
secretes FSH and LH in response to presence of GnRH
Leydig cells
secrete testosterone, stimulates spermatogenesis
stimulates the maturation of spermatozoa
What spermatozoa must pass through to attain motility
60% from seminal vesicles
40% from prostate glands
fluid added to spermatoza
sertoli cells
cells that spermatids attach to
development of secondary sex characteristics: hair growth, testicles
other effects of testosterone
drop out of abdominal cavity during development, 5º cooler 37ºC - 32ºC, if testes don't drop = sterile
effect of temp on spermatogenesis
PNS activated, arterioles in penis, endothelium, AcH --> N.O. --> increases [cGMP] --> vasodilation --> erection (corpora cavernosa)
Beginning sexual stimulation in males
SNS activated, norepinephrine --> contraction of vas deferens --> spermatozoa into urethra, sk. muscle, rhythmic contraction --> ejaculation!
Continued sexual stimulation in males
volume = 3 mL
spermatozoa = 100,000,000/mL, 300,000,000 / ejaculate
composition of ejaculate
in fetus = oogonia - mitosis --> oocyte (2n), early fetal life = 7,000,000 primary oocytes, birth = 2,000,000, puberty = 500,000
development of ova
degeneration of oocytes
hypothalamus secretes GnRH, stimulates Ant. Pit secrete LH and FSH
female puberty
stimulates follicle development
inhibits GnRH --> stops FSH production, stops development of other follicles
Estrogen at low-mid concentrations
stimulates GnRH, Burst of LH and FSH, LH stim fluid secreted in follicle, oocyte is released
Increased Estrogen
Corpus Luteum
formed by remaining follicles, secrete estrogen and progesterone, estrogen falls --> inhibit GnRH
stimulates development of endometrial lining of uterus
maintains the endometrial lining of uterus
corpus luteum degenerates --> stops secreting estrogen and progesterone, estrogen and progesterone fall, secondary oocyte passes through flillopian tube, regenerates
If no fertilization after 12 days
GnRH sec inc --> stimulates new batch of follicles, vasoconstriction in endometrium --> sloughedoff, blood of endometrium lining
Menstrual period
secondary oocyte is released, swept into fallopian tube
Remains viable for 24-48 hrs.
-uterine contractions
Aide in Movement of Spermatozoa
produced by prostate, stimulates contractions of uterus when spermatozoa are released to uterus
egg binding proteins
specific to species of animal, release enzymes that digest through zona pellucida
multiple sperm reach the egg
voltage change, release enzymes, no further digestion, spermatozoa injects DNA, second meiosis in oocyte
when first spermatozoa reaches egg
forms through process of conception
1. mitotic replication --> 100 cells, enters uterus, digests into endometrium, 2. embryonic membrane forms
process of implantation
1. inner (amnion) - secretes fluid that surrounds developing embryo
2. chorion - secretes hCG, develops into placenta
3. Allantois - becomes umbilical cord
process of forming embryonic membrane
secretes fluid that surrounds developing embryo
secretes HcG (human chorionic gonadotropin), develops into placenta, can be detected in the urine after 2 weeks.
becomes umbilical cord (connects fetus to placenta)
-corpus luteum secretes Estrogen and Progesterone
-chorion secretes HcG, has CH like activity (maintains corpus luteum)
-after 4 months chorion develops into a placenta --> secrete estrogen and progesterone, corpus luteum regresses
maintenance of pregnancy
stimulates development of ducts of mammary glands at puberty
stimulates development of secretory lobules of mammary glands during puberty
estrogen and progesterone
enhanced development of mammary glands with pregnancy
est. and pro. --> enhanced development
PRL sec inc. --> stimulates development, estrogen inhibits PRL effect on milk sec.
With pregnancy
-loss of placenta
-est. and prog. fall
-PRL = stim. milk secretion
After birth
comes before milk, more protein, less lipid
enzyme that stimulates milk letdown, release stimulated by suckling
regulation of pregnancy
prevents implantation, therefore prevents pregnancy, not a contraceptive
can stimulate certain types of breast and cervical cancers
large # eggs and spermatozoa get released to environment, lower probability of fertilization, requires water environment
external fertilization in fish and most amphibians
direct development
no tadpole stage
fertilized eggs adhere to mother's back, skin grows over, frog comes out once developed
non-water frogs
mother stops eating, swallows eggs in capsule, tadpoles sec P.G. --> stops HCl secretion, vomit out
gastric breeding frogs
1. ova, egg & yolk sac develop in ovary
2. fert occurs in oviduct
3. Albumen added in mid oviduct
4. in longer oviduct, 2 shell membranes form
5. color added
fert. in Birds
159.6 mmHg
Partial Pressure of O2 at sea level
105 mmHg
Partial pressure of O2, 10,000 ft above sea level
760 mmHg
total pressure of Air at sea level
equation for diffusion
concentration = A * P
A= absorption coefficient
P= partial pressure
gas in a Solution, equation
78% of air, cannot use it in its normal form
N2 doesn't get released properly, triggers lactic acid buildup
Nitrogen Narcosis
too much nitrogen, causes anesthetic like feelings
As temperature increases, amount of O2 in air goes down
effect of temp on gas solubility
1. gas diffusion across the alveolar and capillary membranes
2. blood moves the O2 by convection
3. O2 diffuses from the blood to the tissues
Movement of O2 in organism w/ lung based system
bring O2 from water into blood, most via counter-current exchange system
counter-current exchange
less oxygenated blood always interacts w/ more oxygenated water
Opercular pump
moves operculum, causes constant flushing of water past its gills.
buccal pump
opercular pump
organism movement - have to keep moving constantly, get water past gills by swimming and having mouths open
H2O movement for breathing
buccal pump
moves air into and out of lungs, not water, done in repetitions
skin of frog
respiratory area, brings in about 20% of O2 of frog
airways of lungs
high surface area, branches (pockets w/ interior walls) go in, about twice the surface area of skin
500 mL, inhale and exhale about the same
tidal volume for breathing in mammal
1200mL, amount you can move if you try to
Expiratory reserve volume
3100mL, amount you can inhale if you wish
Inspiratory reserve volume
about 1200 mL, never exhale all volume
residual volume
parietal pleura
lining on chest wall, about a single cell layer thick
visceral pleura
lining on lung surface, about a single cell layer thick
pressure goes down, inhale
increase volume in lungs
compress air, pressure goes up, exhale
decrease volume in lungs
pressure is equal inside and outside of lungs, diaphragm is a normal shape (dome)
lungs at rest, after exhaling
external intercostal muscle elevate rib cage, contract diaphragm, air goes into lungs
relax intercostal muscles, relax diaphragm, air moves out of lungs passively
passive expiration
contract internal intercostal muscles, contract abdominal muscles, pull ribcage down, push diaphragm up, moves interal organs up against diaphragm
active expiration
collapsed lung
punctured chest wall, breaks seal, air goes in --> collapse lung
separates lungs
PNS stimulation
close off bronchioles, pressure becomes so great pulls lung off chest wall, lung collapses
pulmonary surfactant
reduces attraction of water molecules to each other, allows mammals to inhale w/ less effort
PO2 = 160 mmHg
PCO2 = 0.03 mmHg
air composition of room air
PO2 = 100 mmHg
PCO2 = 40 mmHg
air composition of alveoli
medulla and pons
regulate basic rate and rhythm of breathing in birds
carotid and aortic bodies
sense PCO2, less sensitive to PO2
Regulation of respiration
reduce PCO2, [HCO3-] goes up, Ph goes up, blood vessels dilate, pressure in alveoli goes down, oxygen delivery goes down
cerebral cortex
Has capability to override breathing system in birds
mechanoreceptors in joints
alert respiratory system that increase in O2 demand is coming
How O2 is carried in blood
2.4 mL O2/100 mL of blood @ 100% O2
amount of O2 dissolved in blood
PO2 = 100 mmHg, 0.3 mL/100 mL of blood
amount of O2 dissolved in blood of capillaries
respiratory pigment in invertebrates
respiratory pigment found in vertebrates and some invertebrates
heme (4)
subunits of hemoglobin (4l)
binds O2, subunit of Hemoglobin (Hb)
more O2 = more rapidly binding to heme
Hb subunit interaction
oxygen bound to hemoglobin does not contribute to , most oxygen in blood is bound to hemoglobin, not dissolved in solution
oxygen dissociation curve
if you change Ph, change how hemoglobin binds O2, dropping pH enhances delivery of O2
Bohr shift
@ 100% saturation, 20 mL of O2/100 mL of blood, 0.3 mL in solution, 19.7 mL - HbO2
re-do dissociation curve
at rest, arterial O2 content = 20 mL O2/100mL, venous O2 content = 15 mL O2/100mL = 5 mL O2/100 mL delivered to tissues
O2 delivery at rest
arterial = 20 mL / 100 mL blood
venous = 4 mL / 100 mL blood
= 16 mL /100 mL delivered to tissues
O2 delivery at max exercise
1. in plasma water = 7%
2. Hb + Co2 --> HbCO2 = 23 %
3. CO2 + H2O --> H2CO3 --> H+ + HCO3 - = 70%
storage of CO2
requires change to HCO3-, move that ion
Movement of CO2
PO2 = 40 mmHg
PCO2 = 45 mmHg
Partial pressures when air enters lungs
PO2 = 100 mmHg
PCO2 = 40 mmHg
Partial pressures of air in alveoli
PO2 = 100 mmHg
PCO2 = 40 mmHg
Partial pressures of air leaving alveoli
(red blood cell length/ total length) X 100
Men = 40 - 54%
Women = 37 - 57%
Normal hematocrit values
120 Days
Lifespan of RBC
Liver and Spleen
Remove old RBC
Protein in kidney that secretes hormone called erythropoietum
Erythropoietum (EPO)
stimulates red bone marrow to produce more red blood cells
location of majority of red bone marrow