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101 Cards in this Set

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3 ways the Hypothalamus integrates nervous & endocrine systems?
1. controls release of hormones in the Anterior Pituitary

2. is an endocrine organ itself

3. controls endocrine cells in the Adrenal Medullae
What hormones does the hypothalamus release into the Anterior Pituitary?
1. TRH (Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone)
2. CRH (Corticotropin Releasing Hormone)
3. GnRH (Gonadotroping Releasing Hormone)
TRH is released by who & does what?
TRH is released by hypothalamus w/low blood Thyroid Hormones into the anterior pituitary --> TSH
CRH is relased by who & does what?
CRH is released by hypothalamus into the anterior pituitary --> ACTH --> causes Adrenal Cortex --> glucocorticoids
GnRH is released by who & does what?

(Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone)
GnRH is released by the hypothalamus into the Anterior Pituitary --> release of Gonadotropins
- FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
- Leuteinizing Hormone
how is Prolactin (PRL) regulated
PRF (Prolactin Relasing factor)

PIH (Prolactin Inhibiting Hormone)
Hypothalamus regulates GH through these regulatory hormones
GH-RH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone)

GH-IH (Growth Hormone Inhibiting Hormone)
Hypothalamus regulates MSH through these regulatory hormones

(Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone)
MSH (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone)

MIH (Melanocyte Inhibiting Hormone)
what are the Regulatory Hormones?
1. TRH
2. CRH
3. GnRH
4/5 PRF/ PIH
6/7 GH-RH/ GH-IH
8/9 MSH/ MIH
hypothalamus controls ____ by release of ___ into the anterior pituitary?
2. thyroid hormones by TSH
3. Gonadotropins by GnRH
4. Somatomedins (Insuline-like Growth Factors) by GH-IH & GH-RH
Diabetes Insipidus
Posterior Pituitary releases too little ADH
--> too much water loss @ kidneys

may need synthetic ADH (desmopressin)
high blood PRL -->

low blood PRL -->

cause hypothalamus to release
high PRL --> PIH

low PRL --> PRF
Diabetes mellitus
hyperglycemia --> glycosuria & polyuria
What happens w/too much Growth Hormone?
Gigantism, acromegaly

excesssive growth
ADH is triggered by?

triggered by rising solute in blood or dropping BP

causes reabsorption of water at kidneys & vasoconstricion of peripheral blood vessels

inhibited by alcohol
made by adrenal cortex

release stimulated by ACTH

what 5 hormones are released by the anterior pituitary & cause other hormones to be released?
1. TSH --> Thyroid gland to secrete Thyroid hormones
2. ACTH --> Adrenal Cortex to secrete Glucocorticoids
3. FSH --> Ovaries to secrete Estrogen
4. GH --> Liver releases Somatomedins (IGF)
5. LH --> Ovaries to secret Estrogen & Progesterone
These Anterior Pituitary hormones have indirect action
1. PRL stimulates mamary gland development & makes interstistitial cells more sensitive to LH

2. MSH stimulates skin to produce melanin
Thyroid secretes these 2 hormones
Thyroid hormones (T4 & T3)

Calcitonin synthesis & release is triggered by what,
C cells of the thyroid monitor blood calcium levels

High Blood Ca++ triggers release
What can happen if blood Ca++ gets too high?
Na+ permeability decreases & membranes become less responsive
What happens if blood Ca++ gets low ?
Na permeability increases & cells become excitable

even lower --> convulsions, muscular spasms
PTH - who makes it & what does it do?
made by chief cells in the Parathyroid gland

1. inhibits osteoblasts --> inhibits bone formation
2. increases osteocast #'s --> more release of Ca++ from bone
3. enhances reabsoption of Ca++ at kidneys
4. stimulates synthesis & release of Calcitriol at kidneys
are released when blood Ca++ is too low
1. inhibits bone mineralization & increases Ca++ release
2. Enhances Reabsorption of Ca++ by kidneys
3. releases Calitriol by kidney
same as PTH but also stimulates digestive tract to absorb Ca++ & phosphate
are released when blood Ca++ is too high
Calcitonin from C cells of Thyroid
how are glucocorticoids regulated?
negative feed back
Glucocorticoids inhibit CRH
diabetes insipidus: 2 causes
1. Posterior Pituitary can't releases enough ADH

2. Kidneys can't respond to ADH
Adrenal Cortex makes what?
1. Mineralocorticoids (Aldosterone)
2. Glucocorticoids (cortisol)
3. Androgens
Adrenal Medulla makes ?
Epinephrine & Norepinephrine
in this type of diabetes:
- normal/high insulin production
- tissue doesn't respond normally
type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
what triggers Aldosterone release?
drop in blood: Na+/pressure/volume

increase in blood K+

Angiotensin II
glucose sparing effect
-synthesis of glucose & Glycogen
- release of FFA & AA for fuel

_ inhibits WBC --> stops histamine release & others that promote inflammation
Epinephrine & Norepinephrine
Muscle: mobilize glycogen & incresses ATP production -> stronger & longer
Fat cells: release & breakdown of fat
Liver: breakdown release of glycogen/glucose
Heart: increased heart rate & force of contractions
what hormones does the hypothalamus synthesize?
1. CRH (Corticotropin Releasing Hormone)
2. PIH (Prolactin Inhibiting Hormone) aka dopamine
3. GnRH
4. GH-RH
5. GH-IH (Somatostatin)
6. TRH (Thyrotropin-releasing hormone)
7. ADH
8. Oxytocin
1. ____ can drop blood glucose & is made by the Adrenal 2. _____
1. Glucocorticoids (Cortisol)

2. Adrenal Cortex
1. ____ can increase blood glucose & is made by the Adrenal _____
1. Epinephrine

2. Adrenal Medulla
the hypothalamus controls this part of the Adrenal gland through direct neural control
Pre ganglionic motor fibers control Adrenal Medulla
Pineal Gland
produces Melatonin
what does Melatonin do
1. inhibits premature puberty by reducing GnRH
2. antioxidant in CNS
3. Circadian Rhythms- higher Melatonin @ night
Exocrine pancreas
Pancreatic acini

produces digestive
Endocrine pancreas
islets of Langerhans
what are the cell types of Islets of Langerhans & what do they do?
alpha cells: glucagon
Beta cells: insulin
Delta cells: GH-IH that inhibits alpha/beta from releasing glucagon & insulin & slows absorption & enzyme secretion in GI
F cells: Pancreatic Polypeptide (PP) inhibits gallblader contractions
high blood Somatomedins (IGF) pathway -->
1. hypothalamus responds by releasing GH-IH into anterior pituitary
2. Anterior Pituitary stops/reduces GH release
low blood Somatomedins (IGF) pathway -->
1. hypothalamus responds by releasing GH-RH into anterior pituitary
2. Anterior Pituitary releases GH
3. liver releases IGF (somatomedins)
too little GH
Pituitary growth failure

--> retarded growth

--> abnormal fat distrobution

--> low blood Glucose hours after meal
low ADH or low AVP

Arginine Vasopressin
--> Diabetes insipidus
these Hormones activate the GPCR pathway

G-pro -> AC-> cAMP pathway
FSH, LH & glucagon
too much ADH or AVP

(Arginine Vasopressin)
Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH)

--> increased body weight/water
why do you pee so much when you drink?
ADH is inhibited by alcohol which inhibits your body's ability to accurately maintain blood osmolarity, pressure, & volume by decreasing urine output & vassoconstriction
too little T4, T3
Myxedma, Cretinism

--> low metabolic rate/temp

--> impaired physical & mental development
Women: uterin contractions, milk ejection from mammary glands

Men: prostate gland
both: rises during sex
too much T4, T3
Hyperthyroidism, Graves Disease

High metabolic rate & body temp
too little PTH

muscular weakness, neurological problems
dense bones, tetany due to low blood Ca++
too much PTH

Neurological, mental, & muscle problems b/c high Ca++ blood concentration

brittle bones
too much Mineralocoticoids

Polyuria, low blood volume, High K+/low Na+
too much mineralocorticoids

increased body weight/water b/c Na+/water retension
low blood K+
too little Glucocorticoids
Addison disease

inability to tolerate stress, mobilizes energy, or maintain normal blood glucose
too much Glucocorticoids
Cushing disease

excessive breakdown of tissue proteins & lipid reserves

impaired glucose metabolism
Too much Epinephrine/norepinephrine

High metabolic rate/temp, & heart rate
elevated blood glucose
too little Estrogens in women

too little Androgens in men

sterile, lack 2nd sex characteristics
What is the major difference btw PTH & Calcitriol
Calcitriol stimulates absorption of Phosphate & Ca++ by the digestive tract

Chief cell monitor blood Ca & release PTH when too low

Kidney releases Calcitriol b/c PTH
Addison Disease
too little glucocorticoids & mineralocorticoids

inability to mobilize energy & maintain normal blood glucose
Congenital Hypothyroidism

inadequate skeletal & nervous system development
low metabolic rate
Cushing Disease
caused by hypersecretion of glucocorticoids

excessive breakdown--> relocation of lipid reserves & protein
General Adaption Syndrome
pattern of hormonal & hysiological adjustments with which the body responds to all forms of stress
severe hyposecretion of thyroid hormones

subcutaneous swelling, hair loss, dry skin, low temp, muscle weakness, & slow reflexes
increrase reabsorption of Na & Water at kidney
increase salt sensation --> eat more salt

increase renal loss of K+

Triggered by angiotensin II

Example: Aldosterone
in this type of diabetes:
- inadequate insulin production by beta cells of pancreatic islets
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
linked to elevated melatonin levels in individuals exposed to only short periods of daylight

depression, lethargy, can't concentrate, & altered sleep/eating
overuse of Glucocorticoids can lead to
caused by hyperthyroidism

increased:metabolic rate, blood pressure, heart rate
excitabiity & emotional instability
lowered energy reserves
Seasonal Affective Disorder can be caused by
too much melatonin

not enough light --> causes increased melatonin levels

changes in mood, eating, & sleep
What hormones does the kidney secrete?


Erythropoietin (EPO)
Trigger: low O2

causes: increased RBC production
causes Ca++ release from bone
absorption of Ca & phosphate from GI
inhibits PTH secretion
Renin secretion is triggered by
• Sympathetic stimulation
• Low bp
• Low filtrate osmolality
Renin Causes
Angiotensinogen --> (blood) Angiotensin I --> (lungs) Angiotensin II

stimulates ADH from Posterior Pituitary
stimulates Aldosterone from Adrenal Cortex
Heart makes what hormone
ANP (Atrial natriuretic peptide)
what triggers ANP

Atrial Natriuretic Peptide
High Blood Pressure that stretches endocrine cardiac muscle cells
ANP acts against the functions of ?
opposes actions of Angiotensin II
ANP causes what to happen?
loss of Na+ & water at kidneys
suppress thirst
prevent Angiotensin II & norepinephrine from raising BP
inhibits release of Renin & Angiotensin II, ADH, & Aldosteron
These hormones play a role in growth & development
Thyroid Hormones
Reproductive hormones
Role of hormones in Growth: an adult can be normal with low GH, but needs these other hormones to be normal
1. T4
2. Insulin
3. Glucocorticoids
Role of hormones in Growth:
too little Thyroid hormones
1st year --> neurological & mental retard

b/f puberty --> normal skeletal development will not continue
Role of hormones in Growth:
reproductive hormones cause what in development?
cause gender related skeletal proportions & secondary sex characteristics
General Adaption Syndrome: stress response
Alarm Phase

Resistance Phase

Exhaustion Phase
Alarm Phase
1st phase of stress response


Dominant Hormone: Epinephrine
What are the characteristics of the Alarm phase?
1. increased mental alertness
2. increased energy consumption by skeletal muscles
3. mobilization of energy reserves (Glycogen & lipids)
4. increased blood flow to muscles/reduced to skin, kidneys, & Digestive organs
5. reduction in digestion & urine
6. increased sweat
7. increased BP, HR, Respiratory Rate
what other hormones play a supporting role in the alarm phase?
ADH- reduction of water loss
aldosterone if blood loss
Resistance Phase: basics
if stress lasts longer than a few hours

Long term metabolic adjustment

Dominant Hormone: Glucocorticoids
Resistance Phase: characteristics
1. Mobilize remaining energy: lipids & AA released
2. Conservation of Glucose for neural tissues - peripheral tissue breaks down lipids for energy
3. Elevation of glucose: liver synthesizes Gluc from CHO, AA, Lipids
4. Conservation of salts & water, Loss of K+ & H+
Resistance phase hormones
what hormones are involved in the Resistance Phase?

What do they do?
1.mobilize AA & lipids for Energy
2. Conserve Glu

1. AA & Lipids
2. Conserve Glu
3. liver to synth Glu

2. Conserve Glu
3. liver to synth

Mineralocorticoids & ADH
4. conserve water
Resistance Phase:
1. Mobilize lipids & AA
hypothalamus produces GH-RH & CRH --> GH & ACTH
ACTH --> Glucocorticoids

Adipose: responds to GH & Glucocorticoids by --> FA
Skeletal Muscle: responds to Glucocorticoids --> AA
Resistance Phase:
2. Conserve Glu
Glucocorticoids & GH have glucose sparing effects in most tissue; NOT NEURAL TISSUE
Resistance Phase:
3. Elevate & Stabilize Blood Glu
Glucagon & Glucocorticoids stimulate liver to synthesize Glucose from AA, FA, & other CHO like glycerol
Resistance Phase:
4. Conserve water, salts & loose K+
ADH & aldosteron
Whats the bad thing about the resistance phase?
glucocorticoids are anti-innflamatory & slow healing & increase likely hood of infection

ADH & aldosteron promote high BP-stresses heart

adrenal cortex may no longer be able to synthesize glucocorticoids
Exhaustion Phase:
breakdown of homeostatic regulation

Direct Renal Effect: as the body's K+ declines, neurons & muscle cells malfunction
Lacking these hormones would inhibit skeletal formation
Thyroid hormone
Gonadal hormones
Disscuss the relationship btw endocrine system & muscles
endocrine hormones adjust muscular metabolism, energy production & growth
regulate Ca & Phosphate levels necessary for muscle function