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33 Cards in this Set

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the human nervous system consists of two divisions:

central nervous system and peripheral nervous system

The CNS is composed of the _____ and the ______ and is the main control center for all body activities.

The PNS is composed of nerves derived from the ________ and the ______, which serve as linkage between the CNS and the body.

brain and spinal cord

brain and spinal cord

The PNS can be subdivided into ____/ _____ nerves and ____/ _____ nerves.

sensory/ afferent

motor/ efferent

Motor nerves are divided into the _______ system, which regulates voluntary contraction of skeletal muscles and the _________ system, which regulates the involuntary control of ____, _____ and ______.

somatic nervous system, autonomic nervous system, smooth, cardiac muscle, glands

The autonomic nervous system can be further subdivided into ________ system, which stimulates the effector or organs (except digestive) or the _______ system, which inhibits activities of the effector or organs.

sympathetic, parasympathetic

The ______ system together with the _______ system control the body's organs. It innervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands, controlling the circulation of blood, activity of the GI tract and body temp.

ANS, endocrine

The autonomic nervous system is completely (voluntary/ involuntary). It is a _____ neuron chain. The preganglionic neurons originate in the _____ or ___ while the post originate in a ganglion outside the ______.

involuntary - all reflexes are controlled!


brain or spinal cord


In the parasympathetic system, preganglionic fibers are (long or short?) while post are (long or short?) and ganglia are near _____.

How is this different in the sympathetic system?

long, short, visceral effector organs

sympathetic is opposite: short pre, long post, ganglia near spinal cord

As part of the 2 neuron chain, the first neuron's cell body is in the ______ and it's axon is referred to as a ________ _______, which synapses with the soma of the second neuron. This neuron is in the ganglia outside the _____ and its axon is referred to as a ______ _________, which innervates a _________. These apply to both divisions of the ANS:

CNS, preganglionic fiber, CNS, post-ganglionic fibers, effector organ

sympathetic, parasympathetic

The sympathetic nervous system generally ____ the effector organ, except in the _______. It is activated in emergencies/ fight or flight response.

stimulates, digestive organ

Homeostasis is a dynamic balance between the two ______ branches:

autonomic, PNS, SNS

the pregangionic fibers of the SNS produce ____ and are called _____ fibers, while most post-ganglionic fibers produce ____ and are called ______ fibers (exceptions are sweat glands and blood vessels in the skin). The ganglia is near the _____, along the vertebral column. Sympathetic fibers originate from the _____ region of the spinal cord (T1-L2)

acetylcholine, cholinergic

norepinephrine, adrenergic


thoracolumbar region

In the SNS, postganglionic fibers are distributed throughout the body while in the PNS, post-ganglionic fibers are limited to the _____, viscera of the chest, ______ and pelvis.

head, abdomen

In the PNS, all pre and post ganlgionic fibers produce ______ and are ______. Preganglionic fibers arise from the _____ and ______ region of the spinal cord.

acetlycholine, cholinergic

brain stem, sacral (S2-S4)

Adrenergic receptors, used by post-g sympathetic fibers have two types:

Within these are two more types:

In general, norepinephrine or epi binding to alphas is ____, while betas is ______

alpha receptors - A1, A2

beta receptors - B1, B2

stimulatory, inhibitory

Alpha 1 reflect the ______ response. They constrict _______ and inhibit motility in the ______ by contracting sphinter muscles and relaxing non-sphincter tissue. They also mobilize energy by breaking down liver ______ into _____.

fight or flight, blood vessels, gut, glycogen, glucose

Alpha 2 receptors are found in ______ membranes and provide feedback control of ________ secretions by inhibiting Ca+ influx, decreasing its release.

post-synaptic, neurotransmitter

Beta 1 receptors work in the ____, increasing rate and force of contraction. They also induce muscle relaxation in the _____.

heart, gut

beta 2 receptors also induce smooth muscle relaxation in the ____. They induce the conversion of _______ to _____. They stimulate the secretion of _____ from the pancreas. They also dilate the bronchi, increasing airflow. This is called _______.

gut, glycogen to glucose, insulin, bronchiodilation

Cholinergic receptors are present in the pre-g SNS. There are two types of receptors:

nicontinic, muscarinic

nicontinic receptors: all are ____ and their response is _____.

excitatory, rapid

muscarinic receptors are either _____ or _____, depending on the target organ. They have distinct subtypes (M1, M2, M3). They decrease _____ activity and increase motility in the ______ tract. They depolarize _______ and hyperpolarize _______.

excitatory or inhibitory, heart, GI tract, smooth muscle fibers, cardiac muscle fibers

PNS and cranial nerves (4):

oculomotor (III), facial (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (x)

oculomotor (____): innervates smooth muscles of ___, causing it to constrict

facial (___): stimulates the _____ activity of glands in the head. Ex: nasal, lacrimal, submandibular, salivary, parotid

III, eye

VII, secretory

Glossopharangeal (___): activates the ___ and ____ glands

Vagus (___): 2 vagus nerves account for ___% of all pre-g PNS fibers in the body, aka a major portion of PNS outflow is through this nerve. It is ______ and contains both sensory and motor fibers. Sensory input from medulla to cardiovascular, pulmonary, urinary, reproductive, digestive system travels in afferent fibers of vagus.

X, 90, mixed

Two receptors found in the lungs are:

Stretch receptors and Type J receptors

Stretch receptors in the lungs inhibit further _____, ______ rate, and vasodilation.

Type J receptors increase _____ _______. This produces feelings of breathlessness and cause a reflex fall in heart rate and BP.

inhalation, cardiac

pulmonary congestion

The aorta uses ____, which are stimulated by a rise in (O2 or CO2?) and a fall in (O2 or CO2?) and increase breathing rate, heart rate, vasoconstriction.


CO2, O2

Visceral reflexes follow the normal reflex arc. The integration center may be the pre-g, a dorsal horn interneuron, or may be within the walls of the intestinal tract. The motor neuron is a two neuron chain.

see other side

3 receptors in the heart:

baroreceptors, arterial stretch receptors, ventrical stretch receptors

Baroreceptors are stimulated by increased ____ and they decrease _____.

Arterial stretch receptors: antidiuretic hormone secretion is inhibited, thus increasing the volume of ____ excreted.

BP, heart rate


Stretch receptors in ventricles produce a reflex in heart rate and vasodilation

Stretch receptors in GI tract, give feelings (3):

satiety, discomfort, pain

_______ describes how pain from viscera can be perceived as somatic. This may be due to visceral and somatic pain fibers traveling along the same route.

Referred pain