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54 Cards in this Set

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Where is GnRH secreted?
GnRH stimulates the secretion of _____ in the ______
FSH and LH in the anterior pituitary
____ hormone binding on leydig cells lead to the production of _________
LH, testosterone
________ hormone binding onto sertoli cells leads to the productions of _________
FSH, sperm
Circulating androgens/testosterone can be converted to _________ by 5 reductase and to _________ by _________
dihydrostestosterone, B Estradiol, Aromatase
Effects of testosterone
Induces male secondary sex characteristics, opposes estrogen/breat tissue, differentiation of accessory organs, inhibits LH secretion, bone growth, protein anabolism, erythropoiten by kidneys
Blood testis barrier?
ring of tightly connected sertoli cells keeps spermatogonia close to the basal compartment near sertoli cells.
Sertoli cell functions
Nourish developing sperm, secrete luminal fluid, secrete androgen binding protein, stimulated by testosterone and FSH to secrete paracrine agents that stimulate sperm, secrete protein inhibin, inhibits FSH, paracrine agents influence leydig cells, phagotiytize defective sperm, secrete MIS
Sperm motility is acquired where?
Where are sperm stored?
In the epididymis.
In the epididymis and the vas deferens until ejaculation
Erection is stimulated by?
Mechanical receptors in the penis & activity in descending neural pathways from brain
Erection stimuli lead to a decrease in ______ and an increase in ______ and ________
norepinephrine, nitric oxide, cGMP
Ejaculation: caused by an increase in ________
sympathetic activity
Seminal vesicle secretions contain...
fructose, citric acid and other nutrient substances, prostaglandins and fibrinogen --> nutrients, prostaglandins make female cervical mucus
prostate secretions contain...
ca+, citrate ion, phosphate ion, a clotting enzyme and profibinolysin and are alkaline
Why is the alkalinity and clotting enzymes of prostate secretions important?
The alkalinity helps to neutralize acid from vas deferns and vaginal secretions, clotting enzyme cleaves fibrinogen and forms weak coagulum that hops sperm in deeper regions of vagina near cervix
Anabolic steroid side effects
negative impact on circulatory, elevated LDL cholesterol, increased aggression, negative effects on liver, brain function
Anabolic steroid direct effect
decreased GnRH and LH directly, FSH because of decreased GnRH, decreased tesosterone, decreased spermatogenesis and fertility
At 7 months gestation, female have _________ with _______ chromosomes and ___________ chromatids
Primary oocytes, 46, 2
At puberty, women produce __________ with ________ chromosomes and _________ chromatids
secondary oocytes, 23, 2
A fertilized ovum has _________ chromosomes and ___________ chromatids per chromosome
46, 23 from each parent, 1 chromatid
5 stages of a follicle
primordial follicle, primary follicle, preantral follicle, early antral follicle, mature follicle
Menstruation phases: Days 1-7
10 - 25 follicles develop
Menstruation phases: Day 7
Dominant follicle selected
Increase in estrogen inhibits secretion of FSH by anterior pituitary, Dominant follicle has more sensitive granulosa cells to low FSH and has receptors for LH
Menstruation phases: Day 7-14
Dominant follicle matures
Estrogen levels increase as theca cells and granulosa cells proliferate
Menstruation phases: Day 14
Ovulation occurs
Granulosa cells make inhibin that inhibits FSH
Menstruation phases: Day 14-25
Corpus luteum functions
Egg has first mieotic division because of LH surge. High progesterone and estrogen secretion inhibits FSH and LH
Menstruation phases: Day 25-28
Corpus luteum degenerates
prgesterone and estrogen decrease, FSH and LH no longer inhibited begin to increase
LH surge triggers
granulosa cells decrease estrogen and increase progesterone, enzymes and prostaglandin from granulosa cells break down follicular ovarian membrane and weakened membranes rupture, oocyte and surrounding granulosa cells are released
A oocyte that has undergone ovulation is a _______ and has __________chromosomes and _________chromatids
secondary oocyte, 23 chromosomes, 2 chromatids
what stimulates the LH surge?
As Granulosa cells continue to secrete estrogen, they secrete inhibin, inhibiting FSH, estrogen increase is positive feedback loop on anterior pituitary for LH and on hypothalamus on GnRH and increase LH secretion.
What inhibits FSH and LH during luteal phase?
LH surge stimulates corpus luteum, in turn, corpus luteam secretes large amounts of estrogen and progesterone that have negative feedback on hypothalamus and anterior pituitary.
Uterine changes during menstrual phase
smooth muscle contracts by prostaglandins in endometrial cells, arterioles dilate, capillaries rupture and endometrium degenerates
Uterine changes during proliferative phase day 3-14
estrogen stimulates increase in endometrium, myometrium(smooth muscle) grows, progesterone receptors on endometrial cells are synthesized
Secretory phase day 14-28
Mediated by progesterone, endometrial cells fill with glycogen, increased blood flow, increase of enzymes, smooth muscle contractions inhibited by progesterone
What hormone should be measured to see if ovulation has occured?
How does birth control work?
Progesterone inhibits LH surge and thus ovulation, Estrogen enhances progesterone and thicken cervical mucus, inhibits endometrail lining development
How do abortificants work?
Anti progestins bind and inhibit progesterone binding, without progesterone, endometrial lining sloughs off like end of cycle
What is capacitation?
In female tract, the ability to fertilize egg is caused by secretions that alter tail movement and plasma membrane so it can fuse with egg.
Phases of fertilized ovum
Zygote, cleavage, morula, blastocyst, implantation
BLastocyst contains?
Trophoblast-secretes hCG, inner cell mass-embryo, blastocoele-fluid filled cavity.
Trophoblast cells do what to the uterine lining?
Secrete paracrines that alter endometrial cells and increase the # of cappilaries
Endoderm forms?
liver, pancreas, GI tract
Mesoderm forms?
Heart, blood vessels, bone, muscle, kidneys
Ectoderm forms?
nervous system, sensory organs, skin and hair
What happens during gastrulation?
growth factors cause cells to migrate and turn on specific genes to become specific types of cells, migration
During the first 3 months, what is the source of estrogen and progesterone?
COrpus luteum
During the last 6 months, what is the source of estrogen and progesterone?
The trophoblast develops into a _____ after fertilization
Umbilical arteries carry ___________ and umbilical veins carry ___________
deoxygenated blood, oxygenated blood
Placenta = _____ + ______
chorion from fetus + endometrium from mother at 3 weeks
signals for partuation come from _______
CRH and ACTH through cortisol and DHEA, DHEA is converted to estrogen by placenta, Cortisol stimulates fetal lung development
At 30 weeks, estrogen increases faster than progesterone which leads to
increased contractions of uterine muscle, increased gap junction with coordinated contractions, cervix becomes soft and flexible due to prostaglandin, increased oxytocin receptors, placenta secretes relaxin
Oxytocin does what?
milk ejection
secreted by posterior pituitary
Prolactin does what?
Milk synthesis
secreted by anterior pituitary