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130 Cards in this Set

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Recent studies have refuted Darwin's hypothesis that the earliest hominids originated in grasslands.
In the scientific method, theories can be considered "hunches" or best guesses.
A recent news article reports on findings from a dig in Mesopotamia. The researchers report skeletal populations indicate a decline in stature and likely overall health at this period in time. This reminds you of another study you have read about , the populations of St. Catherine's Island. What could've the reasons for the changes in skeletons?
Health and Stature declined with the adaption of agriculture.
As reported in "Epistemology" by K. Feder, which of the statements below is true?
Scientists accept a reality independent of our own minds that works according to discoverable rules.
Anthropology includes the study of:
- the use & social context of language
- fossil humans & their closest relatives
- prehistoric societies & artifacts
Archaeology is:
The study of the behavior & material culture of past human societies
An archaeological field school is announced in your anthro course. the description says that you will be able to travel to Belize to learn about the lives of the ancient Mayans. What do you expect to learn during this field school?
How to excavate & study material culture
As reported in "Epistemology" K. Feder, features in tabloids are fertile ground for educating the public about anthro as a science.
How is bio-cultural anthro different from cultural anthro?
It examines the interaction between genetics & culture in shaping human biology.
Human beings depend on culture for survival.
You are walking through a forest in the Central African Republic & you notice a twig that has had its bark removed & is stuck in a hole in a termite mound. The twig is an example of:
- material culture
- tool use
- learned behavior
A fam friend tells you that she just completed a summer internship where she helped law enforcement to identify human remains using dental records, x-rays, & other indices of gender, height, & ethnicity. She is most likely to be studying:
Forensic Anthro
Primatologists record a new series of owl monkey vocalizations in the wild. After rigorous analysis & playback experiments they determine that the sounds could not be argued to represent a language because they are random, unrelated, & elicit no response from other individuals. The primatologists determine this because they know that language is:
A set of symbols that refer to things other than themselves.
Current evidence indicates that the earliest hominids lived in Africa 1-3 mya.
Physical anthro does NOT include:
As reported in "Epistemology" K. Feder, Occam's Razor asserts that the hypothesis with the fewest other assumptions is probably the best explanation. Feder cites examples of using Occam's Razor:
Huge bones discovered in Europe and North America during the 17th & 18th centuries were once part of living animals that no longer exist, not put there by the Devil.
You are on a paleoanthropological dig in Ethiopia. You & your team uncover fossilized finger & toe bones. You notice that while these bones are not as curved as modern day ape bones, they are not as straight as modern day human bones. These bones are slightly curved. What kind of environment did this individual live in?
Forested Areas
Bipedal-ism is considered one of the hallmarks of hominid evolution because:
It was the first evolutionary development that clearly distinguished us from other animals.
How is culture defined?
Culture is a learned behavior transmitted from person to person and used by a group.
As reported in "Epistemology" K. Feder, the scientific method
uses induction to propose hypotheses that can be tested & then deduces what also must be true if the hypothesis is correct
How are modern human distinguished from their earliest ancestors?
Hunting, speech, and dependence on domesticated and cooked foods.
Observations of living primates inform our efforts to understand our evolutionary past.
Chimpanzees in the wild have been observed to do all of the following except:
Teach their offspring how to flake stone tools
Charles Darwin
was an English naturalist in the 1800s
As reported in "Epistemology" K. Feder, and Thomas Kuhn suggest
- The progress of scientific knowledge is not linear; it grows in bursts, as new paradigms are usually rejected at first
- Very well supported hypotheses are considered the best explanation so far & scientists call these theories
- The theory of biological evolution is called a scientific theory because it has help up so well to all tests, new discoveries, & new technologies
Mendel's discrete units responsible for the characteristics in his pea plants are now known as chromosomes.
Natural selection works on preexisting variation in a population.
Charles Darwin's book On the Origin of Species was considered an important contribution to modern science because:
It synthesized information from diverse scientific fields in order to document evolutionary change.
Why is the work of A. R. Wallace considered when discussing the theory of evolution?
He was an English naturalist who had arrived at many of the same conclusions as Darwin.
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA):
is the "recipe" for all biological characteristic & functions.
while at the gorilla exhibit at the zoo you notice that the sign reads Gorilla gorilla gorilla. You recall that this is a scientific name & is part of a naming system known as:
Binomial nomenclature, which was developed by C. Linnaeus as a classification system for plants and animals.
How is the concept of catastrophism different from the concept of uniformitarianism?
Unlike uniformitarianism, catastrophism is the result of a single event.
According to Darwin, natural selection operates at the level of:
Cuvier's work on fossil elephants in France supported the then controversial notion of:
The only possible source of new genetic material is:
As T. Ryan Gregory points out in the "Evolution as Fact, Theory, and Path", theory and hypothesis are synonyms in science.
Which of the following is FALSE regarding populations of living organisms?
Individuals in populations show little or no variation
The scientist who coined the name Homo sapiens for human beings & placed them in a higher taxonomic group (primates) was:
Carolus Linnaeus
The individual genotypes in a breeding population, taken as a whole, comprise the:
Gene pool
You're watching a show on TV about the history of scientific thought in Europe prior to 1800. At that time:
All forms were thought to have been created by God & to remain constant over time
All of the following are formal taxonomic categories EXCEPT:
T. Ryan Gregory asserts in "Evolution as Fact, Theory & Path" that
- Using the scientific method doesn't produce absolute certainty
- The scientific method can produce facts
- A fact is an observation that has been repeatedly confirmed, and for practical purposes is accepted as true
The Human Genome Project is most likely to contribute to an understanding of which disease?
Cystic Fibrosis
Darwin observed that adaptations:
were physical traits that enhanced survival & reproduction
In your textbook, the smaller frequency of sickle- cell anemia among present day Americans blacks as compared to West African blacks is attributed to:
Gene Flow
Why are Darwin's finches considered good examples of natural selection?
They embody the idea of descent with modification.
Gregory points to independent lines of evidence that converge as verification for:
- Einstein's theory of relativity
- Darwin's theory of evolution through variation & natural selection
- Newton's L aw of Universal Gravitation
How do modern day lemurs of Madagascar demonstrate the concept of adaptive radiation?
They are closely related species that have branched from one speices
Gene flow differs from genetic drift because:
It is the spread of new genetic material from one gene pool to another
To T. R. Gregory, in "Evolution, Fact, Theory and Path", evolution as fact means
-A. That descent with modification is supported by biogeography, homology of structure, vestigial organs, extinction, & recently comparative genomics
-B. Confirmation through direct observation of evolution taking place in nature & in the laboratory
Eukaryotes are single celled organisms
Somatic cells include all of the following EXCEPT:
Sex Cells
Nucleotide bases in nuclear DNA include all of the following EXCEPT:
In mammals, the male parent's gametes determine the sex of his offspring because:
the Y chromosome is present in males only
According to Nesse & Williams in "Evolution & the Origins Disease", the mammalian eye, the heart valve, and the wisdom tooth are examples of the perfection achieved by natural selection in evolution.
Down syndrome can occur
Because of nondisjunction, which yield an extra chromosome
In his work on pea plants, Mendel found that plant height was inherited independently of the type or color of the seed coat. This finding:
Applies to the law of independent assortment
DNA is important for protein synthesis because:
- it is biological code for the production of hormones & enzymes
- it serves as a template for protein production
- it provides the code to produce structural proteins
Occurs in the nucleus
Mitochondrial DNA is contained within the cell's nucleus.
RNA differs from DNA in that it uses:
Uracil instead of thymine
Transfer RNA:
- Seeks complementary triplet strands of mRNA codons
- Contains codons that correspond to specific amino acids
- brings amino acids together to form polypeptide chains
The genes responsible for lactose persistence among adults in Europe is a:
Regulatory gene
Homeotic (HOX) genes are:
Responsible for the development & location of key body parts
DNA replication takes place only during the production of new gametes.
Microsatellites are:
Highly individualized repetitive stretches of nuclear DNA
Individuals whose blood type is A and who carry both dominant & recessive genes at this locus have a genotype of:
According to the authors of "Evolution & the Origins Disease" the term Darwinian medicine refers to
asking why the body has traits that make us vulnerable to various deleterious conditions
In 2004, the Human Genome Project published a human genome map that indicated
20,000- 25,000 genes are responsible for the human body's proteins
In order for traits to respond to natural selection, they must be heritable.
Genetic analysis of haplotypes & variants among living & pre contact Native Americans indicates that:
Native Americans living today appears to be as diverse genetically as their ancient ancestors thousands of years ago
Homologous chromosomes:
Carry genetic information that influences the same trait
DNA differs from RNA in that:
It is the "recipe" for all biological characteristics & functions
When two alleles that result in the expressed phenotype for hemoglobin are equally expressed, this is an example of:
Mendelian inheritance
In "Evolution and the Origin of Disease" the authors points out
- The utility of diarrhea, fever, sneezing, nausea, vomiting & anxiety
- that pathogens & poisons can become either weaker or stronger over time despite our efforts to overcome
-that our brains evolved in a substantially different environment & way of life than how we live today & consequently we have urges & practices that are our undoing
- that our eyes are arranged backwards, helpful genetic protection against disease has its downside, & the location of the lungfish's breathing apparatus has endangered its descendants when swallowing.
J. Marks in "Black, White, Other" reports that Linnaeus classified Homo sapiens into five subspecies including Homo monstrous, Europeans, Asians, Africans, & Native Americans
Together, all of the alleles contained within a group of interbreeding individuals is known as a:
Gene pool
In certain species of nonhuman primates there groups where only one dominant female has access to mates. The other females must wait until the opportunity to gain mate access presents itself. This will have direct impacts on "fitness", influencing which of the following?
Reproductive success
The effects of gene flow have decreased from 10,000 years ago to the present.
According to J. Marks in "Black, White, Other", we now understand that race is
A construction of social history
The type of selection that favored progressively larger brain size in human evolution is:
Directional selection
The inability to taste PTC indicates a homozygous recessive genotype.
The southern migration of which African people may have led to a significant increase in the incidence of malaria?
Another name for or example of the evolutionary force called gene flow is:
In "Black, White, Other" J. Marks said he was puzzled by two labels used to describe Lani Guinier's racial identity in a news article. She called herself black, but she was also described as half- black in a caption under a photo. This can be explained by...
- The confusion between biological & cultural categories
- The fact that one of her parents is white & her other parent is black
- Our American cultural heritage that once included laws that said if a person had 1/8 black ancestry they were black
Lactase persistence occurs in human populations with a long history of animal husbandry & milk consumption.
Mutations to which cells are most likely to have significant evolutionary consequences?
Sex cells (gametes)
We know that Upper Paleolithic food foragers in Europe are ancestors to modern European populations because of:
Recent genetic research
A point mutations that does not result in a change to the amino acid coded for is said to be a:
Synonymous mutation
Genetic drift is the force of evolution that is most powerful when acting on very large populations.
Transposable elements are DNA sequences that:
Insert themselves into other parts of the genome
Over a period of two generation, the frequency of green dung beetles in a populations shifts from 75% to 71% while the frequency of brown dung beetles within this populations shifts from 25% to 29%. This is an example of:
The best documented case of industrial melanism involves:
Peppered moths
A random change in allele frequencies over time is known as:
Genetic drift
Reproductive isolation is key to the development of individual species.
The absence of the A & B alleles in Native American populations is a result of:
Founder effect
What effect does natural selection alone have on a population's variation?
Decreases variation
In "Black, White, Other" J. Marks asserts
- The cause of the distribution of most human physical features is unclear, & only a few are plausible related to selection
- That warfare often exists between people whose distinctions are merely symbolic, as physically they look the same
- Geographical gradients in traits were noticed by Blumenbach as early as 1775
- That fieldwork & population genetics confirmed that there is far more diversity within any human group than between group
The mutation known as trisomy 21, in which an extra copy of chromosome 21 is present, is more commonly known as:
Down syndrome
Klinefelter's syngdrome results from males passing on an extra copy of the X chromosome (resulting in a 47 chromosome), XXY karyotype
Franz Boas:
Showed that US born children had different head shapes than their immigrant parents
C. L. Brace argued that the separate races concept:
Can be traced to the 14th century, when seafaring travelers covered large distances & observed large differences between people without the gradations in between
Building on Linnaeus, F. Blumenbach in 1775 examined skull shaped & skin color to categorize human subspecies using the following race names:
Mongoloids, Malays, Ethiopians, American Indians, & Caucasoids
R. Lewontin found that human races have no taxonomic significance. He demonstrated this:
Through research indicating that most genetic variation is found among human populations
A cline
- A. Is continuous variation that follows a continuum
- D. Describes the pattern of variation of skin color in relation to latitude
Both undernutrition & overnutrition can lead to cardiovascular disease.
Result from anthropomorphic measurements of Turkana pastoralists indicate long limbs. This suggests which of the following?
The population is one point in the continuum of variation observed in Allen's rule
Schedules growth, but environment & event influences actual development
The postnatal stage in humans consists of:
The neonatal period, infancy, childhood, juvenile period, puberty, and adolescence
Human brain growth is completed by age:
When epiphyses fuse to the diaphyses:
Full adult height is attained
In an anatomy lab you are shown both of the upper arm bones of a single individual. You note in your lab book that the diameter of the left arm bone is significantly larger than that of the right arm bone. From this you infer that:
This individual predominantly used his or her left arm for either sporting activities or daily use
Functional adaptations in human during their lifetimes are usually associated with environmental conditions.
Adaptation function to maintain internal homeostasis.
Although Bergmann's & Allen's rules most often explain body size & morphology, we occasionally see variation from the correct patterns. This indicates that:
Body size & morphology reflect both evolutionary & developmental processes
Children living at high altitudes develop a larger chest cavity by adulthood than children living at lower altitudes. This is an example of:
Development adaptations that occur at the individual level & are not reversible
Low birth weight can result from a mother's:
- Malnutrition
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Smoking
Ethnographic evidence from around the world shows that postmenopausal women do all of the following EXCEPT:
Die Young
Very efficient sweating & the loss of body hair during human evolution may have resulted from thermoregulatory adaptation to hot climates.
Functional adaptations to high altitude include all of the following EXCEPT:
Smaller diameter of blood vessels
Bergmann's rule states that heat adapted mammals will have long limbs, which maximize the body's surface area for sweating efficiently
Dark skin ( a result of increased melanin production in equatorial peoples) is likely a response to ultraviolet radiation, because UV can cause:
Skin cancer & folate destruction
Infancy ends:
at 36months
Wolff's Law:
Accounts for the remolding of bone when it is under stress
Reports show that in the last forty years the average weight of six to eleven year old children has gone from 65 to 74lbs. We know that:
A weight increase can lead to physiological conditions that put the children at greater risk of heart disease among other conditions
According to Hartocollis in "Growing Obesity Increases Perils of Childbirth"
- From 2003 to 2005 maternal obesity in NY states was associated with 2 out of 3 maternal deaths
- Babies of obese mother are 3x more likely to die in their first month of life
- very obese women are between 3-4x as likely require C sections
Hypoxia has been shown to be an agent of natural selection in that Tibetan women:
With alleles for high oxygen saturation in their hemoglobin had more surviving children
According to "Growing Obesity Increases Perils of Childbirth" reported by A. Hartocollis, about 1 in 10 women are obese & have life threatening trouble in delivery
While reading an ethnography of women living in rural African community, you notice that women in this community have a significantly greater workload than men. The data show that women spend more time clearing & planting fields than men of an equivalent age. What influence will this have on the overall population?
The population may remain the same or decrease due to lowered birth rate of women
In "Growing Obesity Increases Perils of Childbirth" it is reported that obese women
Are more likely to have high blood pressure, diabetes, anesthesia complications