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69 Cards in this Set

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What are the AV valves?
Tricuspid btwn RA/RV and mitral valve btwn LA/LV
What are the 2 semilunar valves?
Pulmonic and aortic
What are the:
-wall thickness
characteristics of the 2 types of heart chambers?
Ventricles: THick walled esp LV
Low compliance
High pressure
Atria: Thin walled
High compliance
Low pressure
Cardiac cycle
CC=Systole followed by diastole

D=Period of chamber filling and cardiac vessel perfusion

S=Contraction of a chamber, ejecting blood
How does blood get into the coronary arteries?
Via backpressure during diastole on to the closed aortic valve
-arterys located in Left and right aortic sinuses
What percentage of coronary blood flow occurs during systole?Diastole
30% in systole
70% in diastole
How do u calculate the duration of the cardiac cycle?
Duration(beats\sec)=60 sec\min÷ HR(beats\min)
What is the duration of the cardiac cycle if the HR is 60bpm?
What are the phases of the cardiac cycle?

A=Atrial systole
B=Isovolumetric contraction
C=Rapid ejection
D=Reduced ejection
E=Isovolumetric relaxation
F=Rapid filling
G=Reduced filling
What occurs with:
-the valves
-state of LV
in Phase A?
Atrial Systole
AV open and P/A closed

What occurs with:
-the valves
-state of LV
in Phase B?
Isovolumetric contraction
AV closed and P/A closed

What occurs with:
-the valves
-state of LV
in Phase C?
F=Rapid ejection
AV closed and P/A open

What occurs with:
-the valves
-state of LV
in Phase D?
G=Reduced ejection
AV closed and P/A open

What occurs with:
-the valves
-state of LV
in Phase E?
E=Isovolumetric relaxation
AV closed and P\A closed

What occurs with:
-the valves
-state of LV
in Phase F?
F=Rapid filling
AV open and P\A closed

What occurs with:
-the valves
-state of LV
in Phase G?
G=reduced filling
AV open P/A closed
What does the P wave correlate to and what mechanical purpose does it serve?
Atrial systole=Tops off ventricles
What causes the 4th heart sound?
Atrial contraction against ventricles with low compliance
When is ventricular volume maximized?
End Diastolic Volume
What electrical event causes closure of the AV valves?
Ventricular depolarization causes contraction and increases pressure closing AV valves
What is the S1 heart sound? Cardiac Phase?
Av valve closure, Phase B:Isovol. Contraction
What causes spliting of the S1?
What causes it?
Mitral valve closes before the tricuspid, could be normal, or right bundle branch block
How does sympathetic stimulation affect cardiac cycle?
Increases rate of pressure creation and dissapation which shortens Phase B:IC and Phase E:IR
During what phase is ventricular pressure the highest?
Rapid ejection
What phase coincides with the end of the ST segment?
Rapid ejection
What occurs during the T wave electrically and mechanically?
Ventricular repolarization and stop of ventricular contraction causing reduced pressure
What occurs in the Atria during the reduced filling phase?
Venous return is filling atria=Increased pressure
What causes the second heart sound? During what phase?
A/P valve closure, during Isovolumetric relaxation?
What is the name of the blood volume left after ventricular contraction?
End systolic volume
How is stoke volume calculated?
End diastolic volume-end systolic volume= SV
What physiologic factors contribute to the formation of the P2 sound(split pulmonic sound)?
Low intrathoracic pressure, increased venous return, increased preload(blood volume)
Prolonged RV ejection time
What causes S3?
Non-compliance of a ventricle that causes sudden deceleration of blood
What's an example of a pathological cause and physiological cause of S3?
Childs supple ventricle undergoes rapid expansion then stop before completely filled

Adult=ventricular dialation-myopathy
What is the longest phase of the heart cycle? EKG segment?
Reduced filling: PR interval
Why does the pressure gradient decrease during the reduced fillling phase of the heart cycle?
Increase in ventricular pressure relative to atrial pressure due to reduce ventricular compliance
How can increased heart rate affect EDV?
Valves close before full contraction of atria, lower preload and stoke volume
What causes venous pulses a,c and v?
a=atrial contraction reflected in veins

c= RV contraction pushing on AV valve

v=filling of IVC\SVC behind closed tricuspid
Are atrial and ventricular contractions of the left and right sides simultaneous?
NO! RA before LA

LV before RV
If LV contraction starts first why does the pulmonary valve open before the aortic valve?
Because isometric volume contraction is briefer in the RV
Why does the aortic valve close before the pulmonic if the pulmonic opens first?
Aortic closes first because afterload is higher. Pulmonic opens first because IVC is shorter\ lower pressure
Which ventricle fills first?
RV, RA contracts before LA b\c tricuspid valve opens before mitral valve
What is ejection fraction and what is it a valuable indicator of?
Amount of EDV ejected in stroke volume, indicator of contractility
How is ejection fraction calculated?
How does congestive heart failure affect the ejection fraction?
Decreases it
What is cardiac output and how is it calculated?
Volume of blood pumped per unit time
What occurs during the T wave electrically and mechanically?
Ventricular repolarization and stop of ventricular contraction causing reduced pressure
What occurs in the Atria during the reduced filling phase?
Venous return is filling atria=Increased pressure
What causes the second heart sound? During what phase?
A/P valve closure, during Isovolumetric relaxation?
What is the name of the blood volume left after ventricular contraction?
End systolic volume
How is stoke volume calculated?
End diastolic volume-end systolic volume= SV
What is cardiac output and how is it calculated?
Volume of blood pumped per unit time
How is the cardiac index calculated?
Ci=CO÷body surface area
What are the 4 heart sounds?
S1=AV closure
S2=SL closure
S3= Rapid ventricular filling due to low compliance of Vent.
S4=Atrial contraction against non compliant ventricles
What are the 3 pathological conditions that can lengthen S2 splitting?
Late pulmonic closure(usually after but so close is indistinguishable)
Pulmonary stenosis, RV failure, Right bundle block
usually PV after but so close is indistinguishable
what can decrease the S2 split?
Left bundle branch block-delayed LV depolarization
What is a paradoxical split?
PV closes before AV due to severe aortic stenosis
What are the 5 types of splitting of the S2?
Inspiration=increased preload
Pulmonary stenosis= increases splitting, PV closes later
Aortic stenosis=decreased splitting, AV closes later
Paradoxical splitting= PV closes before AV
What causes murmurs? 2 example conditions?
Turbulent blood flow. Insufficient AV valves, stenotic valves
What are the 4 causes of systolic murmurs?
Aortic stenosis, Pulmonic stenosis

Tricuspid insufficiency\regurgit
Mitral insufficiency\regurg
What are the 2 types of systolic murmurs? Causes?
Mid-systolic=PV\AV stenosis
Holosystolic murmur=Mitral/tricuspid regurgitation or ventricular septal defect
When are diastolic murmurs heard and what causes them?
After S2=
PV/AV regurgitation

Stenotic AV valves=blood forced during atrial contraction
What are 3 common causes of mitral stenosis?
Calcium deposits, congenital lesions, myxoma
An individual with aortic stenosis will have high Left ventricular pressures, what does this signal to occur in the heart?
Cardiac Hypertrophy and failure
Why is LAP higher in the case of mitral stenosis?
They must contract harder to force blood through stenotic AV valve
What can an increase in LAP cause in the body?
Pulmonary congestion and diastolic murmur
How does aortic regurgitation affect blood volume and how does the LV compensate?
Increases preload and the LV compensates by increasing stroke volume and pressure
IF the LV compensates for aortic regurgitation by increasing SV and pressure what ill effects can that cause on the pulmonary system?
Increase in LAP which causes pulmonary congestion
why does the rate of decline of Aortic pressure increase with aortic regurgitation?
Blood escaping back through Aortic valve
What effects does mitral regurgitation have on the LV, atrial pressure during LV contraction and blood flow?
Lowers LVSV, causes LA enlargment and increases atrial pressure that can cause pulmonary congestion