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37 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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break down
descomponer, romper
catch on
volverse popular, popularizarse
come back
regresar, volver
come to
llegar, volver en si
come over
drop by
visitar sin avisar
get by
sobrevivir, salir adelante, pasar, eludir
keep on
continuar, mantener
pass out
desmayarse, perder conciencia
show off
presumir, hacer alarde
show up
aparecer, revelar
take over
asumir, tomar el relevo, ocupar
get the most out of
sacar el máximo partido de
make out

-I cannot make out whats he is saying
-I made out the invoices
distinguir, entender, fingir
knock down
derribar, demoler, destruir
carry on
continuar, seguir adelante
catch up with
alcanzar, ponerse al día
catch a glimpse
echar un vistazo
fed up
harto de, cansado de
turn up
aparecer, llegar
subir, incrementar
get on well with
llevarse bien con
stand up
-His claim will not stand up in court
mantenerse válido, durar
informal: no llegar a la cita
rise to the occasion
altura de las circunstancias
pull up
-the taxi pulled up at the traffic lights
stand out
destacarse, resaltar
come across
cruzar, topar, dar la impresión
by chance
por casualidad
all along

-she knew all along that we'd never agree with her plan.
todo el tiempo, desde el principio
dress up
vestirse elegantemente, disfrazarse
right away
de inmediato, enseguida
little by little
poco a poco, paulatinamente
wear out
desgastar, cansar, agotar
pick out
seleccionar, escoger
get along
ir, arreglárselas, andar
wait on
servir en un restaurante
put away

-please put away your papers before you open the test booklet
poner en su lugar, ordenar, comer
seismic shift
cambio radical