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174 Cards in this Set

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Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation

ADDIE - Analysis

Needs analysis, what training needs exist

ADDIE - Design

Determining course objectives, type of training, who wil be in attendance, etc.

ADDIE - Development

Selecting trainer, location, set up, etc.

ADDIE - Implementation

Perform training

ADDIE - Evaluation

Evaluate effectiveness, determine ROI

Return on Investment

Training return - training investment / training investment = return on investment

Employment Appraisals - Rating Scales/ Graphic Rating Systems

What is used at Carefree. Rating employee's proficiency in various job functions and performance areas

Employment Appraisals - Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)

Rating by a list of behaviors customized to the specific job

Employment Appraisals - Paired Comparison Analysis

Comparing employees to all other employees in pairs. Employee's Rating dependent upon the number of times they are identified as the better of the pair

Employment Appraisals - Ranking Systems

Making a ranked list of all employees top to bottom

Employment Appraisals - Forced Distribution

Manager must assign a fixed percentage of employees to each of several categories

Employment Appraisals - Checklists

Manager checks any applicable statements as they relate to the employee. Eg the employee follows instructions properly

Employment Appraisals - Critical Incident Reports

Manager rates employee by their handling of situations that have arisen during the performance period

Employment Appraisals - Narrative or Essay Evaluations

Very free form, a paragraph or more outlining employees performance and manger's thoughts on performance

Employment Appraisals - Management by Objectives (MBO)

Manager works with employee to set goals in their contribution to the organization's objectives and appraisal is based on their achievement of the goals


Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely

Alternative Performance Evaluation Systems - Peer Reviews

Fellow employees give feedback on the employee's performance

Alternative Performance Evaluation Systems - 360 degree Evaluations

Evaluation integrating the input of peers, subordinates, and all others who regularly deal with the employee

Alternative Performance Evaluation Systems - Subordinate Reviews

Subordinates give feedback about management strengths and weaknesses

Alternative Performance Evaluation Systems - Self- appraisals

Employee gives feedback about their own performance in their role

Alternative Performance Evaluation Systems - Field Reviews

An outsider (often HR) views the performance of an employee and gives feedback from an outside perspective

Rating Errors - Bias

Similar to me bias, propensity toward positive thoughts and feelings and better ratings for those like ourselves

Rating Errors - Rating Personality Rather Than Performance

Reacting to something like charm or aggressiveness rather than actions and accomplishments

Rating Errors - Employee's Personal Background

Giving things like experience or time in the position more credence than the employee's performance.

Rating Errors - Halo/Horn Effect

Letting one strong judgment cloud the entire performance evaluation. Not being able to give any criticism of a very hous employee or noted positive things about am overall unsatisfactory employee

Rating Errors - Lack of Clear Standards

Raters benefit from spelling out what behavior merits each rating

Rating Errors - Leniency

Fear of upsetting or hurting the feelings of an employee and therefore not being honest or critical

Rating Errors - Severity

Unrealistic expectations, reluctance to praise

Rating Errors - Limited Use of the Rating Scale

Tendency to stick to the center of the rating scale because extremes require more justification

Rating Errors - Inadequate Observation

Refusing or being unable to see enough of an employee's behaviors or performance to adequately complete the entire performance measure, or confirmation bias, tendency to disregard behavior that contradicts pre-existing beliefs

Rating Errors - Recency Error

Not considering the appropriate timeframe for assessing behavior. This could be considering behavior from before the review period, or could be only taking into consideration the most recent events

Rating Errors - Contrast Effect

Not rating the employee by their own merits but letting the high or low performance of a small number of employees skew perceptions for all others

Rating Errors - Overemphasis on Uncharacteristic Performance

Unusual behavior tends to stick out more than typical behavior. Ratings should never be focused on a single behavior, but rather patterns of behaviors

Legal Repercussions of Performance Appraisals

Inaccurate or incomplete performance appraisals can be weapons in the hands of disgruntled current or former employees. They can be used in defamation, wrongful termination etc. suits

Building motivation during performance appraisals

Appraisals should leave employees feeling motivated to improve or continue improving. Can be done by noting progress, goals met, translate negatives into areas for improvement

Validity of a performance appraisal

How well an appraisal actually measures an employee's performance. Appraisals should meet one or more: content, predictive, construct, concurrent, face validity

Performance Appraisals - Content Validity

An appraisal which uses factors that are representative of and relevant to the job. Eg a typing test for a typist

Performance Appraisals - Predictive Validity

When an appraisal has a positive statistical correlation with future performance

Performance Appraisals - Construct Validity

An appraisal whose factors are critical to successful job performance. eg skills to lead used for manager appraisal, not entry level employee appraisals

Performance Appraisals - Reliability

The appraisal outcome would be the same regardless of the person conducting it. Consistent results across multiple times

Performance Approvals - Concurrent Validity

Successful individuals in a job are grouped into top middle and bottom thirds. Standards of the top third are used in hiring, training, and managing.

Performance Appraisals - Face Validity

An assessment appears to measure what it is supposed to measure.

Vroom's Expectancy Theory

Trainees must believe their effort in a training program will lead to improved skills and a higher salary

MBT - Multimedia Based Training

Learning involving computer based interaction with audio, graphics, video, or internet

Most common tool for measuring classroom effectiveness

End of class questionnaire - also worst or weakest, measures student reaction, not learning

Kirkpatrick Model - Evaluating Training Program Success


Job Rotation

Moving EEs from one job to another to broaden their experieince

Computer Based Training

Interactive self paced uses software teaching tools

In Basket Exercises

Require students to role play realistic job challenges to problem solve

Assessment Centers

Used to identify and select managerial candidates

Vestibule Training

Realistic simulations in the environment the job will be performed

Pre test/post test

Common way of measuring if learning occurred

Adult Learning

Adult learners learn best when interactive and multimedia based presentation style is used rather than straight lecture

Critical Incident Technique

Method used to keep track of uncommonly good or undesirable examples of an employee's work related behavior

BARS - Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale

Appraisal method that evaluates good or poor performance based on observable or measurable behaviors

Training curve

S-Shaped - info learned in series of increasing and decreasing ability to retain information

Funnel - info presented general first then specific

Inverted Funnel - opposite

Plateau - No changes to training

Contrast Errors

When the appraiser compares one employee against another rather than against the performance expectation

Sherman Antitrust Act

Limit monopolies. No restraint of trade or commerce

David Bacon Act

Requirement for paying prevailing wages on public works projects

Copeland Act (Anti-Kickback Law)

Prohibits contractors or subcontractors from inducing an employee to give up part of the compensation they are entitled to under their contract

Walsh Healey Act

Requires contractors engaged in manufacturing or furnishing of things to the US govnt or DC to pay EEs who work w/ goods under contracts exceeding $10k minimum wage + OT for +40 hrs

FLSA - Fair Labor Standards Act

Covers Minimum Wage, OT Pay, Child Labor, Record Keeping, and Exempt Status

FLSA - Minimum Wage

Employers must pay employees at least the minimum weage for all hours worked. Federal Minimum Wage $7.25


Non exempt employees must be paid time and a half for all hours over 40 worked in 1 week

FLSA - Child Labor Age Restriction

18 yo minimum for hazardous jobs
16 yo minimum most non farm jobs
14+15 yo limited work options and hours

FLSA - 14+15 yo work options

3 hours on a school day, 18 in a school week

8 hours on a non-school day, 40 in a non-school week

7am-7pm only, or 9pm 6/1>Labor Day

FLSA - Recordkeeping

Employers must keep certain records for each covered, non exempt worker including accurate info about the employee, hours worker, and wages earned

FLSA - Recordkeeping (Specific Info)

Full name, address including zip code, DOB if under 19, sex, occupation, time and day of week when workweek begins, hours per day and per week, basis on which wages are paid, regular hourly rate, total daily or weekly straight time earnings, total weekly OT, any additions or deductions to wages, total wages per pay period, date of pay, pay period covered.

FLSA - Exempt Status Categories

Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales

FLSA - Exempt Status - Executive

Compensated on a salary basis of $684+ weekly

Manages company or part of the company

Directs work of 2+ full time EEs

Has hiring/firing authority or heavily influences hiring/firing/promoting etc.

FLSA - Exempt Status - Administrative

Compensated on a salary basis of $684+ weekly

Office or non manual work

Manages business operations

Exercises discretion and independent judgment in important matters

FLSA - Exempt Status - Professional

Compensated on a salary basis of $684+ weekly

Performs work requiring advanced knowledge

Consistently exercises judgment

Science or learning focused advanced knowledge

Degree/prolonged course of specialized instruction

FLSA - Exempt Status - Outside Sales

Employee's primary duty is making sales, obtaining orders or contracts for services, must be regularly engaged away from the employer's place of business

Equal Pay Act

Equal pay between men and women

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Amended Title VII to reset 180 day timeframe to file complaint each time a discriminatory paycheck is issued

Portal-to-Portal Act

Employees engaged in activities for the benefit of the employer must be paid. Travel to and from worksite not paid as it is a normal incident of employment.

McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act

Contracts in excess of $2500 must pay workers rates comparable to those found in the prevailing locality

Wage Garnishment Act

Protects employees from discharge by their employers because their wages have been garnished from any one debt. Limits amount that can be garnished in any one week

Disposable Earnings

Portion of earnings left after deductions required by law (income tax, social security tax, state and city tax, unemployment insurance tax, etc.)

FCRA - Fair Credit Reporting Act

Regulates collection, dissemination, use of consumer credit info. Users of info must notify consumer when adverse action is taken, must identify the company that provided the report

Independent Contractor

Relieves employer of withholding taxes and providing benefits, meeting other employment laws.

Typically determined by "right to control" (who sets pay rate, hours, pays for equipment), also is the person in business for themselves?

Social Security Act Benefits





Workers' Compensation

Financial protection in the event of workplace injury or illness

ADEA - Age Discrimination in Employment Act

Prohibits employers with 20+ employees from discriminating against people age 40+ via verbiage in job postings, denying benefits, prohibiting mandatory retirement except highly paid executives

ERISA - Employee Retirement Income Security Act

Employers required to provide specific info re: benefit plans. Reporting and disclosing of pension and profit sharing plans and welfare plans.

Form 5500

Financial report filed with IRS by employers who provide a qualified retirement plan. Also required when employer provides group medical dental life disability insurances w/ 100+ participants. All forms and schedules must be filed by the last day of the 7th month after end of plan year

Pregnancy Discrimination Act

Amendment to sex discrimination section of Civil Rights Act, cannot discriminate in hiring firing etc.. Requires employers to provide what insurance, leave pay, and additional support that would be bestowed upon any employee with medical leave or disability. Applies to companies with 15+ employees

COBRA - Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

Mandates an insurance continuation for employers with 20+ employees. EEs and immediate family losing coverage by: death of EE, termination/reduction of hours, divorce, EE eligible for medicare, dependent child too old to be covered. Employer can charge full cost + 2% admin fee

USERRA - Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Act

Requires insurance continuation for EEs performing military duty more than 30 days up to 24months, can charge up to 102% of full premium. IF 30 days or less, coverage continues as normal. Must allow servicemember to return to work after deployment, cannot discriminate.

OWBPA - Older Workers Benefit Protection Act

Prohibits employers from denying benefits to older employees. Employers may be permitted tp reduce benfits based on age if the cost of providing reduced benefits to older workers is same as cost of benefits for younger workers

Servence under the OWBPA/ADEA

Agreement can include waiver of right to file age discrimination claim in order to receive something of value like early retirement or severence.

Must be in writing, include verbiage to inform ADEA rights, must have 21 days to consider, 7 days to retract

FMLA - Family Medical Leave Act

Must be employed 12 months/1250 hours. Up to 12 weeks of time. EMployer must have 50+ EEs within 75 mi radius.

Birth adoption or placement of child or serious health condition of self, parent, child, spouse.

HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Protection of PHI Private Health Information

Sarbanes Oxley Act (Sarsox)

Requires a written notice to warn of blackout period preventing employees from trading stock part of retirement plan. At least 30 days no more than 60 days in advance

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Put in place to ensure access to healthcare for all Americans. Eliminates lifetime annual limits, prohibits cancelling due to health problems, provides assistance to thos euninsured for preexisting conditions, requires coverage of preventative care, dependents covered until 26, uniform coverage documents, caps admin costs, appeals process, reinsurance for retirees, internet portal for options, admin simpl

Adams Equity Theory

Internal - Comparing pay w/i organization

External - Comparing pay to similar jobs elsewhere

Individual - Comparing to another person doing the same job at the same company

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Basic > Safe/secure> Social > Esteem > Self Actualization

Reward/Reinforcement Theory

Employees will repeat rewarded behaviors and avoid those not rewarded

Goal-setting theory (MBO - Management by Objectives)

Only rewards that employees value can motivate them. Key is setting mutually beneficial goals, good for EE and organization. Pay can motivate if EEs participate in goal setting, goals are specific and sufficiently challenging, specific monetary rewards attached to each goal

Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Rewards

Intrinsic - psychological and intellectual rewards inherent to job

Extrinsic - financial rewards, prestige, positive feedback

Designing a Compensation System

Determine worth of benchmark jobs

Analyze rates compared to market

What should target rates be relative to market

Establish appropriate pay grades and ranges

Wage Compression

Pay differences between employees and positions are too small

Permissible Wage Differences

(EPA - Equal Pay Act)



Quantity or Quality of Production

Any other factor except sex

Benchmark Jobs

Job with duties that can be clearly defined and compared to other jobs in the marketplace. Used for wage comparison with market

Lead, Lag, Lead/Lag

Lead - Matches end of year projection at beginning of year

Lag - Matches beginning of year projections

Lead/Lag - Matches mid year projections

Compa Ratio

Divide employee salary by midpoint salary. 1.0 is equal to midpoint, .75 is 25% below midpoint, etc.

Geographic Diversity in Pay

When companies have operations in multiple locations it may be beneficial to have separate pay structures for each

Job Evaluations - Considerations

Skills, effort, responsibility, working conditions

Job Evaluations - Ranking Method

Ordering jobs from lowest to highest based on some value to organization. Simplest, least expensive, easiest to understand , but does not take into consideration differences between jobs

Job Evaluations - Classification/Grading

Each job is categorized into groups called classes if similar, grades if similar difficulty but different types. Easy to administer and relatively inexpensive, but difficult to write descriptions

Job Evaluations - Factor Comparison

Analyze jobs on a factor by factor basis, jobs are compared but one factor at a time.

Can be things like mental, physical, or skill requirements, responsibility, working conditions

Job Evaluations - Point Factor Method

Rating each job on compensable factors worth a certain number of points. Advantage is stability of rating scales. Most commonly used system of job evaluation. Disadvantages, costly and time consuming, evaluator bias.

Job Evaluations - Guide Chart-Profile Method (Hay Method)

Most popular point factor system. Best known variation of factor comparison. Uses universal factors, bases job values on 15 percent intervals, makes job to job comparisons

Group Incentive Rewards

Bonuses awarded to small groups or work teams according to performance. Include Gainsharing, Profit Sharing, Team Incentives, or combination plans. Previously not widely used. Becoming more common.


Most common: Scanlon, Rucker, Improshare (improved productivity through sharing).

Links pay directly to specific operational and productivity improvements in company performance. Amount is based on a formula based on value or gains of production over labor and other costs.

Profit Sharing

Provide for employee participation in profits from organization. Can be cash or deferred as qualified retirement plan.

Compensatory Time Off

Working over 40 hours in order to receive those hours back as PTO instead of being paid the overtime. Only legal for public sector, not private sector.

COB - Coordination of Benefits

When someone is covered by more than one insurance plan, admins use COB to determine primary and secondary coverage. Ensures costs aren't paid twice.

Retirement Plans - 401(k)

Most popular. Allows for pre tax contributions, 10% penalty to begin withdrawing before 59.5 yo. Must start withdrawing savings by 70.5 yo.

Retirement Plans - 403(b)

Similar to 401(k) but only government or non profits can use, and highly compensated employees are not limited the same way as in other plans to contribution levels

Retirement Plans - ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plans)

Defined contribution, qualified.

Qualified stock bonus plan or combo with qualified money purchase plan.

Retirement Plans - IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts)

Tax deferred savings program. Defined contribution.

Retirement Plans - SEPs (Simplified Employee Pension)

A pension plan that uses an IRA both employer and employee have access to. Employer contributions are tax deductible up to 15% of employee compensation.

Retirement Plans - Money Purchase Plans

Employer makes fixed contributions for each employee usually as a percentage of income. Deposited in a trust and used to provide annuities after retirement.

Retirement Plans - SIMPLE Plans

100 or fewer employees with no other employer sponsored plan in the same year. Can be IRA or part of a 401(k)

Vesting of Retirement Plan

Employees are always 100% vested in their own contributions.

Vesting depends on employer preference and defined benefit vs defined contribution

Cliff Vesting

3 years for defined contribution

5 years for defined benefit

Graded Vesting

DC 20% @ 2 yrs + 20% each year to 6

DB 20% @ 3 yrs +20% each year to 7

Flexible Benefits Plans/Cafeteria Plan

Multiple available insurance coverage options. Participants may elect some not all, etc.

Utilization Review

Process of evaluating medical appropriateness of health care services with the purpose of making things cost effective. Second opinions, etc..

HSA - Health Savings Account

Medical savings account. Contributions pre tax. Specific to high deductible healthcare plans

AD&D - Accidental Death and Dismemberment

Amounts are specified for type of loss. Non contributory, no occupationally related accidents

Disability Insurance

Replaces earning lost in case of an inability to work due to temporary or permanent disability

Severance Pay

Pay for individuals discharged from company. Typically excludes discharge for cause.

Pay for Time not Worked

No legal requirement for holiday pay, vacation, personal, parental, etc.. but can be required by market to be competitive and gain/retain top talent

Unpaid Leave

Many acts (ADA, FMLA etc.) influence requirements. Ability to take paid and unpaid time off is an important fringe benefit

Social Security Disability Benefits

Workers under 65 with disability expected to last 12+ months, or to result in death. 5 month waiting period.

Qualified Benefits

Nontaxable. does not defer receipt of compensation. Not included in gross income:

Cash, vacation days, 401(k) contributions, etc.

Unqualified Benefits

Scholarships, meals, lodging, educational assistance

Interviewing - Screening Interviews

Informal, determine eligibility to continue in the selection process, receive invite to formal face to face interview

Interviewing - Stress Interviews

Place candidates in stressful conditions to observe how to handle it. Could be interruptions, rude behavior, intimidation

Interviewing - Structured Interviews

All candidates arw asked the same set of specific questions. Reduces potential for descrimination

Interviews - Behavioral Interviews

Evaluated as to past performance as it is the best predictor of future performance

Interviews - Tag Team Interviews

Candidates are questions by 2+ interviewers in a fast paced format

Interviews - Group Interviews

Candidates are interviewed by a group or panel to expedite interviewing process. More efficient than serial interviews

Interviews - Situational Interviews

Candidates are asked how they would react to various situations

Interviews - Informal Interviews

Evaluated in a casual environment to allow them to relax and try to get additional information

Interviewing - Unacceptable Questions

Health, national origin, physical characteristics, martial status, sexual orientation, age, etc.. Keep questions related to the position

Pre-Employment Testing

Must relate to job requirements. Must have validity and relaibility

Pre Employment Testing - Potentially Prohibited Tests

Ability and Aptitude, Alcohol, Drug, Genetic, HIV, Medical, Physical Agility, Polygraph

Background Investigation

Negligent hiring is a risk if hiring an angry or dangerous person, background check can help reduce likelihood

Succession Planning

Forcasting executive and managerial vacancies, helps employers assess potential promotion opportunities

Affirmative Action Plan

Plan to resolve disparate impact, encourage hiring of minorities

Griggs v Duke Power

Disparate Impact, pre selection tests must be reasonably related to the job

McDonnell Douglas v Green

Established a framework for employment discrimination cases - disparate treatment

NLRB v J Weingarten, Inc.

Employees in unionized workplaces have the right to have a union steward present in disciplinary meetings. Only applies to MEMBERS of the union

Albermarle Paper v Moody

Race discrimination and validity. Seniority system perpetuated overt segregation

Washington v Davis

Discriminatory motive must be present

Regents of the University of CA v Bakke

Bans quota systems, cannot make decisions based on race

United Steelworkers of America v Weber

Civil Rights Act did not proclude employers fro favoring women and minorities

Bundy v Jackson

Someone doesn't have to suffer financially or lose job benefits for harassment to violate Title VII

David v United Steel Corp

If a manager noticed sexual harassment the company is liable

Meritor Savings Bank v Vinson

Qualified some hostile environment situations as a violation of Civil Rights Act Title VII

Burlington Industries v Ellerth

Constructive discharge

City of Richmond v J A Croson Co

Program giving preference to minority business enterprises unconstitutional under Equal Protections Clause

Martin v Wilks

Reverse discrimination, challenging validity of race based hiring practices

Ellison v Brady

Behavior alleged to be sexual harassment must be analyzed from a "reasonable woman's" perspective

Piscataway Board of Education v Taxman

No hiring, firing, employment decisions based on race

Oncale v Sundowner Offshore Services

Sexual harassment does not have to be opposite sexes

Circuit City v Adams

Employers' rights to arbitrator agreements

Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Co v White

Job reassignment after sexual harassment can constitute retaliatory discrimination if the placement in undesireable

Sereboff v Mid Atlantic Medical Services Inc

ERISA and medical cost recovery

Ledbetter v Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co

180 day limit to report resets with every new instance of inequitable pay