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133 Cards in this Set

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What are the two circulations of the Heart ?

Pulmonary and Systemic

The pulmonary circulation carries _____?

Deoxygenated blood to the lungs and oxygenated blood from the lungs.

What kind of valve is the tricuspid valve?


Order of draw CLSI guidelines

Yellow top/culture bottles- blood culture tubes or vials

Light blue top - sodium citrate

red top/ SST gray red - serum tube

Green tops - Heparin tube

Lavender - EDTA

Pink- EDTA

White or royal blue- EDTA

Gray top- glycolytic inhibitor

Dark blue - fibrin degradable product

What does potassium oxalate do

Additive that Binds calcium

What does sodium fluoride do

Inhibits glycolysis

What does sodium citrate do

Binds calcium

What does EDTA do

Binds calcium

What does lithium heparin do

Inhibits prothrombin to thrombin

No additive does what to blood

Clot forms naturally

What do glass particles/ silica do

Promotes clotting

What does ammonium/ heparin do

Inhibits prothrombin to thrombin

Number of inversions for each color tube (in order of draw)

Yellow top/ culture bottles - none

Light blue (sodium citrate)- 3 to 4

Red top/ SST (serum tube)- 5

Green top (heparin)- 8 to 10

Lavender (EDTA) - 8 to 10

Gray top (glycolytic inhibitor)- 8 to 10

The body contains how many L of blood

6 L

What percentage of blood is formed elements

45 percent

For blood collection, what rate is the centrifuge

2500 g for 15 mins

For plasma and whole blood, what rate is the centrifuge

2500g for 10 mins

What is the most common vein to use for blood draw

Median cubital/ anticubital

Location of basilic veins

Inner of arm, side of pinky near ulnar artery

Location of cephalic vein

Outer of arm, thumb side near radial artery

Expired evacuated tubes may cause

Incomplete filling of the tube

What anticoagulant is found in a GREEN top tube

Sodium citrate

Correct procedure to stop bleeding from venipuncture site

Place gauze pad and hold for 5 to 15 mins

Hemoconcentration of a specimen can be avoided by

Removing the tourniquet within 1 min

The anticoagulant heparin is used for what color top tube


What is the most crucial part of culture blood collection

Skin asepsis of the collection site

To prevent glycolysis, which additive is used

Sodium fluoride

What abnormal color will be observed in serum collected from a pt with jaundice due to elevated bilirubin levels


Why is the first drop of blood wiped away from a capillary stick

The 1st drop has more tissue fluid/ to reduce interstitial fluid contamination

Blood smears made from EDTA specimens (lavender, pink, white or royal blue) must be prepared

Within 1 hour of collection

Blood smear is performed for an LAP( leukocyte alkaline phosphate) what is the correct procedure

Perform skin puncture

Wipe away first drop of blood

Then touch slide to second drop of blood

Recommended site for infant blood collection

Medial plantar surface of the heel to prevent bone damage

Alcohol should be completely dried prior to skin puncture to

Prevent lysis of red blood cells

The liquid portion of an anticoagulated blood specimen is

The plasma

What does anticoagulant mean

Prevents Clotting

Prior to bandaging a puncture site, a phlebotomist should

Examine site for bleeding

What color tube top is used for serum collection

Red top

Heparin prevents clotting by

Inactivating thrombin

What lab test includes blood sample placed in the anticoagulant sodium citrate which inhibits glycolysis

ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate

If blood flows then stops in the tube what is the cause

Bevel of needle is resting against the vein wall

If additive contamination occurs from an EDTA tube, what test could be affected

Potassium level

A postprandial specimen is collected

Directly after a meal is consumed

Proper sequence of order of draw

Serum, heparin, EDTA

What substance has a higher concentration in capillary blood than venous blood


If serum is left on blood clot for more than 1 hr, what will occur

Serum glucose levels decrease

Glucose test are in what color top tube


What condition could cause hemoconcentration


What color evacuated tube would be used for coagulation testing

Light blue

What color top tube is used for hematological testing


What antiseptic is used for collection of blood culture (yellow tops) tests

Chlorhexidine gluconate

What is most important for collection of sputum test AFB acid fast bacillus

A minimum of 3-5mL of sputum is required for testing

Leaving tubes with blood on a rack without mixing will cause


Forcing syringe drawn specimens into evacuated tubes may cause


Chemical and microscopic changes that invalidate the results obtained from a urine specimen if urine is kept at room temp for what period of time

1 hour

What type of specimen is requested for an O&P ova and parasite


What tests need to be protected from exposure to light

Beta- carotene, vit A, vit b6, vit b12, bilirubin total or direct, porphyrins, thioridazine (mellaril)

What is a POCT test used to diagnose problems with hemostasis

Bleeding time

Normal cerebral spinal fluid specimen should appear

Clear and colorless

What is one of the first signs of liver disease


What preservative allows urine to be stored at room temp while still providing results compared to refrigerated urine

Boric acid

How long will it take a specimen to completely clot

30 mins at room temp

A serum or plasma specimen from a pt with severe lipemia would appear


Autologous donation means

Donating your own blood for your own use

During venipuncture a hematoma may result from what

Needle bevel is partically inserted into a vein

Blood specimens that need to be shipped to what standards

FAA- federal aviation administration and DOT- drug and alcohol testing program

A major advantage of POCT is

Faster TAT

A sweat sample collected by forearm stimulation with the use of pilocarpine nitrate is a process called


What term is used for testing that requires transferring one specimen into other tubes


What is a major effect of chemotherapy to blood tests

Decrease in blood cells, especially WBCs

Protime and aPTT analysis are conducted in what department


A physician must be contacted prior to obtaining a blood specimen from who

A prior mastectomy pt

A term for the ability to identify with and understand another person's feelings


Serum should be separated from blood cells as quickly as possible to avoid


Scenario: a phlebotomist enters a pts room to draw blood and a member of the clergy is visiting the pt. What should you do

Draw another pts blood and check back later to see if they are available

Test status that take priority when considering collection time

Medical emergency

When collecting urine drug screens, according to the National Institute on drug abuse, the phlebotomist must

Explain the test purpose and procedure

A device that answers calls and separates requests into categories so you can answer them efficiently

Automated menu

Some fax machines use thermal paper which

Reacts to heat and electricity

What item would not be located on the lab request form

Amount of blood obtained

What does an expiration date of 12.05.11 mean

Indicates tubes may be used through 12.05.11

What is not a common biohazard exposure route

Hand sanitizer

In order to avoid electrical hazards or injury you should

Do not use electrical cords

A voluntary nongovernmental agency charged with establishing standards for the operation of hospitals is

The joint commission

Blood specimens should be drawn according to what standards

clsi clinical and laboratory standards institute

A healthcare professional that stops care without providing an equally qualified substitute can be charged with


Document where a pt names someone to make decisions regarding medical care

Durable power of attorney

What info on a specimen label is not optional

Time specimen was collected

National patient and safety goals are developed and maintained by

The joint commission

Which of the following is sufficient proof that deviation from a standard of care has occured


A physician is said to have been _ if a pt shows that the physician failed to comply with the standards of the profession


If a phlebotomist fails to exercise the level of care expected of any reasonable phlebotomist, they are considered


When a physician is terminating the care of a pt, they are

Withdrawing from the case

If a pt feels threatened by a phlebotomist, he or she may bring suit under civil law for


Vessels that carry blood away from the heart


The CDC implemented 2 levels of precaution to prevent healthcare acquired infections. The first is

Standard- specified precautions to use in caring for all pts regardless of diagnosis or infection status

The liver and pancreas are a part of what system

Digestive system

RBC, WBC and platelets are known as

Formed elements

The liquid portion of blood is


Granular leukocytes that produce the chemical histamine


Anticoagulants prevent

Blood clotting

Vessels that carry blood to the heart


What is a critically affected analyte in a hemolyzed specimen


If a reticulocyte count is ordered, what department would it go to


Which of the following sections is found in the anatomical pathology section of the clinical lab


What is the nations largest network of institutional healthcare

American hospital association

The processed info or data separated by a computer to be recieved by the user


How long can HBV live outside the host

Found to be stable in dry blood and blood products for up to 7 days

With adequate fluid intake, the average adult urine output is

1250mL per 24 hrs

A civil wrong committed against a person or property that causes physical damage or injury, or that deprived someone of personal liberty or freedom is

A tort

Cardiac muscle is stimulated by what type of nervous system



Prostate specific antigen

Plasma is what percentage of water


Regulation of body heat occurs in

Muscular system

Blood vessels are lined with the same cells as the hearts


What system maintains balance between water, salts and acids

Urinary system

What does the pulmonary circulation refer to as

blood flow to the lungs and back to the heart

The majority of co2 is transported through the circulatory system from tissue cells to the lungs as

Bicarbonate ions

Which is a protein that contains ions and the main component of erythrocyte


Most used needle gauges

22 or 20 - 22 for infants

Methods of stimulating veins

Arm below heart

Reapply tourniquet

Massage arm from wrist to elbow

Palpate at venipuncture site

Use BP cuff

Warm site

Have pt make fist

Test the ability of the blood to clot

Prothrombin time PTT

Gray top tubes

Contain additives and anticoagulants for gtt, fasting blood sugar

Tube is inverted 8 times

What determines if adequate fibrinogen is present for normal coagulation

Thrombin time TT, light blue top

Green tube tops

Chemistry tests- ammonia, carbonihemoglobin and electrolytes

Lavendar tube top

Contains EDTA to inhibit coagulation by binding calcium to specimen

Lab test to detect presence of antibodies, antigens or immune substances


Light blue tube Coagulation studies include


Yellow culture bottles

Spa cultured for microorganisms

What measures time required for bleeding cessation after standard capillary puncture

Bleeding time

Radiography image of blood vessels


Common tests for lavender top tube

CBC, RBC, WBC, Platelets, hematocrit, ESR, sickle cell, hemoglobin

Tube are color coded according to

The type of chemicals or preservatives within the container

What is an FDP blood test (light blue test)

Fibrin degradation products (FDP) are substances that remain in your bloodstream after your body dissolves a blood clot.