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108 Cards in this Set

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Refers to those who claim there is insufficient evidence to decide the matter or that the probabilities for and against the proposition that God exists are roughly 50/50

A priori

A premise that is independent of expereience of the world

A posteriori

A premise that is known by means of experience of the world


Buddhism, "no self", emptiness

Anselm of Canterbury

"Perfect Being Theology", ontological argument for the existence of God. God is defined as the greatest possible being, possible being possesses every perfect that would make a being great, existence is a perfection that would make a being great

Thomas Aquinas

One cannot directly group God's essence through reason alone


Philosopher, Argued that the universe is eternal


stands for the view that no God or gods exist


Hinduism, an individual's soul or "self"

Augustine of Hippo

First to articulate a formal definition of "miracle", miracles understood primarily in terms of their impact on the observer

Basic Belief

a belief which is not based on other beliefs; for example, the belief that there are other minds besides one's own, 1+1 =2

Block Universe

Past and present exist, future doesnt


Hinduism, Ultimate Reality


justification by faith alone and emphasizes the grace of God and the doctrine of predestination

Clifford, W.K.

Ethics of belief, believing anything without "sufficient evidence" is immoral.

Chessmaster analogy

Science and Religion have had a long history of conflict or warfare. Invented by Enlightenment Rationalists


In the contingent cause argument, there are certain events in the world that are contingent. The Universe is contingent int that could have been other than it is


Relating to or expressing what has not happened or is not the case

Cognitive Science of Religion

Humans have natural propensities toward believing in some kind of God and in particular a super powerful, immortal God

Cosmic Fine Tuning

Our universe was designed in such a unique way that if you change any calculation of it our world falls apart

Cosmological argument

Since there is a cosmos which exists, rather than just nothing, it must have been caused by something beyond it.

Craig, William Lane

Kalam cosmological argument; endeavors to show that the universe is not eternal, but had a beginning

Creatio ex nihilo

out of nothing


brain fabricates fake memories from forgotten source material and then represents them as genuine

Charles Darwin

Natural selection, evolutionary evil

Richard Dawkins

believed that the ultimate prupose of life was survival and reproduction


Belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who doesn;t intervene in the universe

Rene Descarted

Philosophical method based on doubt


The doctrine that all events, including human action, are ultimately determined by causes external to the will

Divine Attributes

Omnipotence, goodness, providence, eternity, omniscience

Deductive Reasoning

One that follows a correct logical form so that if the premises are true, the conclusion must also be true


The teaching or religion of the Buddha


That the mental and the physical are, in some sense, radically different kinds of things


Suffering, pain, or unsatisfactoriness


Ancient Greek philosopher. The logical problem of evil, God is not omnipotent and is malevolent


The study of knowledge and justified belief; how do we know what we know something is true or false


Everything that ever did exist or ever will exist does exist.

Evidential Problem of Evil

The problem of determining whether and, if so, to what extent the existence of evil

Evolutionary Convergence

The process where by organisms not closely related, evolve similar traits as a result of having to adapt to similar environments or ecological niches

Evolutionary Evil

In evolution species develop adaptive strategies that tend to accompanied by pain. Darwinian evolution emphasizes the central role of death, extinction, pain and competition


A philosophical theory or approach that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agaent determining their own development through acts of the will


Religious Faith is irrational and it is okay to have religious faith regardless

Free Will Defense and Theodicy

God takes a true risk in creating morally free creatures. God cannot cause or determine the actions of morally free creatures

Freud's view of Religion

Religion is comprable to a childhood neurosis; wishful projection of the Father image onto the empty heavens; illusion would evaporate when people become autonomous


A popular theory of galileo being persecuted used for the conflict thesis. Galileo was not burned at the stake, was not persecuted for his science, and was not tortured by the Church

Gaunilo of Marmoutiers

Ontological Argument for the existence of God, "The Greatest Possible Island"

Gottfried Leibniz

Sufficient reason argument; " No fact can be real or existing and no statement true withouit sufficient reasons

Gratuitious Evil

Unmerited suffering and pain which seem to be random and meaningless

Hilbert's Hotel

Shows that an actual infinite cannot exist in a spatiotemporal world; supports the Kalam Cosmological argument

Horrendous Evil

Causes one to question life's goodness or worth

David Hume

Viewed that miracles transfress natural law; faith is opposed to Reason

Incompatibilist Freedom

A deterministic universe is completely at odds with the notion that persons have a free will


A spiritual force generated by good and bad actions done in this and the past life

Kalam Cosmological Argument

Universe has an finite past

Kant Immanuel

Existence is not a predicate or property

Soren Koerkegaard

viewed faith as independent of, or beyond reason. Religious faith is like a passionate love affair, not calculating, but spontaneous, risky, and deaply fulfilling

Logical Problem of Evil

How to reconcile the existence of evil with an omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent God

Libertarian Free Will

One;s actions are not determined by anything prior to a decision, including one's character and values, and one's feelings and desires

Materlist Monism

Explanation of the physical world by saying that all of the world's objects are composed of a single element

Marx's view on Religion

An illusion stemming from the misplaced longings of an alienated people

Mataphysical Naturalism

Claims that only physical entities exist and transphysical factors cannot exists

Methodological Naturalism

Assume no supernatural causes interfere with the normal course of nature

Miracles of Timing

Improbable, but no laws of nature are broken. Miracles not physically improbable but statistically impossible


confounding or confusing the three persons


Hinduism, enlightened realization that reality is one after escaping maya, the illusion of difference

Moral Evil

Intentional evil caused by human action


An infinite realm of being or potential being of which the universe is regarded as a part or instance

Natural Evil

Unintentional evil caused by human nature

Natural Theology

Theology or knowledge of God based on observed facts and experience apart from divine revelation

Natural Law Theodicy

Freedom, morality, rationality, love necessarily require a significant awareness of the consequences or results of one;s actions


extinguishes ego and end of all desire


Mental activity or intellect


that places religion and science in seperate domains of questioning

Noseeum Arguments Occasionalism

If one cant see any good reasons, then they probably are not there


The study of nature, characterisitics and definition of something that exists

Ontological argument

The argument that God, being defined as most great or perfect, must exist, since a God who exists is greater than a GOd who does not

Open Theism

God lacks knowledge of certain future events

William Paley

Natural Theology; Should infera grand designer of the works of nature

Pascal's Wager

It posits that humans all betwith their lives either that God exists or that he does not


Set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field

Plantinga Alvin

Itis logically possible that free nonhumans are resonible for natural evil

Natural evil

Unintentional evil

Karl Popper

Science involves formulating novel hypotheses and then trying to falsify them. Data does not lead directly to theory

Pracitcal rationality

Aims at procuring reasons that will guide our actions

only present objects and events objectively exists

Perfect Being Theology

Something is God only if it has the greatest possible array of great making properties.

Process Theism

God is not all powerful or all knowing

Quantum Inderterminism

certain pairs of quantities can never be measured simultaneously with beyond a certain degree of precision. Impossible to determine the present state of the world with perfect precision

Realism, scientific

A way to relate science and religion. science tells us what is really going on in nature


rebirth of a new soul


Knowledge or justification by which person A explains the truth - process


A set of symbolic forms and acts that relate to human beings to the ultimate conditions of their existence

Religious Exclusivism

only one world religion is correct and all others are mistaken

Religious pluralism

All word religions are correct; each offers a different path and partial perspective, Ultimate Reality

Reductio ad absurdum

This type of argument begins with a premise that is contradictory to what one desires to prove and then demonstrates that the contradiction of this supposition must be true


The whole is nothing but the sum of its parts. Everything is ultimately just a bunch of atoms


Process of reincarnation. One escapes the cycle of rebirth and experiences nirvana


The belief that science alone can solve all problems and answers. Science has no limits and science alone can bring us truth in all areas


emptiness; voidness

Soul making theodicy

John Hick; God created humans as "good" but not perfect because moral maturity requires experiencing trials and hardships in life

Swinburne, Richard

The common experience of mystics is strong justification for the existence of an Ultimate Reality


Explanation by reference to some purpose, end, goal, or function

Teological argument

Beings with an observation that things in the world have order and intelligible purpose. Concludes that there must be a supreme designer


3 responses to the problem of evil

Theoretical Rationality

aims at procuring true or well-justified beliefs


God has neither temporal extension nor temporal location. God is atemporal, God does not foreknow events, God knows all events timelessly

Thomas Tracy

The world God made includes greater goods the could not be realized without the creation of a lwaful natural order that generates suffering as an unavoidable byproduct


Victorian agnostics brought together by Thomas Henry Huxley and united by a "devotion to science, pure and free, untrammelled by religious dogmas" who sought "to rid natural science of women, amateurs, and clergy