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36 Cards in this Set

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Holism, Pragmatism, and Instrumentalism Holism
argues that you cannot understand a particular thing without looking at its place in a larger whole
A family of unorthodox empiricist philosophical views that emphasize the relation between thought and action. C.S. Peirce, William James, John Dewey
View that scientific theories should be seen as instruments used to predict observations, rather than as attempts to describe the real but hidden structures in the world that are responsible for the patterns found in observations
inductive skeptic : belief that using the past to predict future is not supported
thought Scientific theory can never be supported by observational evidence not even a little bit, regardless of the number of test it passes
a hypothesis is scientific if and only if it has the potential to be refuted by some possible observation and Confirmation is a myth. Popper. we cannot increase our confidence in the truth of a theory when it passes observational tests. Logical empiricists and most others thought it could
Popper used term for something that a scientific theory acquires after it survives attempts to refute it (NOT another name for confirmation)
Paradigm Shift
Kuhn - Broad - a paradigm as a whole “way of doing science” that has grown up around a paradigm in the narrow sense; Narrow - a paradigm is an impressive achievement that inspires and guides a tradition of further scientific work – a tradition of normal sense
We are looking for a non-trivial (informative) support relation
based on amount evidence to believe something but regardless of amount of information doesn’t prove anything
A hypothesis is confirmed when any of its observable consequences are found to be true.
Hypothesis: All Fs are Gs
Individual A is an F
Individual A is a G (observable consequence)
Observable consequence adds confirmation to hypothesis
Aristotle and Ptolemy
If Earth is in motion, then an object dropped from a tower will not land at the foot.
Galileo rejects this
General, widely accepted principle
The stone lands at the foot regardless!!
earth is center with evertything around it
sun is at the center of everything
Analytic/Synthetic Distinction
Analytic claims are true in virtue of their meaning
Synthetic claims are true or false in virtue of their meaning and the way the world is
A hypothesis is confirmed when any of it observable consequences found to be true.
The Ravens Problem
If an observation confirms H, then it confirms anything logically equivalent to H
‘ All ravens are black’ is logically equivalent to ‘All non-black things are non-ravens’
This white shoe (a non-black non-raven) confirms (according to hypothetico-deductivism) the hypothesis that All non-black things are non-ravens.
But then the white shoe confirms that All ravens are black
But who would think that a white shoe could count as evidence for the hypothesis that all ravens are black?
In other words, this is at leas a counter intuitive result of Hempel’s account of confirmation
“All Fs are Gs” is logically equivalent to “All non-Gs are non-Fs”
I.J. Good’s point
Maybe observations may or may not confirm a hypothesis, depending on other factors.
Suppose you know that either (H1) all ravens are black and ravens are extremely rare or (H2) most ravens are black, a few are white, and ravens are common.
Two Dogmas of Empiricism
There is an analytic/Synthetic distinction, are we discover empirically.
Quine: Attempts to establish this fail. They are circular or problematic in other ways
Reductionism: that statements about the world “reduce to observation”
Quine: rejects this too, largely because of his holism
The Barometer Example
H: High air pressure leads to stable weather
P: Measurements of higher air pressure are usually followed by stable weather
If H then P
Not P._____ ← based on observation
Not H
But maybe your barometer doesn’t reliably measure air pressure. Or maybe your records are somehow faulty.
This could lead to the first or second being untrue
You do know that the following three propositions cannot all be true at once
{If H then P, Not P, H}
this is called an inconsistent triad- means not all of these can be true at once
We have to accept at least one is false in order to make it true and the other one will follow
The Flat Earth Example
Predicted observation: Picture of sail boat with the whole boat seen from a distance
Actually observe: from a distance only observe the sail from the sail boat
Argument against Flat Earth Hypothesis
If Earth is flat, then boats will fade from view uniformly.
They don’t______ ← Not P
Earth is not flat ← Not H
Rawbotham (Paralax- nickname) rejects this
He argues that its not the case that if Earth is flat then boat will fade from view uniformly.
He argues the first argument that supports the Round Earth Argument is an assumption and that our sight does not work that way
Flat Earth

Round Earth
H: Earth is flat
P: boats will fade uniformly from view
Inconsistent Triad for the Flat Earth dispute
{Earth is flat, If Earth is flat, then boats fade from view uniformly, boats don’t fad from view uniformly}
Quine’s “Corporate Body” metaphor
Theory to make good predictions
The Problem of Demarcation
What distinguishes science from non-science?
One Answer: the inductive method, confirmation
-- Logical Positivists, Empiricists
Poppers’ response:
Confirmation was everywhere
PGS: Confirmation of scientific theories is a myth
If H then P
P__________ ← this is a logical fallacy. But for Popper, we cant H even say it has inductive strength
H1—> P
H2 → P
H3 → P
Albert Einstein’s Conjecture
In 1915, E publish his GTR
STR is based on 2 postulates
The laws of physics are invariant with respect to frame of reference
Speed of light is constant
STR was special- it does not address gravity
GTR was intended to unite STR with Newton’s law of universal gravitation
GTR like STR was considered philosophically compelling because it unified separate theories and observations in a simple elegant way
Many ppl though GTR (time is relative) was a wild idea on par with Marxism and Freudianism
But the distinction, as Karl Popper sees it, is that GTR is falsifiable, for GTR predicted that the path of light would be measurably curved by massive objects
Another way of looking at it: GTR was informative in the sense that it ruled out many possible observations saying in effect that we will never observe certain things x,y,z
GTR is thus a bold conjecture since if we ever do observe x, y, or z then we can refute it
As Godferey-Smith and other have put it, GTR sticks its neck out
GTR is precise.
Scientific Change
Stage 1: Conjecture
Offer some hypothesis H that might describe and explain something in the world
Stage 2: Attempted Refutation
Subject H to critical testing in an attempt to show that its false. Once H is refuted go back to stage 1.
H→ P
P_____ fallacy
H→ P
Not P____
Not H
Confirmation Bias
the tendency to fixate on and emphasize data that confirms your prior beliefs while ignoring or dismissing counter-evidence.
Popper's response to Einstein's conjecture
GTR passes the test
Does this mean GTR was confirmed? Not to popper
Indeed, any theory which predicted the stars would appear just where were was falsified
But this does not mean
GTR survived an attempted refutation
Eddington’s Test
GTR predicts that light paths or the space thru which light propogates are curved by massive objects
In those days we had no easy way to test this
Sun is large enough to measurably curve light from distant stars
However, the sun is also very bright. We cannot normally see or otherwise detect stars in daylight
GTR is falsifiable because it predicts that during an eclipse the paths of starlight which pass near the Sun will be detectably curved
Thus it will appear to us that the stars are in different locations
If this does not occur, GTR is refuted!
Picture: of sun and the location of star and where the star appears to be
Was GTR confirmed?
Not to Popper
Indeed any theory which predicted the stars would appear just where they were was falsified.
But this doesn’t mean we have confirmed GTR
GTR has survived an attempted refutation
Its distinction lies in its being falsifiable, having been critically
Popper on Marxism
Industrialized capitalist societies will experience a revolution and become socialist states…unless they institute welfare. ← Popper claims that this is an ad hoc revision.
To avoid an ad hoc revision you must find a conjecture which involves more risk, more ways of being falsified, not the same or fewer.
Popper believe in God but the information doesn’t impact their life so thus making it a conjecture
Objections to Popper’s Falsificationism
All pieces of iron expand when heated
Falsifier: Some piece of iron ford not expand when heated
Challenge to Popper: How do we know its really iron? How do we know it’s not expanding? How do we know it’s heated?
Its not clear ( or Popper’s view) what counts as a falsifier
Probability statements (nontrivial ones, not 0 or 1) strictly aren’t falsifiable.
Objections to Popper on Confirmation
Popper’s Bridge
Two theories T1 and T2, with differing implications for how to build a bridge
T1 has been tested many times, never falsified
T2 has never been tested
Which theory do we use?
Could Popper say T2 would be irrational?
He would not; which looks really bad
Corroboration: the more times a theory survives attempted falsification, the more corroborated it is.
He would say that neither one has been proven
If something has been tested and tested without being falsified is to say something is more corroborated
But wait isn’t this just a new name for confirmation?
To say one decision is rational is not to say the other is irrational
Popper didn’t feel that past theories and their performance of the world were not reliable to predict the future
Hypotheses-Deductive Method
Conjecture: come up with a hypothesis (or a form)
Deduce observable prediction entailed by the hypothesis
Test to see if the predictions are true or not
If they are true, the theory is supported
If they are false, the theory should be rejected
a substance which resides in combustible things- its is given during combustion
Like paper has phlogiston when it burns
Nobody holds anymore
Charcoal is made of earth, water, lots of phlogiston
Maybe phlogiston is lighter than air, making things buoyant
Maybe phlogiston has negative weight
Maybe something goes into it instead
Paradigms determine our data!
a puzzle that has resisted solution
Too many anomalies or one big anomaly→ crisis
Two ways in which Paradigms are incommensurable
Communication: Paradigms come along with them own conceptual language.
Standards of Evidence and Argument: Paradigm bring their own standards of Ev and Arg.
Should scientific theories be required to give us underlying mechanisms?