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194 Cards in this Set

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Accoring to Diogenes Laertius: The lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers Book VI: The Cynics: Life Antisthenes "in order to hear Socrates, from whom he [Antisthenes] learnt the art of [what], and of being [what] to exeternal circumstances, and so became the orginial founder of the Cynics school?"
Enduring; indifferent
According to Diogenes Laertius: "he [Antisthenes] was also the first person who ever gave the definition of [what]?
What is not one of the "excellent craftsmen" produced as offspring of the Heaven and Earth?
According to Diogenes Laertius: "when he [Antisthenes] was asked what was the most happy event that could take place in human life-he said [what]?
To die while prosperous
According to Diogenes Laertius: "that those who wish to be immortal ought to live [how]?
Piously; justly
According to Diogenes Laertius "that cities were ruined when they were unable to distinguish [what]?
Worthless citizens from virtuous ones
According to Diogenes Laertius "when he [Antisthenes] was asked what advantage he had ever derived from philosophy he replied, The advantage of [what]?
Being able to converse with himself
According to Diogenes Laertius "the wise man alone knew what?"
Objects deserved love
According to Diogenes Laertius "[what] is the same in a man as in a woman?"
According to Diogenes Laertius "one should consider a just man as of more value than a [what]?"
According to Antisthenes virtue is all but what?
According to Antisthenes "the wise man will be guided in his public acts not by [what] but by the [what]
The established laws; law of virtue
According to Anaxagoras "what is the cause of all motion?"
According to Protagoras upon what does "human survival" depend?
Mutual cooperation of society
According to Heraclitus what term would best describe his universal principle of the cosmos?
According to Thales what is his universal principle of the monistic cosmos?
According to Pythagoras all things within the cosmos can be delineated by what term?
According to Parmenides what term would best describe his universal principle of the cosmos?
According to Anaximander what is his universal principle of the monistic cosmos?
According to Leucippus & Democritus what are known to be "small tiny absolutely hard and completely solid bodies that cannot be physically divide"?
According to Anaximenes what is his universal principle of the monistic cosmos?
According to Heraclitus what is NOT a principle of his philosophical system?
According to Leucippus and Democritus "by convention...there is sweet, by convention bitter, by convention hot, by convention cold; by convention color, but in reality" [there is what]?
Atoms and Void
According to Anaximenes "the heavenly bodies came to be from [what] because of moisture arising from it?"
According to Platos Philebus Socrates states "the one and many become identified by [what]?"
According to Plato what is the Essence of all "Things"?
In Platos Meno which is not stated about the "Human Soul" by Socrates?
It is a perfect form
In Platos Euthyphro Socrates states the way to begin "political activity aright" what is that?
Pay attention to the young-make them as good as possible
According to socrates how are moral conventions ( right vs wrong) to be set?
Men within society
In Platos Euthyphro what "distinction fundamental in reasoning" is made my Socrates?
Gods approve things or actions because they are good
According to Platos Phaedrus Socrates states, [What] is the art of enchanting the soul, and therefore he who would ne [what] has learn the differences of [what]?
Oratory; an orator; human souls
Which is not a portion of the "Socratic Method" of inquiry?
Material Dialectic
According to Socrates what is intrinsically and extrinsically "far more valuable than opinion?"
In Platos Euthyphro what charge is leveled against Socrates and expanded in the Apology?
Corrupting the youth
According to Plato what individual is best "fit to rule"?
The philosopher who has found "True Knowledge"
According to Plato what is the true philosopher seeking?
According to Plato what leads to the concept of "Evil"?
According to Platos Phaedrus what is not a component of oratory?
He should not use sensational effects
Epictetus states bodies are a combination of what two “fundamental principles?”
Logos and Physis
What things have “Logos” as their “governing principle” according to Epictetus?
Although man’s acts are necessitated how does Marcus Aurelius state individuals become “free?”
Acting Rationally
According to Epictetus’ Encheiridion “what is proper for us to do is for the most part defined by…
Social relationships
According to Marcus Aurelius what should the “rational individual” not fear?
In Epictetus’ Encheiridion what within the world is “intrinsically evil?”
According to Aristotle’s Physics the term “motion” is discussed - what “are thought to be necessary conditions of motion?”
Place, void, time
According to Aristotle’s Categories what is not listed as an Aristotelian Category?
Of thinking
According to Aristotle what is the “potential” for existence of “finite things?”
The material substratum
According to Aristotle’s On the Soul “that in the soul which is called thought is - before it thinks” what?
Not actually any real thing
According to Aristotle what is the “actuality” at which all individuals (i.e. humans) orient themselves?
unmoved mover
According to Aristotle’s On the Soul what “alone is immortal and eternal and without this nothing thinks?”
According to Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics the “syllogism” is the basis of all scientific knowledge. What is not true?
It is composed of premises and conclusion based on opinion
According to Aristotle what is not one of the four causes?
According to Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics how do we attain “moral virtue?”
Aim at the median in the emotions and in actions
What school of thought within Roman religion “were inclined toward materialism, but rejected all forms of dogmatic belief [stating] nature alone exists [and that] there is no supernatural [either individually or collectively]?”
Within Roman Philosophy and religion what is not a thought of Lucretius (96-55 B.C.)?
God did create man
What school of thought within Roman religion emphasized a “negative theology, which entails a certain degree of agnosticism [where] we can know that God exists, but not what He is in His ultimate nature?”
Within Roman Philosophy and Religion what is not a thought of Cicero (106-43 B.C.)?
Moira has no affect on man
What school of thought within Roman religion emphasized “Nature and God are one; the universe is absolutely rational and just; i.e., God (or the whole of nature) is perfect in every way - Not only is this true, but God is a personal rational mind, guiding all things with supreme wisdom and providential care - He is profoundly interested in all of nature and in man, for they are parts of himself?”
What does Plotinus state is not “left behind” at salvation?
The One
According to Aquinas God is not only the “first cause” of all motion He is also the “concurrent cause.” What does this mean?
God is Omniscient, Omnipotent & Omnipresent
According to Augustine what is the main way acceptable toward “salvation?”
The church
According to Plotinus what is the “most important and real?”
The Soul
Augustine in Confessions (Book XI) - Time and Eternity states "but how can a future which does not yet exist dwindle or be used up, and how can a past which no longer exists grow?"
The mind expects, attends, and remembers
According to Plotinus within his Enneads he speaks of the qualities of a “virtuous soul” - what is not a quality?
Concentrate solely on faith
Augustine in The City of God (Book XII) states "what makes the 'will' evil?"
A desertion from God
According to Aquinas what is the “potential” for existence of “finite things?”
The material substratum
According to Plotinus’ The Enneads “the Supreme Beauty [the One]… fashions its lovers to beauty and makes them also [what]?”
Worthy of love
In Summa Theologica Aquinas speaks of God and the “effects of laws” - how do laws work on the mind of men?
Compels through fear of punishment
According to Aquinas what is not representative of the existence of God?
Self evident to reason
Within Saint Augustine’s “What We Are To Believe” what is the main idea of the excerpt?
Faith is of utmost importance
According to Aquinas what comprises the “substance” of finite things?
Form and Matter
According to Augustine's The City of God (Book XII) - Chapter II "since God is supreme being- that is - since He supremely is and therefore is immutable it follows that He gave 'being' to all that He created [how]; not however [what]?”
From nothing; absolute being
What is not a portion of the metaphysical “Augustinian schema?”
For Epicurus of what does the “good and virtuous life consist?
Pursuit of Pleasure: Avoidance of Pain
In Epicurus’ Principal Doctrines what is not stated about “pleasure?”
The means at which produce pleasure is never Bad
. According to J.S. Mill’s Utilitarianism he speaks of the “Greatest Happiness Principle.” What is not representative of this doctrine?
Unhappiness is sometimes equivalent the Pleasure
In Epicurus’ Principal Doctrines, “[What]… [as it] arise[s] from nature is a pledge of mutual advantage to restrain men from harming one another and save them from being harmed?”
According to J.S. Mill’s Utilitarianism “The Creed [GHP] which accepts as the foundations of [what]… holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness?”
In Epicurus’ Letter to Menoeceus, which of the following is not a description of the “Principles of the Good Life?”
The Gods contain the same Virtues as men
Given the existence of “Evil,” Mill states God is what?
In Epicurus’ Letter to Menoeceus what is not a description of the “wise man?”
Seeks to escape life
According to J.S. Mill’s Utilitarianism what concept is most important?
Wrongful interference of each other’s Freedom
In Epicurus’ Principal Doctrines man could not attain “pleasures unalloyed without the knowledge of what?”
According to J.S. Mill’s Utilitarianism what is not used to determine “the value of pleasures?”
According to J.S. Mill’s Utiliatrianism what is not representative of the “end of human action?”
Self Sacrifice
For Epicurus where is “true pleasure” to be found?
According to Newtown what light is a combo of all other colors on the spectrum?
white light
what mathematical system was created by Sir Isaac Newton?
Differential & integral calculus
According to Kepler what are the laws governing the motion of planets?
A. Planets move in a elliptical not circular, orbits
B. The velocities of the planets are not uniform but vary at different points in their orbits
C. The velocities of the planets relative to each other can be expressed mathematically
According to Kepler what "governs the motion of the celestial bodies?
A force emanating from the sun
According to Galileo by which method can Aristotles claim that "heavier bodies fall faster than lighter ones" be disproved?
By observation
According to Galileo what person's theory of the earth & sun is valid?
Copernicus theory that the Earth is not the center of the universe
According to Galileo of what is the language of the universe written?
The language of mathematics
According to Copernicus' system what is not the center of the universe?
The Earth
according to Copernicus why do the "Heavens" appear to rotate about the earth?
Due to the fact that we are on the earths surface and the earth is rotating on its axis once every 24 hours
According to Copernicus, the sun, the planets, the stars, and other celestial bodies are set up in what type of system?
The Earth IS NOT the center, the earth is one of the planets & it revolves around the sun, as do the other planets
According to Democritus what are know to be small tiny absolutely hard and completely solid bodies that cannot be physically divided?
According to Ptolemy the sun, the planets, the stars and other celestial bodies are set up in what type of system?
KInematic model
According to Ptolemy what is the shape of the earth?
According to Ptolemy in what types of motion do the "Heavenly Bodies" move?
Eccentric and epicuclic circles
According to Ptolemy "the data derived from experiments can be represented by mathematical equations & can be presented" how?
by tabular form
According to Democritus what happens the human soul upon death and what is the possibility of after life?
There is no possibility of future afterlife; "spill out like water from a vase" upon death
According to Democritus what makes up the human soul?
According to Friedman, a society which is [what] cannot also be [what], in the sense of guaranteeing [what]?”
Intimate connection; socialist; democratic; individual freedom
According to Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom: Chapter VII - Capitalism and Discrimination all but what group historically was helped by “the substitution of contract arrangements for status arrangements?”
Templars in the Dark Ages
According to Friedman, what are the ways of “co-ordinating the economic activities of millions” and by utilizing what types of support?
Coercion; voluntary cooperation; competitive capitalism
According to Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom: Chapter VII – Capitalism and Discrimination “we have already seen how a free market separates [what] from irrelevant characteristics… the purchaser of bread does not know whether it was made from wheat grown by a white man or a Negro, by a Christian or a Jew. In consequence, the producer of wheat is in a position to use resources as effectively as he can, regardless of what the attitudes of the community may be toward the color, the religion, or other characteristics of the people he hires. Furthermore, and perhaps more important, there is an economic incentive in a free market to separate economic efficiency from other characteristics of the individual. A businessman or an entrepreneur who expresses preferences in his business activities that are not related to [what] [such as ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexuality, etc.] is at a disadvantage compared to other individuals who do not. Such an individual is in effect imposing higher costs on himself than are the other individuals who do not have such preferences. Hence, in a free market they will tend to drive him out?”
Economic efficiency; productive efficiency
According to Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom: Chapter II - The Role of Government in a Free Society what is the effect of “the widespread use of the market [1] the strain on the social fabric by rendering conformity [2] with respect to any activities it encompasses. The [3] the range of activities covered by the market, the [4] are the issues on which explicitly political decisions are required and hence on which it is necessary to achieve agreement. In turn, the [5] the issues on which agreement is necessary, the greater is [6] while maintaining a free society?”
Reduces; unnecessary; wider; fewer; fewer; the likelihood of getting agreement
According to Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom: Chapter VII - Capitalism and Discrimination “fair employment practice commissions [FEPC] that have the task of preventing in employment [what] by reason of race, color, or religion have been established in a number of states. Such legislation clearly involves interference with the freedom of individuals to enter into voluntary contracts with one another. It subjects any such contract to approval or disapproval by the state. Thus it is [what] of the kind that we would object to in most other contexts. Moreover, as is true with most other interferences with freedom, the individuals subjected to the law may well not be those whose actions even the proponents of the law wish to control?”
Discrimination’; directly an interference with freedom
According to Friedman, The kind of economic organization that provides economic freedom directly, namely, [what], also promotes political freedom because it separates [what from what] and in this way enables the one to [what] the other?”
Competitive capitalism; economic power from political power; offset
“one of the paradoxes of experience is that, in spite of this [what] it is precisely [who] that have frequently furnished the most vocal and most numerous advocates of fundamental alterations in a capitalist society. They have tended to attribute to capitalism the residual restrictions they experience rather than to recognize that the [what] has been the major factor enabling these restrictions to be as small as they are?”
Historical evidence; minority groups; free market
According to Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom: Chapter VII - Capitalism and Discrimination what “basic belief” was reflected towards “Negroes” although discrimination was enforced in other areas?
Ownership of either real or personal property
According to Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom: Chapter V - Fiscal Policy “I have done some fairly extensive empirical work, for the U.S. and other countries, to get some more satisfactory evidence. The results are striking. They strongly suggest that the actual outcome will be closer to the [what] [the supply of money within an economy has a direct relation to prices] extreme than to the [what] … One thing however is clear. Whether the views so widely accepted about the effects of fiscal policy [espoused by Keynes and his intellectual followers] be right or wrong, they are [what] by at least one extensive body of evidence. I know of no other coherent or organized body of evidence justifying them. [What], not the demonstrated conclusions of economic analysis or quantitative studies. Yet they have yielded immense influence in securing widespread public backing for far-reaching governmental interference in economic life?”
Quantity theory; Keynesian; contradicted; They are part of economic mythology
According to Barack Obama’s The Audacity of Hope (Republicans and Democrats) he states “as disturbed as I might have been by [his] election…, as unconvinced as I might have been by his John Wayne, Father Knows Best pose, his policy by anecdote, and his gratuitous assault on the poor, I understood his appeal… that [his] message found such a receptive audience spoke not only of his skills as a communicator; it also spoke to the failures of liberal government, during a period of economic stagnation, to give middle-class voters any sense that it was fighting for them.” Of whom is he speaking?
Ronald Reagan
According to Barack Obama’s The Audacity of Hope (Opportunity) he states “with [him] saving capitalism from itself through an activist federal government that invests in its people and infrastructure, regulates the marketplace, and protects labor from chronic deprivation… there were those on the right who complained of creeping socialism, and those on the left who believed [he] had not gone far enough.” Of whom is he speaking?
Franklin Roosevelt
Within Barack Obama’s The Audacity of Hope (Faith) he states “Politics (unlike science) involves [what], the art of the possible?”
According to Barack Obama’s The Audacity of Hope (Prologue) he states “I am a Democrat, after all, my views on most topics correspond more closely to the editorial pages of the New York Times than those of the Wall Street Journal.” What is not a statement Obama made?
I do not believe in free speech, whether politically correct or incorrect
Within Barack Obama’s The Audacity of Hope (The World Beyond Our Borders) he states “I wonder, sometimes, whether men and women in fact are capable of learning from [what] - whether we progress from one stage to the next in an upward course or whether we just ride the cycles of boom and bust, war and peace, ascent and decline?”
Within Barack Obama’s The Audacity of Hope (Our Constitution) he views the U.S. Constitution as [what]?
It is not a static but rather a living document and must be read in the context of an ever-changing world
Within Barack Obama’s The Audacity of Hope (Opportunity) he states “I simply believe that those of us who have benefited most from this new economy can best afford to shoulder the [what] of ensuring every American child has a chance of the same success… and that at a certain point [what]… and that once your drapes cost more than the average American’s [what], then you can afford to pay a bit more in [what]?”
Obligation: one has enough: yearly salary: taxes
According to Barack Obama what is the “type” of Federal Government favored by him?
Within Barack Obama’s The Audacity of Hope (Faith) he states “Politics is hardly a science, and it too infrequently depends on [what]?”
Within Barack Obama’s The Audacity of Hope (Prologue) he states “I am new enough to the national political scene that I serve as a [what] on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views?”
Blank Screen
Within Barack Obama’s The Audacity of Hope (Our Constitution) he states “we should pursue our own [what]?”
Absolute truths
Within Barack Obama’s The Audacity of Hope (Opportunity) he states what about the United States and its history?
We don’t have to choose between an oppressive government-run economy and a chaotic unforgiving capitalism
According to Marx in Towards a Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right what is not stated about “Religion?”
It is the feeling of the heart-felt world
According to Marx in The German Ideology what is not a component or by-product of “Big Industry?”
“Big Industry” does not force labour to alienate workers
According to Marx in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts what is not a “Power of Money?”
. I am a honest man without money, I am honored as a man with riches
According to Marx in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts what is not a production of “Labour?”
According to Marx in Towards a Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right what does the criticism of “Religion” not do for man?
It allows man to react
According to Marx what is the first thing to happen when the “Bourgeoisie” is overthrown?
A Dictatorship is established
According to Marx in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts where does man not feel “freely active?”
In Work
According to Marx in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts what does not “degrade” the worker (for within the degradation of the worker it is the process that enslaves man)?
According to Marx in The German Ideology what is not a conclusion “we have sketched [by history]?”
Ours is a revolution which overthrows the majority with a minority for common good
. According to Marx in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts what is not a tenet of establishing “Communism?”
Allow old folks their own private property
According to Marx in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts what is not a feature of “Alienated labour?”
Makes the species-life of man alien to himself
According to Marx’s Communist Manifesto what will “the proletariat” use to “wrest by degrees all capital from the bourgeoisie?”
Political supremacy
According to Romney in No Apology - Epilogue what is not an area of government or economic “reform” he wishes to enact?
Reform nuclear regulations to provide safety, to block nuclear plants
According to Romney in No Apology - An American Education what is “the foremost civil rights issue of our generation?”
Current failure to educate our minority populations
According to Romney in No Apology - America the Beautiful what is not one of the fourteen ideals espoused within the “Index of Leading Leading Indicators?”
Religious Engagement
According to Romney in No Apology - An American Education what is not a component to create “great teachers?”
Select those who have demonstrated poor numeracy
According to Romney in No Apology - Epilogue what is not one of the areas he wishes to “promote” growth and efficiency?
Promote federal programs to keep kids in school - teacher bonuses, mentors, curriculum matching, etc.
According to Romney in No Apology - The Culture of Citizenship what is not one of the nine ideals espoused for the culture of citizenship?
Belief and Purpose. Americans are not a religious people
According to Romney in No Apology - The Culture of Citizenship what happens “when we salve our collective need for security?”
We deaden the entrepreneurial spirit
According to Romney in No Apology - Pursuit of the Difficult what does the “existence of American power” do worldwide?
American strength helps preserve world peace
According to Romney in No Apology - Believe in America why does he state there is “no reason to write off free enterprise?”
The incompetence of government officials, committees, regulators and its collision with a severe economic cycle
According to Descartes the method for the discovery of “Truth” is analytic. Which is not a rule?
Make enumerations that are so specific so as to prove certainty of things only
According to Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy (2nd Meditation) which is not a description of what type of thing am “I?”
According to Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy (2nd Meditation) what type of “Actions” are not attributed to the “Soul?”
According to Descartes which is not true when speaking of “Mind” and “Matter?”
Mind and Matter are two clearly distinct uncreated substances
According to Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy (1st Meditation) what should we never trust because we are constantly “Deceived?”
According to Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy (3rd Meditation) which is not proof that God “Exists?”
I know God through faith
According to Descartes what “is perceived as true every time a mind thinks?”
I think, therefore I am
According to Locke what concept does not apply to “Man?”
Innate Ideas
According to Locke’s An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Book I.1.8) which does not represent an “Idea?”
According to Locke what are not representative of “Secondary Qualities?”
According to Locke what are the “Dispositional Qualities?”
Solubility, Fragility, Flammability
According to Locke what is one of his “Three Main Reasons” for rejecting innate ideas?
Children and Idiots do not seem to possess them
According to Locke what is the chief reason why a government is established?
Private Property
According to Locke what theories processes the external world and transforms it into “Mental Events?”
Causal Theory of Perception
According to Kant’s Foundation for the Metaphysics of Morals (Chap. I) what is the “Categorical Imperative?”
Act only according to a principle that can be universalized
According to Kant’s Foundation for the Metaphysics of Morals (Chap. I) of what is the “Will” equivalent?
Practical Reason
According to Kant how should Man treat “Rational Beings?”
As ends in themselves and never merely as means
According to Kant’s Foundation for the Metaphysics of Morals (Chap. II) what is “the sole principle of ethics?”
According to Kant all “Knowledge” arises out of what?
Experience, Reason, and the Mind
According to Kant what is the basis of “Human Dignity?”
The Will
According to Kant’s Foundation for the Metaphysics of Morals (Chap. I) what is the only thing good without qualification?
Good Will
According to Hobbes “Knowledge” is derived from what “Thing?”
Sense Experience
According to Hobbes’ Levithan or The Matter, Form & Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil (PART 2 - Of Commonwealth - Chap. 17 - Of the Causes, Generation, and Definition of a Commonwealth) what type of “agreement” is made between men?
According to Hobbes what arises out of “Fear and Ignorance?”
According to Hobbes’ Levithan or The Matter, Form & Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil (PART 1 - Of Man - Chap. 13 - Of the Natural Condition of Mankind as Concerning their Felicity and Misery) “in the nature of man” we find what is one of the “three principal causes of quarrel?”
According to Hobbes’ Levithan or The Matter, Form & Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil (PART 1 - Of Man - Chap. 2 - Of Imagination) what is “imagination?”
decaying sense
According to Hobbes what are synonymous with “Good and Evil?”
Like; Dislike
According to Hobbes’ Levithan or The Matter, Form & Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil what most closely represents the “State of Nature?”
Survival of the Fittest
According to Hobbes what is the only thing to “Exist?”
According to Hanh’s The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching what is not stated of Right View?
. Right View can be transmitted by a teacher
According to the Venerable Hanh’s The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching what is not stated of Right Speech?
No one needs understanding and acceptance
According to the Venerable Hanh within the DVD – Life of Buddha what is not stated of Meditation?
You cannot be deceived by what we see and by what we hear
According to the Venerable Hanh within the DVD – Life of Buddha what is not part or portion of the Buddha?
The Buddha is a god that can bestow on us the things we want
According to the Venerable Hanh within the DVD – Life of Buddha what is not part of the Dharma?
The Dharma does need to be spoken and to be written down
According to the Venerable Hanh’s The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching what is not a part of Right Thinking?
Right Thinking makes our speech unclear and non-beneficial
According to the Venerable Hanh’s The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching what is not a part of Right Action?
Right Action is closely linked with all of the Five Mindfulness Trainings
According to the Venerable Hanh’s The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching what is not a part of Right Mindfulness?
Right Mindfulness accepts nothing without judging or reacting
According to the Venerable Hanh within the DVD – Life of Buddha what is not part of Karma?
Why the negative karma should not be continued… to continue the cycle of samsara
According to the Venerable Hanh within the DVD – Life of Buddha what is not stated of Impermanence?
I think Buddhism according to our studies and practice cannot go perfectly with modern science… and scientists and the Buddhist practitioners can never collaborate in order to dig deeper into the nature of reality
According to the Venerable Hanh within the DVD – Life of Buddha what is not stated of Nirvana?
In Buddhism we speak of Nirvana… which is the continuation of all suffering
According to Einstein how does the speed of light operate in the “general theory of relativity?”
Gravitational fields are manifestations of curvature of space-time, which originates in the stress-energy of the material contained therein
According to Einstein what type of gas should condense at low temperature into a “super-fluid state?”
A monatomic gas such as Helium should condense at low temperature into a super-fluid state.
According to Einstein what is the equivalence principle?
Gravitational force is locally indistinguishable from acceleration of the frame of reference
According to Einstein how does the speed of light operate in the “special theory of relativity?”
Coordinate space and time are not absolute, and the simultaneity of events is observer-dependent, but the speed of light is invariant
According to Darwin who are “descended from a common primate ancestor?”
Man and apes are descended from a common primate ancestor.
According to Darwin what is his theory of evolution?
Secondary sexual characteristics have evolved as part of a complex set of reproductive behaviors.
According to Darwin what pressure causes organisms with “advantageous genetic variants” to produce a greater number of surviving offspring than others?
Overpopulation and the resulting shortage of food
According to Newton what are his “three laws of motion?”
A. Any massive object persists in its state of rest or of motion unless an external force acts upon it.
B. An external force produces acceleration proportional to that force and inversely proportional to the mass upon which it acts.
C. For every force acting on a body there is an equal and opposite reaction from the body upon its neighbors.