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453 Cards in this Set

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The DOH program "tutok gamutan" refers to:

directly observed treatment short course

Tuberculosis control program of DOH

a. Directly observed treatment short course therapy is the best way to monitor drug intake

b. Tuberculin test is the best manner for case finding in children

c. Free medicines are given to patients with cavity lesions

In performing bag technique actions, before opening the bag, you should ask for a basin of water or glass of drinking water if tap water is not available.

To be used for hand washing

The frontline health worker in the community is the:


Regional hospitals are classified as what level of facility?


Western blot test

separates the blood proteins and detects the specific proteins (called HIV antibodies) that indicate an HIV infection. The Western blot is used to confirm a positive ELISA, and the combined tests are 99.9% accurate.

The key strategy to obtain the mission of PHC is.

Partnership with the people

Number of eligible infants to be:

3% of the total population

A health program that considers people as partners in health care is:


Elimination of all microorganisms, including their spores is


The most common complication of pertussis is?


HIV examination

1 positive ELISA and 1 positive

Western blot

Characteristics of Cholera

a. Rice watery stools

b. vomiting

c. washer woman’s hand

links private and public entities to provide a broader platform of health care:

Intra/Intersectoral collaboration

First line of defense that the body has

Intact skin

Test to detect Albumin or Protein in urine

Heat and acetic acid test

Test to detect glucose in urine

Benedict's test

Fast breathing in a 3 years old child

Indicates Pneumonia

The time in which organism is most active with the greatest vitality and highest infection potency in the patient


Community-based and accessible

Primary Health Care

Patak Days


Pregnant women in every 1,500 population


The basic structural unit of the health care delivery system in the Philippines

Rural Health Unit

If infant experience diarrhea:

Never advise to stop breastfeeding

Wastage factor of BCG


Provides elementary preventive and curative health care to promote a healthy environment.

Village/Barangay health workers

Blood, semen, and breast milk have higher concentrations of HIV than urine, saliva, vomitus, and stool.

HIV Awareness

Resistance inherent to body tissue against infection brought about by previous attacks of disease produces:

Natural active immunity

Services are provided on an out-patient basis

Primary facilities

One of the aims of primary health care is:

Promotion of self-reliance in the community

A diagnostic test for H-fever

Tourniquet test

Tourniquet Test or?

Rumpel Leads test

Preventive interventions against diarrhea

a. Proper sanitation and hygiene

b. breastfeeding

c. high iron diet

Infos for cracked nipples

1. it may be due to poor positioning and attachment

2. advice to the woman to wash her nipples w/ clean water daily, avoiding soap and creams

3. leave a drop of milk on the nipples after feeding to help the nipples to heal

The test is a marker of capillary fragility and it can be used as a triage tool to differentiate patients with acute gastroenteritis, for example, from those with dengue.

Tourniquet Test/Rumpel Leads test

Even if a tourniquet test was previously done, it should be repeated if:

• It was previously negative

• There is no bleeding manifestation

How to do a Tourniquet Test

1. Take the patient's blood pressure and record it, for example, (100/70.)

2. Inflate the cuff to a point midway between SBP and DBP and maintain for minutes. (100 + 70) ÷ 2 = 85 mm Hg

3. Reduce and wait 2 minutes.

4. Count petechiae below antecubital fossa. See image at right.

5. A positive test is 10 or more petechiae per 1 square inch.


Human immunodeficiency virus

is a virus that attacks the body's immune system


If HIV is not treated, it can lead to:

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)

Epidemiological studies have shown that the following cluster of body fluids can transmit the highest percentage efficiency of the AIDS virus:

blood, semen, vaginal secretions, breastmilk

is used to determine what type of leprosy a person has. A sample of inactive (cannot cause infection) leprosy-causing bacteria is injected just under the skin, often on the forearm, so that a small lump pushes the skin up. The lump indicates that the antigen has been injected at the correct depth.

Lepromin skin test

Only certain body fluids from a person who has HIV can transmit HIV. These fluids includes:

• blood,

•semen (cum),

• pre-seminal fluid (pre- cum),

• rectal fluids,

• vaginal fluids, and

• breast milk.

Anti-tuberculosis drugs

INH, streptomycin, PZA and Rifampicin

Expanded Program on Immunization of the DOH

PD 996

Vaccine that’s not included in the Expanded Program on Immunization

Hepa B

Developed in 1913, is a skin test used to determine whether or not a person is susceptible to diphtheria.

Schick test

is a test for determining hypersensitivity to diphtheria toxoid by intradermal injection of a small amount in dilute solution.


site of administration for DPT vaccine:

Upper outer portion of the thigh

Vaccines most sensitive to heat:

OPV and measles

When the AIDS virus attacks the body cells, it destroys explicitly and depletes the:


The knowledge that deals with emotion and how the mind works is the science of:


A disease that needs chronic exposure to spread the infection to another individual:


The type of infection acquiring in an individual who has no other active disease is called:

Primary infection

Immunity obtained as a result of experiencing an illness is known as:

Active natural immunity

A criterion for selecting a community to organize

Need for basic health services

Tuberculosis control program of DOH

a. Directly observed treatment Short Course therapy is the best way to monitor drug intake

b. Tuberculin test is the best manner for case finding in children

d. Free medicines are given to patients with cavity lesions

The legal basis of PHC is:

Letter of Instruction no.949

Vitamins to prevent peripheral neuritis?

Vit B6

is one method of determining whether a person is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST)

The TST is performed by:

Injecting 0.1 ml of tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) into the inner surface of the forearm. The injection should be made with a tuberculin syringe, with the needle bevel facing upward. The TST is an intradermal iniection.

When placed correctly, the injection should produce a pale elevation of the skin (a wheal) 6 to 10 mm in diameter.

A government health team in the rural area is:

RURAL Health Unit

is a Department of Health thrust to prevent morbidity and mortality among infants and children caused by 6 childhood diseases.


Vaccines that are less sensitive to heat:

DPT, Hepa B, BCG, Tetanus toxoid

One of the salient features in community organization:

Collective leadership

The most effective senses in establishing a bond between a woman and her unborn baby?


A 6-year old child entering school for the first time

Foreseeable crisis

Primary health care is a strategy which focuses on:

Individuals, families and communities

The lowest operation unit of the DOH is the:

Barangay health station

A severely dehydrated child who can drink was brought to the rural health unit. He is to be referred to the hospital for IV therapy. While being transported, the midwife in the RHU should:

Give the mother pockets of Oresol and start oral rehydration

Intermediate level health workers

Health auxiliary volunteer

Primary health care implies:

The partnership between community, government & non-government sectors.

The immediate supervisor of the PHM at the health center level is the:

Public Health Nurse

Primary Health Care is focused on:

the promotion of the participation of the community in problem identification

This barangay has a population of 10000.

How many doses of OPV will be needed for this group?

900 doses

This barangay has a population of 10000.

Using the data, the number of eligible infants in this barangay is equivalent to:


DPT is administered:

0.5 cc intramuscularly for 3 doses

The barangay health unit is administered by a


According to the national prevalence survey, how many mm induration responses to the PPD test best differentiate the infected from the non-infected Filipinos.


The basic integral unit of the society:


The basic integral unit of the society:


When a community shares in the responsibility and participates in defining the health and health- related problems in the community, this is:

Intersectoral linkage

The basic integral unit of the society:


When a community shares in the responsibility and participates in defining the health and health- related problems in the community, this is:

Intersectoral linkage

The following indicates a good position for breastfeeding:

the baby takes short, swallow suck

You gave Mrs Jessie the first booster dose of TT on August 15, 2016. She will be asked to comeback on:

one year after

You gave Mrs Jessie the first booster dose of TT on August 15, 2016. She will be asked to comeback on:

one year after

Initial step in planning

Define the health problems

Safe sex practices include:

Having a monogamous relationship

The strategies adopted by the DOH for the prevention of neonatal tetanus is/are:

Educating public in the benefit of immunizing women of childbearing age with tetanus toxoid

School entrants must be given immunization regardless of the presence of the BCG scar. At what site are you going to give immunization?

Left deltoid

An important step to generate community participation is

Building health centers and hospitals

Health care delivery system:

a. brings health care closer to people

b. maximizes the utilization of resources through integration of health facilities

c. implements community linkages through the allocation of the health center to Barangays

One characteristic of PHC is that it is acceptable, which means:

It takes into account the local customs & traditions

At what age of the child should the 7 EPI immunizable diseases be scheduled to provide immunity to the child?

Before child's first birthday

The most common means of transmitting tubercle from 1 person to the other is by contamination thru:

Droplet nuclei

A. Immunity can be obtained after two primary doses of tetanus toxoid one month before delivery.

B. Immunity lasts 5 months in infants born to an immune mother.

C. Recovery from tetanus does not result in solid immunity.


A. Immunity can be obtained after two primary doses of tetanus toxoid one month before delivery.

B. Immunity lasts 5 months in infants born to an immune mother.

C. Recovery from tetanus does not result in solid immunity.


The storage temperature for the vaccines which are most sensitive to heat is:

-15 to -25 degrees centigrade

A. Immunity can be obtained after two primary doses of tetanus toxoid one month before delivery.

B. Immunity lasts 5 months in infants born to an immune mother.

C. Recovery from tetanus does not result in solid immunity.


The storage temperature for the vaccines which are most sensitive to heat is:

-15 to -25 degrees centigrade

A 4 years old child, is brought to the clinic for a check-up because of respiratory infection and chest indrawing. On examination, she has no danger signs. As a midwife, you classify the child as having:


Countries where TB disease is common

Mexico, the Philippines, Vietnam, India, China, Haiti, and Guatemala, or other countries with high rates of TB

An induration of 10 or more millimeters is considered positive in:

People born in countries where TB disease is common.

An induration of 5 or more millimeters is considered positive in:

-People living with HIV

The community organizer should observe the following:

A. recognition of the position and local role of the local authorities in the community

B. acquire a lifestyle that is in keeping with that of the community

C. frequent visits of community organization

•Can be done as an outpatient procedure

•Is not the same as castration

•A total hernia is a contraindication


•Can be done as an outpatient procedure

•Is not the same as castration

•A total hernia is a contraindication


Breaking the chain of infection

Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted

Symptoms of cholera includes:

а. vomiting and severe muscular cramps

b. profuse diarrhea

C. cold, sticky perspiration

•Can be done as an outpatient procedure

•Is not the same as castration

•A total hernia is a contraindication


Breaking the chain of infection

Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted

Symptoms of cholera includes:

а. vomiting and severe muscular cramps

b. profuse diarrhea

C. cold, sticky perspiration

Vaccines that will be administered by IM injection:

Hepatitis B Vaccine, DPT, TT

•Can be done as an outpatient procedure

•Is not the same as castration

•A total hernia is a contraindication


Breaking the chain of infection

Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted

Symptoms of cholera includes:

а. vomiting and severe muscular cramps

b. profuse diarrhea

C. cold, sticky perspiration

Vaccines that will be administered by IM injection:

Hepatitis B Vaccine, DPT, TT

Budgeting Health Education Plan includes:

1. communication

2. education

3. information

Most important aspect of primary health care:

Community participation

•Can be done as an outpatient procedure

•Is not the same as castration

•A total hernia is a contraindication


Breaking the chain of infection

Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted

Symptoms of cholera includes:

а. vomiting and severe muscular cramps

b. profuse diarrhea

C. cold, sticky perspiration

Vaccines that will be administered by IM injection:

Hepatitis B Vaccine, DPT, TT

Budgeting Health Education Plan includes:

1. communication

2. education

3. information

Most important aspect of primary health care:

Community participation

The legible age in administering Measles vaccine:

9 months old

•Can be done as an outpatient procedure

•Is not the same as castration

•A total hernia is a contraindication


Breaking the chain of infection

Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted

Symptoms of cholera includes:

а. vomiting and severe muscular cramps

b. profuse diarrhea

C. cold, sticky perspiration

Vaccines that will be administered by IM injection:

Hepatitis B Vaccine, DPT, TT

Budgeting Health Education Plan includes:

1. communication

2. education

3. information

Most important aspect of primary health care:

Community participation

The legible age in administering Measles vaccine:

9 months old

The legal basis for PHC is;

LOI 949

•Can be done as an outpatient procedure

•Is not the same as castration

•A total hernia is a contraindication


Breaking the chain of infection

Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted

Symptoms of cholera includes:

а. vomiting and severe muscular cramps

b. profuse diarrhea

C. cold, sticky perspiration

Vaccines that will be administered by IM injection:

Hepatitis B Vaccine, DPT, TT

Budgeting Health Education Plan includes:

1. communication

2. education

3. information

Most important aspect of primary health care:

Community participation

The legible age in administering Measles vaccine:

9 months old

The legal basis for PHC is;

LOI 949

In the maintenance phase, the patient should finish the DOTS drugs daily for:

4 months

•Can be done as an outpatient procedure

•Is not the same as castration

•A total hernia is a contraindication


Breaking the chain of infection

Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted

Symptoms of cholera includes:

а. vomiting and severe muscular cramps

b. profuse diarrhea

C. cold, sticky perspiration

Vaccines that will be administered by IM injection:

Hepatitis B Vaccine, DPT, TT

Budgeting Health Education Plan includes:

1. communication

2. education

3. information

Most important aspect of primary health care:

Community participation

The legible age in administering Measles vaccine:

9 months old

The legal basis for PHC is;

LOI 949

In the maintenance phase, the patient should finish the DOTS drugs daily for:

4 months

Principles of public health include:

determination of the needs of the community

•Can be done as an outpatient procedure

•Is not the same as castration

•A total hernia is a contraindication


Widespread people, participation in community development is effective.

a. small community or neighborhood

b. large communities

C. nation organization

Breaking the chain of infection

Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted

Symptoms of cholera includes:

а. vomiting and severe muscular cramps

b. profuse diarrhea

C. cold, sticky perspiration

Vaccines that will be administered by IM injection:

Hepatitis B Vaccine, DPT, TT

Budgeting Health Education Plan includes:

1. communication

2. education

3. information

Most important aspect of primary health care:

Community participation

The legible age in administering Measles vaccine:

9 months old

The legal basis for PHC is;

LOI 949

In the maintenance phase, the patient should finish the DOTS drugs daily for:

4 months

Principles of public health include:

determination of the needs of the community

•Can be done as an outpatient procedure

•Is not the same as castration

•A total hernia is a contraindication


Widespread people, participation in community development is effective.

a. small community or neighborhood

b. large communities

C. nation organization

Who is the Chairman of the Municipal Health Board?


Breaking the chain of infection

Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted

Symptoms of cholera includes:

а. vomiting and severe muscular cramps

b. profuse diarrhea

C. cold, sticky perspiration

Vaccines that will be administered by IM injection:

Hepatitis B Vaccine, DPT, TT

Budgeting Health Education Plan includes:

1. communication

2. education

3. information

Most important aspect of primary health care:

Community participation

The legible age in administering Measles vaccine:

9 months old

The legal basis for PHC is;

LOI 949

In the maintenance phase, the patient should finish the DOTS drugs daily for:

4 months

Principles of public health include:

determination of the needs of the community

•Can be done as an outpatient procedure

•Is not the same as castration

•A total hernia is a contraindication


Widespread people, participation in community development is effective.

a. small community or neighborhood

b. large communities

C. nation organization

Who is the Chairman of the Municipal Health Board?


Characterized by a paroxysmal cough terminating in a long frawn inspiratory effort present in:


Breaking the chain of infection

Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted

Symptoms of cholera includes:

а. vomiting and severe muscular cramps

b. profuse diarrhea

C. cold, sticky perspiration

Vaccines that will be administered by IM injection:

Hepatitis B Vaccine, DPT, TT

Budgeting Health Education Plan includes:

1. communication

2. education

3. information

Most important aspect of primary health care:

Community participation

The legible age in administering Measles vaccine:

9 months old

The legal basis for PHC is;

LOI 949

In the maintenance phase, the patient should finish the DOTS drugs daily for:

4 months

Principles of public health include:

determination of the needs of the community

•Can be done as an outpatient procedure

•Is not the same as castration

•A total hernia is a contraindication


Widespread people, participation in community development is effective.

a. small community or neighborhood

b. large communities

C. nation organization

Who is the Chairman of the Municipal Health Board?


Characterized by a paroxysmal cough terminating in a long frawn inspiratory effort present in:


Risk of smoking

1. increase the risk of the lung cancer

2. it may aggravate stomach ulcers

3. increases the risk of mouth & throat cancer

Breaking the chain of infection

Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted

Symptoms of cholera includes:

а. vomiting and severe muscular cramps

b. profuse diarrhea

C. cold, sticky perspiration

Vaccines that will be administered by IM injection:

Hepatitis B Vaccine, DPT, TT

Budgeting Health Education Plan includes:

1. communication

2. education

3. information

Most important aspect of primary health care:

Community participation

The legible age in administering Measles vaccine:

9 months old

The legal basis for PHC is;

LOI 949

In the maintenance phase, the patient should finish the DOTS drugs daily for:

4 months

Principles of public health include:

determination of the needs of the community

•Can be done as an outpatient procedure

•Is not the same as castration

•A total hernia is a contraindication


Widespread people, participation in community development is effective.

a. small community or neighborhood

b. large communities

C. nation organization

Who is the Chairman of the Municipal Health Board?


Characterized by a paroxysmal cough terminating in a long frawn inspiratory effort present in:


Risk of smoking

1. increase the risk of the lung cancer

2. it may aggravate stomach ulcers

3. increases the risk of mouth & throat cancer

The law that mandates devolution of basic services from the national government to local government unit.

RA 7160

Breaking the chain of infection

Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted

Symptoms of cholera includes:

а. vomiting and severe muscular cramps

b. profuse diarrhea

C. cold, sticky perspiration

Vaccines that will be administered by IM injection:

Hepatitis B Vaccine, DPT, TT

Budgeting Health Education Plan includes:

1. communication

2. education

3. information

Most important aspect of primary health care:

Community participation

The legible age in administering Measles vaccine:

9 months old

The legal basis for PHC is;

LOI 949

In the maintenance phase, the patient should finish the DOTS drugs daily for:

4 months

Principles of public health include:

determination of the needs of the community

•Can be done as an outpatient procedure

•Is not the same as castration

•A total hernia is a contraindication


Widespread people, participation in community development is effective.

a. small community or neighborhood

b. large communities

C. nation organization

Who is the Chairman of the Municipal Health Board?


Characterized by a paroxysmal cough terminating in a long frawn inspiratory effort present in:


Risk of smoking

1. increase the risk of the lung cancer

2. it may aggravate stomach ulcers

3. increases the risk of mouth & throat cancer

The law that mandates devolution of basic services from the national government to local government unit.

RA 7160

Maternal passive immunity is acquired through the:


Breaking the chain of infection

Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted

Symptoms of cholera includes:

а. vomiting and severe muscular cramps

b. profuse diarrhea

C. cold, sticky perspiration

Vaccines that will be administered by IM injection:

Hepatitis B Vaccine, DPT, TT

Budgeting Health Education Plan includes:

1. communication

2. education

3. information

Most important aspect of primary health care:

Community participation

The legible age in administering Measles vaccine:

9 months old

The legal basis for PHC is;

LOI 949

In the maintenance phase, the patient should finish the DOTS drugs daily for:

4 months

Principles of public health include:

determination of the needs of the community

•Can be done as an outpatient procedure

•Is not the same as castration

•A total hernia is a contraindication


Widespread people, participation in community development is effective.

a. small community or neighborhood

b. large communities

C. nation organization

Who is the Chairman of the Municipal Health Board?


Characterized by a paroxysmal cough terminating in a long frawn inspiratory effort present in:


Risk of smoking

1. increase the risk of the lung cancer

2. it may aggravate stomach ulcers

3. increases the risk of mouth & throat cancer

The law that mandates devolution of basic services from the national government to local government unit.

RA 7160

Maternal passive immunity is acquired through the:


A test to determine susceptibility to PTB is:

Tine test

Breaking the chain of infection

Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted

Symptoms of cholera includes:

а. vomiting and severe muscular cramps

b. profuse diarrhea

C. cold, sticky perspiration

Vaccines that will be administered by IM injection:

Hepatitis B Vaccine, DPT, TT

Budgeting Health Education Plan includes:

1. communication

2. education

3. information

Most important aspect of primary health care:

Community participation

The legible age in administering Measles vaccine:

9 months old

The legal basis for PHC is;

LOI 949

In the maintenance phase, the patient should finish the DOTS drugs daily for:

4 months

A test to determine susceptibility to PTB is:

Tine test

is used to detect an increase of protein in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Pandy test

is a multiple-puncture tuberculin skin test used to aid in the medical disease TB

Tine test

is used to determine what type of leprosy a person has.A sample of inactive (cannot cause infection) leprosy-causing bacteria is injected just under the skin, often on the forearm, so that a small lump pushes the skin up. The lump indicates that the antigen has been injected at the correct depth.

The injection site is labeled and examined 3 days, and again 28 days later to see if there is a reaction.

Lepromin skin test

Test reaction should be read between 48 and 72 hours after administration by a health care worker trained to read TST results. A patient who does not return within 72 hours will need to be rescheduled for another skin test.

The reaction should be measured in millimeters of the induration (firm swelling). The reader should not measure

erythema (redness). The diameter of the indurated area should be measured across the forearm (perpendicular to the long axis).

Skin test

Primary health care elements:

a. promotive, protective, curative & rehabilitative

b. accessible & available to all

c. integrated health services

An important step to generate community participation is:

Organizing the community

Health care delivery system:

a. brings health care closer to people

b. maximizes the utilization of resources through integration of health facilities

c. implements community linkages through the allocation of the health center to Barangays

Supplementation for diarrhea in children?


Supplementation for diarrhea in children?


Plan B in the management of diarrhea means;

giving 2 sachets of oresol

Supplementation for diarrhea in children?


Plan B in the management of diarrhea means;

giving 2 sachets of oresol

Intervention for Diarrhea, but no signs of dehydration:

Plan A

Supplementation for diarrhea in children?


Plan B in the management of diarrhea means;

giving 2 sachets of oresol

Intervention for Diarrhea, but no signs of dehydration:

Plan A

Plan C in the management of severe dehydration means;


Supplementation for diarrhea in children?


Plan B in the management of diarrhea means;

giving 2 sachets of oresol

Intervention for Diarrhea, but no signs of dehydration:

Plan A

Plan C in the management of severe dehydration means;



over 4 hours

Supplementation for diarrhea in children?


Plan B in the management of diarrhea means;

giving 2 sachets of oresol

Intervention for Diarrhea, but no signs of dehydration:

Plan A

Plan C in the management of severe dehydration means;



over 4 hours


Integrated Management of Childhood Iness

Supplementation for diarrhea in children?


Plan B in the management of diarrhea means;

giving 2 sachets of oresol

Intervention for Diarrhea, but no signs of dehydration:

Plan A

Plan C in the management of severe dehydration means;



over 4 hours


Integrated Management of Childhood Iness

Boo was subjected to a PPD test. The midwife performed a PPD test on his right forearm today. When should he return to have the test read?

48 hours after performing the test

Mantoux test

to determine the extent of lesions

Host of Schistosomiasis Japonicum:

From Snails, fecal oral route

Leprosy can be transmitted through:

Prolonged skin-to-skin contact

Leprosy can be transmitted through:

Prolonged skin-to-skin contact

ASIN Law!!! Act for salt iodinization nationwide


Obstetric History in pregnancy

Panel 1

Obstetric History in pregnancy

Panel 1

First postpartum clinic visit

After 3-5 days

Obstetric History in pregnancy

Panel 1

First postpartum clinic visit

After 3-5 days

Schick's test/Moloney's Test

For Diphtheria!!!

Obstetric History in pregnancy

Panel 1

First postpartum clinic visit

After 3-5 days

Schick's test/Moloney's Test

For Diphtheria!!!

A pregnant woman should not be given which anti TB drug?

Streptomycin - Can cause neural deafness to baby

Obstetric History in pregnancy

Panel 1

First postpartum clinic visit

After 3-5 days

Schick's test/Moloney's Test

For Diphtheria!!!

A pregnant woman should not be given which anti TB drug?

Streptomycin - Can cause neural deafness to baby

Initial phase

Pre entry phase

Obstetric History in pregnancy

Panel 1

First postpartum clinic visit

After 3-5 days

Schick's test/Moloney's Test

For Diphtheria!!!

A pregnant woman should not be given which anti TB drug?

Streptomycin - Can cause neural deafness to baby

Initial phase

Pre entry phase

The Mantoux test for TB is what type of injection and administered at what degree?

Intradermal, 15 degrees

Obstetric History in pregnancy

Panel 1

First postpartum clinic visit

After 3-5 days

Schick's test/Moloney's Test

For Diphtheria!!!

A pregnant woman should not be given which anti TB drug?

Streptomycin - Can cause neural deafness to baby

Initial phase

Pre entry phase

The Mantoux test for TB is what type of injection and administered at what degree?

Intradermal, 15 degrees

the reddish-orange discoloration of urine is the side effect of which anti-TB drug?


Obstetric History in pregnancy

Panel 1

First postpartum clinic visit

After 3-5 days

Schick's test/Moloney's Test

For Diphtheria!!!

A pregnant woman should not be given which anti TB drug?

Streptomycin - Can cause neural deafness to baby

Initial phase

Pre entry phase

The Mantoux test for TB is what type of injection and administered at what degree?

Intradermal, 15 degrees

the reddish-orange discoloration of urine is the side effect of which anti-TB drug?


Treatment of typhoid fever is:


When caring for a victim with a bloody nose, you would not:

Have the victim sit with head tilted slightly backward while pinching the nostrils together.

The Devolution Code of the Philippines is:

RA 7160!!!

The Devolution Code of the Philippines is:

RA 7160!!!

The procedure of limiting the movement of well persons or animals exposed to a communicable disease for the period of the disease is called:


Incubation period of leprosy?

5 yrs

Incubation period of leprosy?

5 yrs

Other term for Leprosy


Incubation period of leprosy?

5 yrs

Other term for Leprosy


Not a viral disease?


Standard protocol for the treatment of fever in a child under IMCI?

Give Paracetamol

Vibrio Cholera

During rainy season

Vibrio Cholera

During rainy season

Measles vaccine given 2 times

9 and 12 mos

Vaccine sensitive to heat

OPV, measles, BCG

Vaccine sensitive to cold


Vaccine sensitive to cold

Hepa B

Vaccine sensitive to cold and heat


Total population fomula

2.7 - infant

3.5 - mother

Process of complete enumeration in which every unit of the defined population being studied is included.


Process of complete enumeration in which every unit of the defined population being studied is included.


Good index of the general health condition of a community?

1) Infant mortality rate

2) Maternal mortality rate

Process of complete enumeration in which every unit of the defined population being studied is included.


Good index of the general health condition of a community?

1) Infant mortality rate

2) Maternal mortality rate

COPAR stands for

Community Organizing Participatory Action Research

Process of complete enumeration in which every unit of the defined population being studied is included.


Good index of the general health condition of a community?

1) Infant mortality rate

2) Maternal mortality rate

COPAR stands for

Community Organizing Participatory Action Research

Cereals like rice, bread, and root crops are rich in:


Cereals like rice, bread, and root crops are rich in:



• Prepare mixture of thick lugao/cooked rice, soft cooked vegetables. Egg yolk, mashed beans, flaked fish/chicken/ground meat and oil.

• Give mixture by teaspoons 2-4 times daily, increasing the amount of teaspoons and number of feeding until the full recommended amount is consumed

• Give bite-sized fruit separately

• Give egg alone or combine with above food mixture

Cereals like rice, bread, and root crops are rich in:



• Prepare mixture of thick lugao/cooked rice, soft cooked vegetables. Egg yolk, mashed beans, flaked fish/chicken/ground meat and oil.

• Give mixture by teaspoons 2-4 times daily, increasing the amount of teaspoons and number of feeding until the full recommended amount is consumed

• Give bite-sized fruit separately

• Give egg alone or combine with above food mixture

Water-soluble vitamins:

Pyridoxine and riboflavin

The skin lesions in leprosy are:

Hypopigmented and hypoaesthetic

The skin lesions in leprosy are:

Hypopigmented and hypoaesthetic


• foreign material capable of exciting the immune system and activating antibody formation


• special protein that is produced in response to antigen

The skin lesions in leprosy are:

Hypopigmented and hypoaesthetic


• foreign material capable of exciting the immune system and activating antibody formation


• special protein that is produced in response to antigen

In studies regarding the absorption of calcium, it is found out that it is absorbed only from:

Small intestine

The skin lesions in leprosy are:

Hypopigmented and hypoaesthetic


• foreign material capable of exciting the immune system and activating antibody formation


• special protein that is produced in response to antigen

In studies regarding the absorption of calcium, it is found out that it is absorbed only from:

Small intestine


The process that kill pathogenic and non pathogenic microorganisms.

The skin lesions in leprosy are:

Hypopigmented and hypoaesthetic


• foreign material capable of exciting the immune system and activating antibody formation


• special protein that is produced in response to antigen

In studies regarding the absorption of calcium, it is found out that it is absorbed only from:

Small intestine


The process that kill pathogenic and non pathogenic microorganisms.


is the process of pretreating objects contaminated with blood, body fluids and tissues for them to be safe enough for a person to handle before cleaning. This is done by soaking instruments in chemicals.

The skin lesions in leprosy are:

Hypopigmented and hypoaesthetic


• foreign material capable of exciting the immune system and activating antibody formation


• special protein that is produced in response to antigen

In studies regarding the absorption of calcium, it is found out that it is absorbed only from:

Small intestine


The process that kill pathogenic and non pathogenic microorganisms.


is the process of pretreating objects contaminated with blood, body fluids and tissues for them to be safe enough for a person to handle before cleaning. This is done by soaking instruments in chemicals.


is the process that eliminates all but not all disease producing microorganisms. It is done by boiling and use of chemicals.

The skin lesions in leprosy are:

Hypopigmented and hypoaesthetic


• foreign material capable of exciting the immune system and activating antibody formation


• special protein that is produced in response to antigen

In studies regarding the absorption of calcium, it is found out that it is absorbed only from:

Small intestine


The process that kill pathogenic and non pathogenic microorganisms.


is the process of pretreating objects contaminated with blood, body fluids and tissues for them to be safe enough for a person to handle before cleaning. This is done by soaking instruments in chemicals.


is the process that eliminates all but not all disease producing microorganisms. It is done by boiling and use of chemicals.


is the process of inhibiting the growth of microorganisms on skin and body tissues.

The skin lesions in leprosy are:

Hypopigmented and hypoaesthetic


• foreign material capable of exciting the immune system and activating antibody formation


• special protein that is produced in response to antigen

In studies regarding the absorption of calcium, it is found out that it is absorbed only from:

Small intestine


The process that kill pathogenic and non pathogenic microorganisms.


is the process of pretreating objects contaminated with blood, body fluids and tissues for them to be safe enough for a person to handle before cleaning. This is done by soaking instruments in chemicals.


is the process that eliminates all but not all disease producing microorganisms. It is done by boiling and use of chemicals.


is the process of inhibiting the growth of microorganisms on skin and body tissues.

Decontamination -

is the process of pre-treating objects contaminated with blood, body fluids and tissues for them to be safe enough for a person to handle before cleaning.

This is done by soaking instruments in chemicals.

The skin lesions in leprosy are:

Hypopigmented and hypoaesthetic


• foreign material capable of exciting the immune system and activating antibody formation


• special protein that is produced in response to antigen

In studies regarding the absorption of calcium, it is found out that it is absorbed only from:

Small intestine


The process that kill pathogenic and non pathogenic microorganisms.


is the process of pretreating objects contaminated with blood, body fluids and tissues for them to be safe enough for a person to handle before cleaning. This is done by soaking instruments in chemicals.


is the process that eliminates all but not all disease producing microorganisms. It is done by boiling and use of chemicals.


is the process of inhibiting the growth of microorganisms on skin and body tissues.

Decontamination -

is the process of pre-treating objects contaminated with blood, body fluids and tissues for them to be safe enough for a person to handle before cleaning.

This is done by soaking instruments in chemicals.


clinical history taking, vital sings, physical assessments, laboratory exams and documentation

The skin lesions in leprosy are:

Hypopigmented and hypoaesthetic


• foreign material capable of exciting the immune system and activating antibody formation


• special protein that is produced in response to antigen

In studies regarding the absorption of calcium, it is found out that it is absorbed only from:

Small intestine


The process that kill pathogenic and non pathogenic microorganisms.


is the process of pretreating objects contaminated with blood, body fluids and tissues for them to be safe enough for a person to handle before cleaning. This is done by soaking instruments in chemicals.


is the process that eliminates all but not all disease producing microorganisms. It is done by boiling and use of chemicals.


is the process of inhibiting the growth of microorganisms on skin and body tissues.

Decontamination -

is the process of pre-treating objects contaminated with blood, body fluids and tissues for them to be safe enough for a person to handle before cleaning.

This is done by soaking instruments in chemicals.


clinical history taking, vital sings, physical assessments, laboratory exams and documentation


ensure privacy, safety and comfort of the patient throughout procedure

The skin lesions in leprosy are:

Hypopigmented and hypoaesthetic


explain findings and needed care, refer as needed, make appointment for nest clinic/ home visit


• foreign material capable of exciting the immune system and activating antibody formation


• special protein that is produced in response to antigen

In studies regarding the absorption of calcium, it is found out that it is absorbed only from:

Small intestine


The process that kill pathogenic and non pathogenic microorganisms.


is the process of pretreating objects contaminated with blood, body fluids and tissues for them to be safe enough for a person to handle before cleaning. This is done by soaking instruments in chemicals.


is the process that eliminates all but not all disease producing microorganisms. It is done by boiling and use of chemicals.


is the process of inhibiting the growth of microorganisms on skin and body tissues.

Decontamination -

is the process of pre-treating objects contaminated with blood, body fluids and tissues for them to be safe enough for a person to handle before cleaning.

This is done by soaking instruments in chemicals.


clinical history taking, vital sings, physical assessments, laboratory exams and documentation


ensure privacy, safety and comfort of the patient throughout procedure

The skin lesions in leprosy are:

Hypopigmented and hypoaesthetic


explain findings and needed care, refer as needed, make appointment for nest clinic/ home visit

they can be given a whole egg at:

After 1yr


• foreign material capable of exciting the immune system and activating antibody formation


• special protein that is produced in response to antigen

In studies regarding the absorption of calcium, it is found out that it is absorbed only from:

Small intestine


The process that kill pathogenic and non pathogenic microorganisms.


is the process of pretreating objects contaminated with blood, body fluids and tissues for them to be safe enough for a person to handle before cleaning. This is done by soaking instruments in chemicals.


is the process that eliminates all but not all disease producing microorganisms. It is done by boiling and use of chemicals.


is the process of inhibiting the growth of microorganisms on skin and body tissues.

Decontamination -

is the process of pre-treating objects contaminated with blood, body fluids and tissues for them to be safe enough for a person to handle before cleaning.

This is done by soaking instruments in chemicals.


clinical history taking, vital sings, physical assessments, laboratory exams and documentation


ensure privacy, safety and comfort of the patient throughout procedure

The skin lesions in leprosy are:

Hypopigmented and hypoaesthetic


explain findings and needed care, refer as needed, make appointment for nest clinic/ home visit

they can be given a whole egg at:

After 1yr

afflicted with cerebrospinal fever



• foreign material capable of exciting the immune system and activating antibody formation


• special protein that is produced in response to antigen

In studies regarding the absorption of calcium, it is found out that it is absorbed only from:

Small intestine


The process that kill pathogenic and non pathogenic microorganisms.


is the process of pretreating objects contaminated with blood, body fluids and tissues for them to be safe enough for a person to handle before cleaning. This is done by soaking instruments in chemicals.


is the process that eliminates all but not all disease producing microorganisms. It is done by boiling and use of chemicals.


is the process of inhibiting the growth of microorganisms on skin and body tissues.

Decontamination -

is the process of pre-treating objects contaminated with blood, body fluids and tissues for them to be safe enough for a person to handle before cleaning.

This is done by soaking instruments in chemicals.


clinical history taking, vital sings, physical assessments, laboratory exams and documentation


ensure privacy, safety and comfort of the patient throughout procedure