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44 Cards in this Set

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Acetaminophen Adverse Effects and Teaching
Adverse effects include liver damage, allergy, SJS, rarely mucosal and skin effects. Patients should not take with alcohol, do not take more than 3g in 24 hours.
Aspirin Adverse Effects and Teaching

Can cause bleeding, GI upset, teach patients to monitor for signs of abnormal bleeding and bruising

Celecoxib Assessment

assess patient for risk of cardiovascular event prior to administration as well as pregnancy and sulfa drug allergy

Levothyroxine Teaching

Teach patients to take 30 min before the first meal of the day and to not take at night due to hyperactivity and monitor self for signs of hyperthyroidism

Metoprolol Adverse Effects

Orthostatic hypotension, bradycardia, peripheral edema, angina, dizziness

Prazosin Mechanism of Action

alpha 1 adrenergic agonist

Captopril Assessment:

monitor daily weights and for signs of edema, dizziness, dark urine or pale stools.

Diltiazem (Cardizem) Contraindications

hypotension, SSS, heart block

Furosemide Teaching

Teach patient to monitor for signs of hypokalemia, hyponatremia, hypovolemia

Spironolactone Adverse Effects

blood in stool, unusual bleeding, dizziness, lightheadedness, muscle twitching.

Digoxin Adverse Effects and Teaching

NV, stomach pain, hyporkalemia, irregular heartbeat, monitor for signs of hypokalemia and supplement potassium.

Atorvastatin Teaching

monitor for pale stool and dark urine, take daily to reduce cholesterol levels.

Low dose aspirin indications

prevent clotting, blood thinner, post and pre op, headache, mild to moderate pain.

Heparin evaluation

Evaluate patient for signs of irregular bleedings and bruising

Diazepam (Valium) indications

anxiety, depression, pre op.

Morphine adverse effects and assessment:

can cause constipation, respiratory depression, assessment respiration quality and rate, I and O

Naloxone (Narcan) Indication and assessment:

indicated for hypotension, bradycardia, decreased respirations, assess patient for increase in respirations, blood pressure, and heart rate.

Phenytoin (Dilantin) Teaching:

monitor for high blood sugar, do not stop taking suddenly.

Ethosuximide Indications:

epileptic seizures and absence seizures.

Carbamazepine adverse effects

confusion, headache, lightheadedness, pale stool and dark urine.

Donepezil (aricept) Teaching

tell doctor if you lose weight, have unexplained NV or stomach upset and diarrhea or unusual bleeding and bruising.

Duloxetine (Cymbalta) indications:

depression, peripheral neuropathy

Imipramine (tri cyclic) contraindications:

patients on MAOIs, heart failure, kidney dz. Fluoxetine MOA: SSRI

Glucocorticoids Assessment and Interactions:

Assess patient for weight gain, hyperglycemia, interacts with rifampin and anticonvulsants.

Asthma treatment:

Involves oral bronchodilator, inhaled glucocorticoids and bronchodilators.

Albuterol adverse effects:

tachycardia, sweating, shakiness, hyperactivity.

Budesonide Incidations

asthma and COPD

Diphenhydramine Teaching:

Do not mix with alcohol, may cause drowsiness, may cause hallucinations.

Omeprazole (Prilosec) indications:


Antacids adverse effects:

Hypercalcemia, hypermagnesemia, constipation, hypophosphatemia.

Biscodyl Indications


Psyllium adverse reactions:

NV, stomach pain, itching, rash, trouble breathing

Penicillin adverse effects:

nephrotoxicity, NV, allergies

Vancomycin adverse effects

nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic, NV, diarrhea

Gentamicin teaching:

do not take if you have a history of renal dz, avoid if you have a histroy of heart dz or rheumatic heart disease.

Tetracycline Teaching:

Do not take when pregnancy, breastfeeding, do not give to children under 8

Lantus Route

sub Q

Novolog preventing adverse effects:

administer only as much as needed according to sliding scale, do not take if you have not eaten or if numbers do not correlate with scale.

Insulin adverse effects and assessment:

hypoglycemia symptoms

Glyburide adverse effects:

hypoglycemia symptoms

Metformin Teaching

Do not take with aspirin, watch for signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Pioglitazone MOA

reduce serum glucose


Bulk Forming


stimulant laxative