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81 Cards in this Set

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mechanism of aminoglycosides

bacterialcidal, disrupt bacteria protein synthesis via 30s ribosmal subunit

name four aminoglycosies

gentamicin, streptomycin, neomycin

aminoglycosides drug of choice against (4)

e coli, k pneumoniae, mirabilis, pseumonas aeru

for tape worm


used prior to GI surgery

oral neomycin

this aminoglycoside used for tb, gram pos, gram neg, and acid fast infections


four adverse of aminoglycosides

hearing, kidneys, weakness, rash

tests for kidneys (2)

elevated BUN and creatinine

normal BUN


normal creatinine


side effect of streptomycin

neuro tingling in extremeties

paresthesias means

neuro tingling

myasthenia gravis is

condition with weakness of voluntary muscles

do not use this with aminoglycosides in same IV bag as it will disactivate aminoglycosides


other medication that can intensify ototoxicity of aminoglycosides

loop diuretic (furosemide) lasix

normal peak level range of gentamicin (to be checked 30 minutes after completiion of divides doses/infusions)


normal trough level range of gentamicin (checked right before next dose)

< 2

loop diuretic other than furosemide (lasix) that can incrase ototoxicity when used in conjuction with aminoglycosides such as gentamicin

ethacrynic acid

aminoglycosides should be infused over at least

30 minutes

besides blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine, this also shows possible kidney damage

protein in urine

first sign of vestibular (balance) damage


most important assessment in myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness)

breath sounds

first sign of cochlear ototoxicity (hearing) is

tinnitus (ringing in ears)

sulfonamides mechanism

inhibit synthesis of precursor to folate which bacteria have to make. we just eat it in our diet.

sulfonamides are bacterio_______

bacteriostatic (stop growth)

sulfonamides and trimethoprim used for


causes of UTI's

e coli, ghonorreha

SMZ-TMP also used for

pneumocystis j pneumonia (PCP)

those with allergies to these 2 might have allergies to SMZ-TMP uti meds

sulfa(o)s and diuretics

5 adverse of sulfonamide/trimethoprim

stevens johnson rash, anemia, crystalluria, kernicterus, light

kernicterus means increased ________ which leads to _______

increased bilirubin leads to neurotoxicity

kernicterus especially dangerous in pregnant women and children under

children under 2 months

sulfonamides (uti med) can increase effects of (3) drugs

warfarin, phenytoin, hypoglycemics

name 2 fluoroquinolone antibiotics

ciprofloxacin and levoflox

ciproflox primary for


four adverse of ciproflox (fluoroquinolones)

achilles tendon, GI, suprainfection, light

avoid ciproflox antibiotics in children due to achilles rupture unless (2)

e coli, anthrax

avoid these cationic compounds with antibiotic ciproflox

magnesium, anatcids, mulk, iron

ciproflox bad with this bronchodilator


infuse ciproflox over at least

60 minutes

ciproflox primarily for


adverse unique to trimethoprim (for UTI)


sulfonamide for burns


sulflo/trim should be avoided in those with these disease that causes low folic acid


sulfamylon for burns may cause


urticaria means


3 symptoms of hemolytic anemia

jaundice, pallor, fever

four medications for tb

isoniazid, pyrazinamide, rifampin, ethambutol

ethambutol bactero_____ to myco tubercolsis


initial phase of tb treatment lasts

2 months

continuation phase of tb treatment lasts

4 months

symptoms of tb (4)

cough of 3 weeks or more, weight loss, night sweats, and fever.

adverse of Isoniazid (3)

neuropathy, hepatitis, hyperglycemia

for neuropathy give

vitamin b6

old standard treatment for tb

isoniazid daily for 9 months

new standard treatment for tb

isonizid plus rifapentine once a week for 3 months

optic neuritis really only happens with this tb drug


signs of tb induced hepatitis

yellow eyes, jaundice

those taking tb meds must avoid blank to protect liver



loss of body movements

labs that show bad liver (tb med induced hepatitis)

AST high

normal ast


INH interaction with this drug

phenytoin builds up thus too much seizure suppression means ataxia

drug for leprosy


3 side effects of rifampin

orange bodily fluids, hepatoxicity, GI

rifampin interactions (3)

contraceptives, warfarin, HIV meds NNRTI's

med for leprosy


INH administration make sure no

crystals in solution

adverse of pyrazinamide (2)

liver and joint pain

ethambutol adverse (1)

optic neuritis - color vision

during last two months (cont phase) of tb treatment only give these two

isoniazid and rifampin

sizes of ppd induration that determine positive result of tb in those who are high risk, mod risk, low risk

5, 10, 15 mm

dosing of rifampin for leprosy

once per month for 12 months

daptomycin is

antibiotic that can kill al gram positive (no extra layer) bacteria

daptomycin used for (2)

staph infections

adverse of daptomycin (2)

myopathy, check CKP

wbc pneumonia - rare


antiprotozoa flagyl

uses for flagyl (3)

c dif



adverse of flagyl (3)

dark urine, GI, seizures

flagyl interactions

alcohol (bad disulfiram)


rifampin for tb, leprosy, and

meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae