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22 Cards in this Set

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Primary action of antiarrhythmic drugs
change in ion flux in cardiac muscle cell
alter action potential
Class I antiarrhythmic drugs
Inhibit fast Na+ channels, affect primarily mycocardial muscle
sub classes
Class II antiarrhythmic drugs
Beta adrenergic blockers
decrease HR and automaticity, increase refractory period of AV node, decreases contractility
Class III antiarrhythmic drugs
Prolong action potential, slows AV conduction, prolongs QT int., widens QRS
Not great for long term therapy
Class IV antiarrythmic drugs
Calcium channel blockers
Reduce AV conduction, increase AV refractory period, decreased automaticity in AV node, decreases myocardial contractility
Worsen CHF, watch hypotension and bradycardia
class, use, adverse, nursing
Class I
Antiarrhythmic, may slow HR
Widen QRS and QT int, lots of drug interactions (esp. digoxin), diarrhea, toxicity, ototoxicity
Cardiac monitor at first teach report adverse effects
Lidocaine (Xylocaine)
class, use, adverse, nursing
Class I - no decrease contractility, little effect on BP or HR
Vent. dysrhythmias, less effect on atria. ACUTE only. IV bolus followed by drip
Widened QRS, dose-related numbness/tingling/drowsiness, seizures
Cardiac monitoring, watch for toxicity
Propranolol (Inderal)
class, use, adverse, nursing
Class II (beta blocker)
Vent. dysrhythmias, prophylactically after MI, slow vent. w/ a-fib (won't convert, just improves CO)
Decrease contractility
Amiodarone (Corarone)
class, use, adverse, nursing
Class III
Vent. tach and fib, prolong action potential, slows AV conduction, long term use not ideal
Prolongs QRS and QT int., hypotension, bradycardia
Monitor liver enzymes, thyroid levels, pulmonary toxicity, n/v, loss of appetite, watch brady and hypotension
Diltiazem (Cardizem, Ziac)
class, use, adverse, nursing
Class IV (Ca+ channel blocker)
Supraventricular tachyscardias, slow vent. rate in a-fib and flutter, affects AV node
Decreases contractility, worsens CHF, brady, hypotension
Give IV slowly, cardiac monitoring, hold for syst <100 and HR <60
Adenosine (Adenocard)
class, use, adverse, nursing
Class IV (Ca+ channel blocker) - COOL drug
Depress AV node activity, chemical cardioversion, convert supraventricular tachycardia
May see chest pressure, n/v
Give rapid IV bolus, requires cardiac monitoring, observe short term (~5sec) asystole
action, therapeutics, test to monitor, nursing
Accelerates rate at which antithrombin factors neautralize clotting factors
Only IV or SQ in abd (never IM), dose verified by 2nd nurse
aPTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) used for monitoring, goal is 1.5 to 2 x control/normal level
Monitor bleeding (guiacc stool test, etc.), safety, d/c'd 12-24hrs before surgery
HIT - heparin induced thrombocytopenia
immune reaction to heparin, platelet aggregation = clots, can embolize organs, onset usually longer than 5 days on heparin (that's a long time), monitor platelet counts
If occurs, can never have heparin again
Enoxaparin (Lovenaox)
what, use, nursing
Low molecular weight heparin
Prevent DVT (esp. post-op), treat unstable angina
Watch for bruising on abd (SQ injections), safety, monitor platelet counts, monitor liver enzyme tests
Coumadin, Warfarin
action, therapeutics, uses, nursing
Alters synthesis of clotting factors, interferes with vit K
PO (rarely IV), slow onset, may overlap heparin therapy, lots of drug reactions, highly protein bound
Prevent/treat thrombosis, reduce risk of stroke/MI/PE, follows heparin therapy, d/c'd several days before surgery, teratogenic
Safety, monitor prothrombin time (int. normalized ratio goal is 2.0-3.0), diet (consistent vit. k consumption), no IM injections, keep app's for lab work, report other meds
Vitamin K
Coumadin/Warfarin reversal
PO when INR >5, IV when >8
Abciximab (Reopro)
what, therapeutics, use, nursing
Platelet aggregation inhibitor, acute only
Blocks final pathway in platelet aggregation, inhibits binding of fibrinogen to platelets
Given IV after MI, angioplasty, stent placement (prevent occlusion)
Safety, monitor for bleeding, GI upset, rash
Clopidogrel (Plavix)
what, therapeutics, use, adverse
Platelet aggregation inhibitor
cAMP phosphodiesterase, receptor inhibitor
Reserved for ASA intolerance
neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, rare thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura, interaction w/ Clopidogrel and Omeprazole (Prilosec)
Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin)
therapeutics, use, adverse
Blocks production of a platelet aggregation inducer in platelets, action is permanent on each platelet (platelet life span 7-10 days), repeated doses have cumulative effect
Low doses, once per or BID, prevent stroke/MI
Watch for allergy, GI bleeding, GI upset
Tissue plasmingoen activators or tPA
(Alteplase, Activase)
what, therapeutics, use, nursing
Fibrinolytic agents, "clot busters"
Activates bound plasminogen (targets clots) to breakdown, IV in ER/ICU w/ cardiac monitoring
Used to go get clot in MI/stroke/PE, new use in frostbite? Given w/ ASA, heparin
Observe for therapeutic response (specific to intended use), monitor for bleeding (GI, IV sites, etc)
Contraindications of fibrinolynic agents
tPA (Alterplase, Activase)
Bleeding risks:
surgery w/in 10 days, trauma, CPR, GI bleed w/in 3 months, uncontrolled hypertension (diastolic >110), previous CVA, acute pericarditis
Safety and monitoring for anticoagulants
No bare feet, soft toothbrushes, no flossing, hyper aware of safety, come in to ER if bleeding won't stop, report onset of new symptoms
Guiacc stools, hemo test urine, IV removal - direct pressure for minimum 5min, pay attention to sudden headache/abd pain/hypotension