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146 Cards in this Set

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Which nursing intervention is priority when a patient is receiving antiviral agents

Promoting hydration

A patient treated with acyclovir for genital herpes should be instructed that

Oral hygiene should be performed several times a day they have a risk of gingival hyperplasia

define administration of influenza vaccine to a patient it is important for the nurse to ask the patient if they are allergic to


the patient asked the nurse what part of the body is most affected by HIV virus the nurse informs the patient that HIV primarily affects which system

The immune system

when providing teaching for a patient being discharged home on antiviral therapy for HIV which statement with the nurse include

Do not eat raw fish

The nurse identifies which condition as a common bacterial opportunistic infection seen in HIV patients


a healthcare provider has been exposed to HIV while caring for a patient following the post-exposure prophylaxis regimen the health provider will most likely receive treatment for how long

4 weeks

Tonic clonic grand mal seizure

Generalized alternating muscle spasms and jerkiness

Absence petit mal seizures

Brief loss of consciousness 10 seconds or less usually occurs in children

Partial psychomotor seizure

Repetitive behavior chewing or swallowing motion behavioral changes motor seizures

Phenytoin fosphenytoin action

Express sodium influx

Valproic acid ethosuximide action

Suppress calcium influx

Barbiturates benzodiazepines tiagabine action

Enhance action of gaba

Gabapentin action

Promote gaba released

Phenytoin Dilantin contraindications and therapeutic serum level

Pregnancy 10 to 20 mcg

Phenytoin Dilantin side effects

Gingival hyperplasia nystagmus headache diplopia dizziness slurred speech decreased coordination alopecia thrombocytopenia and Steven Johnson syndrome

Phenytoin Dilantin use

Anticonvulsant anti-epileptic

Phenytoin Dilantin drug interactions

Cimedine sulfonamide folic acid and acid calcium sucralfate antineoplastic antipsychotics primrose ginkgo insulin release anticoagulant oral contraceptives antihistamines dopamine theophylline

Nursing interventions for hydrantoins phenytoin Dilantin

Shake for 5 minutes monitor serum Warren females to have additional contraception avoid herbs alcohol don't discontinue abruptly dental check-ups glucose level take out the same time everyday pink red brown urine report sore throat bruising nose bleeds causes blood dyscrasia wear a medical alert bracelet


Effective in controlling petite malle absence seizures tolerance occurs at 6 months


Management of status epilepticus

Diazepam use

Acute status epilepticus administered IV short-term effect

Pregnancy and seizures

Seizure episodes increased 25% hypoxia Teratogenic properties inhibit vitamin k increased lots of folate monitor serum levels closely

Anticonvulsants and febrile seizures

Children 3 months to 5 years diazepam fever

Anticonvulsant and status epilepticus

Diazepam IV lorazepam phenytoin for continued seizures midazolam or propofol

What is the highest nursing priority diagnosis for a patient with phenytoin Dilantin

Risk for falls

Define ministering a daily dose of phenytoin Dilantin it is most important for the nurse to

Check phenytoin levels

patient who was discharged three days ago on phenytoin Dilantin therapy for seizure disorder the patient comes to the emergency room experiencing seizures what will be the most valuable to determine the etiology of the return seizures

Serum phenytoin levels

The patient is experiencing status epilepticus the nurse anticipates administration of which drug


Which statement will the nurse include when teaching the patient about phenytoin Dilantin therapy

should be taken with food or milk

Carbidopa levodopa action and side effects

Increased mobility side effects include fatigue insomnia dry mouth blurred vision orthostatic hypotension palpitations dysrhythmias urinary retention nausea vomiting dyskinesia psychosis and severe depression

Drug interactions for carbidopa levodopa

decreased effect with anticholinergic phenytoin tricyclics antidepressants maois and vitamin b phenothiazine benzodiazepine

Nursing interventions for dopaminergics like carbidopa-levodopa

Orthostatic hypertension administer with food avoid vitamin b6 don't stop abruptly Brown coloration of urine and sweat suicidal tendencies monitor blood cells liver and kidney

Donepezil aricept rivastigmine galantamine action

Allow more acetylcholine in neuron receptors increase cognitive function acetylcholinesterase inhibitors cholinesterase inhibitors

Donepezil aricept

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor prescribed to improve cognitive function for patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's increases the amount of acetylcholinesterase at the cholinergic synapse

Donepezil aricept pharmacokinetics and side effects

well absorbed unaffected by food highly protein-bound the side effects include headache dizziness depression vertigo insomnia nausea vomiting diarrhea anorexia

Patient teaching with donepezil aricept

Take at bedtime understand that it's not a cure continue taking even if there is no change may take weeks to improve the baseline arrange for follow-ups tell the doctor all medications they are taking

the patient has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease the daughter asks the nurse what the cause of Alzheimer's disease is the best response by the nurse is the cause of Alzheimer's disease is


Which comment to the nurse indicates more teaching is needed for a patient taking carbidopa levodopa

I know I need to take this once a day the patient needs to take it three to four times a day

Which side effect of carbidopa levodopa does the nurse realize is most important to monitor


A patient with Parkinson's disease is being treated with carbidopa levodopa the patient asks the nurse why we need to take both

The carbidopa helps the levodopa reach the brain

A nurse at an adult day care center notes that the many patients are on Donepezil aricept the nurse knows that the function of this medication is

Slow the progression of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

Antipsychotics action

Black action of dopamine

Phenothiazine block

Norepinephrine causing sedative and hypotensive effects early in treatment this is an typical anti-psychotic

Butyrophenones block

Only the neurotransmitter dopamine this is also an anti-psychotic typical


This is an atypical antipsychotic effective in treating schizophrenia often used of typical antipsychotics don't work

Aliphatic phenothiazine chlorpromazine thorazine side effect

Strong sedation severe orthostatic hypotension moderate eps

Piperazine phenothiazine fluphenazine prolixin and perphenazine trilafon side effects

Lowes sedation strong antiemetic severe eps

Piperidine phenothiazine thioridazine hcl mellaril side effects

A few eps

Fluphenazine prolixin action use and interactions

Blocks dopamine receptors in the brain manages symptoms of schizophrenia interactions increased depression when taking alcohol and other CNS depressants kava kava increases eps

Fluphenazine side effects

sedation dizziness headache seizures dry mouth nasal congestion blurred vision photosensitivity urine retention GI distress peripheral edema tachycardia eps

Haloperidol haldol action news

Nonohenothiazine blocks dopamine receptors used for psychosis dementia schizophrenia and tourette's syndrome

Haloperidol contraindications

Narrow angle glaucoma sedation severe liver kidney and cardiovascular disease blood dyscrasia

Haloperidol side effects

sedation headache seizures EPS dry mouth blurred vision photosensitivity tachycardia orthostatic hypotension dysrhythmias urinary retention

Haloperidol interactions

Increased sedation with alcohol CNS depressants increased toxicity with anticholinergic decrease effects with phenobarbital carbamazepine and caffeine

Extra pyramidal symptoms

Parkinsonian syndromes acute dystonia akathisia tardive dyskinesia

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome associated with antipsychotics

Complicated with rhabdomyolysis acute renal failure respiratory failure and coma treated by withdrawing antipsychotics hydration hypothermic blankets antipyretics benzodiazepines muscle relaxants

Clozapine adverse effect nursing interventions

Agranulocytosis nurse needs to monitor weekly white blood cell counts

Olanzapine side effects

Does not cause EPS or agranulocytosis but it does cause headaches dizziness agitation insomnia and somnolence


I am four reserved for acutelly agitated patients 10 to 20 mg as needed up to 40 mg per day rapid onset peak is about 60 minutes

Aripiprazole ability advantages and action

advantages of effective in treating both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia less likely to cause EPS or tardive dyskinesia action is blocking serotonin and dopamine ergic D4 receptors

Aripiprazole abilify use cautious use and interactions

is used for schizophrenia manic and mixed episodes of bipolar disorder use cautiously with people that have cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease seizure disorders or diabetes there is interactions with antihypertensives and anti-diabetics

Aripiprazole abilify side effects

sedation EPS seizures suicidal ideation weight gain weight loss tachycardia bradycardia hypotension hypertension urinary incontinence sexual dysfunction

Nursing interventions for antipsychotic drugs

monitor vital signs monitor cheeking give oral with food or milk give I am by z track in too deep muscle rotate injection sites do not allow drug trimming in plastic syringe administer drug within 15 minutes of preparation monitor for EPs and MSW WBC urine pink or red 3 to 6 weeks to achieve effectiveness stop smoking don't take with other CNS depressants don't stop abruptly

Primary anxiety

It is not caused by a medical condition or drug use is managed with short-term anxiolytics

Secondary anxiety

it is related to selective drug use medical or psychiatric conditions medications are not usually given for secondary anxiety

Lorazepam Ativan action and use

Inhibit gaba and neurotransmission by binding to specific benzodiazepine receptors it is typically used as an anxiolytic anticonvulsant and for pre-op

Lorazepam Ativan side effects

Drowsiness dizziness confusion blurred vision weakness restlessness sleep disturbance hallucinations GI distress

Lorazepam Ativan interactions

Interacts with other CNS depressants cimetidine phenytoin and levodopa smoking kava kava

Anxiolytics and withdrawal

develops low in 2 to 10 days and may take several weeks withdrawal symptoms include tremor agitation nervousness sweating insomnia anorexia and muscle cramps

Nursing interventions for anxiolytics

monitor vital signs encourage patient to rise slowly dizziness therapeutic effect 1 to 2 weeks don't drive vehicles 3 to 4 months can develop tolerance monitor for checking one patient not to take other CNS depressants avoid antacids and caffeine kava kava take with meals and don't stop abruptly

The nurse realizes more medication teaching is necessary when the 30 year old patient taking lorazepam States

I can stop the drug after 3 weeks if I feel better

A young woman is treated for psychosis with fluphenazine which sign would indicate the need to add an anticholinergic to the patient's medication regimen

Facial grimacing and tongue spasms

Assessment finding for a patient with neuroleptic malignant syndrome include


which statement by a patient indicates that more teaching on fantasizing therapy for the treatment of psychosis is needed

When I start to feel better I can cut the dose in half

a nurse is caring for a patient and an outpatient setting that the patient is currently taking lorazepam for anxiety and her breath smells like alcohol the nurse reports this to the healthcare provider because

Taking alcohol with Ativan may increase sedative effects

the patient has been diagnosed with neuroleptic malignant syndrome the nurse anticipates administration of which medication

Dantrolene dantrium

Reactive depression

Usually set in onset resulting in precipitating event

Major depression

Characterized by loss of interest in working ability to complete tasks deep depression

St John's Wort

Can decrease reuptake of neurotransmitter serotonin norepinephrine and dopamine

Ginkgo biloba

do you have these and many herbal products should be discontinued 1 to 2 weeks before surgery the patient could check with a healthcare provider regarding herbal supplements

Infants and antidepressants

use of ssris in late pregnancy poses small risk of neonatal abstinence syndrome characterized by abnormal crying irritability tremer and possible seizures

Children and adolescents and antidepressants

Antidepressants may increase the risk of suicide especially in the early phase of treatment

Pregnant women and antidepressants

Use of ssris in late pregnancy May promote persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn

Breastfeeding and antidepressants

Antidepressants are generally safe in breastfeeding women sertraline has been shown to be especially safe

Older adults and antidepressants

Treatment with ssris and snris are generally sae

Tricyclics antidepressants amitriptyline imipramine trimipramine action and use

blocks uptake of neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin blocks histamine elevates mood increases interest in adl's decreased insomnia used for major depression and agitated depression

Amitriptyline tricyclic antidepressant interaction and side effects

Increased interactions with CNS depressants sedation and anticholinergic effects with phenothiazine haloperidol

side effects include sedation dizziness blurred vision dry mouth dry eyes urinary retention constipation weight gain GI distress sexual dysfunction orthostatic hypotension dysrhythmias EPS blood disgracias

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as sertraline Zoloft fluoxetine Prozac action and use

Block serotonin reuptake used for major depression anxiety disorders and migraine headaches these are popular because they don't cause sedation hypertension anticholinergic effects or cardiotoxicity as do many tca's

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor interactions and side effects such as sertraline or fluoxetine

interact with alcohol side effects include headache nervousness restlessness insomnia tremors seizures GI distress sexual dysfunction suicidal ideation side effects often decrease after 2 to 4 weeks

Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors such as duloxetine cymbalta and venlafaxine action use

Inhibit serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake duloxetine is used for major depression generalized anxiety fibromyalgia diabetic neuropathy

Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors snris interactions

concurrent interaction with duloxetine and an MAOI may cause serotonin syndrome heavy alcohol use greatly increases risk of liver damage

Side effects of duloxetine an snri

drowsiness dizziness insomnia headache euphoria blurred vision increased intraocular pressure photosensitivity and erectile dysfunction adverse effects include hyponatremia hypertension increased liver enzymes hepatotoxicity suicidal ideation and Steve Johnson syndrome

Loxapine nefazodone trazodone are atypical antipsychotics actions and interactions

did fact one or two of the three neurotransmitter serotonin norepinephrine and dopamine do not take with maois and do not use within 14 days after discontinuing maois Trudeau tone may have a potential drug interaction with ketoconazole ritonavir and indivior that may lead to increased levels and adverse effects

Maois such as tranylcypromine sulfate isocarboxazid phenelzine sulfate action and use

inhibits the enzyme monoamine oxidase resulting in an accumulation of neurotransmitters norepinephrine dopamine epinephrine and serotonin used for depression not controlled by tca's and second generation antidepressants

MAOI drug interactions

Vasoconstrictors and cold medications containing phelylphedrine and pseudoephedrine can cause a hypertensive crisis. Concurrent use with other antidepressants can lead to a fatal adverse effects

Maois and food interactions

aged restaurant cheese's cream yogurt caffeine chocolate bananas raisins Italian green beans liver pickled foods cured or smoked meat sausages salami soy products used beer and red wines can cause hypertensive crisis

Maois side effects

Agitation restlessness insomnia anticholinergic effects orthostatic hypotension hypertensive crisis from tyramine interaction

Antidepressant agents nursing interventions

Monitor vital signs monitor mood monitor suicidal tendencies monitor seizures warn that foods that contain tyramine can cause hypertensive crisis and courage taking as prescribed avoid alcohol and cold medications take with food to avoid GI distress don't drive avoid stopping abruptly take at bedtime 2 to 4 weeks for a therapeutic response interact with herbs

Mood stabilizers for bipolar disorders such as lithium

Therapeutic range .5 to 1.5 mil equivalents serum lithium levels greater than two are toxic they act to alter the ion transport and muscles and nerve cells which increases receptor sensitivity to serotonin this is used to treat bipolar psychosis

Lithium interactions and side effects

Increased lithium level with thiazide methyldopa haloperidol and said's antidepressants theophylline phenothiazineside effects include headache drowsiness dizziness hypertension dysrhythmias restlessness slurred speech dry mouth metallic taste GI distress tremors muscle weakness edema urination increase blood dyscrasias is nephrotoxicity

Nursing interventions with lithium

monitor vital signs sodium levels monitored drug effectiveness suicidal tendencies monitor urine output renal function test and courage adequate fluid intake take food to decrease GI distress monitor lithium levels every one to two months toxic side effects include persistent nausea vomiting severe diarrhea blurred vision tinnitus ataxia increasing tremors confusion dysrhythmias and seizures tell the patient to wear a medical alert bracelet don't operate vehicles 1 to 2 weeks to take effect avoid caffeine crash diet and said's and diuretics not good for pregnant ladies

a patient with reactive depression is order to receive fluoxetine which information will the nurse include when teaching the patient

The medication causes headaches and insomnia

Define administering an MAOI it is most important for the nurse to assess the

Dietary intake

Which laboratory test is most important for the nurse to monitor when a patient is receiving lithium

Serum electrolytes

When providing dietary teaching for a patient taking maois the nurse should teach the patient to avoid which food


Which advice will the nurse include when teaching the patient about lithium therapy

It takes one to two weeks before you can have any benefits from the medication

Which statement about amitriptyline does the nurse identify as being true

The drug should be discontinued slowly


Rage syndrome analgesic antipyretic anti-inflammatory decreased platelet aggregation inhibits cox-1 and cox-2 the side effects include gastric irritation tinnitus vertigo bronchospasm and Urticaria


inhibits prostaglandin synthesis relieves pain discomfort and fever maximum dose for grams of day side effects include rash low incidence of GI distress toxic effects include he patted toxicity antidote is acetylcysteine

Side effects of opioid analgesics

nausea vomiting constipation moderate decrease in blood pressure orthostatic hypotension respiratory distress urinary retention

Reversal agent for opioids

Naloxone narcan reverses respiratory depressant effects of opiate overdose

Transdermal opioid analgesic fentanyl

More potent than morphine exercise caution when prescribing fentanyl for patients that weigh less than a hundred pounds


Physical and psychological dependence on substance for psychic effects compulsive use despite harm


check affect lessons overtime more drug needed to receive same effect tolerance usually develops to side effects also respect for constipation


Exposure to the drug overtime causes physiological changes abruptly stopping the drug will cause withdrawal syndrome

Buprenorphine naloxone

The opiate receptors in the brain of the attic to become completely bound up with buprenorphine and the effects of any other opiate medication is blocked once the addict is tolerant to the current dosed Suboxone the buprenorphine that is bound to their opiate receptors reduces cravings and prevents the effects naloxone is added to prevent misuse

Sedative hypnotics include

Barbiturates benzodiazepines non benzodiazepines over the counter sominex Tylenol PM diphenhydramine

Side effects of sedative hypnotics

Residual drowsiness drug dependence drug tolerance excessive depression respiratory depression and withdrawal

Lorazepam and diazepam are also used for and what are their onsets

Lorazepam is used for anxiety it's on set of 10 to 15 minutes commonly used in acute care of restless and agitated patients. Diazepam is used for anxiety also on set is 1 to 2 minutes they are painful when they're injected

Benzodiazepines as hypnotics action in use

Interactions with neurotransmitter gaba to reduce neuron excitability used to reduce anxiety and treat insomnia

Sedative hypnotics nursing interventions

first used on from a logical method be attentive to safety avoid alcohol take 15 to 45 minutes before bedtime report hangover effect monitor BP and respiratory rate withdrawal gradually

Triad of amnesia

Asleep pain free and still

Stages of general anesthesia

Stage 1 analgesia conscious and rational perception of pain is diminished. stage 2 excitement or delirium unconscious body responds reflexively and irrationally breath holding pupils dilated muscle tone interaction. Stage 3 surgical increasing degrees of muscular relaxation unable to protect airway. Stage 4 medullary paralysis depression of cardiovascular and respiratory centers

Inhalation anesthetics such as methoxyflurane isoflurane desflurane

usually combined with a barbituate a strong analgesic and a muscle relaxant adverse effects include respiratory depression hypertension dysrhythmias hepatic dysfunction and malignant hyperthermia

Ketamine hydrochloride

Dissociative State trans like state or detached feeling causes hypnosis amnesia and potent analgesia does not cause respiratory distress can still protect airway can produce emergence delirium hallucinations and unpleasant dreams premedicate with benzodiazepine to reduce adverse effects nursing care post-procedure should be minimizing stimulation

Midazolam versed and propofol

induction and maintenance of anesthesia or conscious sedation for minor surgery or procedures like mechanical ventilation or intubation patients are sedated and relaxed but responsive to commands


Good for amnesia sedation twice as potent as diazepam can depress respiration with the use of opioids

Antidote for midazolam

Flumazenil antagonist CNS depressant effects of benzos no effect with other CNS depressants onset is 1 to 2 minutes peak is 6 to 10 minutes dose .2mg

Propofol action use

actions not known produces amnesia no analgesic properties rapid onset short-duration used for maintenance of balance anesthesia minutes of monitored anesthesia care sedation of intubated mechanically ventilated patients

Propofol other stuff

dilate peripheral vascular leading to decrease blood pressure may be significant in patients with blunted sympathetic response short. Of apnea after I ministration IV only venous irritation and burning maybe mixed with lidocaine

Procaine hydrochloride

Used in dental procedures

Lidocaine hydrochloride

Prevent initiation and conduction of nerve impulses moderate length of action

Anesthetics potential adverse effects

respiratory depression requiring mechanical ventilation prolonged hypotension pre-op respiratory depression and cardiovascular insults increased risk with chronic respiratory problems cardiac problems significant obesity

Nursing interventions with anesthetics

support respiratory function prevent aspiration keep the patient warmonitor level of consciousness monitor vital signs monitor urine output administer analgesics

Which nursing intervention would be most appropriate for a patient taking temazepam

Tell the patient to ask for help when standing

an older adult complains of insomnia which suggestion would be most appropriate for the nurse to provide as an initial method to deal with the issue

Drink warm milk or chamomile tea before bed

The most serious adverse effect of spinal anesthesia

Respiratory depression distress

Which drug is commonly used for conscious sedation

Midazolam versed

Cyclobenzaprine flexeril

action relaxed skeletal muscles act at brainstem level of structurally similar to tri cyclic antidepressants used to alleviate muscle spasms associated with acute painful musculoskeletal conditions unlabeled use for fibromyalgia side effects include anticholinergic effects drowsiness dizziness headache fever abdominal pain vomiting diarrhea flatulence and erectile dysfunction

Nursing interventions for skeletal muscle relaxants

Take with food monitor liver function check vital signs advise patient not to drive and for impatient that centrally acting muscle relaxant should be prescribed longer than 3 weeks do not stop taking the medication abruptly avoid alcohol

A patient with myasthenia Travis comes to the emergency department in respiratory distress he has been diagnosed with myasthenic crisis the nurse anticipates the administration of which drug


The patient is prescribed pyridostigmide to avoid development of myasthenic crisis in the future the nurse should include which information for the patient

It may take 2 to 3 days before improvement of symptoms

The patient diagnosed with myasthenia gravis several weeks ago is admitted to the emergency room for a cholinergic crisis the nurse anticipates administration of

Atropine sulfate

a patient with multiple sclerosis is being treated with a large dose of corticosteroids which nursing diagnosis would be the priority

Risk for infection

A child with cerebral palsy is order to receive baclofen the nurse is aware that this medication is prescribed for

Reduce muscle spasticity