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74 Cards in this Set

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results in withdrawal symptoms
a drug that is an MAOI would...
increase the affects of catecholamines by inhibiting their breakdown
A pt is receiving and anticonvulsant that has no history of seizures, the nurse understands that this drug is used for what other condition
pain with peripheral neuropathy
residual drowsiness
Rem rebound
vivid nightmares and dreams
results in withdrawal symptoms
need to increase dose to get desired effect
A drug that is a MAO inhibitor would
increase the effects of catecholamine’s by inhibiting their breakdown
The Nurse is preparing to administer an opioid analgesic. Which factors should be assessed before the dose is given (select all that apply)-
level of pain rated on a scale, prior analgesic use (time, type, amount), allergies
The most common inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS is
The advantage of balanced anesthesia is (select all that apply
took out of test- slow induction of anesthesia, reduction of the drug dose to maintain desired state of anesthesia
Parkinson’s disease occurs then there has been a degeneration of the axons containing
The opioid antagonist used to treat an OD of a morphine like substance is
naloxone (narcane)
A Pt is being prepared for an oral endoscopy, and the nurse anesthetist reminds him that he will be awake during the procedure but probably will not remember it
moderate sedation
During the immediate postop period, the Post anesthesia care unit is assessing a Pt who had hip surgery. The Pt is experiencing tachycardia, tachypnea, and muscle ridigity, and temp is 103. Prepare? -
dantrolene injection, a skeletal muscle relaxant
Muscle relaxants are not part of balanced anesthesia
Acetylcholine acts as an excitory neurotransmitter of the heart
The first pass effect describes the metabolism of a drug and its passage from the kidneys into the circulation
Levodopa is the drug of choice to increase dopamine in Parkinson’s’ disease related to function of the blood brain barrier
Carbidopa prevents peripheral breakdown of dopamine
Most drugs considered to be effectively removed from the body after about 3 half-lives
Malignant hyperthermia is a genetically linked major adverse reaction to general anesthesia
While assisting with a procedure in the ER, the nurse prepares lidocaine (xylocaine) for use with which type of anesthesia
The nurse is monitoring a Pt after surgery keeps in mind that the primary concern with use of a Neuromuscular blocking drug is which adverse effect
respiratory arrest
Prozac is an antidepressant drug classified as an SSRI. This type of drug work by inhibiting the uptake of
A Pt has been taking phenobarbital for 2 weeks as part of his therapy for epilepsy. He says that the feels tense and that ‘the least little thing” bothers him now. The nurse should explain to him which of the following
this drug causes deprivation of REM sleep and may cause the inability to deal with normal stress
A Pt is recovering from a minor automobile accident that occurred 1 week ago. He is taking cyclobenzaprine (flexeril) for muscular pain and goes to PT three times a week. NU diagnosis
risk for falls rt decreased sensorium
A Pt is taking flurazepam (dalmane) 3-4 nights a week for sleeplessness. She is concerned that she can’t get to sleep w/o taking the medication. Which nonpharmacologic measures should the nurse suggest to promote sleep for this Pt
trying to establish regular sleep patterns
The nu notes in the pt’s med history that the Pt is taking cycylbenzapirine (flexeril). Based on this finding the nu interprets that the pt has which disorder
a musculoskeletal injury
The nu notes is preparing to administer a barbiturate. Which conditions/disorders would be a contraindication to the use of these drugs (select all)
pregnancy, severe COPD, peripheral vascular disease
When receiving the action of drugs, the nu notes that a hypnotic performs which action
stops seizures
A Pt has been taking a benzodiazepine for 5 weeks has been instructed to stop the med. Which instruction will the nu provide to the Pt on how to discontinue the med
plan a gradual reduction in dosage?
EK has been taking phenytoin (Dilantin) for 20 years. He has not reported any seizure activity while taking the maitence dose. You would assess the client for which common side effect of the drug
gingival hyperplasia
The phys orders orlistat (xenical). The nu recognizes that this treats
A Pt is receiving instructions regarding dietary sources of caffeine. The nu shares that caffeine should be used with caution if has
a history of peptic ulcers
The nu should monitor the Pt who is taking a muscle relaxant for which adverse effect
CNS depression
A 10 yo will be started on methylphenidate hydrochloride (Ritalin) therapy. The nu will perform which essential baseline assessment before this drug is started
height and weight
When teaching a Pt about taking a newly prescribed AED at home, the nu should include which instruction
regular, consistent dosing is important for successful treatment
A Pt has a 9 year history of a seizure disorder that has been managed well with oral phenytoin (dilatin) therapy. He is to be NPO (consume nothing by mouth for surgery in the AM. What will the nurse do about his morning dose of dilating?
contact the prescriber for another dosage form of the medication
The nu is giving an IV dose of phenytoin (dilatin). Which action will the nu perform to administer the drug
mix with NS and give it IV piggyback
Which statement about AED therapy are true( select all)
AED therapy is lifelong, consistent dosing is key to controlling seizures, AED therapy should never be abruptly discontinued because doing so may precipate rebound seizures activity
The nu is developing a care plan for a Pt who is taking an anticholinergic drug. Which nu diagnosis would likely be appropriate for this Pt
urinary retention
A Pt has a new order for a CMOT inhibitor as a part of treatment for Parkinson’s disease. The nu recognizes that an advantage of this drug class is that it
is associated with fewer wearing-off effects and has prolonged therapeutic benefits
While a Pt is receiving drug therapy for Parkinson’s disease, the nu monitors for dyskinesia, which is manifested by
difficulty in performing voluntary movements
Which drug may be used early in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease but eventually loses effectiveness and must be replaced by another drug
amandtadine (symmetrel)
A Pt has been taking haloperidol (Haldol) for 3 months for a psychotic disorder, and the nu is concerned about the development of extrapyramidal symptoms. The nu will monitor the Pt closely for which effects
tremors and muscle twitching
A 22 yo Pt has been taking lithium for 6 months. She comes in for blood work every month, and the nu assesses her for signs of toxicity. Which are indications?
Serum lithium level of 1.5 meg/l and cardiac dysrhythmias
A Pt with the dx of schizophrenia is hospitalized and is taking a phenothiazine drug. He has shown marked improvement. Which statement by this Pt indicated that he is experiencing a common adverse effect of phenothiazines
my mouth has been so dry lately
While monitoring a depressed pt who has just started SSRI antidepressant therapy, the nu knows to observe for which problem during the early time frame of this therapy
self-injury or suicidal tendencies
A pt has been admitted to the ER with a suspected OD of a tricyclic antidepressant. The nu will assess for what immediate concern
cardiac dysrhythmias
Which of the following statements are true about SSRI (select all)
therapeutic effects may not been seen for 4-6 weeks after med is stared, if the pt has been on a MAOI there should be 2-5 week or longer span of time before begin a SSRI medication
Adrenergic drugs produce effects similar to those of the ______ nervous system
When an adrenergic drug stimulates beta 1 adrenergic receptors, the result is an increased force of contraction, which is known as a positive____ effect
When a pt is taking an adrenergic drug, the nu should expect to observe which effect
increased heart rate
An adrenergic agonist is ordered for a Pt in shock. The nu will note that this drug has had its primary intended effect if which assessment finding is observed
increased BP
A Pt is experiencing a severe anaphylactic reaction to an antibiotic. Which drug will the nu expect to use to treat this condition
epinephrine (think bee sting and epi pen)
The nu is reviewing sympathic nervous system agonists. Adrenergic drugs that cause relaxation of the bronchi and bronchodilation stimulate______ receptors
beta 2 adrenergic
Caffeine is used to tx newborns with (select all)
apnea, respiratory distress
General anesthesia depressed the ___ system, alleviates____ and cause a loss of_____.
CNS, pain, consciousness
The nu is reviewing the mechanism of action of cholinergic drugs. The desired effects of cholinergic drugs come from the stimulation of which receptors
A cholinergic drug is prescribed for a pt. the nurse checks the Pt medical history, knowing that the drug is contraindicated in which disorders (select all)
GI obstruction, Bradycardia, hypotension, COPD
The nu notes in the Pt med history that the Pt is taking a cholinergic blocking durg. Based on this finding, the nurse interprets that the Pt has?
When diving an anticholinergic drug, the nurse should monitor for which adverse effect from this drug
dry mouth
Atropine would be appropriate for which Pt (select all)
suddenly developed symptomatic bradycardia with HR of 32, Pt preop to reduce salivary and GI sections, Pt with severe diarrhea
A 62 yo woman has started taking donepezil for early stage Alzheimer’s. Her daughter expressed relief that “finally a cure to cure Alzheimer’s disease” response of nurse?
This drug may help improve symptoms, but is not intended as a cure
The neurotransmitter responsible for transmission of nerve impulses to effector cells in the PSNS is called
To evaluate the effectiveness of levodopa-carbidopa (sinemet), a nurse would watch for which of the following results
lessened rigidity and tremor
An anti convulsant has been ordered as part of a Pt pain management program. The nurse explains to the Pt that the purpose of the anticonvulsant is to
relieve neuropathic pain
The nurse is providing care for a Pt who has accidentally taken an OD of benzodiazepines. What drug to treat
A Pt is brought to the ER with an atropine OD. Which drug will the nurse administer
A 72 year old man has a new prescription of an anticholinergic drug. He is an active man and enjoys outdoor activities, such as hiking, golfing, and doing yard work. What should nurse emphasize to him during the teaching session about his drug therapy
he should take measures to reduce the occurrence of heat stroke during the activities
The nurse is reviewing SNS agonists. Adrenergic drugs that cause the relaxation of the bronchi and bronchiodilation stimulate ____ receptors.
Beta 2 adrenergic
A Pt has a new order for CMOT inhibitor as part of treatment for Parkinson’s disease. The nurse recognizes that advantage to this drug is that it
is associated with fewer earing off effects and has prolonged therapeutic benefits
Phenytolin (dilatin) has a narrow therapeutic index. The nurse recognizes that this characteristic means that
the safe and toxic plasma levels of the drug are very close to each other.