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171 Cards in this Set

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Periodontium (Attachment Apparatus) is derived from
the follicle
The periodontium has a thickness of
0.15 - 0.38 mm
The periodontium is thinnest in the _________, and decreases slightly in thickness with _______.
- midroot zone
- age
a ligament of fibrous CT between alveolar bone proper & cementum covering the root
Periodontal ligament
_________ covers the root of the tooth and connects with the tissue of the gingiva
Periodontal Ligament
Periodontal ligament is derived from the
Dental sac
Principal fibers of PDL are
- gingival group
- dentoalveolar group
functions of PDL
- support teeth
- neural input tranmsissions to masticatory apparatus
- nutritive
PDL is composed of
fibers, cells, intercellular substance [collagen, ground substance (protiens, polysaccharides)]
The gingival group of fibers are
around neck of teeth
the four groups of gingival fibers are
- free gingival fibers
- attached gingival fibers
- circular or circumferential fibers
- transeptal fibers
the free gingival fibers arise from
the surface of cementum and pass into the free gingiva
The attached gingival fibers arise from
the alveolar crest and pass into attached gingiva
Circular or circumferential fibers are
continuous around the neck of the tooth and resist gingival displacement
Transeptal fibers originate in the
cervical region of each crown and extend to similar locations on mesial and distal surfaces of each adjacent tooth
The dentoalveolar group of fibers
surrounds tooth roots
the dentoalveolar group of fibers consist of 5 differently oriented groups named according to their _________ and __________ in the _____________.
- origin
- insertion
- dentoalveolar process
The 5 groups of dentoalveolar fibers are
- horizontal fiber group
- oblique fiber group
- apical fiber group
- Alveolar crest
- Interradicular fibers
horizontal fibers
extend in a horizontal direction from the midroot cementum to the adjacent alveolar bone proper
oblique fibers
extends in an oblique direction from the area just above the apical zone of the root upward to the alveolar bone
apical fibers
extends perpendicular from the surface of the root apices to the adjacent fundic alveolar bone, which surrounds the apex of the tooth root
Alveolar crest fibers
arise from the cementum at the neck of the tooth and terminate in the alveolar crest
Interradicular fibers
extend perpendicular to the tooth's surface and to the adjacent alveolar bone
Collagen fiber bundles act as a
suspensor ligament for teeth
Interstitial space
- not a space, located between the gingival and dentoalveolar fiber groups
__________ are designed to withstand the impact of masticatory forces.
Interstitial Spaces
Intersitial spaces are composed of a network of
blood vessels and lymphatics that maintain ligament vitality
The function of the interstitial spaces
- stretching/ contraction of fiber bundlees during mastication
- carry vascular and neural structures
- withstand masticatory forces
Oxytalan fibers are
elastic like supporting fibers and of a structure different from that of collagen
function of transeptal fibers
resist tooth seperation mesial/distal
function of attached gingiva fibers
resists gingival displacement
function of free gingiva fibers
resists gingival displacement
function of circumferential fibers
resists gingival displacement
function of apical fibers
resists vertical forces
function of oblique fibers
resists vertical and intrusive forces
funtion of horizontal fibers
resist horizontal and tipping forces
function of alveolar crest fibers
resist vertical and intrusive forces
function of interradicular fibers
resist vertical and lateral movement
The PDL has a _____ blood supply
The PDL has _____ rich blood supply than any other Connective Tissue
The PDL's blood supply arises from
the inferior and superior alveolar arteries and from branches of the facial aretery from the external carotid
Arterivenous shunts have been demonstrated in the PDL that provide
direct connections between the arterial and venous blood supply without having to go through a capillary network
the vascualar system of the PDL also supplies the
Alveolar bone
The vascular plexus that extends into the ligament traverses from the t
apical areas to the ginfival areas with loops that surround the teeth at regular intervals
the larger nerve trunks of the periodontal ligament are found in the
central zone of the tooth's long axis
Most nerve trunks and finer nervers are in the
interstitial spaces
Nerve terminals are located ________ the ligament and especially in bundles of ____________
- throughout
- prinicpal fibers
There are two types of Nerves
- Autonomic
- Afferent
Autonomic nerves are
sympathetic fibers that travel with blood vessels
sypmathetic fibers help regulate
blood flow
Afferent nerves are
senses approaching the brain
Afferent nerves are mostly
myelinated nerves from V3
There are two types of nerve endings
- Procioceptors
- Aciniform
Proprioceptors are nerve endings that sense
pressure and gives spatial relationship (know where food is when chewing)
Aciniform are
fine pain receptors (sense very detailed; pinpoint precise location)
cells of PDL include
- fibroblasts
- osteoblasts
- cementoblasts
- Macrophages
- osteoclasts
- Epithelial rests
- intercellular tissue
the key element of the PDL
fibroblasts are
made up of collagen and ground substance
the most numerous cell in PDL
allows for the rapid replacement of fibers in the PDL
Osteoclasts are located along the _________ of the _______ in the PDL
- surface
- alveolar bone
reason for constant turn over of Osteoclasts in the PDL
location (along the surface of alveolar bone)
Cementoblasts appear along the surface of _________ in the PDL
- cementum
reason for constant turn over of cementoblasts in the PDL
location (along surface of cementum)
_______ are important defense cells
Macrophages have a __________ function.
Osteoclasts originate from
______________ may appear as resting, proliferating, or degenerating cell masses
Epithelial rests
Epithelial rests are composes of
mass epithelial cells
Epithelial Rests can be observed along the _________ surface of the PDL
__________ surrounds / protects the PDL cells and is a product of these cells
Intercellular tissue
Intercellular tissue is an ___________ that is composed of water, glycoproteins, and proteoglycans, which surround the collagen fibers
extracellular matrix (ECM)
ECM means
extracellular matrix
functions of the PDL
- Supportive
- Sensory
- Nutritive
- Maintenance of masticatory apparatus
what is the most important function of the PDL
- supportive - support dentition
failure of the supportive function in the PDL leads to
tooth loss
the sensory function of the PDL is
pressure senation
the impulse to the brain in the sensory function of the PDL sends a message to the
masticatory apparatus (TMJ, & muscles of mastication)
In the nutritive function of the PDL the
blood vessels provide the essential nutrients for ligament's vitality and for the hard tissue of cementum and alveolar bone
The maintenance function of the PDL is the maintenance of the
masticatory apparatus (TMJ, muscles of mastication)
The alveolar bone is the
bony parts of the Maxillary and Mandibular in which the teeth are suspended in bony alveoli
The primary function of the Alveolar bone is
Tooth support
The alveolar bone is composed of
- Alveolar bone proper
- supporting bone (compact & cancellous)
Alveolar bone proper is attached to fibers embedded in ________ of teeth
Supporting bone covers the
buccal surface of the mandible and maxilla beside the tongue
Alveolus =
Perforating fibers or _________ are bundles of collagen fibers embedded in the alveolar bone proper
Sharpey's fibers
Alveolar bone proper is the bone linning the
tooth socket
in clinical radiographic terms, the alveolar bone is known as teh
lamina dura
Supporting bone, the bone that serves as a
dense cortical plate to sustain the alveolar bone proper
The _________ covers the surface of the maxilla and mandible and supports the alveolar bone proper
cortical plate
The existence of alveolar bone is entirely dependent on the presence of ________.
Loss of lamina dura indicates
infection, inflammation, resorption
radiopaque means
more dense
the coronal border of the alveolar process is known as
the alveolar crest
The alveolar crest in normally located approximately ______ below the dentinoenamel junction of the teeth
1.2 - 1.5 mm
The alveolar crest is _______ in the anterior region and nearly _______ in the molar region
- rounded
- flat
area of bone loss when apical root penetrates cortical bone
bone loss in coronal area of root
Cancellous bone is sandwiched between
outer and inner cortical plates
Outer cortical bone faces _______ and inner cortical bone faces __________
- buccally
- lingually
Alveolar bone proper is more _________ than adjacent bone
Tension on Sharpey's fibers induce
bundle bone is the
alveolar bone
blood vessels and nerves penetrate the lamina dura through
small foramina
Supporting compact bone of the alveolar process is similar to the
haversian bone found elsewhere in the body
Supporting Compact bone is found in
- lingual surface of mandibular
- maxillary beside tongue
- Buccal surface of Mandibular or Maxillary
Supporting Cancellous bone is composed
generally of heavy trabeculae or plates of bone with marrow spaces between
Marrow spaces contain
blood forming elements, osteogenic cells, adipose tissue
_________ is necessary for alveolar bone and cementum maintenance
Tooth function
Bone loss _________ with age or __________ activity
- increases
- decreased
Increased age leads to
osteoporotic bone
bone loss is concurrent with loss of
periodontal fibers
_________ is calcified CT covering roots of dentition
cementum has a ____________ derivation
dental sac
avascular means
no blood supply
least mineralized of calcified dental tissues
Functions of cementum
- seals tubules of root dentin
- Attachment for periodontal fibers to keep tooth in socket
Sharpey's fiber become embedded in
Cementum types
- intermediate cementum
- cellular / acellular cementum
intermediate cementum
homogenous layer originating from epithelial root sheath cells
cellular/acellular cementum
thicker deposit of bone-like substance produced by cementoblasts that differentiate from PDL
_________ cementum is deposited first and then _________ cementum is deposited
- acellular
- cellular
Cementum functions as support by attaching to
Sharpey's fibers
cementum is more resorption resistant compared to bone due to
Bone and Cementum can ______ and _______
- rebuild
- resorb
Cementum development happens in ____ stages
the 1st stage of cementum development is
intermediate cementum is deposited (cementoid)
Intermediate cementum is formed by ________ & occurs during _________
- inner epithelial rooth sheath cells
- root formation prior to rooth sheath disintegration
Intermediate cementum is situated between the
granular dentin layer of Tomes and the secondary cementum that is formed during cementoblasts
The thin layer of intermdiate cementum is approxiamately _____ thick
10 micrometers
The cellular-acellular cementum is a specialized hard tissue covering the
root surface of teeth
The cellular-acellular cementum is ______ thick at cervical region and _____ thick at apcial region
- 30 -60 micrometers
- 150 -200 micrometers
Unlike bone, cementum does not contain
blood vessels, nerves, or haversian or Volkmann's canals, which are the nutrient canals containing blood vessels and nerves in bone
What are the nutrient canals containing blood vessels and nerves in bone
Haversian or Volkmann's canals
OMG stands for
- Overlap
- Meet
True or False:
Enamel Overlaps Cementum
Meet means that the
enamel and cementum meet
GAP refers to a gap in
enamel and cementum
A gap in cementum and enamel could happen
naturally or due to use of dental instraments
Slightly less mineralized then dentin
Cementum is composed of ______ organic material and ______ mineral
- 50 -55 %
- 45 - 50%
Dentin is composed of _____ organic material and _______ mineral
- 30%
- 65.5 %
Bone is composed of _____ organic material and ______ mineral
- 30 - 35%
- 60 - 65%
With age, Cementum becomes more ________
intermediate cementum is also knows as
cementoid layer
________ is a calcified ovoid or round nodule found in the periodontal ligamnet
_______ may be found sinly or in groups near the surface of cementum
________ are epithelial cell derivatives that are composed of calcium phosphae and collagen in same amount as cementum
Cementicles may be
free, attached or embedded
cementicles are found in _______ and denticles are found in ___________
- cementum
- pulp
Cementicles are more prevalent along the ______ in an aging person, although they may also be found at a site of ________
- root
- trauma
Hypercementosis is
a local, abnormal thickening of cementum
Hypercementosis is usually found in the
apical region
Cause of Hypercementosis include
- chronic tooth inflammation
- loss of antagonist tooth
- additional eruption
- fusing of tooth to surrounding alveolar bone
Cemental loss is concurrent with
attachment loss
Defects in Cementum can be due to
traumatic occlusion, tooth movement, hypereruption due to extraction of opposing tooth
________ is created in the arches by the replacement of larger primary molars by smaller permanent premolars
Leeway space
_______ is the replacement of the smaller primary incisors with larger permanent ones
Incisor liability factor
______ is the anterior force exerted on teeth due to cusp inclinations
Mesial drift
Mesial drift is significant during
mixed dentition
When teeth are missing in front of a toth, it drifts to the mesial due to
shape of cusp
Compression zone is the area
where the tooth is being compressed
Tension zone is the area
where there is tension on the tooth
tipping movement is movement of
portions of the tooth
bodily movement is movement of
the entire tooth
_________ is when compression on tooth is too great or too rapid and the vascularity is excluded causing the ligament to appear colorless
the process of deposition in a resorption zone
Area of reversal
the area where deposition begins
Reversal line
In Edentulous Jaws, alveolar bone volume __________
__________ may be more evident in edentulous jaws