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53 Cards in this Set

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5 types of pervasive developmental disorders
Autism Disorder
Rett's Disorder
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
Asperger's Disorder
Pervasive Developmental Disorder (not otherwise specified)
What is Rett's syndrome, when do s/s appear?
Major symptom?
Progressive degenerative neurological disorder
Nomral at birth to 5 mo's
Development regressed and child goes through what may like like an "autistic" phase
What is childhood disintegrative disorder?
Normal development until age 2
Lose skills prior to age 10 in the following areas:
language, behavior, play skills, B&B, play, mo. skills
What is Asperger's Disorder
Similar to autism, except no clinically significant general elays in language, cognitive development, self help skills, adaptive skills and curiosity about the env
Social skills are delayed
What is PDD, not otherwise specified?
Pervasive impairment in development but full criteria not met for any specific disorder
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Poorly understood complex neurobiological disorder
Second most common developmental disability in US
Who is ASD most common in?
When diagnosed?
What do 75% of them also have?
4-5x more common in boys
No racial, ethnic, social boundries
Diagnosed btw 2-3 hopefully, but avg is 4-5
75% have Developmental delay and/or mental illness
What types of mental illnesses are common in ASD?
OCD, depression, bipolar, MR
Operation defiant disorder
s/s of Asperger syndrome (AS)
Obsessive interest in a topic
Little Professors: expertise, high level vocab, formal speech patterns
Social-emotional behavior inappropriate
s/s of Autism (laundry list)
Difficult mixing/playing wiht other children - parallel play
Acts deaf
Resists learning
No fear or real dangers
Laughs inappropratley
Markdly overactive
Resists change in routine - transitions
Indicates needs by gesture
Not cuddly
Avoids eye contact - usually, not always
Inappropraite attachment to objects (trains, toys)
Spins objects (look at fans, vestibular)
Play intently for abnormally long periods of time - sidelying on floor
Standoffish behavior
What would happen if you make pancakes for an autistic kid when he was expecting waffles?
He'd go ape shit
Don't change the routine
Myths about autism (laundry list)
Never makes eye contact
Inside is a genius
Do not speak
Can't show affection
Don't smile
Don't participate in phsical affection
Don't notice othrs and don't pick up cues from peers/adults
Don't relate to peers/adults
Don't want friends
Very manipulative
Could talk if they wanted to
Are stubborn/obnoxious b/c they don't respond today like they did before
Can't be outgrown
It is an emotional disability
Underneath is a normal child
What areas of the brain undergo change in utero with Autism?
Purkinge cells
Frontal lobes
Corpus Callosum
How is a brain in an autistic child dif from others
More brain tissue
Many more connections btw cells
Control centers are larger
There is a deficit in maturation of certain systems
What are researchers testing as possible tx for social behavior disturbances in autism?
Oxytocin - hormone produced in brain
Evidence for epigenetic effects on the gene for the oxytocin receptor - part of the brain that mediates social behaviors disturbed in autism
Biomarker for autism?
Methylaton status of oxytocin receptor
Drugs that target methylation might hold promise for tx
Cerebellar deficits on autism
Overload with white matter - not pruned to become specialized
Processing 5 sec vs. 1 sec
Difficulty shifting attnetion
Coordination, mo learning, eye tracking, proprioception, speed and acceleartion
Purkinje cell defecits with autism
Large cells in CB cortex
Reduced number and immature = not pruned
Amygdala defecits with autism
Larger than in typical brain
Activated when a person looks at faces - overactive emotion, fight or flight
May have poor arousal or over arousal
Frontal lobes defecits with autism
Enlarged with white matter
Be age 4, ASD brain is sme as 13 yo
Signs of inflammation
Personality, executive fxt, emotions
Hippocampus changes with ASD?
Densely packed - 10% larger than others
Forming new memoreis, spatial relationships, memory, emotions
Corpus Collosum with Autism?
Undersized due to enlargement of rest of brain
Activity poorly correlated
Alot of kids can't cross midline and don't have good bilateral coordination
Problem with axons with autism?
Too many within a local aea
Not enough link one region to the next
Is there a genetic factor for ASD?
Twins more likely, and lil brother more likely
Are vaccines the cause of ASD???
No true scientific data, just speculation
Autism checklist - usually 1/2 of these are present (laundry list)
Difficulty mixing with other children
Resist changes in routine
No fear or danger (DJ)
Little or no eye contact
Unresponsive to normal teaching techniques
Sustained odd play
Apparent insensitivity to pain
Echolalia (repeating what i said)
Prefer to be alone
May not want coddling/fondling
Spins objects
Noticeable physical over activity or extreme under activity
Meltdowns (tantrums)
Not responsive to verbal cues (acts deaf)
Inappropriate ttachment to objects
Difficulty expressing needs
Aspergers characteristics
Stimulant (addy) may improve behavior
Overly developed imagination
Overtly social, altho atypical
Wants the facts
Language appears normal
Appear willfull, as if manipulative and controlling
Single best predictor of ASD?
How OFTEN the child looks at others
Often unresponsibe to others or stares intently
Associated medical conditions with pervasive disorders
GI problms
Cognitive impairment (Fragile x syndrome)
Hearing impairment
Co-morbid conditions: tuberous sclerosis (tumors on brain), Tourette syndrome, LD, ADD
General interventions for ASD
Biological/medical intervention and support
Sensory Framework
Behavioral support
Educaiton plan
Communication plan
Family education and support
Sensory issues with ASD
Lack of pain sensitivity
Auditory behaviors observed in ASD
Doesn't respond to sounds
Puts hands over ears
Puts object in ears
Figits with ears
Destructive behahviors related to sounds
Avoids crunchy food
Bolts from area with certain sounds (fight or flight)
Auditory acommidations with ASD
Head phones
Quiet area
Speak softly
Avoid crowds
Soothing music
Pain insenitivity behavior iwht ASD
10 second processing
Minmal reaction to painful behavior
Self-injurious behaior
Wont' wear a coat
Continue to work/plan when very ill
Inappropriate laugter
Feeding issues with ASD
Refused to eat food with more than one texture
Takes sandwich apart and eat seperatley
Bland dit
Difficulty chewin certain foods
Abnromal chewing patterns
Pica (eating non-edible stuff)
May be sensory problem and then become behavioral over time
Feeding accomidations with ASD
Regular schedule
Small meals t/o day
Quiet area to eat
Gluten free possibly
Vestibular and perception issues with ASD
Plow into, through, or over objects
Touch walls when wlaking
Don't respect personal space
Difficult with simple gross mo tasks
Difficulty with ADLs
Repetitive movts (spinnig)
Reliance on prompts to complete tasks
Difficulty sequencing movt
Difficult nitiating movts
Difficulty controlling impulsivity
Fear of heights, stairs, movt by others
Movement accomidations for ASD (vestib and perception problems
Safe env - start in familiar settings
1:1 aide
More open room
Desks further apart
Trampoline, rocking chair
Wt'd blanked for tactile
Olfctory issues with ASD
Places objects close to nose
Fingers/objects in nose
Covers nose with hand
Agitation in env with noxious smell
Breathe thru mouth instead of nose
Difficulty changing env's
Avoid certain people
Avoid own urine/feces
Olfactory accomidations for ASD
Move away from smell
No perfumes
Clean env.
Let child know you think smell is offensive too
Wear same odor each day
Anxiety symptoms with ASD
Pacing, clingy
Inc vocalizaion
Freq diarrhea attacks
Grinding teeth
Regression to old beh patterns
Inc'd intensitiy of behavior
Zoning out
Use of comfort routines or objects
Sudder outburst of aggression
Disrupted sleep patterns
Anxiety accomidations with ASD
quiet time
relaxatin techniques
Deep pressure
wt'd vest
Joint compression
Tactile defensiveness with ASD
Defensive to touch
Uncomforable in certain clothing
Sensitive feet, walk on toes, picky eater
Difficult with haircuts/warshing
Difficult cutting nails
Difficult holding items and completing taks
Gag easily
extreme dislie of sticky or diry hands
Tactile accomidations
Soft, loose clothing
Wt'd vest
Wash new clothes several times
Brushing protocol: very effective
Visual behavirs is ASD
Close eyes
Look past or thru person
Don't look at person's mouth when tlaking
Looks off to one side
Avoids bright lights, sunny days, new snow
Stares into fans
Finger fiddling or spinning objects
Rubbing, touching, pushin, hitting eyes
Agitation in env full of visual stmuli
Visual accomidations for ASD
Don't insist on eye contact
Keep env. neutral
1 wall free of stuff in classroom
Color may be an issue
Don't hold stuff up
How long to wait for process and respones from autistic child?
5 sec to process
5 sec to respond
Peciture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
Use picture for lunch, then go to lunch
Educaitons/behavioral interventions
Highly structure and intesnive skill-oiented training sessions
Encourages positive behaviors and discourages negative behaviors
DIR or "floor time"
Developmental, individual differences, relationship-based approach
Focuses on emotional and relational development: feelings an relationships with caregivers
Focuses on how the child deals with sights, soounds, and smells
Tx and Education of Austistic and related communication-handicapped children
Uses visual cues to teach skills
Skills are broken down ino small steps and picture cards are used to teach the skill
MEDs for ASD
Antipsychotics meds for anxiety, depression, OCDAnticonvulsant for seizures
ADHD drugs
Intervention strategies for ASD
Develop trust
Foolow child's lead
Don't take no as rejection - persist
Tx what child does as intentional or purposeful
Pos'n yourself in front of child
Do not change subject or interrupt as long as convo is interactive
Insist on a response