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66 Cards in this Set

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Define Malformation.

intrinsically abnormal process forms abnormal tissue

Define Deformation.

Mechanical forces cause normal to abnormal

Define Disruption.

Normal tissue becomes abnormal after being subjected to destructive forces (i.e. ischemia)

Define Syndrome.

Collection of seemingly unrelated abnormal features occur in a familiar pattern

Elevated Alpha Fetoprotein?

NTD, multiple gestations, underestimated gestational age, ventral Abdominal wall defect

Low Alpha Fetoprotein?

overestimated gestational age, Trisomy 21 and 18, IUGR

Describe Triple Marker in down's

low AFP, low unconj. estriol, high B-HCG

Describe Triple Marker in Trisomy 18.

all 3 low

When can CVS be done?

10-13 weeks

When can Amniocentesis be done?

16-18 weeks

Auto Dom defect on Chrom 15/fibrillin with decreased upper to lower segment ratio

Marfan Syndrome

Cardio Finding in Marfan's

Aortic Root Dilatation

Often Confused with marfan's and should be R/O


How do you decrease the risk of dissection in Marfan's?

B-Blockers and avoid contact sports

Obese child with almond like eyes and fishlike mouth, often MR and hypogonadism

Prader Willi syndrome (Chr 15)

Male version of Turner's with right sided heart defects and pulmonary valve stenosis

Noonan Syndrome (Chr 12)

Describe Digeorge Syndrome

CATCH-22: cardiac abn, abn facies, thymic hypoplasia, cleft palate, hypocalcemia, microdel 22

Defective Type V collagen, hyperextensible joints, with minor lacerations that result in large wounds

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Abnormal type 1 collagen, blue sclerae, fragile bones, easily bruised, early conductive hearing loss


Describe VACTERL.

Vertebral defect, anal atresia, cardiac anomalies (VSDs), TracheoEsophageal fistula, renal defects and Limb defects

Describe CHARGE.

Colobomas, heart defect, atresia of the nasal choanae, retardation of growth and cognition, genital anomalies, ear anomalies

Cocktail party elf with MR and loquacious, often with supravalvular AS and idiopathic hypercalcemia

Williams Syndrome

Single Eyebrow, Microcephaly, FTT, MR, hypotonia

Cornelia de Lange Syndrome

Micrognatia, cleft lip and palate, recurrent OM, and upper airway obstruction

Pierre Robin Syndrome

MR with scissoring of LE and rocker bottom feet and overlapping digits

Edwards Trisomy 18

Holoprosencephaly, MR, micropthalmia, cleft lip and palate

Patau Trisomy 13

T/F - Turner syndrome should be considered in any female with pubertal delay


Most common inherited cause of MR

FRagile X Syndrome

Large ears, blue irides, MR, large testes

Fragile X

Most common cause of male hypogonadism and infertility

Klinefelter syndrome

T/F - most cases of achondroplasia are sporadic


Serious complication of Achondroplasia

Foramen Magnum Stenosis

Severe Oligohydraminos can cause lung hypoplasia nd fetal compression with limb and facial abnormalities known as

Potter syndrome

Most common congenital anomaly of the CNS


Mousey musty odor


Sweaty feet

isovaleric or glutaric acidemia

Rotten cabbage

Herediatar tyrosinemia

Hypoglycemia with ketosis suggests?

organic acidemias and carb dz

Serum NH3 > 200mM suggests?

Urea Cycle Defect

Elevated NH3 AND metabolic Acidosis suggests?

Organic Acidemia

Initial Lab Evaluation in IBEM?

1) Serum Glucose, Ca, Mg
2) CBC with Diff
3) U/A (ketones?)
4) Serum Ammonia
5) ABG & Serum Electrolytes(metabolic acidosis)
6) Urine reducing substance

Treatment of suspected IBEM.

1) IV glucose
2) Prevent exposure (protein, lipid, etc)
3) correct acidosis with Na bicarb
4) correct hyperammonemia with Na benzoate/Na phenylacetate
5) dialysis if necessary

What to look for in labs of Maple Syrup Urine Dz?

Branched Chain AA's

What to look for in labs of Tyrosinemia?

Succinylacetone in urine

T/F - Beware aortic dilatation in Marfan's and Homocystinuria.

False - no in homo

What to look for in labs of Homocystinuria?

increased methinonine in urine

Cystinuria is AutoRec caused by defect in absorption of (4) that lead to renal stones.

cystine, lysine, arginine, ornithine

AutoRec dz caused by defect in transport of neutral amino acids. Most patients are asymptomatic

Hartnup Disease

Most common urea cycle defect? Inheritance?

Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency, x linked

This disorder should be suspected in any newborn with hepatomegaly and hypoglycemia


Vomiting, diarrhea, FTT, hepatomegaly, RTA, cataracts with oil-droplet appearance


T/F - nearly all females suffer from ovarian failure in galactosemia


Von Gierke's Dz or G6phosph. Deficiency are at higher risk of _

hepatocellular carcinonma

Pompe's dz is caused by

alpha glucosidase deficiency

Most common Fatty acid oxidation disorder

medium chain acyl coA dehydrogenase

Hexosaminidase A deficiency, hyperacusis, macrocephaly


Glucoccerebrosidase deficiency, Erlenmeyer flask shape to distal femur, HSM

Gaucher's Dz

Sphingomyelinase deficiency, cherry red macula

Niemann-Pick Dz

Neurodegenerative disorder caused by arylsulfatase A deficiency

Metachromatic Leukodystrophy

alpha L iduronidase defeicency, Auto Rec, progressive coarse face with corneal clouding; Diagnosis by?

Hurler Syndrome via dermatan and heparan sulfates in urine

X linked MPS with no eye involvement

Hunter's Syndrome

T/F - Morquio syndrome is a MPS disorder that is not associated with MR.


Treatment of Porphyrias.

1) IV glucose
2) correct Electrolytes
3) avoid fasting and preciptants

Kayser-Fleischer rings, ataxia, hepatic dysfunction

Wilson's Dz

Screening test for Wilson's

Serum ceruloplasmin (decreased)

Treatment of Wilson's

1) avoid copper foods
2) chelation therapy with penicillamine
3) worst liver Tx