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62 Cards in this Set

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Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respirations
Thin hair that covers the skin of preterm infants?
Thick, white creamy material found in term infants and covering preemies
Vernix Caseosa
What is cutis marmorata?
mottling of the skin with venous prominence
T/F - Jaundice is always abnormal if detected within the 1st 24 hours.
Small cysts formed around the pilosebaceous follicles over the nose.
benign transient rash characterized by superficial vesicles over a dark macular base.
Pustular melanosis
Benign rash in 1st 72 hours of life, "flea bites on trunk", lesions are filled with?
Erythema toxicum neonatorum, filled with eosionphils
most common vascular lesion of infancy that is often transient
Nevus simplex aka "Stork bite", "salmon pathch"
Becomes darker with increasing postnatal age
Nevus flammeus or port wine stain
PWS + seziures and intracranial caclifications think
Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Head circumference below the 10th %
Diffuse edema that crosses cranial sutures
caput succedaneum
subperiosteal hemorrages that are limited by cranial sutures
Premature fusion of the cranial sutures
Ping pong ball head, not related to rickets
Micrognathia, cleft palate, glossoptosis with Obstruction of upper airway
Pierre Robin Syndrome
Small, white epidermioid mucoid cysts found on hte hard palate, and usually disappear within a few weeks
Epstein Pearls
T/F - Preterm infants breathe irregularly with short apenic burst that last 5-10 secons and have no clinical significance.
True - Periodic breathing
Diminshed femoral pulses suggest?
coarctation of the aorta
Increase femoral pulses?
Umbilicus has _ artery and _ vein
2 arteries and 1 vein
Separation of the L and R side of the recuts abdominis at the midline?
Diastasis Recti (no Rx necessary)
Prescence of of urine draining from the umbilicus should clue u in on?
Persistent Urachus
T/F - Hypospadias is not associated with an increased incidence of associatiate Urinary malformations.
T/F - Epispadias is not associated with an increased incidence of associatiate Urinary malformations.
False - often associatated with bladder exstrophy
T/F - Cryptoorchid testes that do not descend by 12 moa are predisposed to malignancy.
Define preterm.
< 37 weeks from 1st day of LMP
Define postterm.
occurs 42 weeks or more
Define Small for Gestational Age.
below the 5th % (due to IUGR)
Define Large for Gestational Age.
above 90th %
T/F - Cyanosis always constitutes and emergency in a neonate.
5 T's of cyanotic congenital heart disease
Truncus Arteriosus, Transposition, Tricuspid Atresia, Tetralogy of Fallot, Total anomalous Pulmonary veounous connection
Lab workup of cyanotic neonate.
1) ABG
2) CBC
3) CXR
4) serum electrolytes (glu)
if necessary 5) Cx, ECG, Echo
T/F - Oxygen tests in infants with lung disease will usually increase PaO2 considerably.
Lab Assessment of fetal lung maturity.
Lecithin to sphyingomyelin ratio > 2:1 + phosphatidylglyercol
Incidence of RDS is highest in _.
Preterm White males
Diagnostic Lab for RDS showing?
CXR with diffuse atelectasis and ground glass appearance and air bronchograms
Treatment for RDS
1) supplemental oxygen
3) Mechanical ventilation if indicated
4) exogenous surfactant
Diagnostic Criteria for Bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
1) mechanical ventilation during 1st 2 weeks of life
2) clinical signs of respiratory compromise persisting beyond 28 days
3) need for O2 past 28 days
4) characteristic CXR
2 most common causes of Persistent pulmonary htn of the newborn
perinatal asphyxia and MAS
Lab Important to R/O congenital heart disease
Treatment of Persistent pulmonary htn of the newborn
1)prevent hypoxemia with O2
2) mechanical ventilation
4) inhaled nitric oxide
describe CXR in Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
increased lung volume with diffuse areas of atelectasis and parencymal infiltrates alternating with hyperinflation
T/F - Idiopathic apnea of maturity, a diagnosis of exclusion, may require respiratory stimulant medications for treatment.
T/F - Direct hyperbilirubinemia (>15% ratio) is always pathologic in neonates.
Breastfeeding jaundice.
Indirect hyperbilirubinemia due to dehydration and dereased excretion (no milk yet)
Breast milk jaundice.
Indirect hyperbilirubinemia due to b-glucuronidase and high lipase content of breast milk.
Lab Workup for Indirect hyperbilirubinemia.
1) CBC
2) Retic count
3) Smear
:might indicate R/O sepsis
Lab Workup for Direct hyperbilirubinemia.
1) hepatic U/S
2) Hep Serologies
3) Radioisotopes scans of biliary tree
:might indicate R/O sepsis
Clinical features of kernicterus and bilirubin encephalopathy.
choreoathetoid cerebral palsy, hearing loss, opisthootonus, seizures, and oculomotor parlysis
Esophageal Atresia is often associated with _.
Most cases of congenital diaphragmatic herniation involve impaired growth of which side?
Treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Intubation with mechanical ventilation (NOT BAG AND MASK)
Central Abdominal wall defect in which the organs are covered with a peritoneal sac, i.e. a true hernia, and is associated with other abnormalities
Congenital fissure of the anterior abdominal wall in the right paraumbilical area with no peritoneal sac covering and is not associated with other anomalies
Most common cause of obstruction in the neonatal period
Intestinal atresia
Characteristic CXR appearance of meconium ileus
T/F - Hirschsprung's is 5x more common in males.
Treatment of Necrotizing Enterocolitis.
1) Bowel rest, NPO
2) Gastric decompression
3) ABX
4) parenteral fluids and nutrition
5) surgical management with exploratory laparotomy with resection as necessary for necrotic bowel
T/F - Infants of Diabetic Mothers are large because of increased body fat and visceromegaly.
Treatment of Polycythemia in Infant
Partial exchange transfusion (blood with normal saline)