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39 Cards in this Set

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Describe the orderly, predictable process of development.

Head to toe in a proximal to distal manner

Infants with _ show stronger and more sustained primitive reflexes and may have delayed development of postural reactions.

CNS injuries

T/F - Postural reactions, such as the parachute, are acquired and not present at birth.


Persistent _ beyond 3moa is often the earliest sign of neuromotor problems.


Early rolling over, early pulling to a stand instead of sitting, and persistent toe walking may indicate _.


T/F - beware younger than 18 moa hand dominance.

True - can be sign of hemiparesis

Most common domain to have delay.


Time period for optimal language acquisition occurs during _.

1ST 2 years of life

Single best indicator of intellectual potential.


When does object permanence usually develop?

around 9 months, and can lead to Separatoin anxiety

Toddlers exhibit parallel play during the _. They learn to play together and share at _.

1st 2 years, play at 3 years

Define Cerebral Palsy.
1) intelligence
2) effects

Static encephalopathy caused by injury to developing brain in which motor function is primarily affected.
1) may be normal intell.
2) seizures, cogn. defi, MR, LD, sensory loss, Vis/Aud deficits

Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy is based on _.

repeated neurodevelopmental exams

Types of Spastic Cerebral Palsy.

diplegia: LE, scissoring
hemiplegia: Unilateral UE
quadriplegia: all

Extrapyramidal cerebral palsy is suggested by _.

athetoid movements (often also has oral motor involvement)

Most common cause of learning disabilities.

idiopathic discrepeny between a child's academic achievement and level expected on basis of age and intelligence.

1) incidence/gender
2) clinical

1) prior to age 3, males
2) difficulty in language to communicate (e.g. echolalia), can be self injurious

Asperger Syndrome

Qualitative impairment in peer relationships and social interations with no clinically significant language delay

Specific Criteria of ADHD

1) symptoms before 7 yoa
2) symptoms more than 1 environment
3) impaired school/ relationship functioning
4) Inattention
5) hyperactivity
6) Impulsivity

Treatment of ADHD

1) demystification
2) classroom mod's
3) educational assistance
4) counseling
5) Med's

1st line pharm agent for ADHD; 2nd line?

1st: stimulants (e.g. methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine)
2nd: TCA or clonidine (esp. if tics/aggresion)

T/F - Methylphenidate can decrase growth velocity with change in overall stature.

False - can decrease growth velocity but no effect overall

Early identification of hearing loss should occur before _ to avoid delayed speech and language skills.

6 months of age

What class of drugs is associated with hearing loss? What organ system should be checked via what lab?

ABX, renal via creatinine level

Primary cause of blindness worldwide

Trachoma infection

What is colic?

Crying that lasts > 3 hours per day and occurs > 3 days/week. Usually begins at 2-4 weeks of age and resolves by 3-4 months of age

Urinary Incontinece beyond the age when the child is capable?


Define Primary vs Secondary enuresis.

primary, never dry;
Secondary, 6 months previous dryness

_ can be a comorbid or etiologic factor in enuresis.


Laboratory Evaluation of Enuresis.

U/A, U Cx;
Imagine if necessary.

Treatment of Nocturnal Enuresis

1) Demystification (lose blame)
2)Conditioning alarm
3) meds: DDAVP, TCA(e.g.Impiramine)

What is sleeping through the night?

sleeping more than 5 hours after midnight for a 4 week period.

When are nightmares common: age and stage? Recall?

common after 3 yoa during REM sleep (can recall)

When are night terrors common: age and stage? Recall?

common between 3-5 yoa during non-REM stage 4 sleep, and child does not recall

Abdominal pain/headache in the morning right before leaving for school and disapears on the weekend?

School Phobia

Temper tantrums are common when? Manipulative?

1-3 yoa, not necessarily manipulative (inability to verbalize feelings)

T/F - Breath holding spells are benign episodes, involuntary and harmless.

True - but if precipiated by exercise/excitement and ECG may be indicated.

Prerequisites for Toliet Training.

1)understand lingo
2) prefer dry to wet/soiled
3) recognize bladder full/urge and tell caregivefr

T/F - before age 6 months, no discipline is indicated.
