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25 Cards in this Set

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Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) reaches the anterior pituitary gland and causes the release of which of the following? (more than one answer may be correct)
A. growth hormone (GH)
B. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
C. antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
D. luteinizing hormone (LH)
E. oxytocin
Which is not a structure of the female external genitalia?
A. vagina
B. clitoris
C. vestibule
D. labia minora
E. labia majora
A new menstrual cycle has a rise in the level of:
C. estrogen
D. progesterone
A. stimulates lactation
B. increases uterine tube motility
C. thins the endometrium
D. maintains the thickened endometrium
E. causes ovulation
The ovaries produce:
A. ova, estrogen, and oxytocin
B. ova only
C. ova and estrogen
D. testosterone and semen
E. none of the above is correct
During which days of the menstrual cycle does the endometrium achieve maximum development?
A. 2 to 6
B. 7 to 12
C. 14
D. 20 to 24
E. 26 to 28
Hormones necessary for the growth and development of female breasts are:
A. estrogens and progesterone
B. oxytocin and ADH
C. androgens and steroids
D. gonadocorticoids
E. relaxin
The structure that releases a mature ovum is the:
A. corpus albicans
B. graafian follicle
C. primary follicle
D. corpus luteum
E. infundibulum
A major duct of the female reproductive system is the:
A. suspensory tube
B. uterosacral duct
C. broad duct
D. mesovarian duct
E. uterine tube
Prostate is to the accessory gland as gonad is to the:
A. ejaculatory duct
B. ovary
C. bulbourethral gland
D. accessory gland
E. urethra
Cells that produce testosterone are called:
A. interstitial endocrinocytes
B. testicular endocrine cells
C. sustentacular cells
D. spermatogonia
E. none of the above is correct
The function of testosterone includes:
A. development of male gonads
B. bone and muscle growth
C. influencing sexual behavior
D. growth of testes.
E. all of the above are correct
Immediately after the sperm cells leave the ductus epididymis, they enter the:
A. ejaculatory duct
B. ductus deferens
C. urethra
D. seminiferous tubules
E. none of the above is correct
A substance produced in the reproductive system mainly by the bulbourethral glands is:
A. fructose
C. mucus
D. an alkaline, viscous fluid
Which structure(s) produce(s) a secretion that helps maintain the motility of spermatozoa? (more than one answer may be correct.)
A. prostate
B. penis
C. cowper (bulbourethral) glands
D. interstitial tissues
E. all of the above are correct
Semen is:
A. vaginal secretions needed to activate sperm.
B. the product of the testes
C. the sperm and secretions of the seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral gland.
D. responsible for engorgement of the erectile tissue in the penis.
E. the secretion that causes ovulation in the female.
The vulva consists of the:
A. labia majora and labia minora
B. clitoris
C. vaginal orifice
D. both A and B are correct
E. A, B, and C are correct
The major difference between female and male hormone production is:
A. LH is without effect in the male
B. GnRH doesn't cause the release of FSH in the male.
C. hormonal production is relatively constant in the male.
D. both A and B are correct
E. none of the above is correct.
The primary spermatocyte has:
A. 46 chromosomes
B. the same number of chromosomes as a sperm
C. 23 chromosomes
D. a diploid number of chromosomes
E. both A and D are correct
During the follicular/proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle:
A. vascularity of breast tissue increases
B. vascularity of breast tissue decreases
C. progesterone constricts the ducts
D. both B and C are correct
Most of the lymphatic drainage of the female breast occurs through the:
A. axillary nodules
B. internal mammary nodes
C. subclavian nodes
D. branchial nodes
E. anterior pectoral nodes
Primary follicles resist gonadotropin stimulation.
(match the aging reproductive changes with the term or response)
A. menarche
B. premenopause
C. menopause
D. vasomotor flush
E. vasocongestive response
F. luteal/secretory phase
G. follicular/proliferative phase
Corpus luteum fails to develop
(match the aging reproductive changes with the term or response)
A. menarche
B. premenopause
C. menopause
D. vasomotor flush
E. vasocongestive response
F. luteal/secretory phase
G. follicular/proliferative phase
Less effective erection
(match the aging reproductive changes with the term or response)
A. menarche
B. premenopause
C. menopause
D. vasomotor flush
E. vasocongestive response
F. luteal/secretory phase
G. follicular/proliferative phase
First menstruation
(match the aging reproductive changes with the term or response)
A. menarche
B. premenopause
C. menopause
D. vasomotor flush
E. vasocongestive response
F. luteal/secretory phase
G. follicular/proliferative phase