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122 Cards in this Set

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Of the 60% of the body weight made up of water, about two thirds is:
Intracellular water
What is the probable cause of cellular swelling in the early stages of cell injury?
Na-K pump fails to remove intracellular Na+
Which are characteristics of Down Syndrome?
- It is an autosomal aneuploidy
- Mental retardation is consistently expressed
- Clinical diagnosis can be suggested by facial appearance
NOT - It is a genetic error of metabolism
Identify the characteristics of X-linked recessive inherited disorders.
Sons of affected female carries have a 50% risk of being affected.
When environmental influences cause varied phenotypic expressions of genotypes, the result is:
A multifactorial trait
Which particle can penetrate cell membranes most easily?
Lipid soluble, small.
Which can transport substances uphill against the concentration gradient?
Active transport
Identify the correct sequences of events for initiation and conduction of a nerve impulse.
1. Sodium permeability changes
2. Sodium moves inside
3. Potassium permeability changes
4. Potassium leaves cell
5. Resting potential is reestablished.
There is one-way conduction at a synapse because:
Only the presynaptic neuron contains neurotransmitters
Which contains the precentral motor cortex and postcentral sensory cortex?
The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system:
- Mobilizes energy in times of need
- Is innervated by cell bodies from T1 through L2
In cerebral vasogenic edema:
Plasma proteins leak into extracellular spaces
Which statement is true regarding increasing intracranial pressures?
The brain volume increase
NOTE: excess of CO2 causes vasodilation
An individual extension in upper extremities and extension in lower extremities. This is:
Decerebrate posturing (damage to upper brainstem)
Decorticate posturing is the upper extremities flexed and lower extremities extended. Damage to corticospinal tract
Precipitating causes of seizures include all of the following:
- Meningitis
- Stroke
- Hypoglycemia
- Hyperthermia
An individual with increased intracranial pressure from a head injury shows dilated and fixed pupils, falling pulse pressure, and irregular breathing. Which stage of ICP exists?
Stage 4 - irregular breathing, dilation of pupils
Stage 3 - hyperventilation, dilation of one pupil
Stage 1 and 2 - blood pressure compensation
Transient ischemic attacks (TIA) are:
Focal neurologica deficits that develop suddenly, last for several minutes, and clear in 24 hours.
Warning sign for stroke (CVA)
Osteoporosis pathogenesis involves:
Alteration in the OPG/RANKL/RANK system.
The ion necessary for coupling of contractile proteins is:
Identify the bone cells which cooperate to maintain normal bone homeostasis and are coupled during bone remodeling.
- Osteoblasts
- Osteoclasts
In a complete fracture:
The fracture crosses or involves the entire width or thickness of the bone.
Which is a definite sign of a fracture?
Unnatural alignment
Identify the sequence of bone healing in fractures and surgical injuries.
1. Hematoma formation
2. Procallus formation
3. Callus formation
4. Callus replacement with lamellar or trabecular
5. Periosteum and endosteum remodeling
A function of the epiphyseal plates that is a function of the articular cartilage is to:
- Enable articulation of bones
- Repair damage bone tissue
- Provide sensory nerves to bone
NOT - Enable bone to increase in length
Postmenopausal osteoporosis can occur due to.
- Low estrogen levels
- Insufficient dietary calcium
- Insufficient dietary magnesium
The causes of osteoarthritis include all of the following:
- Enzymatic breakdown of articular cartilage
- Proteoglycan breakdown
- Reduction in collagen
NOT - Rheumatoid factor
A chronic musculoskeletal syndrome characterized by sensitive to touch, by absence of localized inflammation, sleep disturbance and fatigue is
The most common cause of osteomyelitis is
Direct contamination by an open fracture
Which protein is found in the thick myofilament of skeletal and cardiac muscle
Select the hormone which controls blood volume, but does NOT directly produce vasoconstriction of the arterioles.
Direct Vasoconstrictors - Antidiuretic hormones, Angiotensin II, Adrenalin
Hemostasis involves all of the following:
- Vasoconstriction
- Platelet plug formation
- Intrinsic pathway activités
- Clot formation
NOT - Prostacyclin I
Which is the correct sequence in coagulation?
Tissue Thromboplastin, VII, prothrombin
Identify the correct sequence in the differentiation of erythrocytes.
1. Proerythroblast
2. Normoblast
3. Reticulocyte
The purpose of erythropoietin is to:
Control erythrocyte production
Which are the most effective phagocytes?
Neutrophils and macrophages
A thrombocytopenia with a platelet count below 10,000/mm likely will cause:
Spontaneous bleeding
DIC is associated with:
- Endothelial damage
- Release of tissue thromboplastin
Leukocytosis is found in all of the following
- Inflammatory responses
- Allergic responses
- Bacterial infections
NOT - Bone marrow depression
What is the most notable characteristic of infectious mononucleosis?
The presence of heterophil antibody is diagnostically helpful.
CML is characterized by its:
Presence of the Philadelphia chromosome
APCs are
Memory cells or Macrophages
APC = antigen presenting cells
Antibodies are produced by:
Plasma cells
Which of the following conditions could occur in an immobilized patient on antidepressants who is taken from a reclined to a standing position?
Orthostatic hypotension
Decrease in blood pressure
Which is correct regarding AIDS?
- Antibody usually appears within 4 to 7 weeks after infection
- The patient will be anti-HIV
- The patient will likely develop opportunistic infections and cancer.
NOT - The patient will have increased numbers of CD4 cells or helper T cells.
Rejection of kidney transplant occurred after 2 weeks. The reaction was because of
- Immune response against donor HLA antigen
- A type IV hypersensitivity
Chronic inflammation is characterized by
Lymphocytic and macrophagic infiltration
Which is synthesized by mast cells?
Leukotrienes or histamines
- Provide messages between leukocytes
- Are produced in response to tissue injury
- Stimulate cells to produce antiviral substances
- Increase antibody production and populations of T cells
Diapedesis is a process in which:
Neutrophils migrate from the bloodstream to an injured tissue site
Events the development of atherosclerotic plaque include all of the following
- Accumulation of LDL (low-density lipoprotein)
- Smooth muscle proliferation
- Calcification
- Decreased elasticity
NOT - Complement activation
Primary hypertension
Is essentially idiopathic
A 76-year-old man came to the emergency room after experiencing chest pain while shoveling snow. Laboratory tests revealed essentially normal blood levels of SGOT, CPK, and LDH enzymes. The chest pain was relieved following rest and nitroglycerin therapy. The most probable diagnosis is:
Angina Pectoris
Which statement is correct concerning hypertension:
- Malignant hypertension is characterized by a diastolic pressure higher than 140mm Hg.
- More than 90% of cases are the essential or primary type
- When it is left untreated, the major risks include CVAs and cardiac hypertrophy
NOT - Headache is the most reliable symptoms
The QRS complex of the ECG represents
Ventricular depolarization
During atrial systole, the:
Atrioventricular valves are open
If the sympathetic nervous system stimulation of the heart predominates over parasympathetic nervous system stimulation, the heart will:
Increase its rate
Glucocorticoids would be highest during the stage of :
Identify two hormones that increase metabolic rate and heat production.
Thyroxine, Epinephrine
Corticotrophin release factor (CRF) is released by the:
Decrease pain sensation
Many NSAIDS are antipyretic because they reduce fever by
Block PGE2 synthesis
These events occur associated with REM sleep except:
80% of adult sleeping time occurs this stage
Which is a modulator of pain?
- Lymphokines
- Substance P
- Endorphins
NOT - Heparin
Which of the following category of acute pain is poorly localized and often referred?
Visceral pain
What is the proposed role of the brain metabolite, adenosine, to sleep?
Promotes sleep and suppress arousal
A skateboard injury to a teenager results in a compound fracture of the thigh and excessive bleeding into the peritoneal cavity. This stressor elicits the secretion of CRH and the synthesis and release all of the following:
- Cortisol
- Antidiuretic hormone
- Epinephrine
NOT - Luteinizing hormone
Severe stress results in all of the following
- Increased heart rate
- Increase in norepinephrine
- Alteration in respiratory minute volume
NOT - Overactive immune system
The role of oxytocin in stress during parturition is:
Antistress properties
Autonomic and hormonal control are involved in gastrointestinal motility and:
Digestive enzyme secretion
A 15 year old female begins to take a new weight - loss during. The drug inhibits the smooth muscle action of the stomach and likely acts by increasing:
Sympathetic stimulation
Mucus production to form a mucosal barrier in the stomach is stimulated by the release of:
During the cephalic and gastric phase of digestion, gallbladder contraction is mediated branches of the:
Vagus nerve
The duct cells of the pancreas produces ___ which buffers HCl acid released into the duodenum.
All of the following are symptoms of Gluten-sensitive enteropathy and infants:
- Diarrhea
- Excessive fat in stools
- Malabsorption of nutrients
NOT - Lack of pancreatic enzymes
Osmotic diarrhea is caused by
Lactase deficiency
Infections of Helicobacter pylori are major etiologic factors associated with all of the following ulcers
- Gastric
- Duodenal
- Peptic
NOT - Stress
Hepatic encephalopathy is manifested by:
Cerebral dysfunction
Which type of viral hepatitis is associated with a chronic state or a carrier state?
- Hepatitis C
- Hepatits B
NOT - Hepatitis A
Which does cause constipation?
- Opiates
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Emotional depression
NOT - Hyperthyroidism
Polycystic ovary syndrome is:
- The most common cause of infertility in the US
- Associated with hyperinsulinemia
- Sometimes a precursor of endometrial cancer
Painful menstruation association with excessive release of PGE2 just before menses is called
- Primary dysmenorrhea
All are associated with benign prostate hyperplasia:
- Difficult voiding
- Urine retention in bladder
- Elevated prostate specific antigen
NOT - Polyuria
The most common cause of gingival ulceration in the U.S is
Genital Herpes
Select the organ essential for synthesis of 250H VitD to "active Vit D3"
NOT - Liver, Skin or Parathyroid
An elevation in plasma Ca++ stimulates the secretion of ___ from the thyroid C cells
The pathogenesis of osteoporosis involves
Alteration in the OPG/RANK/RANKL system
Inadequate levels of thyroxine at birth may cause
Mental retardation
Hypersecretion of the adrenal cortical hormones produce all of the symptoms in an adult.
- Protein catabolism
- Susceptible to infections
- Excessive deposition of fat in face and shoulders
NOT - Hypotension
Acromegaly is a hormonal disorder due to
Excessive secretion of growth hormone in an adult
An older patient falls and is unable to get up, 18 hours later, the patient is found and hospitalized, which of the following hormonal changes did occur in this patient before medical care
- Increase plasma ADH
- Increase in plasma glucagon
- Decrease in plasma insulin
NOT - Decrease in aldosterone secretion
Common complications of diabetes mellitus include all of the following:
- Nephropathy
- Retinopathy
- Susceptible to infections
NOT - Pancreatitis
Which electrolyte alteration occurs in Addison's disease (hypoadrenalism)
Which ordinarily brings about the greatest increase in the rate of respiration
Increase in arterial CO2
Which statement is correct regarding normal adult hemoglobin and O2 transport?
HbA is 75% saturated when resting tissue ppO2 is 40mmHg
In bronchial asthma
- Bronchia muscles contract
- Mucous secretions increase
In ARDS, increased alveolocapillary permeability is caused by:
- Platelet activating factor
- Tumor necrosis factor
- O2-free radicals
Pulmonary emboli usually:
Obstruct blood supply to the lung parenchyma
Cor pulmonale
- Occurs in response to long standing pulmonary hypertension
- Results in right heart failure
- Produces cyanosis
Which renal condition usually has a history of recent infection with Beta-hemolytic streptococci?
An individual has an elevated BUN and creatinine because of calculi blockage of one ureter. This is referred to as:
Postrenal disease
Nephrotoxins such as antibiotics, may be responsible for:
Acute tubular necrosis
Nephrotic syndrome is associated with ___ to plasma ___.
Increased glomerular permeability, protein
All of the following occur in the plasma of a patient in acute renal failure:
- Hyperkalemia
- Elevated BUN
- Acidosis
NOT - Increase HCO3-
Filtered K+ is reabsorbed by the___ and secreted by the ___
Proximal convoluted tubules, distal convoluted tubules.
ADH causes water to
Diffuse into the ascending limb of the vasa recta
All of the following hormones are vasoconstrictors
- Angiotensin II
- Epinephrine
- Antidiuretic hormone
NOT- Aldosterone
Insulin only
Epinephrine & glucagon
Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor
Cortisol & glucagon
Growth hormone & insulin
Abdominal distension
Intrahepatic Jaundice
Icteric phase of Viral Hepatitis B
Obstructive Jaundice
Icteric phase due to gallstones
Portal Hypertension
Esophageal and stomach varices (vomiting blood)
Liver enlarged and tender
___ Produces pain in response to acute inflammation
___ A phospholipid derivative that aggregates platelets
Thromboxane A2
___ A large hemostatic protein factor (exposed by injury to endothelium) that interacts with platelets to produce adherence to collagen and to fibrinogen
vW Factor
___ This hemostatic cofactor is released from injured endothelium to initiate extrinsic pathway
Tissue Thromboplastin
___ Vasodilation and increased in permeability of capillaries due to inflammation
___ This enzyme acts on blood clot to produce fibrinolysis