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32 Cards in this Set

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Carcinoma of the cervix

Malignant cells within the cervix(cervical cancer)

Infection with human papillomavirus or HPV is the most important cause and risk factor of cervical cancer. Other factors that may act together with HPV to increase the risk of developing cervical cancer include cigarette smoking, having multiple sexual partners, and having a weakened immune system. Can cause genital warts. Is the most common type of STD


Inflammation of the cervix

Inflammation of the cervixThis condition can become chronic because of the lining of the cervix if not renewed each month as is the uterine lining during menstration. Bacteria such as chlamydia trachomatis and neisseria gonorrhea commonly cause cervicitis. Acute cervicitis, by cervical erosion or ulcerations common appear as raw, red patches on the cervical mucosa. Leukorrhea also as a sign of cervical erosion. After the presence of malignancy has been excluded cryocauterization, destroying tissue by freezing, of the eroded area in treatment with antibiotics may be indicated

Inflammation of the cervixThis condition can become chronic because of the lining of the cervix if not renewed each month as is the uterine lining during menstration. Bacteria such as chlamydia trachomatis and neisseria gonorrhea commonly cause cervicitis. Acute cervicitis, by cervical erosion or ulcerations common appear as raw, red patches on the cervical mucosa. Leukorrhea also as a sign of cervical erosion. After the presence of malignancy has been excluded cryocauterization, destroying tissue by freezing, of the eroded area in treatment with antibiotics may be indicated

This condition can become chronic because of the lining of the cervix if not renewed each month as is the uterine lining during menstration. Bacteria such as chlamydia trachomatis and neisseria gonorrhea commonly cause cervicitis. Acute cervicitis, by cervical erosion or ulcerations common appear as raw, red patches on the cervical mucosa. Leukorrhea also as a sign of cervical erosion. After the presence of malignancy has been excluded cryocauterization, destroying tissue by freezing, of the eroded area in treatment with antibiotics may be indicated

Carcinoma of the endometrium

Malignant tumor of the uterine lining or adenocarcinoma

Most common sign of endometrial cancer is postmenopausal bleeding. This malignancy occurs more often in women exposed to high levels of estrogen, Isaac from exogenous estrogen or estrogen producing tumors or obesity in nulliparous women. Physicians perform endometrial biopsy, hysteroscopy, and dilatation or dilatation (widening of the cervical canal) and curettage (scrapping the inner lining of the uterous) for diagnosis. When the cancer is confined to the uterus, surgery (hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy) is Curative. Radiation oncologist administer radiation therapy as additional treatment


Endometrial tissue located outside the uterus

Endometrial tissue may be found in ovaries, fallopian tubes, supporting ligaments or small intestine, causing inflammation and Scar Tissue. When the endometrium sheds and bleeds in its monthly cycle, it may cause dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain. Infertility and dyspareunia may also occur. Most cases are the result of gross of bits of menstrual endometrium past backwards through the lumen the fallopian tube and into the peritoneal cavity, often, when disease affects the ovaries, large blood filmed cyst (endometriomas or chocolate cyst develop. Treatment ranges from symptomatic relief esteem hormonal drugs that suppress the menstrual cycle two surgical removal of ectopic endometrial tissue and hysterectomy


Benign tumors in the uterus

Fibroids also called leiomyomata or or leiomyomas, are composed of fibrous tissue and muscle. The fibroids grow too large intestines and such as metrorrhagia , pelvic pain, or menorrhagia, hysterectomy or myomectomy is indicated. Fi roid ablation without surgery may be accomplished by uterine artery embolization (uae) , in which tiny pelletd (acting asemboli) are injected into the uterine artery, blocking the blood supply to fibroids, causing them to scream.

Ovarian carcinoma

Malignant tumor of the ovary or adenocarcinoma

Most common ovarian Cancers: serous and mucinous cystic adenocarcinomas.

1. Usually dicovered in advanced stage and matestazises beyond ovary before discovery

2. causes ascites(accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity)


Total hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and removal of the omentum. Followed by chemo therapy

Ovarian cysts

Collections of fluid within a sac in the ovary.

1. Some are benign and originat in unruptured ovarian follicles or have ruptured but sealed immediately.

Insane Hair Skin teeth and cartilage, arise from immature egg cells in the ovary.

Dermoid cystsInsane Hair Skin teeth and cartilage, arise from immature egg cells in the ovary. 1. Often called a teratoma or mature teratoma

1. Often called a teratoma or mature teratoma

. Often called a teratoma or mature teratoma

Pelvic inflammatory disease or PID

Inflammation and infection in the pelvic region


1 sexuelly transmitted disease

After PID women have an increased chance of ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

Signs and symptoms:

Vaginal discharge, fever, abdominal pain in the left and right lower quadrants and tenderness palpitation( examining by touch)

Carcinoma of the breast or breast cancer

Malignant tumor of the breast

The most common type of breast cancer is invasive ductal carcinoma.

For this procedure a blue dye or radioisotope is injected into the tumor site and tracks the axillary lymph nodes.

A stereotactic core needle biopsy uses mamografia to guide a biopsy needle into an area of concern. Sentinel node biopsy or SNB, For this procedure a blue dye or radioisotope is injected into the tumor site and tracks the axillary lymph nodes.Estrogen receptors. These receptor proteins indicate that the tumor will respond to hormonal therapy. Is metastasis should subsequently develop, this information will be valuable and selecting further treatment. There are two types of drugs that block the effects of estrogen and thereby kill ER positive breast cancer cells. Bl9ck the effects of estrogen: tamoxifen and herceptinTamoxifen directly block the ER reception. Herceptin is an antibody that binds to and blocks her-2/neu, it is effective in stopping gross when used with chemotherapy.

Estrogen receptors. These receptor proteins indicate that the tumor will respond to hormonal therapy. Is metastasis should subsequently develop, this information will be valuable and selecting further treatment. There are two types of drugs that block the effects of estrogen and thereby kill ER positive breast cancer cells.

Sentinel node biopsy or SNB, For this procedure a blue dye or radioisotope is injected into the tumor site and tracks the axillary lymph nodes.Estrogen receptors. These receptor proteins indicate that the tumor will respond to hormonal therapy. Is metastasis should subsequently develop, this information will be valuable and selecting further treatment. There are two types of drugs that block the effects of estrogen and thereby kill ER positive breast cancer cells. Bl9ck the effects of estrogen: tamoxifen and herceptinTamoxifen directly block the ER reception. Herceptin is an antibody that binds to and blocks her-2/neu, it is effective in stopping gross when used with chemotherapy.

Sentinel node biopsy or SNB, For this procedure a blue dye or radioisotope is injected into the tumor site and tracks the axillary lymph nodes.Estrogen receptors. These receptor proteins indicate that the tumor will respond to hormonal therapy. Is metastasis should subsequently develop, this information will be valuable and selecting further treatment. There are two types of drugs that block the effects of estrogen and thereby kill ER positive breast cancer cells. Bl9ck the effects of estrogen: tamoxifen and herceptinTamoxifen directly block the ER reception. Herceptin is an antibody that binds to and blocks her-2/neu, it is effective in stopping gross when used with chemotherapy.

For this procedure a blue dye or radioisotope is injected into the tumor site and tracks the axillary lymph nodes.Estrogen receptors. These receptor proteins indicate that the tumor will respond to hormonal therapy. Is metastasis should subsequently develop, this information will be valuable and selecting further treatment. There are two types of drugs that block the effects of estrogen and thereby kill ER positive breast cancer cells. Bl9ck the effects of estrogen: tamoxifen and herceptinTamoxifen directly block the ER reception. Herceptin is an antibody that binds to and blocks her-2/neu, it is effective in stopping gross when used with chemotherapy.

For this procedure a blue dye or radioisotope is injected into the tumor site and tracks the axillary lymph nodes.Estrogen receptors. These receptor proteins indicate that the tumor will respond to hormonal therapy. Is metastasis should subsequently develop, this information will be valuable and selecting further treatment. There are two types of drugs that block the effects of estrogen and thereby kill ER positive breast cancer cells. Bl9ck the effects of estrogen: tamoxifen and herceptinTamoxifen directly block the ER reception. Herceptin is an antibody that binds to and blocks her-2/neu, it is effective in stopping gross when used with chemotherapy.

Bl9ck the effects of estrogen: tamoxifen and herceptin

Tamoxifen directly block the ER reception. Herceptin is an antibody that binds to and blocks her-2/neu, it is effective in stopping gross when used with chemotherapy.

Tamoxifen directly block the ER reception. Herceptin is an antibody that binds to and blocks her-2/neu, it is effective in stopping gross when used with chemotherapy.

Fibrocystic breast disease

Numerous small sacs of fluid surrounded by dense strands of fibrous tissue in the breast.

Abruptio placentae

Premature separation of the normally implanted placenta.

It occurs because of trauma, such as fall, or maybe secondary to vascular insufficiency resulting from hypertension or preeclampsia

Ectopic pregnancy

Implantation of the fertilized egg in any site other than the normal uterine location.

Multiple gestations

More than one fetus inside the uterus

Placenta previa

Implantation of the placenta over the cervical opening or in the lower region of the uterus. Maternal signs and symptoms include painless bleeding, cameras, and premature labor. Cesarean delivery is usually recommended


Abnormal condition associated with pregnancy, marked by high blood pressure, proteinuria, edema, and headache.

Mild pre-eclampsia can be managed by bed rest and close monitoring of blood pressure. Eclampsia is the final and most severe stage of untreated preeclampsia. It often causes seizures and even death of the mother and baby

Down syndrome

Chromosomal abnormality results in mental retardation, retarded gross, a flat face with a short notice, low-set ears, and slanted eyes.

Erythroblastosis fetalist

Hemolytic disease in the newborn or hdn. Caused by a blood group incompatibility between mother and the fetus.

Hyaline membrane disease

Acute lung disease commonly seen in premature newborn. Also called respiratory distress syndrome of the new born. It is caused by deficiency of surfactant, a protein necessary for proper lung function


Accumulation of fluid in the spaces of the brain

Meconium aspiration syndrome

Abnormal inhalation of meconium produced by a fetus or newborn

Pyloric stenosis

Nehring of the opening of the stomach to the duodenum

Pap test or pap smear

Microscopic examination of stained cells removed from the vagina and cervix. After inserting a vaginal speculum this is a shin uses a small spatula to remove exfoliated cells from the cervix and vagina

Pregnancy test

Blood or urine test to detect the presence of hsg

Hysterosalpingography or HSG

X-ray Imaging of the breast. A new method is digital tomosynthesis in this procedure an extra to remove ve in Ann Arbor on the Press has several images are taken these images are sent to a computer and clear. Highly focused three-dimensional pictures are produced. An additional 2 mean less painful procedure makes breast cancer easier to find density

Breast ultrasound imaging and breast MRI

Technologies using sound waves and magnetic waves to create images of breast tissue

Pelvic ultrasonography

Recording images of sound waves as they bounce off organs in the pelvic region.


Withdrawal of fluid from a cavity or Sac with an instrument using suction


Destruction of tissue by burning


Removal of a cone-shaped section of the cervix. This addition reflects the tissue using a Leep, or with a carbon dioxide laser or or Surgical nice


Use of cold temperatures to destroy tissue


Needle aspiration of fluid from the cul-de-sac. The physician's inserts a needle through the vagina into the cul-de-sac. The presence of blood May indicate a ruptured ectopic pregnancy or ruptured ovarian cyst

Dilation and curettage

Widening the cervix and scraping of the endometrial lining of the uterus