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60 Cards in this Set

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Finding any intestinal flagella is indicative of ____________
ingestion of contaminated food/water
Intestinal flagellates (4)
Giardia lamblia
Dientamoeba fragilis
Trichomonas hominis
Chilomastix mesnili
Vaginal/Urogenital flagellates (1)
Trichomonas vaginalis
Which 3 flagellates are considered pathogenic?
Giardia lamblia
Dientamoeba fragilis
Trichomonas vaginalis
The most common intestinal parasite in the United States is _____________
Giardia lamblia
Giardia lamblia may be seen in which form(s)?
Trophozoite and cyst
Giardia lamblia infection is diagnosed via ____________
OCP test, Enterotest or ELISA method
The ELISA method detects Giardia lamblia _______
Giardia lamblia causes _____________
"Traveler's diarrhea"
____________________ are at a greater risk of infection of Giardia lamblia
day care centers
Giardia lamblia: prevention methods
handwashing/ appropriate diaper practices
Characteristics of Giardia lamblia trophozoite
motile stage/ tear drop (pear) shaped/ bilateral symmetry/ 2 nuclei/ 1 pair parabasal bodies/ 4 pairs flagella
Giardia lamblia trophozoite- appearance of motility
falling leaf on a wet prep
Giardia lamblia- infective stage
Giardia lamblia cyst- size
oval, 8-12µm
Giardia lamblia cysts can remain viable for up to ________ months
3 months
Giardia lamblia characteristics
2-4 nuclei at one end/ central axostyle/ parabasal bodies
Cyst stage of Giardia lamblia is found in ___________
hard stool
Troph stage of Giardia lamblia is found in __________
soft or fluid feces
The ___________________ occurs in the small intestine during G. lamblia infections
excystation process
(G. lamblia) trophozoites form and move to the large intestine. While here, ____________ occurs
Chilomastix mesnili trophozoite is ________ shaped
Chilomastix mesnili trophozoite appearance
single, large nucleus anterior end, small/eccentric karyosome; 3 anterior flagella; cytostome
Chilomastix mesnili has _________ motility
A cytostome is a _______________
primitive mouth
C. mesnili cyst is ___________ shaped
C. mesnili cyst: appearance
1 nucleus; cytostome
C. mesnili has a ______________ on one end
clear hyaline knob
Trichomonas hominis is found only in ________ form
T. hominis- shape
tear drop
T. hominis movement is __________
T. hominis: appearance
3-5 anterior flagella; one nucleus with small, central karyosome
T. hominis has a ______ undulating membrane
Trichomonas vaginalis is found only in ______ form
T. vaginalis is transmitted ___________
T. vaginalis is seen in _____________ (4 places)
urine, vaginal discharge, urethral discharge, and prostatic secretion
If T. vaginalis is found in feces, it is __________
T. vaginalis has a __________ undulating membrane
T. vaginalis has _____ flagella
4-6 flagella
T. vaginalis has ________ movement
jerky, nondirectional
Dientamoba fragilis is found in ________ stage only.
D. fragilis: appearance
2 nuclei, karyosome composed of granules
D. fragilis has a ____________ appearance
D. fragilis flagella can only be seen with _____________
electron microscopy
The cytoplasm of D. fragilis has _______________
vacuoles with ingested bacteria
D. fragilis causes ____________
diarrhea, abdominal pain, and severe puritis (itching)
D. fragilis has unknown transmission, but is known to be carried in the ___________
Ciliates use ________ for movement
Only one genus of ciliate infects humans. It is ______
Balantidium coli
B. coli is the ______________
largest parasitic protozoan
Life cycle of B. coli is the same as __________ and __________
flagellates and amoebas
B. coli is transmitted by _______________ and __________
ingesting contaminated food/water and person-to-person
B. coli trophozoite measures
50-100µm long by 25-120µm wide
B. coli trophozoite has __________ that surround the cell wall
rows of cilia
B. coli trophozoite has ___________ motility
rotary, boring
B. coli trophozoite contains a macronucleus and a ____________
B. coli trophozoite's cytoplasm has ____________ and a _______________
food vacuoles and a distinct anterior cytostome
B. coli cyst measures
50-70µm in diameter
B. coli cyst contains a _________ and a micronucleus
B. coli cyst has cilia that is retracted within ___________________
double protective cyst wall