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46 Cards in this Set

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Coccidia belong to the _________ class of protozoa.
Three types of Coccidia:
1. Intestinal
2. Tissue
3. Blood
Intestinal Coccidia (4)
1. Isospora belli
2. Sarcocystis species
3. Cyclospora
4. Cryptospiridium parvum
Tissue Coccidia (1)
Toxoplasma gondii
Blood Coccidia (1)
Plasmodium species
Coccidia exist in which two forms
1. oocyst
2. sporozoite
Oocyst is the ___________ form
Sporozoite is the _________ form
Humans are infected by ____________ (2 ways)
1. ingesting food/water contaminated with oocyst
2. ingesting tissues infected with sporozoite
(intestinal coccidia) Humans ingest ________
(intestinal coccidia) oocysts contain ___________
(intestinal coccidia) Oocysts burst and sporozoites are released in the ___________
(intestinal coccidia) sexual reproduction is known as ___________
(intestinal coccidia) asexual reproduction is known as ____________
(intestinal coccidia) Oocysts are passed in _______
Isospora belli infection is caused by _______________
ingestion of oocyst
Isospora belli- host
human intestinal tract; it has no intermediate host
Isospora belli infections are typically ___________
Isospora belli infections are increasing due to _____
AIDS patients and immunocompromised
Sarcocystis species- definitive host
human intestinal tract
Sarcocystis species- intermediate host (asexual reproduction)
pigs, cattle, wild animals
Sarcocystis form that will be seen in feces
sporocysts (containing 4 sporozoites)
Sarcocystis prevention
adequately cook beef and pork; be careful around animals that may have oocysts
Cyclospora outbreaks are linked to ____________________
imported strawberries, raspberries, basil, and baby lettuce leaves; also unsanitary conditions in areas such as Peru
Cryptosporidium parvum: humans ingest which form?
mature oocysts
Cryptosporidium parvum is ingested by humans, how? (3 ways)
1. fecally contaminated food/water from infected animals
2. direct contact of infected animals (cows, rodents, dogs, cats)
3. Person to person
Cryptosporidium oocysts can be seen in the feces within ______ days of infection.
7-28 days
Cryptospiridium oocysts are tiny. They are usually what size?
____________ and __________ are more susceptible to Cryptosporidium infections
AIDS patients and immunocompromised
Children in daycare centers are affected by which intestinal coccidia?
Can cryptosporidium be eliminated by chlorination or post treatment of water supplies?
Cryptosporidium: treatment
Toxoplasma gondii infects __________ of humans
Toxoplasma gondii: sexual stage occurs ___________
intestine of cats, where they form into oocysts
Infective form of Toxoplasma gondii is ________
Oocysts of Toxoplasma gondii can remain viable in soil for ___________
18 months
Asexual stage of Toxoplasma gondii occurs in __________
grass and meat eating animals and humans, where they form trophozoites (or tachyzoites)
Tachyzoites are ____________
rapidly moving trophozoites
Direct transportation for Toxoplasma gondii
ingestion of oocysts in food or water contaminated with cat feces (hand to mouth)
Indirect transportation for Toxoplasma gondii
ingestion of raw or undercooked meat of animals that have ingested oocysts
Transplancental transfer of Toxoplasma gondii
transmission occurs during pregnancy to unborn child from infected mother
Lab identification of Toxoplasma gondii
clusters of tachyzoites in tissue secretions, bow shaped-- best seen with Wright's or Giemsa stain

serological test for Toxoplasmosis antibody to diagnose active infection
Toxoplasmosis infections mimic ____________
infectious mononucleosis
_____________ and __________ have increased susceptibility to Toxoplasmosis infections
People with AIDS and drug users
_____________________ are at greater risk for progression of disease to CNS
premature or Ab deficient infants
Humans can be accidentally infected with Toxoplasmosis gondii via ____________ (it's RARE)
transfusion of contaminated blood