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44 Cards in this Set

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What was a southern “fire eater”?
a group of pro-slavery, extremist. Often politicians, Fire Easters were from the South and urged the separation of southern states into a new nation. This later became known as the Confederate States of America.
Why did General Lewis Cass have a problem being a candidate for the Democratic platform in 1848?
The Democratic platform,in line with the lidsitting strategy, was silenton the burning issue of slavery in the territories
What policy was Lewis Cass best known for in relation to the newly acquired territory from Mexico?

The policy of Popular Sovereignty.

What was the one fatal defect of this policy?

It might serve to spread the blight of slavery

Who was the hero of “Buena Vista” who will be elected president in 1848?

Zachary Taylor

What political party was he (Zachary Taylor) a part of?


This third party made no bones about their stance on slavery and the newly acquired Mexican Territory.


What major political party will be formed in 1854 with members from the answers in questions #6 and #7?

Republican Party

What process did California skip when they applied for admission to the Union?

Not being an organized territory itself

What body of Congress was the South concerned about in keeping equal? Why?

The Senate, so they could block any unwanted laws

What was the balance of slave and free states in 1849?

16 to 15 (free to slave)

This woman will be most responsible for the Underground Railroad?

Harriet Tubman

In what year was the first stringent fugitive-slave law passed by Congress? What did this law concern?

1850, It was for the stoppage of slaves from escaping the south.

Who was known as the “immortal trio” in the Senate? What States and region was each of the "trio" from?

Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and Daniel Webster

Clay= Kentucky

Calhoun= South Carolina

Daniel Webster = Massachusetts

Which was known as the “Great Nullifier”? Why?

John C. Calhoun. He embraced the idea of the Nullification of laws.

This Compromise will settle the battle over the newly acquired Mexican territory until the Civil War.

The Compromise of 1850

How did the terms of the Compromise of 1850 favor the North’s and South’s interests?

Who is the father of this Compromise…go figure? Who actually got the bill passed in Congress? How?

Henry Clay made the resolutions and a combination of Daniel Webster and Calhoun helped pass congress. They did so by their speeches

What is the conspiracy about the death of Zachary Taylor?

There were some people that believed that he was killed because he was in the way of the compromise of 1850.

Who became president upon the death of Zachary Taylor?

Millard Filmore

What was the nickname of the new fugitive Slave Law of 1850? Why?

The Bloodhound Bill

Why did this Act cause discomfort in the North?

The slaves were denied rights of a free citizen, Abolitionists couldn't help them because they would get punished etc.

Some states passed “personal liberty laws”. What did they allow?

For them not to do anything in terms of catching slaves.

What did the time period between the Compromise of 1850 to the start of the Civil War allow the North to do?

It allowed them to stockpile on goods every time it was delayed, It also helped the north strengthen itself morally

This man will become president in the election of 1852 and was known as the “Fainting General”?

Franklin Pierce

What was the Democratic slogan in 1852?

"The Young Hickoryof the Granite Hills.’’

What doomed the Whigs platform of 1852?

They saw the compromise of 1850 as a lasting arrangement

Which treaty in 1850 will prove later to be a ball and chain concerning the building of the Panama Canal? Why was it considered a ball and chain for the United States? What treaty in 1901 will be signed by the US and Britain that will nullify the Clayton-Bulwer treaty?

The Clayton-Bulwer treaty was the ball and chain to the Panama Canal ; The treaty said that Americanor Britain would fortify or secure exclusivecontrol over any future isthmian waterway. The Hay–Pauncefote Treaty nullified this treaty in 1901

This Commodore will travel to Japan and open up trade with the Orient?

Matthew C. Perry

What caused the Japanese to stop and gawk when the Commodore disembarked from his ship and met the Japanese minister?

He just walked casually up to the Emperor to discuss

The hopeful expansion of slavery to this Spanish owned Caribbean country will cause many of the “best families” of the South to lose family members?


Hoping to spread slavery south what did the Ostend Manifesto try and do for the United States?

Make the US able to buy or fight for Cuba

Who leaked the secret information about the Ostend Manifesto to the press which embarrassed Franklin Pierce?


Who was responsible for the arrangement of the Gadsden Purchase? Why was he?

James Gadsden, He was sent to discuss the purchase

What state will be affected most by the Gadsden Purchase in the future?


This politician from Illinois will be known as the “Little Giant” and will be the father of what famous Act in 1854?

The Kansas Nebraska Act

What did the Act in #36 propose?

It created Kansas and Nebraska, repealed the Missouri Compromise,The north got the transcontinental railroad and it called for popular sovereignty to determine if a state is a free or slave state

What massacre will take place in 1856 because of the Kansas/Nebraska Act? Who was the leader of the massacre (radical abolitionist)?

Pottawatomie massacre, the leader was John Brown

What former Compromises did the Kansas-Nebraska Act come into conflict with formally and informally? How did it?

The Missouri Compromise had to be repealed because it called for there to be no slave states above the 36 30 line. Then there is always the Nullification situation that comes in to play too.

Which Democratic president will be elected in 1856 (only president from PA)? How long will it be until another Democrat will be elected President? Who will it be?

James Buchanan ; about 30yrs ; The next President would be Grover Cleavland

The Republican Party got its start mainly in what two states in 1854?


When the Republican Party emerged in ______, it combined the following parties:

1854 ; Whigs and Free soilers

Was the Republican Party ever considered a third party? Why/Why not?

No it is considered as the opponent to the democratic party, even today this is the case.

Place the following in chronological order: Kansas-Nebraska Act, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Compromise of 1850, Gadsden Purchase, California gold rush, Compromise of 1820, Hartford Convention.

Hartford Convention --> Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo --> California Gold Rush --> Compromise of 1850 --> Gadsden Purchase --> Kansas Nebraska Act -->