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60 Cards in this Set

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How many joints does a motion segment consist of?
3. 2 facet joints and 1 intervertebral joint
Which vertebral body defines the motion of a segment?
Superior. ie. rotation R of L3-L4 means L3 is rotating R on L4.
Levels of spine - greatest to least amount of movement in spine?
Cervical > Lumbar > Thoracic > Sacral
Arthrokinematics of vertebral joints.
Glides. Ant/Pos, Lateral. Compression and distraction
"Problem areas" of the spine
Transition points. C7-T1, T12-L1. L5-S1. B/c of different orientations of facets
Function of IV discs?
Absorb shock, stiffen under loading, disperse weight evenly on bone below
What happens to IV disc with aging?
Loses water due to cleaving of aggrecan. Facet joints bear more weight and shearing forces increase
Fryettes Laws
1. In neutral, side bending and rotation occur to opposite sides (type 1 motion)
2. In closed, side bending and rotation occur to same side (type 2 motion)
3. If you take up motion in 1 plane, you decrease motion in other planes (called "locking up the joint")
What is the only thing we know for sure as far as coupled motion goes?
In the cervical spine, side bending and rotation occur to the same side (Fryette's an idiot)
What steps can you take to evaluate a patient when he is "not being watched"
How they are sitting in waiting room, walk behind them, ask them to pick a seat
RED FLAGS you have to ask about with any back pain pt?
Bowel and bladder, saddle signs
LBP forms
Fear avoidance back questionaire (FABQ), Oswestry, Rollen-Morris
What should you observe as far as posture goes in standing?
Gross - curvatures, LLD, tilted pelvis, PSIS and shoulder levels
Most likely vertebrae involved with spodylolithesis
L4 women L5 men
When do we perform a nuero screen?
S/S below knee. If below buttocks it's a toss up
What conditions would you expect a positive slump test?
disc problem and adherent N root
Waddell signs
1. push top of head down
2. rotate hips over feet
3. sitting SLR
4. supine with legs straight - lift one
What do different degrees for SLR indicate?
<25 = tumor 25-70 = disc lesion or nerve root irritation >70 = hamstring
Conditions patients usually have pain in extension?
Stenosis, spondylosis, spondylolisthesis
Conditions pts usually have pain in flexion?
Disc problems, facet lock, adherent N root
Shape of L4-L5 and L5-S1 IV discs
wedge shaped - much smaller posteriorly to give us angle with the sacrum
Why is disc herniation especially a problem in the low back for men?
PLL becomes very thin and discs can herniate POS-LAT
How can the supraspinous ligament become injured?
streched at end range flexion or pinched with extension. Common in athletes who do a lot of extension.
Closed-pack position of lumbar spine and why?
Full ext b/c max congruency of articular surfaces, max tautness of ligs, no further motion can occur
Open pack position of lumbar spine
Anything but extension
ankylosing spondylitis x-ray
can't find the outline of the facet jts, everythig fused, owl beaks may be all "connected"
Tumor on x-ray
2 sides aren't the same. The outline of the vert body isn't complete. One side looks over exposed and one side looks underexposed
What can a lateral view xray tell us
shape of vert bodies, curves, vertebral body fx, disc space, L5-S1
What red flag items must you ask a pt with LBP?
Bowel and bladder
Saddle sign
Recent sig weight loss
What are we watching for when pt is doing repeated movts in standing?
ROM, inc. or dec.?
Deviations and "catch's"
Pain - where? changing?
Pivot points
Special tests in standing for LBP?
Lateral shift
Prone instability
Test for spondylolithesis
Waddell sign
Tests to perform in sitting for LBP?
Rotation if necessary
Neuro screen
Slump test
Quadrant test
Tests to perform in supine?
Flexion in lying
Gapping/compression if need to
Tests to perform in prone?
Extension in lying
Risk factors for LBP
Men, 35-45 yo is when first episode
Inactivity (not BW)
Weekend warrior
Black women
Cig smoking = inc osteoporosis
How does spondylolysis occur?
RSI that starts as a stress fx and then something takes it over the edge
Tx for spondylolysis?
Pt education is a biggie - these ppl are not going to stop education. Educate on not extending spine during activity.
Check core strength
FIL 10 reps qh (?)
Grades of spondylolithesis
25% (1), 50% (2), 75% (3), 100%(4), 100% and displaced down (5)
What tests are positive with spondylolithesis
EIS = painful w/ radicular s/s
Quadrant test is positive (but not for intended purpose)
Test for spondylolisthesis - make sure to check the vertebral segment below
What happens if you have a grade 5 spondy?
B&B issues - fusion son
When may the quadrant test be positive in a pt. w/ DJD?
oseophytes right in the way of IV foramen
When is DJD evident on radiographs?
33% bony changes... MRI will be more sensitive
Tx for DJD
Core strength, AROM in lying
Moist heat if they prefer
Aquatic therapy
Pt education - walk, don't run
Constraint posture - so get up and move every 15 mins
PAs - uni or bi. 30 grade 4's perhaps
What is stenosis a narrowing of?
spinal canal and/or IV foramen
Sleep education for pt. with stenosis
Safety pins in stomach so they don't roll over onto it b/c extension causes radicular s/s
Tx for stenosis
Pt education - avoid extension
Stool for pt to put foot on when do dishes
Aquatic therapy, core strenghtening
Form of DJD so don't push em' hard
How will a pt. with Adherent N root perform FIS?
Deviate to side of pain to dec stretch on nerve
What age does facet locks NOT occur?
old age b/c of OA
4 stages of disc herniation
1. Bulging
2. Herniation - all but maybe 1 layer torn.
3. Excrusion - nucleus extrudes out PROBLEM b/c nucleus is acidic to N root
4. Sequestration - Parts come off and become encapsulated.
5 stages of irritaiton to the nerve... as in disc herniation
1. sharp shooting pain
2. Tingling - pins/needles
3. Numbness
4. Reflex changes/mm weakness
5. Atrophy
Tx for disc lesion
EIL 10 reps qh (assuming centralization in ext)
Call 24 hours later. If still centralizing - do it for 48 hours and call back
Do it for 4x/day for a week
Start to add FIL
How do we figure out if a lateral shift is relevant?
Correct and have them do 5 EIS - if it got better, it is relevant. They need to do the HEP: 5 manaul correction and 5 EIS qh while awake. Progress to prone press ups
When should you send back to doctor for disc herniation?
If not centralizing within 3 visits and tried traction
tx post laminectomy?
Pelvic tilts - thats it.
Later add core ex's
What objective measures should you do for instability?
FIS is difficult coming back up
Prone instability test
Check joint play in prone
ROM excessive
mm weakness
Characteristics of chronic LBP?
>6 mo's
Life revolves around pain
Pain out of proportion to what they do b/c so focused on pain
Tx for chronic LBP?
Team approach
ACTIVE - fuck yo pain
Components of work hardening program?
How many times lift container in 2 mins
How far can walk holding container in 2 min
Table to chair and then carry
Table to floor and then carry
Turn, lift, set from table to table
Fast walk
Overhead work - ladder, screws
Quick screen for lumbar
ROM in standing w/ over pressure
Quadrant test
PA mobs
How do we test to see if a LLD means anything?
Phone book. Does motion look better?