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47 Cards in this Set

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Membrane Potential

the (measured) electrical potential difference between the inside and outside of a cell, with ECF being the reference point and having a value of 0 mV

What is the resting membrane potential (RMP) for excitable cells (nerve and muscle cells)?

typically -70 to -90 mV

What is the RMP for non-excitable cells?

range from -10 to -100 mV

What cells have a RMP that is positive?

no cells have a positive RMP

Diffusion potential

A potential difference generated across a membrane created when a charged solute (ion) diffuses down its conc gradient

In order for a diffusion potential to occur, what 2 factors must be present?

1. the presence of a concentration gradient

2. the membrane must be permeable to the ion


Vm represents membrane potential

How does the membrane potential in most cells arise?

Most of the RMP arises d/t the diffusion of Na+ and K+ down their electrochemical gradients

Equilibrium Potential

The (calculated) value of the membrane potential (Vm) that exactly balances or opposed the tendency for diffusion down the concentration gradient

Electrochemical equilibrium

the chemical and electrical driving forces acting on an ion are equal and opposite, therefore no other net diffusion occurs.


Equilibrium potential calculated by the Nernst equation

What is the equilibrium potential directly related to?

The size and direction of the ion gradient

The charge on the ion

What does the Nernst equation calculate?

The value of the Vm at which a given ion with a given concentration gradient will be at equilibrium (Ex)

What does the sign of the diffusion potential vary with?

1. the charge of the diffusing ion

2. the direction the ion is moving in

What is the equilibrium potential for an ion?

the value of Vm at which the net driving forces acting on the ion are equal to zero and the net movement of the ion = 0

Nernst equation for a cation

Ex = -61 mV log ([X]i /[X]o)

for example ENA = -61 mV log ([Na+]i /[Na+]o)

Nernst equation for an anion

Ex = -61 mV log ([X]o /[X]i)

For example ECl = -61 mV log ([Cl-]o /[Cl-]i)

What must be accounted for when using the Nernst equation for Ca++?

Ca++ has a valence of 2 , therefore we must use half -61 mV within the equation therefore

Ex = -30.5 mV log ([Ca++]i /[Ca++]o)

Log 10


Log 100


Log 0.1


In most cells, the actual value of the membrane potential is?

the net result of the diffusion potentials for Na+, K+, and Cl-

What is the concentration of Ki maintained by?

Na, K-ATPase

If [Na+]i = 10 mM and [Na]o = = 100mM what is the equilibrium potential for Na+?

ENa = -61mV x log(10mM/100mM)

ENa = -61 mV x (-1)

= + 61 mV

Out of K+, Na+ and Cl-, which ion has the largest permeability coefficient (P) in most cells at rest?

In most cells at rest PK >>PNa and PCl.

If the permeability of K+ (Pk) is largest in most cells at rest, what is Vm closest to?


What would happen to Vm if PNa >> Pk + PCl?

Vm of the GHK equation would become equal to ENa

GHK equation?

Vm = -61mV x ((Pk[k+]i + PNa[Na+]i + PCl [Cl-]o) / (Pk[k+]o + PNa[Na+]o + PCl [Cl-]i))

What does the GHK equation assume?

1. membrane is only permeable to K+, Na+, and Cl-

2. total net current (Itotal) across membrane is

Itotal = Ik +INa + ICl

3. Itotal = 0

Bulk solutions inside and outside of the cell are mainly positive, negative, or neutral?


Therefore, the separation in charge between the inside and outside of the cell lies only at the _____?

membrane interface

What two factors must be present for an ion to move an ion across a membrane?

1. the net driving force must be any value other than 0

2. the membrane must be permeable to that ion (ie there must be an open channel or an available transport carrier)

How does Na,K- ATPase contribute to Vm?

Indirect contribution by maintaining the concentration gradients of Na+ and K+ thru a small exchange of 3 Na+ for every 2 K +

Explain why Itotal = 0

If membrane potential is constant, net currents must be canceling each other out, therefore Itotal = 0. Do not assume this means no movement, there is movement of individual ions, but their current cancels each other out

What does the GHK equation demonstrate?

GHK equation demonstrates that an action potential can be predicted based on knowing the concentration gradients and permeabilities for the permeable ions of that cell (mainly K+,Na+, and Cl-).

Outward current

Flow of positive charge out of the cell

What would outward current do to the Vm of the cell?

Vm would become more negative

Inward current

Flow of positive charge into the cell

Inward current would make Vm ____?

more positive

What would inward flow of Cl- into the cell be defined as, positive or negative current?

Positive current, b/c same net effect as moving a positive charge out of the cell.

What does the GHK fail to account for?

capacitative current or rather it cannot account for the value of Vm as the membrane potential is changing

What is the driving force for ionic currents across the plasma membrane?

Vm - Ex

Gx ?

conductance for a given ion

If a channel for K+ is open, the movement of K+ creates a current as it moves, what is the equation for this current?

Ik = Gk(Vm-Ek)

What is the driving force equation for K+?

K+ = Vm - EK

If Vm = -70 mV and ENa = +60 mV, which direction would the net driving force be in and what would the driving force of Na+ =?

Into the cell

-70mV - 60 mV = 130 mV away from equilibrium

What equation predicts the ionic current of an ion?

IIon = GIon (Vm – EIon)