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14 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 levels of analysis in organizational behavior?
1. Individual
2. Group/social
3. Organizational
What is the goal of organizational behavior?
--> basically to explain, predict and influence behavior of individs and groups in an organization (develp awareness)
The management skills framework focuses on what 2 areas?
- focuses on human and conceptual skills
-also considers 2 levels of effectiveness
What are the 3 levels of human and conceptual skills in the management skills framework?
- personal skills
- interpersonal skills
- managerial skills
What are the 3 levels of effectiveness in the management skills framework?
- employee effectiveness
- work unit effectiveness
- organizational effectiveness
What are the 3 types of managerial skills?
1. Technical skills (methods, processes and techniques)
2. Human skills
3. Conceptual skills (problem solving etc.)

--> abilities to deal w/ things, people, and ideas and concepts
The higher you rank, the more important _________ skills become
the more important conceptual skills become
What are Kelly's 9 strategies for star performers?
1. initiative: ask "what if"?
2. know who knows ( knowledge network)
3. Perspective (get the big picture)
4. Good followers become good leaders
5. Small-L leadership - Collaboration
6. Teamwork
7. Org savvy,politics,build alliances w/ the powerful
8. Show and tell- persuade the right audience w/ the right message
9. Manage u'r whole life
Explain the Knowing-doing gap
--> when you know what needs to be done but fail to implement it

- translate common sense into common practice
What are the 4 practical implications (to overcome gap) of the Knowing-doing gap? (lec)
- understand why
- recognize challenges
- develop action plans to overcome challenges
- formalize to ensure continues to be implemented
8 ways to "bridge the gap" (text)
- why before how: philosophy important
- knowing comes from doing and teaching others how
- action comes before elegant plans and concepts (focus on bottom line of taking action to ensure talk is coupledw/ specific actions
- theres no doing w/out mistakes
- fear fosters gap
- beware of false analogies (fight the competition, not eachother)
- measure what matters and what can help turn knowledge into action
- what leaders do, how spend time, and how they allocater resources, matters
Define action planning
--> a systematic process for IDENTIFYING appropriate steps to take to address a give problem or challenge
What are the 3 Guidelines for action planning?
- systematic and actively managed process
- requires a "layering" approach (where action steps are translated into specific supporting actions in relation to each employee involved
- must be ongoing and systematic evaluation (of the results acheived after implementation of action plan)
What are the 9 steps in the bottom line process for action planning and implementation?
1. ID key problems
2. Define objectives to solve problems
3. ID key measures of success for each objective
4. Work w/ employees to Formulate Action Steps to acheive objectives
5. Assign responsibility for implementing each action step
6. Clarify Role of each employee
7. Provide Management Support (direction, training)
8. Evaluate results against initial objectives
9. Modify objectives/action steps based on u'r evaluation