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33 Cards in this Set

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Represents uncoordinated growth
Spreads by direct extension NOT metastasis
Resembles original histology
May have unlimited growth potential
Benign Tumor

Having the properties of Anaplasia
Invasion and Metastasis
Radiographic Features of Benign Tumors in the Jaws:



Ability to expand?

Ability to displace?

Resorption of roots?
Benign Tumors Radiographically:

Periphery: Well Defined, Corticated, Smooth

Radiodensity: RL,RO, Mixed

Ability to expand and displace

Resorbs Roots: YES!
What is the shape of a Benign Lesion?
T or F: When Benign tumors grow they will displace structures and resorb bone but the most important feature is there ability to lay down new bone along the outer cortex to maintain the integrity of the bone.
Since benign tumors are usually encapsulated in CT there is generally a ___ band around the lesion
What is the difference between Odontogenic and Non odontogenic lesions
May have different location

*Both have traditional benign features
Bone _____ are different from tumors because there growth is limited and often in response to a stimulus.
Bone Hyperplasias
Give 3 examples of bone hyperplasias.
Palatal and Mandibular Tori
____ tori are usually found on the lingual surfaces of mandibular teeth.

It occurs in ___% of the population
Mandibular Tori= Lingual Surface= 8%
____ tori are usually found at the center of the palate and occurs in ____% of patients.
Palatal Tori= 20% of pts
_____ is a HYPERplasia of the bone within cortical plates.
What is another name for exostosis.
Idiopathic Osteosclerosis
Benign tumors are tumors from the _____.
Odontogenic Apparatus
Benign Tumors are classified into 3 groups. Name them
Tumors of Odontogenic Epithelium

Tumors of Ectomesenchyme

Mixed tumors (ectomesenchyme and epithelialium)
Most commonly significant odontogenic tumor
Ameloblastoma Characteristics:

-Originates in the ____.
-More common in what gender?
-More common in what ages?
-Growth is fast/slow?
-Bone becomes____.
Originates from the remnants of the Dental Lamina

Gender: Men

Age: 20-50 yrs

Growth: Slow

Bone becomes THIN!!!

Race= Blacks
Ameloblastoma Radiographically:

-What region generally?


-Mutli or Unilocular?

-Root Resorption?

-Expansion and Displacement: YES
Ameloblastomma Radiographically:

Region: Molar/Ramus Region

Periphery: Well Defined, Corticated

Multi AND Unilocular

Root Resorption: YES
-more so than other tumors

Expansion and Displacement: YES
Ameloblastomas with multi-locuals have been said to look like a ____for small locules and ___ for large locules.
Honeycomb= small locules

Soap Bubbles= large locules
What is the differential dx of an Ameloblastoma?

If in a young pt and there is a radiolucency surrounding the crown of an unerupted tooth. The best differential dx would be a ____.

A monolocular tumor that has involved the roots of a functioning tooth may resemble a ____.

How do you rule out a residual cyst from an ameloblastoma:

How do you rule out a lateral periodontal cyst from an ameloblastoma

How do you differentiate between a Giant Cell Granuloma and an Ameloblastoma

Differentiate between an odontogenic myoxoma and an ameloblastoma
Young pt w/ radiolucency around the crown of unerupted tooth: Dentigerous Cyst

Monolocular tumor w/ involved roots: Radicular Cyst

Rule out a Residual cyst by the age of the pt. Ameloblastomas occur in older pts

Rule of Lateral PD cyst from ameloblastoma by:
-Age (Lat PD cyst occurs in younger pts)
-Region (L PD cyst occur in the incisor, canine, premolar area)

GCG are usually anterior to the molars, MORE Granular and ill defined

Odontogenic Myxoma are RARE and the septa is thinner than in a ameloblastomma
Adematoid Odontogenic Tumor



-Slow or fast growing
Gender: Female

Age= 5-50 year old

Slow growing
Radiographic Features of Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor:




Displacement, Expansion, Root Resorption?
Location: Max Canines

Periphery: Well defined

Radiodensity: 75% radiopaque// 25% radiolucent

Displacement, Expansion and Root Resporption: YES
What does CEOT stand for?
This tumor is AKA?
Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor

AKA: Pindborg Tumor
CEOT's characteristics:




Age: Wide Range

Gender: Males

Expansion: YES
Radiographic Features of CEOT:

Mandible or Maxilla?

Erupted/Unerupted Teeth?



Displacement, expansion, absorption?
CEOT's Radiographic Appearance:

Mandible (premolar/molar area)

52% associated with Unerupted teeth

Periphery: well defined, diffuse borders

Radiolucent with radiopacities closer to teeth

Displacement, Expansion, Absorption= YES
Most common odontogenic tumor which occurs in the 2nd decade of life.

It can interfere with the eruption of the perm teeth

It is divided into compound and complex

Actual classification is a _____ of dental tissues.
-most common tumor in the 2nd decade of life
-interfer with perm teeth
-divided into compound and complex
-actualy classifed as a harmatoma of dental tissues
Odontoma Radiographic features


Compound Odontoma location vs Complex Odontoma location?

Prevents tooth eruption?

Compound vs Complex internal structure?
Both compound and complex odontoma are well defined and corticated// will prevent tooth eruption

Compound Odontoma location= Anterior Maxilla; Lots of little teeth

Complex Odontoma location= Mandibular 1st and 2nd Molar region; irregular mass of calcified tissue
Ameloblastic Fibroma Characteristics


Growth is slow/fast?

Tooth displacement?

May be associated with missing teeth?
Age 5-20 years

Growth= slow

Tooth displacement: YES

Yes- it can be assocated with missing teeth?
Ameloblastic Fibroma Radiographic characteristics:

Surrounding Structures?
Location: PM/M region in Mandible

Periphery: Well Defined/Coriticated
Unilocular/Multilocuar: BOTH
Surrounding stuctures are displaced apically or may not erupt

Radiodensity: Radiolucent
Odontogenic Myxoma Characteristics:

Associate with missing teeth?
High/Low recurrence?
Gender: More in females
Age: 10-30
Associated with missing teeth: YES
High Recurrence
Radiographic features of Myxoma

Displacement of Teeth
Root Resorption?
-PM/M region of mandible
-Well defined
-Mutlilocular with THIN septa
-Displaces adjacent teeth
-Root Resorption RARE
Benign Cemetoblastoma Characteristics

Growth: Slow/Fast?
Benign cemetoblastomas
-12-65 yrs
-slow growing may displace teeth
-tooth can have pain
Radiographic features of Benign Cementoblastoma

Surrounding structures?
Radiographic Features of benign cementoblastoma

Region: PM/M of Mandible
Periphery: Well defined radiopacity w/ radiolucent halo
Surrounding Structures: Obsures the outline of adjacent teeth and resorbs roots