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65 Cards in this Set

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What does "exodos" mean?
outgoing or departure
How would the Hebrews know Leviticus?
"These are the names"
What are the two literary halves of Exodus?
1. story of the departure
2. receiving the law
Who is the primary character in Exodus? Where is the emphasis in the book?
Moses; God
Moses was pure because his mother and father were from the family of ___
Moses as an archetype:
1. priest
2. prophet
3. judge
During the calling of Moses, God revealed what?
His personal name, Yaweh
Three meanings of Yaweh
1. I am who I am
2. I will be who I will be
3. I cause to be what is
Two types of covenant
1. parity treaty
2. suzerainty treaty
treaty where one party sets forth the terms or agreement
suzerainty treaty
treaty where both parties contribute and bear obligation to preserve the agreement
parity treaty
Why were the plagues important?
They showed the power of God, his power over creation. God vs. god.
What was the Passover?
God passed over houses with blood on the doorposts because the blood set Israel apart.
What does the Passover tie back to?
The Akeda (Abraham and Isaac; the substitution)
What does the parting of the Red Sea show?
God's power
What follows the crossing of the Red Sea in the text?
a poem
How did the Jews refer to the Ten Commandments?
the Ten Words or Decalogue
What does "deka logia" mean?
10 words
What serves as Israel's Constitution?
The Ten Commandments, Ten Words, or Decalogue
What do the first 4 Commandments deal with?
Israel's relationship with God, a horizontal relationship
What do the last 6 Commandments deal with?
Israel's relationships with each other and social order; vertical relationships
What are the two type of Laws?
1. Casuistic, Case Law
2. Apodictic, Absolute Law
What is Casuistic Law?
laws with specific consequences
What is Apodictic Law?
no stated consequence, 10 Commandments
What happened at Mt. Sinai?
The Ten Commandments were given, the Golden Calf was built, the Law was given to the people.
What was the goal of the Ark of the Covenant?
created a more permanent holy dwelling of the presence of God
Where will God communicate on the Ark of the Covenant?
the "mercy seat"; the place between the two cherubim on the lid of the Ark
What does "axis mundi" mean?
"center of the world"
What are the two types of Covenant?
1. General
2. Conditional
What is a General Covenant?
A covenant where the person must just be obedient, all the responsibility goes to God.
What is a Conditional Covenant?
A covenant where man has some sort of responsibility. "If you.. then I will.."
What does Levitikon mean?
things Levitical/priestly
What did the ancient rabbis refer to Leviticus as?
"the manual of the priests"
Nearly all of Leviticus is in the form of a ___ ___.
divine speech
What is the flow of holiness in the book of Leviticus?
Which chapter of Leviticus is the center? Why?
Chapter 16; explains the rituals for the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
What happens on Yom Kippur?
The priest secures forgiveness for the people's sins through the "scapegoat."
What is the most important Jewish holiday?
Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement
How did the Hebrews refer to Numbers?
"In the wilderness"
What is the Greek title for Numbers?
How did the book of Numbers get its name?
because of the two censuses that took place during the book
What are the two censuses taken during the book of Numbers?
1. counts all the male adults at Mt. Sinai
2. confirms that all the adults from the first census are dead, except Joshua and Caleb
Who are the two men who are allowed to stay after the first census?
Joshua and Caleb
What is the consequence for the people's rebellion?
40 years in the Wilderness
What is the point of the book of Deuteronomy?
The book reminds the second generation of God's faithfulness during the wandering in the wilderness.
What two points does Deuteronomy explore?
1. the positive appeal to remember
2. the negative warning of forgetfulness
What does "deuteronomy" mean in Greek?
"2nd law"
Who is given the authority of the Book of Deuteronomy?
What are the four themes of Deuteronomy?
1. One God
2. One Nation
3. One Law
4. One Land
In the Bible, "statues and ordinances" basically means ___.
The Hebrews would know Deuteronomy as ___.
"These are the words"
What is the Greatest Commandment?
Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.
The Greatest Commandment is the confession of ___ for Israel.
What is the Greatest Commandment often referred to in Hebrew? In the New Testament?
"Shema"; "First Commandment"
What does "Shema" mean?
"to hear" (Hebrew)
What are the four Law Codes?
1. Covenant Code
2. Deuteronomic Code
3. Priestly Code
4. Holiness Code
What is the Covenant Code?
Exodus, oldest of Israel's law codes, contains civil and criminal laws
What is the Deuteronomic Code?
a re-statement of updating of the Covenant Code
What is the Priestly Code?
primarily the book of Leviticus, proper worship
What is the Holiness Code?
specific instructions to Israel for holy living
What is the Hebrew translation for Holy War?
"the ban"
What is Holy War?
the wiping out of the current inhabitants of the Holy Land
What are the five ways in which Joshua acts as the new Moses?
1. sending the spies
2. crossing the Jordan River
3. mass circumcision
4. celebration of Passover
5. "remove your sandals"
In the Battle of Jericho, what was the significance of the numbers 7, 10, and 12?
7, completeness
10, perfection
12, Israel
What was the pinnacle of Joshua's leadership?
the renewal of the Covenant