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61 Cards in this Set

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List the components of a DE evaluation
1. Clinical Hx
2. Sx questionnaire
3. TBUT w/ NaFl
4. Shirmer Test
5. Ocular surface staining w/ NaFl
6. Lid and Meibomian gland morphology
7. MG expression
8. Special testing: Fluorimetry, Interferometry, osmolarity
What is the purpose of a NaFl stain?
Evaluates corneal integrity by penetrating thru epithelial defects
List some clinical applications for using NaFl
1. CL fit assessment
2. Corneal/Conj dz:
a. Abrasions
b. Simplex
c. RCE
d. Dellens
3. Tear film eval
During a NaFl stain, areas of darkness or non-fluoresced indicate what?
Uneven distribution of tears OR areas of elevated tissue
-If area is highly fluorated = depression or defects
What is the purpose for using Rose Bengal?
1. Useful in pts w/ DE
2. Stains epithelial surfaces that are deprived of mucin protein protection, exposed cell membrane
List some clinical situations in which you might want to use RB
1. KCS
2. Filamentary keratitis
3. Herpes Dendritic keratitis
T or F? Lissamine Green is more irritating than RB
-Lissamine Green is also more easily visible w/ conjunctival injection - it does not stain mucous
Which Wratten filter can you use for Lissamine Green stains
Wratten # 25
-You can use Wratten 12 for NaFl
What is the purpose of TBUT
To assess mucin layer stability
If during a TBUT test the pt blinks, does this end the test?
Yes - either black lines or spots appear in the tear film OR the patient blinks
-Calculate mean for 3 trials
What is considered abnormal for TBUT
Less than 10 secs
What is considered abnormal for TBUT
Less than 10 secs
What factors decrease TBUT time? Increase TBUT?
Decrease: Ung, Preservatives, Anesthesia, Estrogen phase of menstrual cycle
Increase: AT
No effect: Temp/Humidity
What is the formula for Ocular Protection Index?
TBUT/Time between blinks in secs
-OPI < 1 = Risk for ocular damage
-OPI > 1 = patient is not at risk
List the tests for assessing Tear Secretion
1. Schirmer Test
2. Jones Basal Secretion Test
3. Short Basal Secretion Test
4. Shirmer II
5. Sno-Strips
6. Phenol Red Thread
7. Lactoferrin
8. Punctal Occlusion
What is the purpose of the Shirmer Test I (w/o anesthetic)
Measures Reflex and Basal secretions, Max amount of TEAR production and to test for KCS
How long do you leave the Shirmer strip in the lower lateral lid?
5 min
-Interpret: 5 mm or less = abnormal
5-10 = mild to mod KCS
>10 = normal
Influenced by Anesthetic, Temp, Humidity, Evaporation
List 3 purposes of the Jones Basal Secretion test (*w/ anesthetic)
1. Basal secretion
2. Eval of the minimal amount of tear secretion
3. Suspected mild KCS or CL dry eye
How do you interpret the Jones Basal Secretion?
The same as Shirmer
What is the difference b/w the Jones Basal and the SHORT Jones Basal?
Instead of leaving the strip in for 5 minutes - you leave it in for 1 min and the results are multiplied by a factor of THREE. Interpret the same as Shirmer
What is the purpose of the Shirmer II test?
To test REFLEX secretions
-Instill anesthetic, blot extra and tickle nasal mucosa for 10-15 secs.
How do you interpret the results of Shirmer II?
< 10mm of wetting strip after 2 minutes suggests impaired reflex tearing
How are Sno-Strips different from Shirmer?
They both measure the same thing but you time how long it takes to wet 10mm of the strip with tears.
Interpretation of Sno-Strips
3-5 min = sufficient secretion
5-10 = borderline
> 10 min = insufficient
Phenol Red Thread Test meaures reflex tearing.. T or F?
False. It measures basal secretion
-Thread placed in lower lid for 15 secs. Less irritating
Interpret: Normal 9-18 mm
Which test measures level of Lactoferrin in the tears?
Lactoplate (tear quality test)
-lactoferrin associated with lysozyme and lacrimal gland sensitivity
Describe the procedure for performing the Lactoplate
1. Place filter paper disc in inferior fornix ~ 5 min
2. Place disc on lactoplate pad
3. After 2-3 days - measure size of precipitate ring with the template provided and convert into mg/ml
How do you interpret the results of the lactoplate?
Average = 1.4mg/ml
Levels < 0.9 are considered to be abnormal and suggestive of insufficient lacrimal secretory acitivity
What other procedure analyzes Lactoferrin in the tear film?
Touch tear microassay (Lactocard)
-more accurate at determining the presence of aqueous deficiency
-results in 10-15 min
What is the purpose of Punctal occlusion?
help increase the time that the tears remain in contact with the eye by blocking drainage duct
What is the followup time for someone you got collage punctal plugs for the first time?
Pt returns in 7-10 days - inserts dissolve. If symptoms improved - consider long term therapy such as silicone plugs or cautery
List 4 tear drainage tests
1. Fluorescein disappearance test
2. Jones #1
3. Jones #2
4. Lacrimal Probing
Describe the NaFl disappearance test
1. NaFl instilled into the patients eyes - two strips
2. After 5 minutes - examine inferior cul-de-sac to determine the amount of dye in lacrimal lake
3. Graded on a 1-4 scale
-1+ = little retention
-4+ = Maximum retention
-Asymmetry or prolonged presence suggests poor drainage
Describe the Jones #1 (Primary Dye Test)
1. NaFL instilled into both eyes
2. After 5 minutes - dye should appear under the inferior turbinate in the nose - retrieved with a cotton swab
-May require more time with older patients: 10 min
-May be enhanced with a burton lamp or having patient blow nose
Interpretation: Dye = POSITIVE
No dye - Perform Jones #2
Describe the Jones #2 (Secondary Test)
1. Lacrimal system is dilated and irrigated
2. If dye does not appear during Jones 1 but does appear during Jones 2 = Functional Block
-If no dye appears during either test = Anatomical Block
During Lacrimal Irrigation how far down is the 23 gauge cannula inserted, and then how far nasally is it pushed till it meets the lacrimal sac?
It is inserted 2 mm down, tipped 15 degrees horizontally and pushed nasally 8 mm. ~ 1 cc of saline is flushed
If the patient tastes saline during the Jones II test - what does this mean?
This indicated that there was a functional block
-If the drainage system is blocked - the patient will feel pressure, do not FORCE IT
During the Jones II test - if fluid comes out of the Opposite puncta (top punta) - how is this interpreted?
There is an anatomical block DISTAL to the common canaliculus
During the Jones II test - if the cannula cannot be pushed in OR if fluid is regurgitated thru the SAME puncta - how is this interpreted?
There is an anatomical block PROXIMAL to the common canaliculus
What is the purpose of Lacrimal Probing? When should it be done?
Should be done when irrigation reveals a blockage
How is Lacrimal Probing performed?
1. Topical Anesthesia
2. Lacrimal probe (Bowman Probe) inserted into puncta and canaliculus - once resistance is felt - measure length of probe inserted
What is considered a "hard stop" during Lacrimal Probing?
When the probe contacts the medial wall of the lacrimal fossa - normal

-"Soft stop" when probe hits and obstruction or collapses the lacrimal sac against lacrimal fossa = abnormal
When is topical anesthetic recommended during VA testing if the patient comes in with FB complaints?
If the patient has severe blepharospasm
When would you consider referring a patient to an OMD for a FB?
If the FB is in the visual axis and is in Bowman's layer or deeper (will scar)
What tests can you do if you suspect corneal perforation?
1. Seidel Test - positive if aqueous dilutes NaFl
2. IOP - decreased IOP is positive for perforation
3. DFE to check for intraocular FB
4. Orbital x-rays may be necessary to locate a metallic intraocular FB
5. If pt has a corneal perforation - they should be shielded and referred to OMD
T or F? A moistened sterile swab may be used on the cornea as well as the conjunctiva to remove a FB
False, it is not recommended on the cornea
What type utensils can you use to remove a deeper FB?
1. Hypodermic needle; inexpensive, sterile, disposable
2. FB spud; variety of shapes, $45 each, disinfect with zephirin chloride w. anti-rust tablets. Can also autoclave or flame
How is a rust ring removed?
With a Alger Brush - epithelium is spun off. Bowman's is tough to penetrate - ends up puckering up like saran wrap
What are the post-removal procedures?
1. Cycloplegic agent (5% homatropine) - to treat or prevent 2nd Uveitis
-Beware of inducing angle-closure glaucoma b/c signs maye be similiar to FB induced uveitis
2. Recommend analgesic/anti-inflammatory agent like aspirin. Tylenol w/ codeine for stronger cases.
2b. Prevent infection
-Small injuries: Gentamicin sol 1-2 gtts q 4hrs
-Large injuries: Polysporin, gentamicin or tobramycin ung
3. Pressure Patch for 24 hours
List 3 analgesics that are not OTC
1. Tylenol w/ codeine
-300 mg Acetaminophen
-30 mg codeine
- 1-2 tab q 4h
2. Ultram (Tramadol)
- 50-100 mg q4-6H
- max = 400 mg/day
3. Vicodin (Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen)
-1-2 tabs PO QID
List 2 OTC or prescribed NSAIDS
1. Extra-strength Tylenol
-500 mg qid
-max dosage = 4000 mg/day
2. Advil or Motrin (Ibuprofen)
-400 mg qid
-Max dosage is 3200 mg/day
-Watch out for pts with kidney dz, alcohol, risk of hemorrhaging, GI dz
List some alternatives to Pressure patching and some advantages of each
1.Bandage CL
-Tight Fitting
-Improves Binocularity
-Continuous Drop Therapy - BS Ab QID
-Cost -expensive due to drops
2. Collagen Shields
-12, 24, 72 hr dissolvable lenses
-Soak in Ab solution and use with drops
-Cost: 20-40 each
-Analgesia: 2-5% Homatropine gtt, Topical NSAIDS - Voltaren or Acular, Orals: NSAIDS, Ultram
-Disadvantages: cost, lenses fall out
How often should you have the patient return after a FB removal?
RTC in 24 hours - no exceptions
-update history
-remove patch and rinse eye
-check VA
-do SLE, NaFl staining
-if corneal integrity still compromised - instill Ab ung and repatch for 24 hours
-recall q 1-2 days until staining disppears (typically 24-48 healing)
List some indications for Lid Eversion
1. Suspected FB
2. Lost CL
3. Ant. Seg infections
4. Prior to CL fitting
5. Eval for GPC
6. Routine baseline lid eversion also recommended
Which lid eversion technique reveals the conjunctiva between the edge of the tarsal plate and the superior fornix?
Double lid eversion.
What is the name of the retractor used in double lid eversion?
Desmarres retractor
Prior to pressure patching, what should you administer to the patient to minimize ciliary spasm and associated ant. uveitis?
Cycloplegic agent. Also if the cornea is compromised - a broad spectrum Ab can be used to prevent a secondary infection
Describe the procedure for pressure patching
1. Clean area around forehead and cheek with alcohol pad
2. Place folded patch over eyelid
3. Place several strips of surgical tape to hold pad in place (no more than 5 strips)
4. F/U in 24 hours
How should you tx corneal abrasions?
1. Debride loose epithelium - retards healing
2. Avoid hypertonic saline drops
3. CL related abrasions should NOT be patched
4. False fingernail or tree branch injuries should NOT be patched
What should you use if the skin under the taped area is irritated
Hydrocortisone cream
T or F? It is uncommon to see striae in Descemet's resulting from pressure patch
False. It is common to see these striae. These typically resolve in 48-72 hours and require no tx.